Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Gregg Jarrett: Comey's FBI was running a secret counterintelligence operation against Trump, new docs show

Newly obtained documents confirm that James Comey’s FBI was running a secret and corrupt counterintelligence operation against the Trump campaign in the summer of 2016 and repeatedly deceiving the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) thereafter in order to wiretap a Trump campaign associate.
The disclosure was the result of a federal lawsuit and a year of litigation. Despite efforts by FBI Director Christopher Wray to obstruct, a federal court issued an order that forced the FBI and Department of Justice to produce the records known as “302 reports.”  They are a summary of interviews FBI agents conducted with Bruce Ohr, a top DOJ official.
These 302s show that the FBI and DOJ were warned repeatedly by Ohr that ex-British spy Christopher Steele was virulently biased against the target of their investigation, Trump.
That bias tainted the credibility of the “dossier” Steele composed and upon which officials in the Obama administration relied when they officially launched their counterintelligence investigation on July 31, 2016.  The “dossier” was also the basis for the surveillance warrant against former Trump campaign adviser, Carter Page.
The FBI and DOJ ignored the warnings of bias and actively concealed it from the FISC. They never advised the judges that the information contained in the “dossier” was “unverified.”
They hid from the judges that it was all funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC).
The court was never told that Ohr’s wife helped cultivate some of the researched used against Trump. Having fired Steele for leaking to the media and lying about it, the FBI and DOJ represented to the judge that Steele was “reliable” when they knew he was not. They continued to rely on him months after his termination.
An apparent fraud was perpetrated on the court not once, but four times in successive warrants through June of 2017. These are dishonest, if not felonious acts.
Secret Meetings
On July 5, 2016, Comey stood before television cameras and microphones at a nationally watched news conference.
By mangling the law and contorting the facts, he announced that he was exonerating Hillary Clinton of any crimes for her mishandling of thousands of classified documents.

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At roughly the same time, some 3,660 miles away from Washington, Comey’s FBI was meeting in a London building with Steele who conveyed the contents of his initial “dossier” memo dated June 20, 2016, with agent Michael Gaeta. When the FBI agent read the document, he was stunned and remarked, “I have to report this to headquarters.” Thus, on the same day, Comey cleared Clinton, the witch hunt against Trump began in earnest.
On July 30 Steele met with Ohr at 9 a.m. at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington.
Steele shared his “dossier” but added that the FBI already had it in its possession.
Immediately thereafter, Ohr convened a meeting with FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and the FBI lawyer who worked for him directly, Lisa Page.
The 302 reports corroborate Ohr’s congressional testimony behind closed doors that was made public in February of this year.
He told lawmakers that he specifically warned McCabe and Page that the information in the “dossier” was highly dubious and driven by a biased author who despised Trump.
He also advised that it was commissioned by Fusion GPS where his wife worked because, “I wanted the FBI to be aware of any possible bias.”
Page 125 of Ohr’s congressional transcript is especially revealing. “I told them that Steele was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected,” he stated.
He pointedly informed McCabe and Page that Trump’s political rival, the Clinton campaign, was financially underwriting the “dossier,” which would call into question its veracity because the campaign had a motive to distort or fabricate in order to damage its opponent.
Ohr testified that he cautioned the FBI, “These guys were hired by somebody relating to –who’s related to the Clinton campaign.”
In truth, the funding wasn’t merely “related” to the campaign, it was the campaign, along with the DNC. Ohr also disseminated the “dossier” to Peter Strzok and Joe Pientka at the FBI. But Ohr wasn’t done.
Shortly after the July 30 breakfast with Steele, Ohr gave the same improbable intelligence to three prosecutors at the Justice Department during another meeting.
Two of those individuals, Andrew Weissmann and Zainab Ahmad, were later hired by Robert Mueller to be a part of his assembled team of special counsel prosecutors that escalated the investigation of Trump beyond the FBI and DOJ.  They, too, were informed by Ohr that the Clinton campaign and Democrats had paid for the “dossier” and that Steele was severely biased against Trump.
Instead of investigating Clinton and her confederates for conspiring with foreigners to defraud the U.S. government or violate campaign finance laws, the FBI used the Clinton-Russian “dossier” to target Trump despite a dearth of evidence that any of it was true.
Information Laundering Scheme
Even though Steele was fired by the FBI as a confidential informant, the new 302 reports confirm that Comey’s FBI kept returning him as a source.  By using Ohr as a conduit, they continued to receive information from Steele.
This continued even after Trump was elected and inaugurated as president. Indeed, Steele kept feeding the bureau his phony information through May of 2017.
To circumvent the rules they were breaking, the FBI set up an “information laundering scheme.” Steele would feed information to Ohr, who would pass it to his “handler” Joe Pienka, who would feed it to his partner Peter Strzok, who would give it to Andrew McCabe, who would deliver it to Comey.
Similar to a “money-laundering scheme,” the complex transfer cleansed the dirty information to obscure the original source –Steele.  But the information, of course, was largely fabricated and/or the product of Russian disinformation.
It should be remembered that a counterintelligence investigation is designed to collect evidence of foreign threats to U.S. national security. Normally, the president is the beneficiary of such information.
Here, Comey’s FBI was abusing its counterintelligence authority by using it against Trump. Moreover, Comey appears to have been lying to the president about it.
In early 2017, he kept assuring Trump he was not being investigated. These documents show that he obviously was, well into his presidency.  And yet, the FBI had no evidence that corroborated any of Steele’s “collusion” allegations.
As John Solomon of the Hill has reported, the FBI developed a “spread-sheet like document” that was 90 percent empty of any proof. This did not deter them. They continued to investigate Trump. And when Comey was fired, he helped engineer part two of the witch hunt --the special counsel investigation.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Hypocrite Democrat Cartoons

Taliban say latest talks end on US’s Afghanistan withdrawal

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — The latest round of talks between the Taliban and the United States on a deal to withdraw thousands of U.S. troops from Afghanistan has ended and now both sides will consult with their leadership on the next steps, a Taliban spokesman said Monday.
The eighth round of talks in the Gulf Arab nation of Qatar concluded after midnight and was “long and useful,” Zabihullah Mujahid said in a statement.
He made no statements on the outcome of the talks.
Last week, another Taliban spokesman had said a deal was expected to follow this round as both sides seek an end to the nearly 18-year war, America’s longest conflict.
An agreement — if reached — is expected to include Taliban guarantees that Afghanistan would not be a base for other extremist groups in the future. However, both the Islamic State group’s affiliate and al-Qaida remain active in the country. The Taliban stage near-daily attacks across Afghanistan, mainly targeting Afghan forces and government officials but also killing many civilians.
The deal also could include a cease-fire and stipulate that the Taliban would negotiate with Afghan representatives, though the insurgent group has so far refused to negotiate with Kabul representatives, dismissing the Afghan government as a U.S. puppet.
There was no immediate comment on Monday from U.S. envoy Zalmay Khalilzad, who on Sunday tweeted that “I hope this is the last Eid where #Afghanistan is at war.”
Sunday was the first day of the Muslim holiday of Eid-al-Adha, which unfolded without any major violence reported in Afghanistan.
Khalilzad later added that “Many scholars believe that the deeper meaning of Eid al-Hadha is to sacrifice one’s ego. Leaders on all sides of the war in Afghanistan must take this to heart as we strive for peace.”
Some in Afghanistan saw it as a response to President Ashraf Ghani, who on Sunday declared that “Our future cannot be decided outside, whether in the capital cities of our friends, nemeses or neighbors. The fate of Afghanistan will be decided here in this homeland. ... We don’t want anyone to intervene in our affairs.”
While Ghani insists that the upcoming Sept. 28 presidential election is crucial for giving Afghanistan’s leader a powerful mandate to decide the country’s future after years of war, Khalilzad is seeking a peace deal by Sept. 1, weeks before the vote.
The Taliban control roughly half of Afghanistan and are at their strongest since the U.S.-led invasion toppled their five-year government in 2001 after the group had harbored al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden. More than 2,400 U.S. service members have died in Afghanistan since then.
The U.S. and NATO formally concluded their combat mission in Afghanistan in 2014. The some 20,000 American and allied troops that remain are carrying out airstrikes on the Taliban and IS militants, and are working to train and build the Afghan military.
Gannon reported from New York.

Chuck Schumer wants FBI to sign off on body armor sales

Sen. Chuck Schumer on Sunday proposed new legislation to require the FBI to sign off on body armor sales to civilians.
The announcement comes one week after mass killer Connor Betts — clad in body armor — opened fire in a trendy Dayton, Ohio, neighborhood and killed nine people before he was gunned down by police.
Schumer said anyone can now buy a bulletproof vest for $185 and a tactical mask for $10 under current law, Schumer said at a press conference at his Midtown office.
“With the click of a mouse, scroll of a thumb, dialing of a phone, someone up to no good can get this,” he said. “What we have learned is that a good number of those intent on mass shootings buy body armor,” the Senate minority leader said. “They want to kill as many people as possible.”
The restrictions would not apply to law enforcement personnel.

Lance Armstrong says he 'blew the f-----' doors off Mike Pence' on bike path in Massachusetts

Disgraced former cyclist Lance Armstrong bragged online about passing Vice President Mike Pence on a bike path in Massachusetts on Saturday — quickly drawing criticism for what he described as a joke.
Armstrong, 47, tweeted about his supposed encounter with the vice president, who was in Nantucket for a fundraiser to benefit the Republican National Committee and President Trump's reelection campaign.
"I can’t drop many people on a bike these days but I just blew the f-----' doors off Mike Pence on a Nantucket bike path," Armstrong tweeted. "Day. Made."
Lance Armstrong tweeted he passed Vice President Mike Pence on a bike path in Nantucket, Mass., on Saturday.
Lance Armstrong tweeted he passed Vice President Mike Pence on a bike path in Nantucket, Mass., on Saturday. (Twitter/@lancearmstrong)
The tweet swiftly received negative attention.
"He's 13 years older than you and was never a professional cyclist," one person wrote, while another tweeted: "Wow, a pro athlete whooped an elderly man in the sport of his choice!! Such a bad-- you are!!
Pence's spokeswoman, Alyssa Farah, tweeted: "Couldn’t quite hang onto those Tour de France titles, but hey, at least you beat Karen & Mike Pence on a leisurely bike ride! Congrats?"
Alyssa Farah, a spokeswoman for Pence, responded to Armstrong's claim.
Alyssa Farah, a spokeswoman for Pence, responded to Armstrong's claim. (Twitter/@Alyssafarah)
Armstrong acknowledged the string of tweets he received, writing hours later that "some people can’t take a joke or even having a little fun on twitter. Lightin’ the f--- up people. But seriously, I did blow his doors off!!"

Lance Armstrong later said his tweet about Vice President Mike Pene was a joke and that people need to "lightin' the f--- up."
Lance Armstrong later said his tweet about Vice President Mike Pene was a joke and that people need to "lightin' the f--- up." (Getty Images)

Many social media users noted that Armstrong was caught cheating in his quest to be the fastest cyclist. The founder of the "Livestrong Foundation" — who won his first title after recovering from testicular cancer that spread to his brain — was stripped of his seven Tour de France titles by for International Cycling Union in 2012 for doping.
In May, Armstrong told NBC Sports he "wouldn't change a thing" about his cheating scandal.
"I wouldn’t change the way I acted. I mean I would, but this is a longer answer,” Armstrong said. “Primarily, I wouldn’t change the lessons that I’ve learned. I don’t learn all the lessons if I don’t act that way. I don’t get investigated and sanctioned if I don’t act the way I acted.”
He added: “If I just doped and didn’t say a thing, none of that would have happened. None of it. I was begging for, I was asking for them to come after me. It was an easy target.”
Fox News' Ryan Gaydos contributed to this report.

Deroy Murdock: Don't ignore Trump's unifying, anti-racist rhetoric

Not even the "paper of record" could resist the left’s big lie: Donald J. Trump is America’s “racist-in-chief.”
After last weekend’s deadly mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton, Democrats and other Trump haters demanded that the president denounce white nationalism, which apparently propelled the alleged Texas gunman. President Trump did exactly that.
“The shooter in El Paso posted a manifesto online consumed by racist hate,” Trump said Monday. “In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry, and white supremacy. These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hate has no place in America. Hatred warps the mind, ravages the heart, and devours the soul.”
The Old Gray Lady’s page-one, online headline reflected these remarks: “TRUMP URGES UNITY VS. RACISM”
But those accurate words enraged Democrats. They disproved the leftist lie that Trump is a divisive bigot.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Ilhan Omar Cartoons

Trump: Kim wants to meet again, apologized for missile tests

BERKELEY HEIGHTS, N.J. (AP) — President Donald Trump said Saturday that North Korea’s Kim Jong Un wants to meet once again to “start negotiations” after joint U.S.-South Korea military exercises end. He also said Kim apologized for the flurry of recent short-range missile tests that has rattled U.S. allies in the region.
Trump is tweeting more details from the “beautiful” three-page letter he told reporters on Friday that he’d received from Kim. Trump, who is on vacation at his golf club in New Jersey, said Kim spent much of his letter complaining about “the ridiculous and expensive exercises,” which North Korea sees as a threat.
He said Kim offered him “a small apology” for the recent tests and assured him “that this testing would stop when the exercises end.” North Korea on Saturday fired what appeared to be two short-range ballistic missiles into the sea, according to South Korea’s military — the fifth round of launches in less than three weeks.
“I look forward to seeing Kim Jong Un in the not too distant future!” Trump wrote.
The two leaders have met three times — in Singapore, Hanoi and at the Korean Demilitarized Zone — but critics say Trump has received few concessions in the standoff over North Korea’s nuclear weapons program in exchange for the meetings.
At their second summit in Vietnam in February, Trump rejected Kim’s demand for widespread sanctions relief in exchange for dismantling the North’s main nuclear complex, a partial disarmament step.
The U.S. and South Korea have scaled down their major military exercises since Trump and Kim’s first summit in June 2018. But the North insists even the downsized drills violate agreements between Kim and Trump and compel it to “develop, test and deploy the powerful physical means essential for national defense.”
When they last met in June of this year, Trump and Kim agreed to resume working-level nuclear talks that have been stalled since February, but there have been no known meetings between the two sides since then.
