Wednesday, July 10, 2024

AP Nails WH in Head-Spinning Falsehood About Neurologist's Visit

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has been having a tough time over the past couple of days dealing with the question of the visits of neurologist Dr. Kevin Cannard to the White House. 

There were some wild moments on Monday with journalist Ed O'Keefe where KJP and O'Keefe got into a shouting match. O'Keefe was asking about the Jan. 17 meeting Dr. Cannard had with Joe Biden's doctor, the White House physician, Dr. Kevin O'Connor, as well as Cannard's other visits to the White House. KJP refused to comment on whether that meeting or those visits pertained to Biden. All she would say was that he saw a neurologist as part of his physicals for the past three years. 

The question came up again during the White House briefing on Tuesday as well. During the briefing, KJP said definitively that the Jan. 17 meeting did not relate to care for Joe Biden. 

But now the AP's Seung Min Kim who asked that question above is reporting that they have received a statement from Karine Jean-Pierre saying that the Jan. 17 meeting was about Biden, despite the fact that she had "inaccurately said" it wasn't earlier in the day. 

“Because the date was not mentioned in the question, I want to be clear that the Jan. 17 meeting between Dr. O’Connor and Dr. Cannard was for the President’s physical,” Jean-Pierre said in a statement to the AP on Tuesday. “It was one of the three times the President has seen Dr. Cannard, each time for his physical. The findings from each exam have been released to the public.”

So wait. She was specifically asked if the Jan. 17 meeting was related to Biden and she denied it. Now, she's trying to claim because the "date was not mentioned in the question" that somehow that was confusing or she couldn't tell the truth? Is she kidding? But apparently it's all just the media's fault for not understanding her. 

The Story of Parkinson's Neurologist's White House Visits Gets More Involved

BREAKING: White House Releases Letter From President Biden's Physician Regarding Neurologist's WH Visits

As Kim noted in her story, this is the second time in the past week where KJP has been caught having to "clarify" something because what she said previously was false/misleading. 

Last week, Jean-Pierre said Biden “did not get checked out by the doctor” for a cold that was noticeable during the June 27 debate. But Biden later said in a private meeting with Democratic governors that he had been checked out by his doctor after the debate concluded. Jean-Pierre said she meant Biden did not get a full medical exam and that the president did indeed have a “check-in” with his doctor, which he does a couple of times a week.

So are they going to hold her accountable tomorrow for this lie? Even now, after admitting they've been told falsehoods twice, it's still just "inaccurately said." They need to drop the hammer on her in the briefing for this because at this point why would anyone believe anything she has to say about anything? 


Things Were Sort of Quieting Down on the 'Dump Biden' Front, and Then This Dem Senator Went on CNN

The Democratic Party is going through the motions. House Democrats had meetings about the state of the race today, in which tensions boiled over. A group of swing state Democrats met before the official meeting to vent their frustrations about the race, with some reportedly breaking down in tears. Some reporters who frequently talk to congressional Democrats admitted that not one has privately said they have the confidence that Biden can run and beat Trump.

Senate Democrats also had a lunch, where Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), like a good soldier, said he’s sticking with Biden. There seemed to be a realization that Biden will remain begrudgingly so. Was the dump Biden movement from Hill Democrats dead? Well, things might have been on track to settling down, and then Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) went on CNN. 


He sort of had to since his remarks at the lunch got leaked, and he admitted that he was someone who said behind closed doors that Biden can't win.

The Colorado Democrat was quite dire in his remarks, adding that Donald Trump is poised to win this election in a landslide. 

“I think we could lose the whole thing, and it’s staggering to me,” he told CNN’s Kaitlan Collins. Yet, he also said that Biden is an accomplished president—debatable—and has a strong affinity for the man as a leader. It’s the same chord struck for everyone in the dump Biden crowd: they either love or deeply respect the president, but he needs to go away for the sake of the party. Bennet added that he doesn’t think Colorado is in play, but Collins also said as the interview continued that he seemed to be navigating toward a path where he calls Biden to step aside.

Bennet didn’t answer the question, instead saying that he feels the country's future is at stake. Well, you pretty much said that Joe Biden, senator, is the person who could sink the ship. Will Democrats s**t or get off the pot on this one?   

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A Must-Win State for Biden Is Now Veering Into Trump Landslide Territory

Joe Biden thinks this race is a toss-up. That’s his line when ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos interviewed him, and it only exacerbated the ongoing issues with the president, his messaging, and his overall re-election effort. It’s simply false, much like the lie that got blown up recently about his trip to the neurologist—a narrative that has gone through more surgeries than a transgender person. Yet, it’s the president’s deep denial that anything is wrong and that his June 27 debate with Donald Trump, universally seen as a disaster, would pass. 

It hasn’t. Biden admits he was terrible but didn’t lose because Trump didn’t gain ground. Yes and no on that front—by losing supporters, Joe, that’s Trump’s gain. And the national polls aren’t the best gauge either. I understand this camp uses it because it’s the only good news this campaign can ship off to donors. Even in those polls, Biden is trailing Trump. Biden was already losing to the former president pre-debate in the battleground states. It’s even worse now. Amy Walter of the Cook Political Report did a deep dive into the main swing states and found what we’ve already known—that Biden is heading toward an Electoral College wipeout if these numbers hold. In short, six key states have become more Trump-friendly, but Biden thinks he can still win with one-third of brain capacity. 

Wisconsin is the only state where things seem close between the two candidates, whereas Pennsylvania should induce extreme panic among Biden staffers. It’s the state most likely to flip out of the must-win trio, including Michigan and Wisconsin. Biden must sweep. One loss and the game is over. With Pennsylvania gone, it’s truly over. Trump added to his lead over Biden by between four and ten points based on private polling by Democrats and Republicans. 

Walter added that the spotlight on Trump’s woes has been severely reduced due to the recent Supreme Court rulings on immunity and the January 6 charges concerning obstruction of an official proceeding via the Fischer decision. Biden now will be subjected to constant and aggressive reporting about his health, one where Democrats in down-ballot races may be getting a taste of what Republicans went through when the media chased down GOP lawmakers for comments about Trump’s social media activity. Democrats will be haggled about Biden’s mental fitness and whether he should drop out: 

The week before the June 27 debate, according to the RealClearPolitics two-way national average, Biden trailed Trump by just over a point. Today, Trump leads the national vote by three points. 


Post-debate, there’s been only one public nonpartisan survey of battleground states released. The Bloomberg News/Morning Consult tracking poll of those six battleground states plus North Carolina, found Trump ahead of Biden by two points, 47% to 45%, “the smallest gap since the poll began last October.” 

However, private polling from both Democratic and Republican sources finds Trump gaining a bit of ground — or holding steady — in the battleground states. In one set of surveys shared with me, Trump expanded his lead in Pennsylvania from four points to 10 points. A just-released AARP poll in Wisconsin found Trump ahead of Biden by five points, 50%-45%. Wisconsin has been one of the few states where Biden has managed to keep the race very close. 

It’s also true that the concerns being expressed by the so-called ‘elite’ class have been baked in with many voters. Biden’s anemic job approval rating isn’t just about his performance on policies like inflation or immigration; much of it is driven by worries about his age and stamina. And yet, many of those frustrated voters (a.k.a. “Meh” voters) were supporting Biden pre-debate and have not necessarily flocked to Trump post-debate. 

However, given our closely divided electorate, even a small two-point shift is significant. For example, if Trump were to win the national popular vote by three points, it would be a seven-point improvement from his 2020 showing. In other words, any state or district that Biden carried by eight points or less would be competitive. 

As such, it’s hard to justify keeping states that Biden carried by less than eight points, like Minnesota, New Hampshire and Nebraska’s 2nd District, in Likely Democrat. They now move to Lean Democrat. 

It’s also clear that Trump’s outside-the-margin leads in states like Arizona, Georgia and Nevada are currently safe, leading us to move all three from Toss Up to Lean Republican. 

That leaves three states in the Toss Up column: Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. At present, Pennsylvania is the most vulnerable to a flip toward Trump. Biden has trailed in polling there since the spring by anywhere from 2-3 points. Since the debate, however, public and private polling has shown Trump opening up a bigger lead. Pennsylvania is also the only state in which Trump’s SuperPAC, MAGA Inc., has spent substantially on advertising. According to data from AdImpact, between January and May, the SuperPAC has spent over $10 million on advertising in the state. 

Walter on voter enthusiasm: 

For months now, polls have shown Republicans with an enthusiasm advantage. In addition, the Cook Political Report’s May Swing State Project poll, conducted by BSG and GS Strategies, found that 18% of Biden’s 2020 voters in the seven key battleground states were uncommitted to him this time around. 

One thing that set the uncommitted voters apart from Biden loyalists was the fact that they don’t think this election matters all that much. While 83% of Biden loyalists say this will be “more important than other elections in their lifetime,” just 56% of defectors feel similarly. Moreover, just 58% of these potential defectors think it is “very important” that they vote this year, compared to 85% of committed Biden voters.

The Biden team has argued that though these voters may be disengaged now, once they are made aware of the high-stakes of this election, they will ultimately turnout for the president. However, Biden’s weak debate performance calls into question whether he can effectively deliver that message to these already disenfranchised and skeptical voters. 

Walter also said that Harris isn’t a riskier bet than Biden, but there are no advantages to her taking the top spot on the ticket either. There’s nothing to suggest that she’s a better candidate. Like Joe, she’s also unpopular and tends to wither when under the spotlight for too long. This woman’s campaign faded before Tom Steyer’s in the 2020 primaries. She’s not well-liked by voters, and she’s been a trainwreck in public events. Also, like Biden, she cannot deviate from the script or talking points. Trump’s main goal: getting Biden’s former supporters to stay home on Election Day: 

National polls taken in the wake of the June 27 debate suggest that unaffiliated voters haven’t flocked en masse to Trump, but they’ve defected from Biden. Meanwhile, partisans have barely moved. In other words, Trump’s ceiling remains somewhat firm. But, Trump is still running stronger than he was in 2020 with traditionally Democratic constituencies like Black and Latino voters. He doesn’t need to move many of these voters into his camp to flip those Sun Belt states back into the red column. Moreover, Trump doesn’t need to win over disappointed or disillusioned anti-Trump voters; he just needs them to stay home. 

Hence, why has the former president allowed the Democrats to do all the heavy lifting when it comes to ripping apart Biden and creating fractures within the base over the fallout from the June 27 debate? This discipline is a new development, one that Democrats probably weren’t expecting and are finding frustrating since the former president is offering no relief to the beleaguered leftist party. So, on both counts, Biden is wrong and looks absurd when saying that Trump didn’t gain anything and that this race is a toss-up. We’re looking at a very good night for Republicans if this holds. Biden may want to stop talking about the debate and move on. Sorry, there are too many questions about your fitness, especially since you and your staff can’t explain these trips to a neurologist specializing in Parkinson’s Disease.

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U.S. Navy Sailor Attempted To Access Biden’s Medical Records From Military Medical Database

U.S. Navy sailors from the USS Carl Vinson. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

According to the U.S. Navy, which confirmed the information to CBS News, a junior Navy sailor tried three times in February to obtain President Biden’s medical records from a military medical database, but was unsuccessful.

The Navy would not release the sailor’s name, but once the attempted breach was investigated and concluded in late April, the individual received an administrative penalty.

According to a U.S. official familiar with the matter, the breach was caused by a junior enlisted sailor serving in the Navy’s hospital corps and stationed at Fort Belvoir, in Virginia, a large medical center.

He added that on February 23rd, the sailor made three attempts to access the information on the military medical system’s database, Genesis Medical Health System, but “he did not pull up the right Joe Biden.”

“The MHS Genesis system is a secure health system, and at no time was the President’s personal information compromised,” said Navy Commander Tim Hawkins.

The sailor’s coworker (Probably a Frigging Democrat) reported what had transpired, and the Naval Criminal Investigative Service opened an investigation on February 26th, according to the U.S. official. The sailor did admit throughout the investigation that he searched the president’s name, but he claims that he did so “out of curiosity.” The official stated that the probe ended on April 24th and that the sailor “never reached the president’s medical record.”

The White House staff was notified by the Defense Department of the attempted breach within hours, and the president was briefed about the sailor’s attempts to obtain his medical records.

The president receives annual physicals and any emergency medical care at the Walter Reed National Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, which is located just outside of Washington. However, the sailor was a part of the Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command, which is stationed at Fort Belvoir.

Two days following the start of the Navy’s criminal investigation, on February 28th, the president had his yearly medical at Walter Reed. The president’s physical, according to the White House official, “was previously planned and was not impacted by this incident.”

“The president’s physical and the attempted breach came a few weeks after a report issued Feb. 5by special counsel Robert Hur, who did not recommend criminal charges against the president for mishandling classified documents during the years after he served as vice president,” CBS reported.

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France’s Left-Wing Coalition Reveals Plan To Introduce 90 Percent Tax On Annual Income Over €400,000

French newly-elected Member of Parliament (MP) for the La France Insoumise (LFI) party of the leftist coalition “Nouveau Front Populaire” (New Popular Front – NFP) Sebastien Delogu (R) speaks to newly-elected Members of Parliament (MP) gathered at France’s National Assembly in Paris on July 9, 2024, following the second round of France’s legislative election. (Photo by ALAIN JOCARD / AFP)

After securing the majority of seats in Sunday’s election, the newly formed left-wing government in France has revealed plans to impose a ninety percent tax on its “wealthier” citizens.

The left-wing coalition known as the New Popular Front (NPF) shocked French politics this past weekend when it defeated both Emmanuel Macron’s Ensemble party and Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally.

Though the NPF secured the most seats (182), it was unable to secure a majority and will now soon face Macron.

The leaders of the NPF convened on Monday to decide who would be the nominee for head of their proposed new administration.

“We are preparing to govern, to apply the programmed which is ours,” said Manuel Bompard, coordinator of the France Unbowed party.

According to this plan, the retirement age will be lowered from 64-years-old to 60-years-old, and an annual income tax rate of 90% will apply to those earning over €400,000. €400,000 equates to approximately $432,736 U.S. dollars, according to Google’s money converter tool.

In addition, the NPF has pledged to spend a minimum of €150 billion over the next three years and has called for a minimum raise of 14%.

After the unexpected results on Sunday, Macron’s prime minister, Gabriel Attal, resigned, but the French president asked him to continue in an acting capacity right away.

However, according to Bompard, Attal, 35, would be going against the wishes of the French people if he stayed in his position.

“There is no question of Gabriel Attal’s continuation [as prime minister] wiping out the vote of French people,” he said, calling on Macron to “respect” the end result.

Meanwhile, Macron’s Ensemble supporters denied that the NPF won on Sunday.

“No one won,” stated Gérald Darmanin, the interior minister.

Le Pen, the leader of the National Rally, has maintained that her party’s victory was “only delayed” despite finishing third in Sunday’s election. Macron’s stance was likewise deemed “untenable” by her.

“We’ve been thrown into the arms of the extreme left and of Jean-Luc Melenchon,” said Jordan Bardella, the president of the National Rally.

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Tuesday, July 9, 2024



The 'Open Secret' About Kamala Harris That Is Fueling the Anybody-But-Kamala Chatter on Capitol Hill

As speculation continues to swirl around the frenzied campaign to replace Joe Biden and just who that replacement might be, the names of several prominent blue state governors have been widely reported on and discussed, like Gavin Newsom in California and Michigan's Gretchen Whitmer.

Vice President Kamala Harris, on the other hand, has almost been an afterthought.

In a hypothetical situation where there is talk of replacing the president at the top of the ticket, you'd think the default answer would be to turn to the veep - and stay there.

But we are not in normal times, this is not a hypothetical situation, and Kamala Harris is not your typical vice president considering what she knows about actually leading a nation, especially through troubling times, could be placed in a thimble with plenty of room to spare.

READ MORE: The Democrat Replacement Theory Faces a Kamala Quandary

Harris, a failed presidential candidate, was of course picked in 2020 for DEI-esque reasons as Joe Biden at the time was under immense pressure from powerful Democrats to select a woman of color for his VP nominee or else. He settled on Harris to try and quiet the wokesters in his party, the same ones who are now threatening to "blow the party up" should the DNC overlook Harris in the event Biden is replaced  - especially if that person is a white man.

But as the media puff pieces about Kamala crank up, and as she is likely in the midst of measuring the drapes,  the "open secret" about Kamala Harris is also once again bubbling to the surface - and it is one that I believe is fueling the "anybody but Kamala" panic on Capitol Hill and among big Dem donors, as explained well by left-leaning political commentator/author Matt Stoller:

We've already had a preview of sorts on this front, as Harris was hit the night of Biden's disastrous debate performance with a question from CNN's Anderson Cooper about what people were saying about it. Here's a partial video clip from that exchange:

Just cringe on steroids, and it won't get any better. This is who Kamala Harris is and always will be, never being able to rise to the moment and expecting to be shown deference because of the much-hyped historical "firsts" represented by her vice presidency.

Well here's another modern-day "first" for Kamala: Democrats don't want to elevate the vice president to the presidential nominee role in this situation because they know deep down she's not very good at what she does, as evidenced by the fact that there's nothing she's done since taking office that disproves that very inconvenient fact.

In short, Democrats are confirming in their own way that they know much of what their conservative critics said about Kamala Harris' "skills" all along is true, just like much of what has been said about Joe Biden's incoherency and acuity since before he was sworn in was true. 

Even shorter and more to the point: Toldjah so. Or as Die Hard's John McClane would say, "Welcome to the party, pal."

Flashback-->> WATCH: Scott Jennings Nails Critically Important Point on Biden's Performance As All Eyes Turn to Kamala


Senior House Democrat Urges Biden to Leave 2024 Race

Weapons Makers Rushing Donations to Rep. Adam Smith
Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash.

Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash., has called on President Joe Biden to end his reelection bid, marking the most senior Democratic lawmaker to make such a public appeal, The Hill reported.

During an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper on "The Lead," Smith, the top Democrat on the House Armed Services Committee, said, "Well, look, I think he should step aside. I think it's become clear that he's not the best person to carry the Democratic message.

"Our constituents are bringing it up; the country is bringing it up. The ... campaign strategy of 'Be quiet and fall in line, and let's ignore it' simply isn't working right now."

Smith's comments come after a private phone call on Sunday in which he and three other senior House Democrats discussed their belief that Biden should withdraw from the race. Sources familiar with the call confirmed these discussions.

In addition to Smith, the lawmakers urging Biden to step down include Reps. Jerry Nadler and Joe Morelle of New York and Mark Takano of California.

All four hold influential positions on key committees: Nadler on the Judiciary Committee, Takano on the Veterans' Affairs Committee, and Morelle on the House Administration Committee. Their unified stance brings the number of congressional Democrats publicly suggesting Biden reconsider his candidacy to nearly a dozen, NBC News reported.

Smith mentioned his preference for Vice President Kamala Harris as a stronger candidate. "Personally, I think Kamala Harris would be a much better, stronger candidate because she is, constitutionally, second. That's the way it's supposed to work," he said, clarifying that he does not advocate for Biden's resignation before the end of his term.

Despite these growing calls, Biden and his campaign remain steadfast. Speaking on MSNBC's "Morning Joe," Biden challenged other Democrats to compete against him at the national convention this summer, underscoring his belief that he remains the best candidate to defeat former President Trump.

"I'm getting frustrated by the elites in the party, 'Oh, they know so much more,'" Biden said on the MSNBC morning show. "Any of these guys that don't think I should run, run against me. Announce for president, challenge me at the convention," The Hill reported.

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