Thursday, June 27, 2024



New McLaughlin Poll: Voters Turning Off Biden Before Debate

Biden courts Latino voters with ad blitz during Copa América soccer  tournament

 On the eve of the historic presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, our new poll finds that America's voters are yearning for substance on the leading issues that affect them personally.

As they do yearn, voters are turning off Biden and opening to Trump.

On the head-to-head ballot, Trump leads Biden 46% to 44%. 

Trump continues to cut into Biden's base — winning 28% among Black voters and 42% among Hispanics.

In a multicandidate race, Trump receives 39%, Biden 37%, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 10%, Cornel West 2%, Jill Stein 2%, and Chase Oliver 1% — all with only 9% undecided.

With the debate approaching Thursday, pundits and commentators speculate about candidate drug testing and stamina; voters don't want to hear about this.

And they're tired of the legal persecutions and witch hunts.

In fact, we found they are downright angry.

Instead, they want to hear about the issues that directly impact their lives and their families.

The findings of our just-completed national poll taken show the voters want to know which of the candidates will make their lives better. (This national poll of 1,000 likely voters, +/-3.1% at the 95% confidence interval, was completed between June 18 to 24.)

Bottom line: This debate is not about Joe Biden or Donald Trump. It is about the personal worries of of the American people.

When we asked: "On Thursday night, June 27th, President Biden and former President Trump will appear in their first debate on CNN. The moderators will be Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. From the following list which issue would you like to see the moderators ask these candidates about most?"

Almost half (49%) cited high prices and inflation as their first or second choice.

The concern was followed by secure border/immigration (31%), jobs/economy (21%), and Social Security/Medicare (16%).

Clearly, economic and "pocketbook" issues are the priority.

Much lower on the list were issues that Tapper and Bash will likely ask about first, big Democratic issues like "Protecting Democracy/January 6th" (only 15%) and abortion (12%).

These are not big issues among voters, but are very large among the Democratic and progressive base.  

Biden's failure to focus and win on economic issues is hurting him.

Some 68% say the country is on the wrong track with only 25% saying we're moving in the right direction.

Our poll finds that economic issues at 43% and specifically inflation at 25% remain the leading concerns of voters.

And exactly 50% of all voters say that the economy is in indeed in a recession.

Voters are not optimistic, with 62% saying the economy is getting worse.

Only 31% say it's getting better.

The inflation impact of Biden policies has been horrendous for the country and for Biden, with 84% negatively impacted by inflation.

Again, almost half the nation, 49%, say they are "struggling" to afford basic necessities.

Trump voters at 58% and undecided voters at 62% say they are struggling.

Inflation knows no partisan boundaries, however.

Voters struggling with inflation increases among independents at 54%, Black voters at 43%, Hispanics at 53%, younger voters at 53%, and women at 53%.

Trump's "no taxes on tips" proposal is winning converts with 62% of voters approving of his plan to eliminate federal taxes for gratuities earned by servers, bartenders, car service drivers, food delivery workers, and other service workers.

So far voters are not buy Biden's claims and promises.

Two-thirds of all voters disagree with Joe Biden when he says inflation is going down.

And the legal targeting of Trump has backfired.

Some 67% of all voters agree with President Trump's statement that if the Justice Department and FBI can be weaponized and prosecute President Trump for political motives, in the future they will prosecute other political opponents.

No surprise Biden's approval rating is in the basement with 41% approving the job the incumbent is doing.

Biden's job disapprovals are weaking his core constituencies: 21% of Democrats, 38% of Black voters, 53% of Hispanics, and 54% of women disapprove. 

These high disapproval numbers are allowing President Trump to dismantle the coalition that elected Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

Trump is building a new, diverse coalition among working men and women, including Black voters, Hispanics, younger voters, and women.

Already 9% of Biden 2020 voters have already switched to Trump in 2024.

There are still 10% of all voters who are undecided.

There are 14% of all voters who disapprove of President Biden and are not yet voting for former President Trump.

The plurality of voters already know that President Trump was better for them than Joe Biden. If after the debate they learn that Trump will be even better for them and their families in his next term, there will be a new majority for Trump with 131 days to go.

June Poll results may be found here:

John McLaughlin has worked professionally as a strategic consultant and pollster for over 40 years. Jim McLaughlin is a nationally recognized public opinion expert, strategic consultant and political strategist who has helped to elect a U.S. president, prime ministers, a Senate majority leader, and a speaker of the House. Read John and Jim McLaughlin's Reports — More Here.

© 2024 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

AOC Posts Tribute to Jamaal Bowman After His Loss, but She Makes a Hilarious Mistake

Your Votes and Tax Dollars at Work 😆

As we reported, Squad member Jamaal Bowman got handed a brutal, well-deserved defeat in the primary for New York's 16th Congressional District by the more moderate Democrat, George Latimer. 

Latimer not only won, but he trounced Bowman by 17 points.

Maybe part of the problem was that Bowman didn't seem to understand what district he represented.  

“We are gonna show f**ing AIPAC the power of the motherf**king South Bronx,” Bowman shouted last weekend at a rally. 


NY16 Primary: Hamas Caucus Member Jamaal Bowman Goes Down in Defeat As Democrats Choose Latimer

Except he doesn't represent the South Bronx. He represents a very tiny bit of the North Bronx, with virtually all the rest of his district being southern Westchester -- a reasonably well-off area. He wasn't listening to the wishes of his constituents with his anti-Israel message, which would not appeal or would seem extreme to many in the area. 

Meanwhile, Latimer was a former Westchester County Executive, so he had a proven track record of being able to garner the votes of the people of the NY-16. 

It's probably not surprising, ultimately, that Bowman lost, and it wasn't because of AIPAC. 

The person who does represent the South Bronx, Rep. Ritchie Torres(D-NY) won his primary uncontested. He's pro-Israel, so it sounds like the South Bronx was sending a message. Just not one Bowman and the rest of the radical Squad likes.

The Republicans had a great time wishing him farewell. His concession speech seemed like more an attempt to blame AIPAC and Jewish people for "brainwashing" people against him. 


HOT TAKES: GOP Has Field Day Celebrating Jamaal Bowman's Loss

But perhaps one of the funniest reactions was from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). She tried to give him a tribute, now that he lost and is going to be out of Congress: 

.@JamaalBowman.Son of a single mother.
Grew up in public housing.
Dedicated his life to teaching.
Became a school principal.
Founded a prized school to serve Bronx youth.
Elected as the 1st Black Congressman for NY16.
Never took a dime in corporate money.
A true public servant.

First, I don't know if I've even seen a picture of her looking at her boyfriend like that. That's some look. 

Some also called her out on her claims about Bowman, including that she was wrong about him being the first black Congressman for NY-16. In fact, there were two black members before him--Adam Clayton Powell and Charles Rangel.

Others added more to the list. 

But the funny thing if she's trying to be so effusive about her "buddy" -- she doesn't even know what his proper X account is. She pinged the wrong one. This is who she referenced instead, and it's pretty funny: 

Somehow, I'm thinking that's not his account. Although, given that Democrats don't seem to know the definition of "woman," who am I to say that he's not "just an ordinary girl," as this account bio says? 


Buyer's Remorse: Almost Half of US EV Owners Want to Switch Back to Good Ol' Internal Combustion Engines

Biden's World.

 Despite President Biden’s relentless push to force us to drive electric vehicles, a whopping 46 percent of American EV owners aren’t satisfied with their purchase and are thinking about switching back to a car with that reliable old faithful, the ICE (internal combustion engine—in other words, gas-powered). The ICE has been at the heart of the US auto industry for almost 150 years.

The results of the survey, conducted by McKinsey and Co., shocked even the pollsters:

McKinsey & Co.'s Mobility Consumer Pulse for 2024, released this month, found that 46% of EV owners in the U.S. said they were "very" likely to switch back to owning a gas-powered vehicle in their next purchase.

The high percentage of Americans who want to make a switch even surprised the consulting firm.

"I didn't expect that," the head of McKinsey's Center for Future Mobility, Philipp Kampshoff, told Automotive News. "I thought, 'Once an EV buyer, always an EV buyer.'"

Note: The "nearly 30%" cited in the above tweet is the percentage of all owners surveyed, not just Americans. As stated, 46 percent of American EV owners are dissatisfied. 

Not surprisingly, the two biggest factors for unhappy customers are related to charging ability and price. Thirty-five percent cited their reason for wanting to return the vehicle as “lack of available charging infrastructure,” while 34 percent said that the total cost of owning an EV was too high. Meanwhile almost a third (32 percent) were concerned that their long-distance driving patterns were negatively affected due to their reliance on an EV.

But I thought Biden threw $7.5 billion at new chargers and promised that huge numbers of them would be up and running by now?

Not so much:

Where Are Those 500,000 EV Chargers Biden Promised? Turns Out They've Been Delayed by… DEI Requirements.

Buttigieg Flails Trying to Explain Why Only 8 EV Charging Stations Have Been Built by Biden Admin

It’s not just Americans who wish they could have chosen differently, many consumers across the world feel the same way:

In the poll of nearly 37,000 consumers worldwide, Australia was the only country with a greater percentage, 49%, of EV owners than the U.S. who said they were ready to return to owning an internal combustion engine.

The other countries included in the survey were Brazil, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Norway. Across all countries surveyed, the average share of respondents who want to ditch their EVs was 29%.

I have nothing against electric vehicles, and if someone wants to own one, they should be able to go out and purchase whatever the heck they desire. It’s Biden’s dictatorial approach to governing though, that is the problem here. He constantly issues onerous regulations, tax credits, and impossible emissions standards in trying to force consumers to buy something many don't want. It's illustrative of his entire governing philosophy—he wants to use the vast powers of the state not to better the lives of average Americans but to force his ideology on them. 

EV technology has come a long way, but there are still many issues: problems charging in cold weather, battery fires, lack of charging stations, too-short battery life—the list goes on. They might be perfect for urban drivers with short commutes, but are they really what the rancher in remote Wyoming needs? No. 

Left out in the cold:

'We Got a Bunch of Dead Robots Out Here'—Tesla Charging Stations Freeze in Chicago

It’s probable that the subject will come up in Thursday night’s presidential debate—and I hope Trump freakin' nails him on it.

Did the Biden Campaign Have Its National 'Malaise' Moment?

They’re getting frustrated. That sentiment among the Biden campaign was palpable during yesterday’s CNN interview with campaign co-chair Veronica Escobar. When you have no record and a string of failures that could scale K2, there is only one thing left to do, and it’s a losing strategy: blame voters. Escobar might have given us the national “malaise” moment for the 2024 cycle. Jimmy Carter had a similar moment when his dead presidency was gearing up for re-election. 

CNN reporter Manu Raju pointed out how voters overwhelmingly backed Trump in handling the economy and felt times were better under his presidency, which is a fact. Small business and consumer confidence levels reached record highs, businesses were doling out bonuses to workers, Apple repatriated $350 billion in overseas cash, and that got wrecked by the COVID pandemic. We all lived through it, Escobar. We know what happened. Instead, she said Biden’s atrocious poll numbers can be attributed to voter “amnesia.” Yes, it’s your fault that you cannot see or be awestruck at the pervasive incompetence and failure of the Biden presidency. Yes, shame on us.

Escobar’s narrative is riddled with demonstrable lies. The COVID pandemic wasn’t Trump’s fault, and he never called it a hoax. He did say it was like a “bad flu,” which drove the media insane. Now, the CDC guidelines for COVID infection have been revised so that you can treat it like the seasonal flu.

Also, if I hear about how reducing drug prices and new laws to bust up monopolies helps the working class, I’m going to lose it. It doesn’t. Reducing drug prices is not unimportant—Trump made a significant push to drive down the cost of insulin in the final months of his presidency. What Americans want is more job creation, not this cockamamie Mickey Mouse part-time work agenda, and something to curb the inflation rate that’s torched American families for years. Biden can’t do it because he's mentally invalid. 

Also, the nerve in redirecting the mental health line against voters is something Biden would order if he could walk without keeling over. Stop trying to rehabilitate the 86 percent figure, Biden people. It’s not going to work. It goes double now that a plurality of 2020 Biden supporters also think he’s too old and can’t be effective. And if things were going so well on the economy, why is the Teamsters president, Sean O’Brien, speaking at the GOP convention this summer? Why is the UAW president who admits that most of his members won’t vote for Biden despite his endorsement? Nate Silver took a sledgehammer to the ‘economy is good’ narrative the Biden camp is trying to sell. It was part of Silver’s analysis where Trump has a 66 percent chance of winning the election: 

…the economy isn’t all that good. Real GDP grew by 2.5 percent last year, following 1.9 percent in 2022. It grew at an annualized rate of 1.3 percent in the first quarter of 2024, though it’s expected to return to trend for the rest of the year. Two-ish percent economic growth is fine — and may reflect the new normal — but it’s below the long-term median growth rate in the US.

Does Silver have amnesia? The 'don’t believe your lying eyes' routine isn’t working, just like how 'build back better' failed or how Biden was wrong about the supply chains, inflation, the Houthi rebels, and immigration. Add Biden’s mental decline to this list, and you see why the president is on track to lose re-election: he’s an unremarkable man with no political skill or charisma who presides over a river of failures.

But we’re the ones with amnesia. 

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Did You See How Trump Is Doing With Black Voters in The Latest NYT Poll?

You must search a bit to find it because it’s not good news for Joe Biden or the Democrats, but the latest New York Times/Siena poll shows former President Donald J. Trump continuing his pace to have a historic performance among black voters this year. If this trend holds, Joe Biden will be relegated to the nursing home for all time. 

CNN’s Harry Enten did a segment on Trump’s levels of support among black voters, which is partially fueled by the defection from Democrats in the under-50 bracket of this demographic. During the 2020 election, they were hard-core Biden supporters, with the Delaware liberal holding a remarkable 80-point advantage. Biden is only favored among this voter group by 37 points; it’s been more than halved in four years. Is there anything that can reverse these trends? Enten said as of now—no. 

The New York Times’ latest poll has Donald Trump, with leaners, courting 30 percent of the black vote among registered voters. Among likely voters with leaners, Trump still clinches historic numbers with this bloc at 26 percent. Lefty reporter Michael Tracey even highlighted this crosstab, noting that if it holds, Trump will receive the largest share of the black vote for a Republican since Richard Nixon in 1960:

Is this an outlier? Nate Silver had a lengthy piece about the state of the race, where he noted that for now, the 2024 election looks remarkably stable regarding any chance things get wild with the surveys. People know who’s on the ballot and how they feel about them, with increased polarization adding to that stability. Many polls have been conducted during this cycle, and they all point to a Biden defeat in November if nothing drastically changes. 

From the economy to inflation and even who would best protect democracy—a silly question—Trump is now leading across the board on the top issues. At the very least, and Silver concedes this, the list of reasons for Trump to win this year is becoming more robust by the week compared to that of Mr. Biden. Even in those scenarios if everyone votes, which Democrats love to harp when coming out against voter ID laws, Donald Trump would benefit more, not Biden (via NYT): 

In a reversal of one of the most familiar patterns in American politics, it appears that Donald J. Trump, not President Biden, would stand to gain if everyone in the country turned out and voted. 

In New York Times/Siena College polls over the last year, Mr. Biden holds a wide lead over Mr. Trump among regular primary and midterm voters, yet he trails among the rest of the electorate, giving Mr. Trump a lead among registered voters overall. 

The pattern is the latest example of how the Trump brand of conservative populism has transformed American politics. His candidacy galvanized liberals to defend democracy and abortion rights, giving Democrats the edge in low-turnout special and midterm elections. Yet at the same time, early polls suggest, many less engaged and infrequent voters have grown deeply dissatisfied with Mr. Biden. 

The disengaged voters do not necessarily like Mr. Trump, the polling shows. But they’re motivated by pocketbook issues, more desiring of fundamental changes to the political system, and far less concerned about democracy as an issue in the election. Many low-turnout voters — notably including many who consider themselves Democrats — now say they’ll back Mr. Trump. 

There isn’t much good news for Democrats. Tonight is the night for Biden to reset the race if he can manage going 90 minutes without falling or short-circuiting at the podium.

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Judge Merchan Removed From Overseeing Steve Bannon’s Trump Wall Fundraiser Case

House Oversight Committee Holds Biden Impeachment Hearing
WASHINGTON, DC - SEPTEMBER 28: U.S. Rep Jim Jordan (R-OH) delivers remarks during a House Oversight Committee hearing titled “The Basis for an Impeachment Inquiry of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.” on Capitol Hill September 28, 2023 in Washington, DC. The hearing is expected to focus on the constitutional and legal questions House Republicans are raising about President Biden and his son Hunter Biden. (Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
House Oversight Committee Holds Biden Impeachment Hearing WASHINGTON, DC – SEPTEMBER 28: U.S. Rep Jim Jordan (R-OH) delivers remarks during a House Oversight Committee hearing titled “The Basis for an Impeachment Inquiry of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.” on Capitol Hill September 28, 2023 in Washington, DC. The hearing is expected to focus on the constitutional and legal questions House Republicans are raising about President Biden and his son Hunter Biden.

Judge Juan Merchan, who oversaw former President Donald Trump’s “hush money” case, has been removed from former Trump strategist Steve Bannon’s upcoming criminal fraud trial. 

Judge Ellen Biben said in a statement that Merchan is no longer involved in the case due to “conflicting schedules.”

“Merchan … who is assigned to this matter, is engaged to preside over a six-defendant trial that is scheduled to commence on 09/16/24 and expected to last at least three months,” she wrote.

She added that Merchan’s involvement in the Bannon case could not be possible since his trial is set to begin on September 23rd. Biben concluded her statement by saying that Judge April Newbauer will be taking over over Bannon’s case. She also noted that the new judge will “follow up with the parties to schedule a status conference and for any further communication.”

Judge Newbauer has previously been under fire after she set bail at only $5,000 for a man who had been charged with assaulting a woman and attempted burglary. Months later, out on bail, the man was charged again for killing the same woman, her friend, and her dog.

Bannon has previously pleaded not-guilty to charges of money laundering, conspiracy, and fraud in relation to his fundraising campaign in which he allegedly duped donors.

He has a scheduled appearance on July 23rd and will go to a Connecticut prison for four months starting on July 1st for a 2022 contempt of Congress conviction regarding his “refusal to assist the January 6th House committee.”

Bannon had recently requested that the Supreme Court delay his sentence.

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Bolivia: Unsuccessful Coup Attempt Against President, New Commander Orders Troops To Stand Down

People take cover from tear gas fired by Military police at Plaza Murillo in La Paz on June 26, 2024. Bolivian President Luis Arce on Wednesday slammed an attempted "coup d'etat" after soldiers and tanks deployed outside government buildings and tried to knock down a door of the presidential palace, before pulling back. (Photo by JORGE BERNAL / AFP) (Photo by JORGE BERNAL/AFP via Getty Images)
BOLIVIA-POLITICS-ARMY People take cover from tear gas fired by Military police at Plaza Murillo in La Paz on June 26, 2024. Bolivian President Luis Arce on Wednesday slammed an attempted “coup d’etat” after soldiers and tanks deployed outside government buildings and tried to knock down a door of the presidential palace, before pulling back.

Bolivia’s president issued a warning of a “coup” attempt as troops stormed the government palace.

Before smashing through the doors of the main government building, troops barricaded the entrances to Murillo Square in La Paz, which is home to important government buildings. Then soldiers abruptly rushed inside.

Troops and armored vehicles have positioned themselves on the square.

President Luis Arce had earlier warned on social media of “irregular mobilizations of some army units. Democracy must be respected.”

Bolivian Minister Maria Nela Prada published a video on her Meta (Facebook) account showing the view from a window in a government building.

“I’m in the palace of the people. As you can see, this is the Plaza Murillo taken by armed tanks and troops,” Prada said.

Acre noted that Bolivians needed to quickly mobilize against a “coup d’etat.”

“We need the Bolivian people to organize and mobilize against the coup d’etat in favor of democracy,” Arce said in a televised message to the country alongside his ministers inside the presidential palace. “We cannot allow coup attempts to take Bolivian lives once again.” 

General Juan José Zúñiga, the military officer commanding the troops that seized central La Paz, declared that he recognized President Arce “for the moment,” but he also hinted at a potential change in cabinet and ministers.

“We are going to recover this homeland,” General Juan José Zúñiga said from Murillo Square after it was taken by troops. An elite has taken over the country; vandals have destroyed the country,” Gen. Ziga said. “The army intends to restore true democracy.”

He said “political prisoners,” including jailed former leader Jeanine Áñez, would be freed.

On Monday, the military chief made an appearance on television and stated that he would arrest left-wing former President Evo Morales if he ran for office again next year.

Morales, who resigned as president and was replaced by Áñez in the midst of protests over accusations of vote-rigging in the 2019 election, urged proponents of democracy to go on strike and block roads.

“I ask democratically-minded people to defend the homeland from certain military groups that act against democracy and the people,” he said.

The national security spokesperson for the White House stated that the U.S. was closely monitoring the situation in Bolivia and urged moderation.

The EU, according to EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell, denounces any effort to subvert the constitutional order.

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