Thursday, July 11, 2024

Dave Portnoy Lights Up George Clooney: If Biden Was So Far Gone—Why'd You Wait 3 Weeks to Tell Us?

Barstool Sports founder and popular social media personality Dave Portnoy posted an internet rant Wednesday night blasting actor and Democrat cheerleader George Clooney for his op-ed calling on Joe Biden to step away from his reelection campaign. Clooney argued that the president is not "even the Joe Biden of 2020. He was the same man we all witnessed at the debate." 

Brutal words, George.

Wasn’t it just last month that you held a glitzy Tinseltown fundraiser that brought in $28 million for the befuddled president? Question: Why did you wait three weeks to tell Americans this very important news? 

Inquiring minds want to know, and Dave Portnoy has an inquiring mind. (Warning: major profanity):

George Clooney, what a f------ hero this guy is, huh? Comes forward today — now, this guy threw a fundraiser, raised tens of millions, co-chair for Biden, three weeks ago. Today comes out, he’s like, ‘Guess what? The guy you saw in the debate, that vegetable, that’s f------ Biden, he’s a vegetable. He was a vegetable three weeks ago.’ Acting like he’s doing some heroic thing.

Now, appreciation for internet rants can be in the eye of the beholder, and certainly, Portnoy is a loud, profane personality and has his detractors. He’s dead on here, though—Clooney got to play the Tinseltown hero by raking in huge amounts of cash for Biden, but now he’s belatedly stabbing him in the back weeks later. Not my kind of hero.

It doesn’t take the better part of a month to write an Op-Ed, George. 

One of the things I’ve focused on recently is the apparent astonishment across the Democratic universe regarding Biden’s decline. “I'm shocked! Shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!” they seem to be saying, but like the infamous Captain Louis Renault, played by Claude Rains in the 1942 classic “Casablanca,” they’ve known all along exactly what’s been going on. 

The New York Times, NBC’s Chuck Todd, Democrat lawmakers across the spectrum… They’re all saying, gosh, we didn’t see this coming. Even though the president’s decline has been in front of their—and our eyes—for years now. The dishonesty is off the charts.

I’m guessing Clooney—an extremely plugged-in Demcrat insider with a controversial progressive wife—like so many others, has known for a long time about Biden’s deterioration. But now he wants to be brave and make headlines by calling the president out. Are you just angling for a "Vanity Fair" cover? Where have you been for the last three and a half years, George? 

Portnoy was far from done:

"So what, George? If [Biden] didn’t do the debate… and wasn’t a vegetable, you were just going to keep your mouth shut?" Portnoy continued. "And by the way, if you just found out Biden was a vegetable, where have you been for two years? Everyone knows he’s a vegetable."

Portnoy claimed Biden can't "get on and off a stage without getting lost, he talks about dead people like he had lunch with them yesterday. He can’t f------ ride his bike without falling down. He can’t get up and down f------ Air Force One without taking a tumble. No s--- he’s a vegetable. He’s been a vegetable for two f------ years. Democrats don’t care."

Portnoy went on, and there’s plenty more in the above video. But he calls it right in his summation: "It’s all dirty politics." 

Clooney knew, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer knew, Vice President Kamala Harris knew, the list goes on ad nauseam… and yet they all lied to us. The chickens are coming home to roost, and good for Portnoy for calling it out, whatever you think of his style.

How stunning and brave are our Hollywood heroes!

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Biden Aside, The Regime Media Is Toast Too

Let’s put aside the crumbling ruins of the Democratic Party to celebrate, by making the rubble bounce, the total destruction of any residual credibility in the regime media. The regime media minions called in a napalm airstrike on their own position, and the fireball is rising. It’s beautiful, man.

For the last four years, the regime media has obediently defended Joe Biden against accurate observations by outsider media that he was a senile, decrepit, corrupt, old, perverted weirdo. This is because it didn’t matter to them that he was a senile, decrepit, corrupt, old, perverted weirdo. All that was fine. The regime media was perfectly happy with him being a senile, decrepit, corrupt, old, perverted weirdo as long as he wasn’t Donald Trump. So they either lied about it or did not do their purported job competently. Either way, they suck, and their sucking cannot and will not be hidden or excused.

Now, if you are of a certain age and you remember when the media at least pretended to be something other than a licensed and authorized propaganda front for the Democratic Party, you might be a little surprised at its open and obvious cheerleading for one partisan side. But to be surprised, you would literally have to have been in a coma for the last 20 years. The regime media is no longer a collection of once prestigious media outlets but a unified propaganda outfit. We based conservatives knew it. We had no doubt about it. We’ve been saying it to each other all along. This did not shock us. But it did shock normal people who still expected that the norms that the left had bulldozed, set on fire, and buried were still in play. It turns out they are not still in play and have not been in play for quite a while.

It was hilarious to watch the regime media hacks get all huffy about being shown to be clowns in the week of the disastrous debate. I wish I had invested in Jiffy-Pop. The simple fact is that they either knew about Joe Biden’s descent into dementialand or they didn’t know about his descent into dementialand. Neither one is a good look. Either they knew about it and covered it up, which I think is what actually happened, or they didn’t know about it and ended up looking almost as incompetent as the guy they were protecting. That might be worse.

We conservatives knew about it. We in the conservative media have been talking about his senility for years. I have certainly done my part. Do a Google search using the terms “Kurt Schlichter Townhall dementia Biden” and you get countless columns pointing out that this guy was a shambling golem since before he ever even allegedly won the presidency. How did we knuckle-dragging right-wing extremists manage to discover something all the geniuses of the regime media somehow overlooked? We conservative media types didn’t attend the University of College’s prestigious Media Matters School of Journalisming. They all did. That’s how they got their gigs at the New York Times, the Washington Post, NBC News, and all those other paragons of reporting excellence that didn’t manage to notice that Joe Biden was perpetually on the verge of soiling himself in public. How could they fail to ferret out this important information? Obviously, they weren’t looking. Did they somehow believe that because the right-wing media had identified an issue that they couldn’t look into it? Yes! We just watched over the last month as the regime media dismissed our observations of reality as a “cheap fake” conspiracy theory. Or, even more embarrassingly, did they actually believe the lies the Biden courtiers told them? “It’s a stutter, and if you say anything about it, you are a right-wing racist!”

There is no good outcome for them. There is only a good outcome for us, assuming our enemies around the world don’t use the incompetence of the White House as an excuse to nuke us. As I have said many times before, we are not the target of these revelations. All these revelations do is confirm what we’ve known through all the various regime media lie-cycles over the past decade. Remember the Russiagate lie? They gave each other Pulitzers over that one. Remember how Covid wasn’t brewed up in a Wuhan lab, and to so say it was anything but contagious pangolins was racist? Remember how Hunter‘s laptop was Russian disinformation – 51 bureaucratic hacks said so, dammit!

No, we conservatives know that if the media is talking, the regime media is lying in the service of the Democratic Party. But normal people don’t, or at least they didn’t until debate night. Normal people don’t go through life following these issues. Normal people go through life having actual lives. Every once in a while, politics intrudes on them because they’re good citizens, and they feel that they should at least pay a little bit of attention to politics around election time. And, unfortunately for Joe Biden, they paid attention when he challenged Donald Trump to walk into an ambush and ended up staggering out mortally wounded.

You couldn’t ask for a better humiliation for the regime media, which has no real choice but to fall back on “Gosh, can you believe those people in the Biden administration lied to us? What a bunch of rascals they are!” Their shameless finger-pointing is hilarious. It’s delightful to remind the Jake Tappers and Peter Bakers and Tater Stelter that if you have been reading Townhall, you knew the truth, and if you had been watching/reading CNN, the New York Times, or the Potato Post, you were utterly ignorant and misinformed.

What the regime media is going to find is its already limited credibility even more hamstrung, and that’s great because the regime media has been a potent weapon in the Democrat arsenal. Normal people just going through their day watching “Good Morning America” or “The View” or any of those other idiotic shows did not realize that they were actually being wet down by an unfiltered fire hose of leftist propaganda. The leftist messaging was hidden behind a haze of objectivity and delivered by nice ladies and men who pretended not to have an agenda when they totally had an agenda. But now, normal people know that these folks are liars. They know that they have been pulling an okey-doke. They know that the regime media has been treating them like idiots, and, hopefully, they are offended.

Yes, for the next couple of decades, every time the regime media says anything to us, our response needs to be, “What about Russiagate, Laptopgate, and Dementiagate?” To the limited extent that any Republican ever again goes on any of those regime channels or talks to any of the regime reporters, the first thing out of his mouth needs to be, “You’ve already shown yourself to be liars by pretending Joe Biden wasn’t senile until he senile all over himself on the debate stage, so I don’t expect to be treated fairly here. I expect you to continue to lie to your viewers and to me, and I’m going to point it out. Now, what are your loaded questions?”

The regime media could never endure for long pretending to be objective to get the benefits and respect an objective outlet is entitled to while simultaneously shrimping the toes of the Democrat Party. This collapse was inevitable. This humiliation was deserved. And this farce will never be forgotten.

Follow Kurt on Twitter @KurtSchlichter. Get the newest volume in the Kelly Turnbull People’s Republic series of conservative action novels set in America after a notional national divorce, the bestselling Amazon #1 Military Thriller, Overlord! And get his new novel about terrorism in America, The Attack!

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Biden's Campaign Staff Are All on the Verge of Mental Breakdowns

Democrats are being besieged by reporters over the 2024 race and Joe Biden’s health. It’s been a relentless media blitz that Democrats are not accustomed to—these reporters are their allies. Yet, Biden’s disastrous June 27 debate and his media missteps afterward led to panic among the party, where more supporters called for the president to step aside. Publicly, not many Democrats are coming out of the woodwork, though quite a few did come out of hiding yesterday. Privately, there seems to be a rapid consensus that this man doesn’t have what it takes to win, physically or mentally. 

The media hounding has taken its toll, with some statements from Democrats being intentionally vague, like not calling Biden to drop out but also saying he can’t win in November. This political heartburn is more intense among the Biden staffers, where morale is at an all-time low. Axios had a damning report into the operation that was very much shipwrecked, humiliated, and on the verge of a mental breakdown. Like most in liberal America, the debate left them gutted (via Axios):

President Biden's campaign staff, battling low morale and disillusionment, held its second all-hands conference call in less than a week Monday with Democratic National Committee staffers. 


Campaign chair Jen O'Malley Dillon has been internally stoic about the fallout from Biden's disastrous debate on June 27, aides said. 

As part of her own motivational speech, she told staffers that the 81-year-old president had been personally looking over the stats of what campaign workers are doing in key states and urged them to keep at it. 


The internal fallout from the debate was made worse by the White House's senior leadership appearing not to realize how deeply their own aides were impacted by watching Biden's meandering performance in Atlanta. 


"Is he okay?" a Biden aide texted another during the debate. 

Another Biden staffer recalled that given the president's energetic State of the Union address in March, "I was convinced before the debate that Biden would clean the floor with Trump." 

That staffer added that some members of their family "are panicky Democrats who have been convinced for a while that Biden was too old to run, and I'd been the one defending him. I had to reckon in real time with them that I thought they were right." 

Another Biden aide said they felt "numb." 

And a final Biden aide summed it up this way: "It was, in effect, the realization of every worst-case scenario." 

And it’s not just staffers; a significant chunk of the Democratic Party has the same levels of anxiety and frustration about this race now that the debate has ended. They’re equally shell-shocked as megadonors and Hill Democrats begin lining up against the president, calling for him to exit. Biden isn’t going anywhere right now, and the time frame to find a replacement might not be possible.

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Alex, Son Of George Soros And Anthony Weiner’s Ex-Wife Huma Abedin Are Engaged

Alex Soros and political staffer Huma Abedin arrives at the Booksellers Room of the White House on the occasion of the State Dinner with the Kenyan president at the White House in Washington, DC, on May 23, 2024.

Hillary Clinton’s former deputy chief of staff, Huma Abedin, and far-left political donor Alex Soros are now engaged, according to sources who spoke with the Page Six outlet.

Back in May, Alex Soros, 38, reportedly proposed to Abedin, 47, at home in New York City before they left for Italy for a ceremonial celebration, Vogue reported.

The controversial Democrat political couple were later seen in Italy vacationing and celebrating their engagement.

“The best way I can describe the relationship is effortless,” said a friend of Abedin who reached out to the outlet. “After a lot of tumultuous years for Huma, she’s relaxed and happy and in love,” the insider added.

“He [Alex] literally grew up with his dad hosting and being the biggest Democratic donor in American politics,” the source continued.

The son of billionaire Democrat donor George Soros and Abedin, who is occasionally referred to as a “political insider,” were initially linked earlier this year after the two shared a Valentine’s Day photo from a restaurant in Paris.

Abedin has also been spotted exiting her now-fiancĂ©’s downtown New York City residence a number of times.

“It’s a classic Clinton World couple,” stated a separate former senior Clinton staffer. “Alex is the perfect match for Huma.”

Abedin has long been referred to as Hillary’s “second daughter,” while Alex’s father, George Soros, is worth at least $6.7 billion, according to Forbes. George Soros recently announced his intentions to eventually hand over his empire to his son, Alex. The senior Soros was one of the top 10 contributors to Hillary’s 2016 presidential campaign, giving the campaign more than $9.5 million.

In February, the two had traveled to Munich, Germany, coinciding with the time frame of the Munich Security Conference, an annual international security policy conference that draws in powerful world leaders.

Previously, disgraced former Democrat Congressman Anthony Weiner and Abedin were married from 2010 to 2017. Weiner later entered a guilty plea to one charge of providing pornographic content to a minor child. A divorce was subsequently filed by his wife, Abedin, right before Weiner entered the guilty plea. He was given a sentence of 21 months in federal prison in September 2017.

This will be Alex Soros’s first marriage.

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Almost Every House Democrat Voted Against 'SAVE Act,' Requiring Proof Of Citizenship To Vote In Federal Elections

Migrants wait to be processed by Border Patrol agents in Eagle Pass, Texas.

Democrats previously alleged that foreign influence in the 2016 election was to blame for Donald Trump being elected as president. However, 198 House Democrats voted against a bill on Wednesday that would have required proof of citizenship in order to register to vote, preventing foreign nationals from voting in U.S. federal elections.

“Five Democrats joined with 216 Republicans to pass the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which also pushes states to remove non-citizens from voter rolls, sending the bill to the Senate. Another 198 Democrats voted against the legislation. Four other Republicans and 10 Democrats did not vote,” Daily Wire reported.

The five Democrats who joined the GOP were Representatives Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), Vicente Gonzalez Jr. (D-Texas), Don Davis (D-N.C.), Jared Golden (D-Maine), and Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (D-Wash).

Additionally, four Republicans and 10 Democrats chose not to take part in the vote.

The S.A.V.E. Act, proposed by Republicans, would demand documented verification of citizenship as a prerequisite for voter registration, amending the 1993 National Voter Registration Act. Through state motor vehicle agencies, applicants for driver’s licenses can register to vote under a 1993 law. There is reportedly no enforcement mechanism in place, even though registrants are required to attest to their citizenship status by checking a box under threat of perjury.

Meanwhile, Democrats argue that since voting by non-citizens is already prohibited, the law is worthless. As Axios reported earlier this week, House Minority Whip Katherine Clark (D-Mass.) urged Democrats to “VOTE NO” on the bill. This was the same message that Democrats used during Wednesday’s floor discussion.

“It is against the law for noncitizens to register to vote and to vote in federal elections,” Representative Joseph Morelle (D-N.Y.) asserted.

Representative Terri Sewell (D-Ala.) also chimed in and said: “We know that it is already illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal elections…Under current law, noncitizens would face up to five years in prison for attempting to vote in federal elections and even risk being deported.”

Although the opposing politicians are in fact correct about the law, the only thing preventing non-citizens from voting is a small square box on a voter registration form that individuals must check to confirm that they are telling the truth about their citizenship.

In order to prevent illegal votes from diluting the ballots of American citizens, the current law is seen by many as “essentially ineffective” as it relies on the honor system. Previously, that same honor system allowed 11,198 non-citizens to vote in Pennsylvania, according to the Washington Times.

Democrats further criticized the bill, claiming that it would prohibit U.S. citizens from registering to vote with just their driver’s license.

The Help America Vote Act, or HAVA, is a law used by the states that compares data from their motor vehicle administration database to newly registered voters’ information for federal elections. “An individual can present his driver’s license number or, if he doesn’t have one, the last four digits of his Social Security number,” The Federalist reported.

However, both of those documents are available to foreign nationals. This SSA government document explains how non-citizens can receive social security numbers.

In addition, in the state of California, prospective voters have the option to declare on their voter registration form that they do not have a Social Security number or a driver’s license identification number. Then, those voters are asked to show identification, not evidence of citizenship, using forms of ID that can include a credit card, gym membership, or utility bill.

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Wednesday, July 10, 2024



Cook Political Report: Trump Surging in Pa. as Dems Unravel

Cook Report: Trump Surges<br class='hidem'> in Swing State Pa.

Private polling from Democrat and Republican sources revealed that former President Donald Trump has extended his lead in Pennsylvania from 4 percentage points to 10 over President Joe Biden following their June 27 debate in Atlanta.

The information was released Tuesday by the nonpartisan Cook Political Report, which also stated that Minnesota, New Hampshire, and Nebraska's 2nd District, which Biden carried in 2020 by less than 8 percentage points each, have moved from "likely Democrat" to "lean Democrat" and that Trump's outside-the-margin-of-error leads in Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada move them from "toss up" to "lean Republican."

Democrats have been in crisis mode since the debate because Biden's performance raised concerns about his mental and physical health and whether the oldest-serving president in U.S. history has the capacity to serve another four-year term.

"That leaves three states in the 'toss up' column: Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin," the report's author, Amy Walter, wrote. "At present, Pennsylvania is the most vulnerable to a flip toward Trump. Biden has trailed in polling there since the spring by anywhere from 2-3 points.

"Since the debate, however, public and private polling has shown Trump opening up a bigger lead."

Biden won Pennsylvania by 80,555 votes in 2020. Trump won the state by 44,292 votes over Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Walter wrote that Pennsylvania is the only state in which Trump's super PAC, MAGA Inc., has spent substantially on advertising. According to data from AdImpact, between January and May, the super PAC has spent more than $10 million on advertising in the state.

"But we want to see some more post-debate polling in the battleground states before we shift these three midwestern states," Walter wrote.

Michael Katz

Michael Katz is a Newsmax reporter with more than 30 years of experience reporting and editing on news, culture, and politics.


Lawmakers demand answers from top Michigan official over suspected pro-Democrat electioneering

House committee demands Biden agency staff reveal travel history amid  electioneering claims | Fox News

Rep. Roger Williams, R-Texas,


EXCLUSIVE: The entire Michigan House GOP delegation — plus a major committee chair — is demanding answers from a top state official regarding the potential use of federal taxpayer dollars for pro-Democratic Party electioneering.

Rep. Roger Williams, R-Texas, led a letter to Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson calling for a probe into whether public funds for a federal agency-linked voter registration push may have been "weaponized" to "aid and abet President Biden's reelection campaign."

The demands followed Williams' May subpoena to the Small Business Administration for records relating to actions in a memo forged between the SBA and Benson’s department. 

The memo utilized a 2021 Biden executive order on "promoting access to voting" as its keystone and provided various directives relating to registering voters, according to the letter.


Williams, head of the House Small Business Committee, and the co-signers seek to determine whether there is documentation reflecting allegations the voter registration work done under the memo strategically favors Democrats. 

The letter claims 39 of 52 scheduled small business outreach events in Michigan take place in "counties with the highest populations of demographics targeted by the Democratic National Committee.

"Additionally, 100 percent of the visits to Michigan from the SBA Administrator and Deputy Administrator have taken place in counties with the highest populations of DNC target demographics."

Williams and co-signers, including Rep. Lisa McClain, R-Mich., questioned the proclivity of efforts occurring in places valued by the Biden administration and campaign.

"The United States is built upon the principle of free and fair elections, but the Biden administration seems to not care about upholding our democracy," McClain said Tuesday.


"Instead, they’re using the taxpayer-funded SBA to coordinate voter registration with Michigan’s Secretary of State."

She called that alleged behavior an "abuse of power" that risks future election integrity.

"I will not rest until I get to the bottom of [this]," McClain said.

Williams added that evidence shows the SBA "has the ability to indirectly campaign" for Biden in a must-win state.

"This is a ridiculous — and likely illegal — use of taxpayer resources. I thank my Michigan colleagues for joining me in this effort, and we will not stop until the SBA is completely and totally forthcoming," Williams said.

The letter cited a covertly recorded April video released by self-described "guerrilla journalist" James O’Keefe, which shows an SBA official claiming Small Business Administrator Isabel Casillas Guzman's travel is at times purposefully targeted to "indirectly campaign" for Biden.

In the video, a Guzman visit to vulnerable Sen. Jon Tester’s, D-Mont., home state is cited. The SBA official in the video notes Tester’s seat is a must-win for a continuing Democratic majority in the upper chamber. 

Citing that context, the letter demanded Benson turn over all documents and communications between her department, SBA officials and external contractors relating to Michigan voter registration.


It also demanded memo-related expense documentation, sources of the expense payments and the name of the state official designated as Benson's liaison with the SBA.

Benson was also asked to turn over lists of relevant events in Republican House districts with notations about whether that GOP member as well as the state’s two Democratic senators, Gary Peters and Deborah Stabenow, were invited.

"If either of the two senators were invited but a Republican member of Congress was not, please detail the reasoning behind the lack of invitation," Williams wrote.

In response to past criticisms of the Michigan Department of State’s (MDOS) work under the memo, spokeswoman Angela Benander said the agency enjoys being part of a "first-in-the-nation effort" with the small business community to "play an active role in our democracy."

"Allegations that this program is being used to drive large amounts of voter activity in a partisan manner are patently false," Benander said, adding, unsolicited, that criticisms of the voter registration web portal are unfounded due to its minimal use.

Critics, however, have suggested the attention given by a Biden administration agency to a key swing state in this way continues to draw suspicion.

Previously, Guzman said in a statement heralding the memo that it is meant to promote civic engagement and fulfill a Biden administration promise to protect and strengthen democracy.

"Small businesses are busy working on and in their businesses, and by meeting them where they are — on our website and at our small business outreach events — we can help facilitate voter registration and civic engagement so their voices are heard," Guzman said.

An SBA representative declined to respond to a question about the veracity of O'Keefe's video.


