Sunday, July 7, 2024

Megyn Kelly Demolishes Jill Biden in Brutal Takedown About Her Desire for Power


I wrote earlier about the ABC report that Jill Biden was "lashing out" at people who want Joe Biden to step aside from the campaign. 

Journalist Megyn Kelly called that out as "sick": 

This is sick. SICK.

— Megyn Kelly (@megynkelly) July 6, 2024

But that was calm, compared to how she ripped her during an interview with Piers Morgan earlier in the week. She said Jill has been "exposed" as a "power-hungry aspirant herself to political power":

Kelly pointed out how Jill Biden was on the cover of Vogue this week as well to "promote herself." She referenced how Jill had tweeted out a picture of herself, sitting in the presidential chair on Air Force One, on the way to the G7, showing how she thought she was the one in power. 

That was actually in 2021, and Jill tweeted she was "prepping" for the meeting. I wrote about it at the time:

Was she telling us even then who was doing the work behind the scenes? 

"She's not the damn President! Get out of the chair!" Kelly exclaimed. "No one elected you to lead us politically." 

Kelly then ripped Jill's obsession with being called "Dr." Jill got an Ed.D. Kelly explained how her father got a Ph.D but he never would have insisted people call him doctor. 

"Why does she insist on it?" Kelly asked. "Because she's power hungry. She has a small fractured ego that she needs built up. She needs the affirmation of strangers to give her an honorarium...she wants it."

Kelly spoke about how Jill guided Joe down the stairs after the debate and then made those comments to him, like he was a child, about answering "all the questions." Kelly said it was like how she speaks to her dog when he sits on command. This is supposed to be the "leader of the free world." Kelly declared, "She knows how infirm he is." 

Exactly. No one voted for Jill, or the tight circle of aides said to be shielding him like "Weekend at Bernie's." If he can't perform the job, then he isn't fit. 

Kelly also noted that if he isn't willing to take a cognitive exam, then it's probably because he knows the results won't be good:

Kelly blasted the people behind Biden, in addition to Jill, who are letting this go on: 

I do disagree with her on the last statement a bit. Biden was on board with this even as he had to know he was having issues. I believe he's greatly impaired now. He has to know it, yet he's still saying everything is just hunky dory. So while I blame Jill, he has a responsibility as well.

The Biden team now faces a mountain of questions, particularly in light of his refusal to take a cognitive exam and now, a report about his doctor meeting with a neurological expert and Parkinson's specialist. The White House and the campaign are doing the best they can to spin, but they're running out of time as the calls for him to step aside continue to grow. Biden is simply not dealing with that reality.

Democrats Have No Good Way Forward And Deserve To Suffer

It’s horrible when bad things happen to good people. This isn’t a story about that, this is a story about bad things happening to Democrats – think of it as evidence that karma may, in fact, exist. Or at least that God has a sense of humor. Because the corner that Democrats have painted themselves into has no good or easy way out, and the only have themselves to blame.

This doesn’t mean that Democrats are going to lose – never underestimate the Republican skill of being able to blow an election – it just means it will take extraordinary events in order to just get them back to even.

Does Joe Biden survive the week is not a crack about his age, it’s a question about his will. Sooner or later, the time will come where enough Democrats look at a shrinking calendar and poll numbers and realize there is likely not enough of the former to make up for the latter. But all of their alternatives are just as tainted by Joe Biden as Joe Biden is.  

It’s a glorious mess they’ve created for themselves. That they’ve taken so much of the media with them is the icing on top. How can they get out of it?

There is no good way.  

1) Biden stays. They can’t get rid of him, legally, anyway. I suppose the delegates could simply refuse to vote for him in defiance of their party’s rules. Not sure what would happen there, or what would happen if they walked out without voting for enough rounds that they got to the point where the Super Delegates get a say and they’re all free to vote how they like, but it would be fun to watch. 

The problem is some state’s laws obligate delegates to vote how the primary commanded them to. It’s unlikely that the party of letting violent criminals go is going to charge hard after delegates not voting for a slightly animated corpse, but if their Attorney General is a Biden loyalist, you never know. 

2) Someone who matters speaks out. It’s always funny when a few backbench Members of the House put together a letter complaining about this or that, trying to “pressure” leadership into the action they want. Unless it is all of them, or at least damn near most, these letter are political junk mail – quickly tossed out. Those who signed it might brag to their constituents about it, but it never matters. That’s all there is about Biden, so far.

There are very few people who could speak out and make it matter. Nancy Pelosi is one. I’d say Hakeem Jeffries, but he’s Pelosi’s puppet. Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. If they call for Joe to go, he won’t really have much choice. 

But you have to remember that Joe has always been a nasty, vindictive person. He would go, but he could do a lot of damage on the way out the door. A decent portion of Democrats do like Joe, and would be angry at his ouster. There’s no reason to think they’d vote for the party after that.

3) Whoever comes next. Kamala Harris or Gavin Newsom, were one of them to come out against Joe, could do serious damage, but it would be a suicide mission. They don’t like each other, so they’re both fighting to be seen as the most loyal Biden supporter right now. If Joe leaves on his own, they could lay claim, with varying degrees of success, to the mantle of heir apparent. But if one cracks too early and calls for Joe to go, it would likely lead to a flood of people doing the same right behind them, but they would be denounced as disloyal and opportunistic. They all are, but being labels as such would be damaging with the voters they’d need the support of. 

Of these two – the obvious and only real options for replacing Biden – whoever breaks first, comes in last. 

Will Democrats break? Will they bypass a black woman for a rich white man? Can they reanimate Joe to the point that he limps across the finish line? If they go convince him to withdraw as a candidate, will they force him to resign as president too? If not, how will they justify saying he’s unfit for a second term but somehow fine to be President now? 

There are more questions than there are answers and they know it. And there are no good answers to the questions we do know about. 

I would like nothing more than to have them keep Joe Biden on the ticket, not because I think he’d be easier to beat – though, I do – but because I want him to lose. I want one of his last memories as he drifts off into full dementia to be that American people rejected him and everything he did; that he will go down as the worst President in history. I want that to be the last thing that blends into the fog. 

Joe Biden has been such a destructive force to the country, and a divisive force to Americans, that I desire he unambiguously know his presidency was the inflection point where the country recoiled in horror from his politics, his policies, his family and him. 

Perhaps that’s cruel, but a man who made his name lying about his own life and his opponents, while making his fortune off exploiting the public trust, deserves nothing less. And the American Public, who’ve suffered under him, deserve at least that small measure of satisfaction. 

Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!) and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses, and host of the weekly “Week in F*cking Review” podcast where the news is spoken about the way it deserves to beFollow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.


Democrats' Senate hopes could hang on split-ticket voting comeback

Democrats' Senate hopes could hang on split-ticket voting comeback

With President Biden's decidedly lacking debate performance and subsequent polling downturn, what was an already difficult fight to preserve a Democratic majority in the Senate could be reliant on a resurgence of voters willing to select candidates of different parties for various positions. 

Democrats face a particularly difficult Senate election map, with multiple incumbents in swing states seeking another term. They also only have a remarkably slim 51-49 majority over their Republican counterparts, who enjoy a much more favorable map this cycle."If a candidate feels like the presidential candidate is going to lose his or her state, naturally they have to figure out ways to create distance between themselves and the presidential candidate," said Kyle Kondik, managing editor of Sabato’s Crystal Ball at the University of Virginia Center for Politics.jon tester, donald trump, sherrod brown

From left: Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont.; former President Trump; and Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio. (Getty Images)

According to data compiled by the center, split-ticket voting across the presidency and the Senate was most popular in the 1970s and 1980s and more often benefited Democrats, who have been able to frequently score Senate seats in states where Republican presidents won. But the practice has been declining in recent decades. 

Per Kondik, this downward trend could make things harder for vulnerable Democrats in the current environment. 


Vulnerable Dem Sens Sens. Jon Tester, D-Mont.; Jacky Rosen, D-Nev.; Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio; Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis.; and Bob Casey, D-Pa.

From left: Sens. Jon Tester, D-Mont.; Jacky Rosen, D-Nev.; Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio; Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis.; and Bob Casey, D-Pa. (Getty Images )

The campaigns of Senate Democrats in tough races will likely look different from those of the president or of a Democrat in a safer seat, according to one expert. "As long as Senate Democrats continue to run ahead of Biden in their states, the candidates are likely to stop short of completely linking themselves to Biden to avoid being pulled down," said Madison Barry Burden, a political science professor at the University of Wisconsin.


Sen. Bob Casey speaks during an event

Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., speaks during the Inaugural Independence Dinner in Philadelphia on Nov. 1, 2019. (Bastiaan Slabbers/NurPhoto via Getty Images)


"But the calculus is probably different in swing states such as Pennsylvania than in red states such as Montana," he explained. "As a political misfit in his state, Jon Tester has always needed to portray an identity that is somewhat independent of the national Democratic Party, so 2024 will be no different. In contrast, Bob Casey's fate depends more on Biden having a good showing in Pennsylvania, so he will probably remain an enthusiastic supporter."

Republican strategist Doug Heye noted, "No elected Democrat — safe seat or in-play — wants to be first to state the obvious about President Biden’s state of health," referencing the relative silence of at-risk Democrats amid Biden's poor debate performance against former President Trump last month.

Get the latest updates from the 2024 campaign trail, exclusive interviews and more at our Fox News Digital election hub.

Julia Johnson is a politics writer for Fox News Digital and Fox Business, leading coverage of the U.S. Senate. She was previously a politics reporter at the Washington Examiner. 

Follow Julia's reporting on X at @JuliaaJohnson_ and send tips to

How James Carville Made This WaPo Reporter a Little Uneasy

James Carville and Bill Maher did a number on progressive America at the Aspen Ideas Festival in June. Both men are anti-woke liberals who are seeing their party careening toward the cliff, thanks to morons taking the steering wheel. The Democratic Party now kowtows to antisemites, people who think “Queers” can be for Palestine, and whose liberal card is only renewed if you believe that children should mutilate their genitals and tip drag queens with a neon lit sign reading “it isn’t going to lick itself” behind it. 

Carville is more centered on the political messaging of the party, which he feels is too whiny and female for it for be successful. Bluntly, the party began messaging like the leftists at National Public Radio and it’s become a nightmare. Carville is especially worried about the rapidly decreasing number of men identifying as Democrats, something I know liberal women shrug off because it’s the ‘white guys.’ Democrats have long had issues with white men over 40. 

Yet, it’s now Black and Hispanic men from the working class who are rapidly heading into the GOP camp. And that, could potentially be an election-killing formula for generations. As Carville noted, people have lives to lead, and when you say you can’t watch football, drink beer, and eat hamburgers—you’re going to lose. It’s a point that made The Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart, who led this discussion, very uncomfortable:

James Carville does not back down when confronted about his comments that Democrat messaging is 'too feminine':
Carville: "If you start speaking like NPR, you're going to lose votes. I just don't like the term communities of color.
I live in New Orleans. They got three guys on…

— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) June 29, 2024

Carville reiterated his position against identity politics on CBS News, likening America to a gumbo dish and how this hyper-left-wing messaging just sets us up for nasty divisions. 

James Carville reiterates why focusing on identity politics is a losing strategy:
"People have an identity. When you talk about your identity first, and the country second, then people who don't share your identity, are not going to be persuaded by you.
I'm White, I'm pale. But…

— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) July 5, 2024

“When you talk about your identity first, and the country second, then people who don't share your identity, are not going to be persuaded by you,” he added. The longtime Democratic Party strategist, who might be one of the last sane ones left, said his primary identity is being an American. 

Amen. I also find it amusing how this uncontroversial and factual position infuriates liberals so much. 


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Biden Cancels Philadelphia Teachers Union Convention Speech Amid Staff Strike

Biden cancels speech at teachers union convention in Philadelphia after  union staff goes on strike | AP News
Biden cancels speech at teachers union convention in Philadelphia after  union staff goes on strike | AP News
These are the ones that teach your children 😏

President Joe Biden postponed his scheduled speech at the National Education Association’s (NEA) annual conference in Philadelphia following the announcement of a strike and the installation of picket lines by union employees.

Although Biden’s campaign claimed the president is a “fierce supporter of unions and he won’t cross a picket line,” Biden was still scheduled to speak on Sunday. According to the NEA, the picket line essentially put a stop to the week-long convention, canceling the final three days of programming.

Every state’s affiliate of the NEA has endorsed Biden.

According to his campaign, Biden, who is struggling to keep his dwindling chances of reelection, still intends to visit Pennsylvania this weekend. 

The union set up picket lines on Friday around the Pennsylvania Convention Center and had a three-day strike. 

The NEA’s union claims that because the NEA has not complied with fundamental union requirements, it has filed two complaints alleging unfair labor practices.

It claimed that the NEA had unilaterally stopped paying overtime for holidays and had withheld information about contracts worth $50 million that were outsourced.

The NEA declared in a statement that it was still totally dedicated to a just negotiation process. 

Additionally, it expressed concern over “deeply concerning misinformation that has been shared” regarding contract negotiations. 

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Saturday, July 6, 2024



People Are Talking About Ashley Biden's Weird Moment With Joe on the WH Balcony During Fireworks

Joe Biden is facing a firestorm of controversy over his cognitive decline and whether he's going to step aside from the campaign. He's declared that he's not dropping out, that he's in it to win it. But all his efforts since the debate to appear to be coherent and normal haven't been going well so far, and the calls to step aside just seem to increase. 

I reported on the celebration and fireworks at the White House on Thursday night for July 4th. First, they had a barbecue earlier in the day for military members and families. 

Joe Biden managed to hilariously fulfill the holiday meme that people have put out over the years about his confusion. In response to Kamala Harris introducing him as "extraordinary" (she didn't say extraordinarily good), he responded like Santa Claus, saying "Ho, ho, ho!" Then he said, "Happy Independence Day!" 

Then as I noted, the family, as well as Kamala Harris and her husband, joined him on the White House balcony to watch the fireworks. Both Hunter and Ashley were there, and for once Ashley seemed to upstage Hunter--with a lot of talk on social media about her getting into the party and dancing next to him:  


Biden Hilariously Does Holiday Meme of Himself While Hunter and Ashley Get Into the Fireworks

But there was a little bit more weirdness on the balcony, as the Fox livestream showed. Ashley's getting down and dancing got a lot of discussion, particularly this weird moment where she first hugs Joe Biden at about 23:51. Then when she removes her hands, Joe's face seems to drop, as he looks weirdly right at the camera. 

Go to to see the video of this.

Then she looks right at the camera, and makes a weird gesture indicating that she sees the camera is aimed at them. She then goes right back to dancing behind Joe.

There was a lot of speculation about what was going on, and what her message might be with this weirdness: 

At a time when they're trying to project why Joe should stay in the race, when he's so incoherent, more weirdness doesn't go well into the mix. Add that to Joe himself talking about being the "first black woman" to serve under a black president and admitting that he needs to get more sleep as well as limit events past 8 p.m. 

They just keep digging the hole deeper. 


 Biden Remarks at WH Military Event Dive Over the Edge Into Complete Delusion

Yikes: Biden Just Said He Was Proud to Be 'First Black Woman' (and Other Embarrassing Gibberish)

More Leaks Out of Dem Govs' Meeting—and They Are Just Devastating for Biden


Rep. Owens to Newsmax: We Don't Have Leader in White House

Rep. Burgess Owens - Republican Accountability
Rep. Burgess Owens, R-Utah


Rep. Burgess Owens, R-Utah, told Newsmax on Friday that in light of the revelations regarding President Joe Biden's mental acuity, "it's obvious we do not have a leader in the White House."

The White House has spent the last week doing damage control following Biden's poor debate performance while the list of Democrats calling for him to step aside grows daily. Host Todd Starnes played a clip earlier in the day from a Philadelphia radio show where Biden referred to himself as the "first Black woman vice president."

Owens told "Prime News" the Democrats' attempted cover-up of Biden's apparent cognitive issues is a low point in American history.

"We have to decide as a nation, do we love our country enough to put it first? Are we at that point now where we have trained enough of our Americans to look at themselves, look at their party, look at everything else before our nation and our vision of a great country?" Owens said. "Because at this point, it's obvious we do not have a leader in the White House."

Owens blamed the current crisis on Biden's inner circle.

"But it's also obvious that we've had liars over the last few years around him, including the media, people in the administration, our vice president, who told us everything they could just to keep him moving forward, but not caring about what the what the downside is if our enemy decides to take advantage of this," he said.

"So we are at a very important point, which we have to decide. Do we love our nation or not? Or is party so important that we'll give up everything for a particular party?"

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