Tuesday, June 25, 2024



GOP House Committee: Doc Signed by Hunter Shows He Lied

GOP House Committee: Doc Signed by Hunter Shows He Lied

The House Ways and Means Committee on Monday released what it said was evidence from IRS whistleblowers that allegedly confirms Hunter Biden lied to Congress in a Feb. 28 deposition.

During the deposition, congressional investigators questioned President Joe Biden's youngest son about his connection to Rosemont Seneca Bohai, as well as its associated bank accounts — and if he served as corporate secretary of the entity, the committee wrote.

"Bank records show accounts associated with Rosemont Seneca Bohai is where Hunter Biden and his business partner Devon Archer parked payments from overseas business dealings when Joe Biden was then vice president and were used by Hunter Biden to receive millions in payments from foreign sources, including his salary from Burisma," the panel said.

Yet, the committee noted, Hunter Biden stated neither Rosemont Seneca Bohai, nor its associated bank account, "were under my control nor affiliated with me" and that he "didn't even know that there was such a thing" when asked about serving as its corporate secretary, the committee charged — posting a resolution signed by Hunter Biden in 2014 showing he was made an acting secretary of Rosemont Seneca Bohai.

Volumes released by the committee "confirms that not only was Hunter Biden the beneficial owner of a bank account in the name of Rosemont Seneca Bohai, but he also signed a document where he affirmed that, 'I, Robert Hunter Biden, hereby certify that I am the duly elected, qualified and acting Secretary of Rosemont Seneca Bohai, LLC'," the committee wrote on Monday.

"President Biden likes to remind the American people that 'no one is above the law.' "

The committee added the Ways and Means, Judiciary, and Oversight committees would refer Hunter Biden to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution.

"DOJ must ensure equal application of the law for all Americans, even if your last name is Biden," it said.

On June 5, House Republicans issued criminal referrals on Hunter Biden and President Biden's brother, James Biden, accusing them of making false statements to Congress as part of a yearlong impeachment inquiry.

The GOP leaders of the House Oversight and Accountability, Judiciary and Ways and Means committees also sent a letter to the DOJ recommending prosecution, accusing both Bidens of making a "conscious effort" to undermine the House's investigation.

Abbe Lowell, Hunter Biden's lawyer, said at the time the referrals are "nothing more than a desperate attempt by Republicans to twist Hunter's testimony so they can distract from their failed impeachment inquiry and interfere with his trial."


Pro-Hamas Agitators Whine Like Babies When Jews They Attacked Turn the Table on Them

As our RedState editor Bob Hoge reported, Palestinian Youth Movement L.A. and Code Pink L.A. organized a Pro-Hamas/"Free Palestine" protest outside the Adas Torah synagogue in Los Angeles, just because. The Jewish synagogue members and participants fought back, and the protest escalated into violence, with eggs, pepper spray, and fists being thrown. Some people and journalists were thrown to the ground and kicked, while others were bludgeoned. 

Chaotic Scene Outside L.A. Synagogue As Pro-Hamas Assailants Attack Jews,
Clash With LAPD

Young Jewish American after being beaten and bludgeoned severely outside Synagogue attack in Los Angeles today.

Absolutely horrifying what we are witnessing

The “Free Palestine” movement is the new Nazi movement. pic.twitter.com/ZkqqGYUtL2

— Kosher🎗🧡 (@KosherCockney) June 24, 2024

The first headline that KTLA chose to publish about the protests was absolutely gobsmacking. "Protestors allegedly block synagogue's entrance in L.A." Seriously? The legacy media outlets barely gave this pogrom the time of day or the outrage that was given to the campus protests. 

It's Time for the DOJ to Prosecute Pro-Hamas Agitators as Domestic Violent Extremists

Social media accounts by journalists who were on the ground, like Cam Higby and Daniel Greenfield, represent the necessary documentation of this atrocity, as well as the determination of the Jewish neighborhood to rightly fight back. Everyone else in the media is now just catching up. Because these Pro-Hamas cretins were clearly the aggressors and the Jewish synagogue members defended themselves, the legacy press has no narrative to milk that advantages their pro-Palestine allegiance. Jewish volunteer security Magen Am was there in force and helped to allay some of the violence.

And the LAPD? According to Journalist Greenfield, after lingering for an hour (like they did at UCLA) and then blocking access so that the synagogue members could not safely get into the building, the LAPD finally pushed back on the pro-Hamas protestors, using pepper spray to subdue some.

Their line was broken, and the pro-Hamas thugs dispersed into the neighborhood, and some fled in their cars. Those who were left behind by their comrades got the beat down they deserved and then suddenly decided that the police were necessary after receiving a taste of what they were trying to dish out.


A demonstration organised against an Israeli real estate fair held at the Adas Torah shul devolved into chaos on Sunday with dozens of individuals punching each other in the street.

Footage of the incident shows keffiyeh-clad demonstrators shoving men wearing yarmulkes and one man with blood streaming down his face. 

Flags of the messianic wing of Chabad can be seen flying in the background.

Then there was this charming pair who travel with their toddler to protest for Palestine. It's sick. 

In another clip, a woman can be seen leaning out of the sunroof of a car and making making gun hand gestures and lifting her middle fingers at pro-Israel demonstrators.

A group of police officers then approach her SUV with their guns raised, before she and a masked man exit the vehicle and surrender.

After taking them away, officers then remove a child from the car.


Next to those journalists on the ground, the fullest coverage of what happened on Sunday has come from publications outside of the U.S., like The Jerusalem Post.

Activist and politician Sam Yerbi said that violent anti-Israel activists dispersed into Jewish neighborhoods "hunting Jews and causing more destruction and vandalism." 

[Daniel] Greenfield had also said that anti-Israel activists had been roaming Pico-Robertson threatening people. Yerbi published a video on Instagram of a man in a Keffiyeh threatening residents with two bludgeons he retrieved from his car.  In another video he shared, community members intervened in anti-Israel vandalism of a kosher restaurant.

Greenfield, Yerbi, and political consultant Noah Pollak, who had also been present, harshly criticized  the LAPD and Bass for their failure to prepare for and address the riot.

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass did exactly what cowardly former Mayor Eric Garcetti did in 2020 with the BLM riots. Buckled and asked the LAPD to stand down in the face of clearly provoked violence.

It took Bass many hours after the violence to even bother to issue a statement, in the wee small hours of the morning...  on X.

Today’s violence in the Pico-Robertson neighborhood today was abhorrent, and blocking access to a place of worship is unacceptable. I’ve called on LAPD to provide additional patrols in the Pico-Robertson community as well as outside of houses of worship throughout the city. I’ll be meeting with Chief Choi tomorrow to further discuss the safety of Angelenos. I want to be clear that Los Angeles will not be a harbor for antisemitism and violence. Those responsible for either will be found and held accountable. I will be joining Councilwoman Katy Yaroslavsky, the Chief Executive Officer of the Jewish Federation Los Angeles Rabbi Noah Farkas and other law enforcement and faith leaders in a community meeting this week as we talk about steps forward, together. 

Journalist Cam Higby, who was attacked while covering the protests, blasted Governor Gavin Newsom for his faux outrage. Higby pointed out that these same people spearheading this violence had been arrested at the UCLA Pro-Hamas protests weeks back.

So step up and do something about it big man. Why don’t we start by actually arresting people, keeping them arrested, and properly policing the next time something like this happens??

Half of the people who were at Adas Torah were arrested just a week ago at UCLA. https://t.co/qo1XvvbR2Z

— Cam Higby 🇺🇸 (@camhigby) June 24, 2024

Political consultant Noah Pollak called the lack of action on the part of Bass and the LAPD an "absolute disgrace." 

I was there today for an event at the shul. @LAPDHQ let the Hamas supporters take over the sidewalk in front of the shul and block its entrance. In fact, LAPD had formed a cordon around the front of the shul to keep Jews out and Hamas supporters in. I tried to enter with my kids through the front door and was turned away not by Hamas supporters but by the LAPD. Anyone who wanted to attend had to use a secret back entrance. @KarenBassLA and @LAPDHQ are an absolute disgrace -- it's clear the police have been instructed to help the Democratic Party street animals do their thuggery. They were definitely not there to protect the right of Jews to enter their shul.

Bass is reportedly meeting on Monday with Jewish and other faith leaders, as well as city officials, concerning Sunday's events. This post-crisis social is akin to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. With the heightened awareness that no one is coming to save them, the Jewish people of Los Angeles and elsewhere will increasingly take action into their own hands to protect their lives and their synagogues. If one thinks Sunday's violence was disturbing, you have not seen the half of it.


Elon Musk Savages Woke 'Star Wars' Producer Kathleen Kennedy—'She’s More Deadly Than the Death Star!'

Kathleen Kennedy - Blooloop

 Kathleen Kennedy

It’s always fun to check out the social media posts of Elon Musk, the billionaire Twitter/X owner and CEO of both Tesla and SpaceX, because you never know what he‘s going to say next, and—even though he has not declared that is a Republican or a conservative—he’s likely these days to send the woke crowd into paroxysms of whining. 

His latest target is Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy, who has turned the once-beloved "Star Wars" franchise into a series of poorly-performing streaming shows and films that emphasize gender politics over, you know, plot and interesting storylines. As we’ve been reporting at RedState, the latest disastrous output—"The Acolyte"—features lesbian witches who procreate by using the Force. I know “Star Wars” is a fantasy, but I’m betting that’s not a thing in any universe.

Musk weighed in with his usual savage humor, liking a post that ripped Kennedy and adding, “She’s more deadly than the Death Star!”

He wasn’t done, however, and on Saturday, he was at it again:

"Kathleen Kennedy is super bigoted against men." Oof. The truth hurts.

Brandon Morse, Brad Slager, and other RedState writers have written extensively on just how bad “The Acolyte” is; here’s a sample:

Think I'll skip this one:

Creator of Disney's 'The Acolyte' Tries Denying the Woke Content That Was Originally Celebrated

'Non-Binary' Star of 'The Acolyte' Has Total Meltdown, Writes Woke 'Diss Track' of Star Wars Fans

Star Wars Is Now Lesbian Space Witches...I'm Not Kidding

Kennedy, however, is unapologetic:

Kennedy — who has been president of Lucasfilm since Disney bought the film and production company founded by “Star Wars” creator George Lucas in 2012 — has defended her decision to name Leslye Headland to direct “The Acolyte,” which is currently streaming on Disney+…

Headland, the first woman to create a TV series for the franchise, has sought to make “The Acolyte” more diverse by casting minority actors including Amandla Stenberg, who identified as nonbinary and gay, and Korean star Lee Jung-jae.

The narrative in “The Acolyte” that has raised hackles implies that powerful witches belonging to an all-female coven — led by Mother Aniseya, played by actress Jodie Turner-Smith — used the force to generate female offspring that star as the twin main characters, played by Amandla Stenberg.

Yeah, that sounds like a promising storyline. Not.

Artists should be able to make films about what moves them, and nobody is arguing that LGTBQ topics should be banned; if people want to see such fare, there’s a place for that. Where Kennedy—and Disney as a whole—has failed is by injecting controversial gender theories in almost everything they put out these days. Of course the original “Star Wars” movies had a heavily male fanbase—it had lightsabers, pretty women, dastardly villains, and spaceships; what’s not to like? The problem with the new Disney and Kathleen Kennedy approach is that they imply through their words and actions that there is something wrong with that. 

But there’s not. There is plenty of content out there that draws more female viewers than males—I don’t spend any of my time watching Hallmark movies or “Real Housewives of Whatever”; that fare doesn’t interest me in the slightest, and that’s fine. But imagine if they started a WWE storyline in the latest “Little Women" adaptation (sure to be staring Keira Knightley), that wouldn’t make sense, right? Cut from lovely ladies in their finery discussing their emotions to sweaty men fighting in a cage? I’m guessing that would not be a box-office winner.

Once again, Musk is able to sum up a topic with just a few words. He must be doing something right—he has 188 million followers. It’s posts like these that show the reason why.

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Why Ocasio-Cortez's Insanity at Jamaal Bowman's Rally Over the Weekend Is Even Funnier Now


Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s (D-NY) political career is on the line. The unabashed progressive who is proudly anti-Israel and pulled a fire alarm in Congress to disrupt voting on a spending bill could be looking for a new line of work after tomorrow. 

Over the weekend, Bowman held a rally in the Bronx, which included Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). It was an unhinged spectacle, with Ocasio-Cortez losing her mind on stage, which led to some funny captions regarding the footage. The videos were cringeworthy, but new images have made this event even funnier: it looks like a good chunk of the attendees appear to be media members.

Also, in between the profanity-laced tirades from Bowman, AOC and Sanders were heckled by pro-Hamas activists in the crowd. Sanders was booed for saying that Israel has the right to defend itself from a terrorist attack (via NY Post):

 Socialists were eating their own at a rally for Rep. Jamaal Bowman in the Bronx Saturday as even more extreme leftists held a counter-event to rip “sellouts” Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for not backing Palestine enough to their liking. 

Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez joined 300 comrades at St. Mary’s Park for a “get out and vote” rally in to support “Squad” member Bowman, who is badly behind in polls in his June 25 primary against Westchester County Executive George Latimer, a moderate Democrat. 


However, outside the park, the anti-Israel group Within Our Lifetime, run by radicals Nerdeen Kiswani and Fatima Mousa, hosted their “Flood the Bronx for Gaza” to counter the rally, which about 150 attended.

Some banged drums while others held signs with slogans like “For class war to free Palestine! Dump Genocide Joe and the Squad.” 

“If Bowman and the rest of them claim to be allies of the Palestinian people, the bare minimum is not endorsing the person we have been protesting against the last nine months and who has enabled the genocide of the people in Gaza,” said Kiswani, parroting a debunked Hamas talking point. 

These people are a mess, and it’s no wonder why this movement is heavy on theatrics and light on accomplishments.  


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Watch a CNN Host Wreck a Dem Senator's Pro-Biden Narrative on Live TV

CNN anchor Sara Sidner warns women to 'do your checks yourself' after  confirming heartbreaking breast cancer diagnosis | The US Sun

Unlike Jake Tapper and Kasie Hunt, Sara Sidner decided not to toe the Democratic Party line, at least for this segment, when she threw brutal polls toward Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s (D-MN) way yesterday. Biden was far behind former President Donald Trump on all the key issues. From handling the economy to immigration, Trump is besting the president. These aren’t conservative-leaning polls; Marquette and Quinnipiac have Trump with a 12- and 21-point trust advantage on getting our economy rolling again.

The CNN host pointed out the elephant in the room with these surveys: Biden isn’t in good shape, and this debate could be make-or-break territory for the president. All Ms. Klobuchar could do is cite some phantom poll where she claims Biden is gaining ground, but with whom? Are there any specifics regarding swing states because Trump is dominating Biden there, too? 

CNN Host Grills Dem Senator On Polls Showing Trump Blowing Biden Out Of The Water On Key Issues pic.twitter.com/BaeyxyasBC

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) June 24, 2024

NEW EMERSON POLL: Trump is ahead in every single swing state, tied in Minnesota 🔥 pic.twitter.com/LQgoIc1Viw

— johnny maga (@_johnnymaga) June 20, 2024

Klobuchar rattled off a list of accomplishments that mean next to nothing for working families. The top domestic item she mentioned was some inside-the-beltway legislation that made it easier to break up monopolies. How does that curb the runaway inflation forcing American families to donate kidneys to pay for trips to the grocery store? Trump already set in motion a plan to reduce the cost of drugs, specifically insulin, and Amy totally fumbled on immigration: she admitted that Biden had the power to issue executive orders on the matter. He already issued one, ma’am—an ineffective benchmark to shut things down once 2,500 encounters at the port of entry are logged. Instead, she blames Republicans in Congress for inaction. You don’t need congressional approval for the things that could regain operational control of the border. 

There was nothing about reducing inflation in this lengthy, bare-bones defense of Joe Biden’s miserable presidency. Nothing about job growth. Nothing about wages increasing. When Trump was running the show, small business and consumer confidence hit historic highs. That’s no longer the case with senility engulfing the White House. 

Also, Biden is not “leaning in,” evidenced by his lengthy stay at Camp David, where he’s practicing standing for 90 minutes. He’s not expected to return to the White House before Thursday night’s debate. He’s not leading and never has been. If Amy Klobuchar, who has more brain activity than Biden, can’t defend or even point to a legislative accomplishment that’s benefitted working Americans, you know this presidency is on life support. Expect Biden to be more ad hominem, like his State of the Union, and Trump shouldn’t take the bait. Let the old man talk, and then quietly, professionally, and presidentially gut Biden with a death-by-a-thousand-cuts-like takedown. Trump is smart, he can go line-by-line in how Biden hasn’t done much for the past four years, which is an extension of the man’s entire career in public life.

🚨#BREAKING: White House officials, say that President Joe Biden will not be returning to the White House before the CNN presidential debate

— R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) June 23, 2024


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Julian Assange Reaches Plea Deal With U.S.

According to court filings, Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, intends to enter into a plea agreement with the U.S. Justice Department this week to admit guilt to a conspiracy charge. This will allow Assange to be released from a five-year sentence in a UK prison.

Court documents state that Assange was accused of conspiring to collect and reveal material related to national defense through “criminal information.”

In a letter to U.S. District Judge Ramona Manglona of the U.S. District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands, Justice Department official Matthew McKenzie stated that Assange would enter a guilty plea in court on Wednesday at 9 a.m. local time, or 7 p.m. ET on Tuesday. The DOJ also stated that Assange is expected to return to Australia, where he is a citizen, after the proceedings.

The United States filed charges against Assange in response to one of the biggest leaks of secret material in American history, which occurred during then-President Barack Obama’s first term.

The government claims that beginning in late 2009, Assange and military intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning colluded to use his website WikiLeaks to release hundreds of thousands of reports about the war in Iraq, tens of thousands of activity reports about the war in Afghanistan, hundreds of thousands of State Department cables, and assessment briefs of detainees at Guantanamo Bay.

The Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S. territory in the Pacific Ocean, is home to the U.S. District Court. On Monday night, court documents detailing Assange’s official plea agreement were filed there. It was anticipated that Assange will come before that court, where he would get a sentence of 62 months with credit for time served in a British jail, allowing him to freely return to his birthplace.

After spending seven years in self-exile at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he is said to have fathered two children, Assange was arrested in April 2019 after his asylum was revoked.

He is currently being held at the high-security Belmarsh Prison on the outskirts of London.

More than five years ago, in May 2019, a superseding indictment was returned against Assange, and a second superseding indictment was returned in June 2020.

For over 10 years, Assange has resisted being extradited to the United States. He asked for guarantees that he could rely on the First Amendment in a U.S. trial, and in March, the London High Court granted him permission for a full hearing on his appeal.

The dates of the hearing related to Assange’s free speech rights were set for July 9th–10th.

Meanwhile, Manning was given a 35-year sentence to serve in a military prison. However, in the last days of his presidency in 2017, Obama commuted the sentence. After refusing to answer questions from a grand jury, Manning was later found in contempt of court and detained for almost a year until attempting suicide in 2020.

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2024 Debates: CNN Host Abruptly Ends Interview After Trump Spokeswoman Highlights Bias Of Network Moderators

Trump news today: Trump challenges Biden to drug test before debate as  spokesperson demands apology from CNN | The Independent

A CNN host cut Donald Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt from the air just days before the network is set to host the first 2024 presidential debate.

Leavitt was cut off only minutes after the interview began. Leavitt was asked what the former GOP president’s strategy would be when he takes the stage in Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday.

“President Trump is well prepared ahead of Thursday’s debates. Unlike Joe Biden, he doesn’t have to hide away and have his advisers tell him what to say. President Trump knows what he wants to say,” Leavitt started.

She then highlighted that the debate would most likely be a “hostile environment” for Trump, mentioning how the network’s moderators, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, have a previous history of biased coverage against him.

“That’s why President Trump is knowingly going into a hostile environment on this very network on CNN with debate moderators who have made their opinions about him very well known over the past eight years in their biased coverage of him,” she said.

Meanwhile, host and political correspondent Kasie Hunt, who was interviewing Leavitt, fired back and asserted that her CNN colleagues were “professionals” before playing prepared clips showing Trump’s past comments regarding what he’s expecting to face from moderators.

As Leavitt tried to clear her throat and speak up, as it was supposed to be her turn to speak, Hunt simply drowned her out and continued to do so several times at any point that Leavitt noted the bias of past remarks said by both CNN moderators.

“Ma’am, we’re going to stop right there if you’re going to keep attacking my colleagues,” Hunt said. “I would like to talk about Joe Biden and Donald Trump, who you work for.”

“I’m sorry, guys… Karoline, thank you very much for your time. You’re welcome to come back at any time,” Hunt suddenly declared. “She is welcome to come back and speak about Donald Trump. Donald Trump will have equal time with Joe Biden when they both join us. later this week in Atlanta for this debate.”

After the show, Hunt posted on X (Twitter) defending her actions: “You come on my show; you respect my colleagues. Period. I don’t care what side of the aisle you stand on, as my track record clearly shows.”

You come on my show, you respect my colleagues. Period. I don’t care what side of the aisle you stand on, as my track record clearly shows.

— Kasie Hunt (@kasie) June 24, 2024

Leavitt maintained that the on-air snub indicates that the presumed GOP nominee “will not be treated fairly” in the forthcoming debate in a statement given to The Post on Monday.

CNN cutting off my microphone for bringing up a debate moderator’s history of anti-Trump lies just proves our point that President Trump will not be treated fairly in Thursday’s debate,” Leavitt said. “Yet President Trump is still willing to go into this 3-1 fight to bring his winning message to the American people, and he will win.”

In a statement released on Monday, CNN defended Tapper and Bash, vaguely stating that the two are “well respected veteran journalists who have covered politics for more than five decades combined.”

“They have extensive experience moderating major political debates, including CNN’s Republican Presidential Primary Debate this cycle,” a rep for the network said. “There are no two people better equipped to co-moderate a substantial and fact-based discussion, and we look forward to the debate on June 27 in Atlanta.” 

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