Friday, July 26, 2024

Kamala Harris' Speech on the Gaza War Showed She Can Speak from Both Sides of Her Mouth

 Vice President Kamala Harris skipped Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to a joint session of Congress, instead addressing a college sorority in Indiana because it’s not like Israel isn’t a key American ally or anything. She met with Netanyahu on Thursday and delivered remarks regarding the Gaza war. Two things are notable: one is that Harris can deliver a serious speech that is devoid of her awkward social habits. When she reads her staff briefs on topics, she appears to be able to not trip over her tongue. As noted before, she’s beatable, but the GOP cannot become complacent; it should act as if we’re six points down. Stay hungry. Yet, her remarks on the war were hollow because we all know how she feels: she’s a left-wing radical, and the elliptical language she used masked it well last night. 

It was a gross exercise in doublespeak. Sure, it sounded like a potential Harris White House would be in lockstep behind Israel. Still, it was not different than Biden’s nonsensical “ironclad” support statements, which followed by disrupting the flow of crucial arms shipments. I stopped paying attention when she said that a two-state solution is the only way to establish lasting peace in the region. That policy goal, which has evaded multiple presidencies, died on October 7, 2023. Netanyahu is going soon, but his policy of Israeli forces assuming security responsibilities in the region with a buffer zone along the border will remain, no matter who replaces him. 


"I told [Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu] that I will always ensure Israel is able to defend itself..."

— (@townhallcom) July 25, 2024

One side wants to wipe out all the Jews, Madam Vice President. You cannot negotiate when one party at the table wants the other dead—it simply cannot work.

Also, there is nothing nuanced about this phase of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Hamas must be wiped out, and the hostages returned, even if it only remains at this point. The plea to educate each other about the conflict was also insulting, indicative of the Left’s self-righteous disposition and their penchant for lecturing the electorate about what they think is the right choice. It’s even more embarrassing since the Democratic Party base writ large either endorsed antisemitism, enabled it, or became full-fledged advocates of such bigotry. We saw that Wednesday when pro-Hamas thugs stormed Union Station in Washington D.C., took down American flags, and set some on fire. 

It is beyond tone-deaf that the party that is fraught with and kowtows to antisemites wants to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The lack of self-awareness is almost comical. The side's nonsense about calling out both antisemitism and islamophobia was also ridiculous, signaling to Muslim communities that are infuriated with the Biden-Harris administration over how they’ve handled the Gaza War. To them, this White House is enabling genocide, which isn’t based in fact and lives in the minds of the proto-Nazis we’ve seen gathering in front of Jewish businesses and communities and taking over college campuses. These are the people Kamala needs to cater to in this election. Remember that, and remember that Harris would abandon Israel if she could. 


Biden Says He's Firm On 'No Pardon For Hunter,' But Skeptics Aren't Buying It

Hunter Biden, son of U.S. President Joe Biden, arrives to the J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building

The White House has doubled down and reiterated that President Joe Biden will “not” be pardoning his son, Hunter Biden, after he was found guilty of three federal firearm charges.

However, skeptics on the right and the left still aren’t convinced.

In all, Hunter Biden was found guilty of making a false statement during the purchase of a gun, making a false statement related to information required to be kept by a federally licensed gun dealer, and possession of a gun by a person who is an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance.

The first son previously lied in October 2018 after checking the “no” box on a federal firearm form that asked if he was a user or addicted to controlled substances.

Additionally, Hunter Biden’s long history of drug abuse has been widely known, as Hunter himself published a memoir in 2021 titled Beautiful Things in which he recounts his lengthy history of addiction.

During the trial, Hunter’s attorneys did not deny his history of substance abuse, but rather, opted to argue that on the day Hunter bought the firearm, he “did not consider himself” to be an active drug addict.

Last month in an interview with ABC News, President Biden claimed to have ruled out pardoning his son, saying that he would choose to accept the verdict of the case as he trusted the judicial system.

Although White House Press Secretary Andrew Bates re-confirmed on Tuesday that the president would not pardon Hunter, skepticism is beginning to mount now due to Biden recently dropping out of the 2024 presidential race. 

“The president spoke to this in his ABC interview. His comments stand,” said Bates.

Meanwhile, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) recently spoke on a podcast and speculated what the odds were of President Biden pardoning his son now that he has opted out of the 2024 presidential race

“I’m going to place the odds that Joe Biden pardons Hunter Biden at 100%. Hunter Biden will get a pardon as a result of this decision,” said Cruz. “It will not happen till after Election Day. He’s not going to do it before Election Day. But he’s going to stick around. And after Election Day, I believe it is now 100% that Joe Biden will pardon Hunter,” he explained.

Ted Cruz predicts Joe Biden will pardon Hunter after Election Day. Hunter’s been convicted on gun charges and his tax evasion trial is yet to come.

— James Lynch (@jameslynch32) July 23, 2024

Hunter Biden is set to be sentenced in October on federal charges pertaining to the illegal firearm purchase.

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Judge Scarsi Threatens To Sanction Hunter’s Lawyers For Their 'False Statements'

Hunter Biden’s attorneys made “false statements” in their attempts to get his criminal charges in California dropped, and a federal judge threatened to punish them for it.

In an order dated Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Mark Scarsi requested that Hunter Biden’s legal team “show cause why sanctions should not be imposed for making false statements in the motion.”

Scarsi further stated that U.S. Attorney David Weiss did not file charges against the president’s son until after he was designated special counsel, despite what Biden’s lawyers had falsely claimed.

“These statements, however, are not true, and Mr. Biden’s counsel knows they are not true,” Scarsi wrote.

In a motion submitted to the court last week, Biden’s attorneys requested that the criminal charges against him in California be dropped. Biden is set to go on trial in the fall on charges of submitting fraudulent tax returns and evading taxes.

Additionally, they submitted a motion to a Delaware judge that requested the dismissal of Hunter’s criminal charges related to his federal firearms case, which culminated in his conviction last month.

The attorneys recently referenced U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon’s recent ruling in Florida, where she dismissed charges against former President Trump related to sensitive documents, on the grounds that special counsel Jack Smith was not duly appointed. According to Cannon, Congress’s constitutionally granted role in the nomination process is “effectively usurped” by appointing him as special counsel.

In an effort to get Weiss’s allegations dropped, Biden’s legal team claimed that Weiss had years of experience as a U.S. attorney and was free to “bring whatever charges he believed were merited, but he brought no charges until after he received the Special Counsel title that he sought.”

Weiss filed the initial charges against Biden while serving as a U.S. attorney and before being named Special Counsel, according to Scarsi’s written statement in his ruling. Although Biden was anticipated to enter a guilty plea, Weiss indicted him and began getting ready for trial when the plea agreement fell through the previous year.

“The misstatements in the current motion are not trivial. Mr. Weiss’s institution of charges against Mr. Biden in his capacity as U.S. Attorney offers a meaningful distinction between this case and the nonbinding district court decision on which Mr. Biden bases his motion,” Scarsi wrote.

“But Mr. Biden’s motion does not engage with this distinction; instead, counsel avoids the issue by misrepresenting the history of the proceedings,” he continued, saying that the court “has little tolerance for lack of candor from counsel.”

Biden’s lawyers have seven days, according to Scarsi, to reply to the order. Failure to “file a timely and satisfactory response will result in sanctions.”

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Thursday, July 25, 2024



Trump Slams Harris at N.C. Rally: 'Radical Left Lunatic'

Trump Zings Harris in 1st Rally Since Biden Left Race: 'Radical Left Lunatic'


Former President Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, told a raucous crowd at a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Wednesday that he's dropping the gloves when it comes to Vice President Kamala Harris, the presumptive Democrat presidential nominee.

"You know, I was supposed to be nice," Trump said at the Bojangles Coliseum in his first rally, broadcast by Newsmax and simulcast on the Newsmax2 online streaming platform, since President Joe Biden withdrew from the presidential race. "They say something happened to me when I got shot. I became nice. And when you're dealing with these people, they're very dangerous people. When you're dealing with them, you can't be too nice. You really can't be. So if you don't mind, I'm not going to be nice. Is that OK?"

Trump then launched into Harris, saying if she were elected, "she would be the most radical far-left extremist ever to occupy the White House. Times 10. There's never been a lunatic like this in the White House, and we've had some bad ones.

"She is a radical-left lunatic who will destroy our country if she ever gets the chance to get into office," Trump said. "We're not going to let that happen. She's now trying to get rid of her record, but she can't. She's going out and saying things that she doesn't believe. And if she ever got in, she'd destroy this country so fast. So she was the border czar, but she never went to the border, right?

"As border czar, Kamala threw open our borders and allowed 20 million illegal aliens to stampede into our country from all over the world. As vice president, she cast the tie-breaking votes that created the worst inflation in half a century, decimating middle-class families and hurting very badly, as you know, all people in North Carolina. ... And when Kamala Harris was sent to Europe to deter Russia? What a joke that was.

"How did that work out? Russia answered by launching the invasion just five days after she left. [Russian President Vladimir] Putin laughed at her like she was nothing. She is nothing. She's going to be — she's so bad for us. Everything Kamala touches turns into a total disaster."

Trump said Harris can't be trusted because she lied to Americans about Biden's capacity to perform his duties as president.

"If Kamala will lie to you so brazenly about Joe Biden's mental incapacity, then she will lie to you about anything," he said. "She can never, ever be trusted. And just like crooked Joe Biden, Kamala Harris is unfit to lead. She'll destroy our country in a year.

"A vote for Kamala is a vote for four more years of dishonesty, incompetence, weakness, and failure. Other than that, she's doing an excellent job."

Michael Katz

Michael Katz is a Newsmax reporter with more than 30 years of experience reporting and editing on news, culture, and politics.

© 2024 Newsmax

What WAS That?

It’s been an insane news cycle—Joe Biden unintentionally revealed to the world that the left and the corrupt media have been lying to us for years and that he is actually mentally compromised—a fact that he made clear during one of the most consequential political debates in history, where he basically faceplanted—the former president and now-GOP nominee for president was shot, Biden quit his reelection campaign, and now Kamala Harris is being sold to us by that same corrupt media as the Second Coming despite her long record as a raging leftist.

I will quote Fox News political commentator Brit Hume, who said Wednesday night:

It’s as extraordinary period of news as I can remember; I’ve been in this for well over a half century, [and] in terms of news, this is the most tumultuous period I can think of.

Political junkies therefore tuned in Wednesday night for an Oval Office speech by Joe Biden, who was supposedly going to explain why he abandoned his reelection efforts despite vociferously assuring us for months that there was no chance that he would do so. Would the president deliver moving remarks, would he bring the country together in the way that Ronald Reagan did after the Challenger disaster or George W. Bush did after 9/11? Would he come clean on his health issues, which are so obvious to any sentient American, would he fully reveal his thought process surrounding the monumental decision to give up on his campaign? Would he explain how he’s still capable of running the country for six more months despite the fact that he’s now essentially a lame duck?

No, no, no, and no. He did none of those things. In fact, it was an inexplicable, sleep-inducing monologue that tried to throw in all sorts of high-minded ideals like “Democracy” and “who we are” but essentially said nothing.

RedState’s Bonchie didn’t feel the thrill up the leg:

A Confused Joe Biden Gives Address to the Nation, Only Deepens the Scandal Around Him and Kamala Harris

I cannot imagine who thought this was a good idea or thought it would quiet the questions that so many citizens have about what’s going on and what things look like going forward.

RedState held a lively Live Blog on the whisper-fest; you can see what we had to say here. As we watched, many of us thought that he was going to do the right thing and resign, but that did not happen.

The guest who wouldn't leave:

RedState Live Blogs the Biden 2024 Dropout Address to the Nation

My better half posted some excerpts:

Biden has delivered angry speeches, he’s delivered divisive speeches where he calls half of the electorate enemies of Democracy, he’s dropped remarks that he’s plagiarized from others, but this… this was a nothing speech. He revealed little of consequence, he assuaged no fears, he accomplished zero except perhaps to show that he’s still breathing. I have no idea what the point of it was, and except for shameless cheerleaders like CNN’s Van Jones—who was once again almost in tears, he was so moved—I don’t see how it helps Americans feel better about their security knowing that we have a lame-duck president who doesn’t make much sense. We all know that Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin are paying attention.

Speaking of which: was this incursion just a coincidence? Sure doesn’t feel like it, considering it happened on the exact same day as Biden’s tepid “farewell” speech:

Provocations: Russian, Chinese Military Aircraft Intercepted Off Alaskan Coast


The Look on Jill Biden's Face During Joe's Speech Says Everything

'To those who never wavered...': Jill Biden offers heartfelt thanks to her  husband's supporters
Nick Arama

Joe Biden gave a confused address at the White House on Wednesday evening that was supposed to address why he dropped out of the 2024 presidential race. Instead, he had so little respect for the American people he didn't even lay out the specific reason, saying only that he dropped out to unite the party and "save democracy." So basically he was admitting this was an effort to increase their chances in the election. It was a cynical attack on democracy, throwing the votes of millions of Americans under the bus. He tried to convince us he was "saving democracy" by ultimately caving to the attack on democracy. 

During the speech, the first thing that struck me immediately was his pupils looked dilated and he was badly slurring, even for him. He said he decided the best way forward was to "pass the torch to a new generation." Um, no, you aren't a king and you don't get to decide who takes over. The Democrats left him in there during the primary, telling everyone that he was fine and the best option. But then, once everyone voted for him and they realized they were going to lose, they wanted to swap him out — and in the meantime, Kamala Harris didn't have to face a primary for the position. So he thinks he can just crown her without a vote. Even BLM isn't buying that strategy. 


A Confused Joe Biden Gives Address to the Nation, Only Deepens the Scandal Around Him and Kamala Harris

Black Lives Matter Calls DNC 'Hypocrites' Trying to 'Manipulate Black Voters by Anointing Kamala Harris'

But one of the things that I found striking about all this — besides the Democrats thinking they can put this over on us — was how stricken all the Bidens looked now that they were about to be booted from power, particularly Jill and Hunter. I don't have an ounce of sympathy for them after everything Joe put the country through. Their grip on power is swiftly coming to an end and they don't look at all happy. Now, that's a great thing. 

The look on Jill's face in the following two pictures says it all — she's so upset. 

Here she is, as Ashley hugs Joe. 

But how did the media report on all this manipulation? 

Let's check out Robert Costa of CBS. 

A powerful photo. The hand toward his father’s face. The eyes. Put aside politics and everything related for a moment, and viewed simply on a human level, you see two men, father and son, still at each other’s side, more than a half-century since the darkness of Dec. 18, 1972.

Gah — several words come to mind: cringe, bootlicking, simpering. Where's the holding power accountable for throwing the votes of the people under the bus? Where are the questions about the money and the alleged influence peddling? What an example of why people no longer trust the media. 

Jill Biden did have some final thoughts that she put out in a letter. 

To those who never wavered, to those who refused to doubt, to those who always believed, my heart is full of gratitude.Thank you for the trust you put in Joe—now it’s time to put that trust in Kamala. Love,Jill

Oh, and all you folks who pushed Joe out? I'll just not acknowledge you at all because we only acknowledge those who support the narrative. Even in these brief words, it's clear she's really upset that they're being shown the door. What was there to believe in when Biden so harmed the American people with his actions? That Kamala went along with all that is reason alone not to vote for her, in addition to the fact that she's a poor candidate all on her own. But now Jill is going to have to learn how to cope without being in the limelight, and no one is more deserving of that fall from power. 


Did This Democrat Just Admit What We All Knew About Kamala Harris' VP Role

I think we can all agree that Vice President Kamala Harris was never qualified to be President Joe Biden’s running mate. 

Since day one of the Biden-Harris Administration, her approval ratings have been shockingly low compared to the president’s, and that says a lot for a man who can’t walk up a flight of stairs. 

I mean, this is how most of her interviews go: 

So, it wouldn’t be surprising to find out that Harris was made Biden’s VP for one reason and one reason only: her race. 

As a party that is constantly shoving DEI initiatives down voter’s throats, of course, they had to put a black woman in the White House, especially since their chances of winning the election were so low. 

According to political activist Jack Posobiec, Democrat Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-Mich.) was the favored candidate to run alongside Biden in 2020. 

However, Biden chose his running mate during the 2020 George Floyd riots, and then suddenly, the left went full-blown Black Lives Matter. 

So, they quickly had to change course and pick someone who checks their DEI boxes. 

Enter Harris. 

In 2020, late Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) 

 Senator Harry Reid Casket Arrival & Memorial Service at U.S. Capitol

told the New York Times that Biden chose Harris solely because of her race, admitting that her skin color was essential to the president’s campaign pitch. 

The Times later revealed that Harris was not Biden’s first pick, noting that he was eyeing several other candidates, such as Whitmer and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). 

This comes as Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-FL) defended Harris on Tuesday from critics who claimed she is a “DEI hire.” 

“This is a right-wing campaign that's going to be racist [and] misogynistic against the vice president," Frost said. “These are just racist dog whistles. Whenever you hear 'DEI,' I want you to think about the N-word. I want you to think about racial slurs. That's what they actually mean.”

Frost claimed that former President Donald Trump’s election campaign would focus on being “racist and misogynistic” against Harris. 

He couldn’t understand why Harris would be compared to a “DEI hire” because, according to Frost, “she has more experience than Trump and J.D. Vance combined.”

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