Thursday, August 1, 2024

Families Of Victims Disappointed As U.S. Reaches Plea Deals With '9/11 Mastermind,' 2 Others (Democrats Destroying America.)

394261 14: A fiery blasts rocks the World Trade Center after being hit by two planes September 11, 2001 in New York City. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
A fiery blasts rocks the World Trade Center after being hit by two planes September 11, 2001

Three men who are accused of planning out the 9/11 attacks that killed 2,976 innocent people have reached a plea agreement with U.S. prosecutors.

In a statement released on Wednesday, the Office of Military Commissions (OMC) announced that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and two other co-conspirators, Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin Attash and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi, pleaded guilty to planning the largest terrorist attack on U.S. soil.

According to reports, the men pleaded guilty in exchange for life sentences, rather than their originally intended death sentences.

“In exchange for removal of the death penalty as a possible punishment, these three accused have agreed to plead guilty to all of the charged offenses, including the murder of the 2,976 people listed in the charge sheet,” said a letter signed by Rear Adm. Aaron C. Rugh, chief prosecutor for the OMC.

Needless to say, families of the victims were not pleased about the news of the plea deal.

Daniel D’Allara, whose twin brother, John D’Allara’, was killed during the attacks, spoke to the New York Post outlet about his thoughts on the matter. His brother was also one of the 23 NYPD police officers who lost his life while trying to save others.

“I am very disappointed. We waited patiently for a long time. I wanted the death penalty — the government has failed us,” he said.

Retired police officer Jim Smith felt like he “was kicked” when he found out the news. His wife, Moira Smith, was the only female officer who died on 9/11.

“The prosecution and families have waited 23 years to have our day in court to put on the record what these animals did to our loved ones. They took that opportunity away from us,” he said. “They committed the worst crime in the history of our country, they should receive the highest penalty.”

The trio were all first jointly charged in 2008 and then again in 2012 in connection to the tragedy. Since being in U.S. custody, they have been spending time at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, a United States military prison.

In 2008, Mohammed was charged with a list of crimes, including conspiracy, murder in violation of the law of war, attacking civilian objects, intentionally causing serious bodily injury, attacking civilians, destruction of property in violation of the law of war, terrorism, and material support of terrorism.

Mohammed is said to have been the individual who first proposed the September 11th, 2001 attack to the now-deceased Osama bin Laden. He then went on to play a massive part in planning the attack, as he had trained some of the plane hijackers.

Bin ‘Attash allegedly trained the terrorist hijackers in hand-to-hand combat, as well as taking on the responsibility of researching the airline timetables.

Additionally, Al Hawsawi contributed to the terrorist attack by helping the hijackers with their “finances and travel arrangements.”

They are set to be sentenced in Guantánamo Bay on August, 5th.

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Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Kari Lake Wins GOP Primary For Arizona Senate Race

 Kari Lake won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in Arizona on Tuesday, setting up a fierce fight against Democrat Rep. Ruben Gallego for a seat that could be crucial to deciding Senate control.

Newsmax and Decision Desk HQ called the race for Lake, a staunch supporter of former President Donald Trump, about an hour after the polls closed. With 62% of the votes totaled, Lake had a 53.3% to 40.7% lead over Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb. A third candidate, Elizabeth Reye, had 6.1%. Gallego ran unopposed in the Democrat primary.

The winner will replace Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, who was elected as a Democrat in 2018 but left the party to become an independent after her standing among the Democrat base cratered. Sinema considered running as an independent but opted against it.

"Go vote," Trump urged supporters in a telephone rally with Lake on Monday night. "She's fantastic. She will not let us down. Kari Lake, I just think she's going to be as good as you can get. There's nobody going to be better."

The once-crowded field of Republicans looking at the Senate race thinned out when Lake, who built a national profile in Trump's "Make America Great Again" movement in an unsuccessful 2022 bid for Arizona governor, made clear she planned to run for the seat.

Lamb said he was more electable and the best candidate to secure the border. But he struggled to raise the money needed to make his case to voters. Through the end of June, Lake had raised $10.3 million compared with Lamb's $2 million.

Lake entered politics after leaving the news anchor desk at the Phoenix Fox affiliate and quickly became a rising star in the GOP. Grassroots Republicans were drawn to her biting critiques of her former colleagues in the news media, her tough talk on border security and her unwavering support for Trump, who for a time considered her for his running mate.

"We're looking forward to getting you back in Washington, D.C.," Lake said to Trump during Monday's telephone rally. "And I'm looking forward to helping back you up and make sure that we get this country gets turned back around."

American 'Influencer' Goes to West Bank, Interviews Residents on Support for Hamas, Gets Rude Awakening

While the term "influencer" is generally associated with vapid young women playing on their looks and scanty clothing to draw attention, once in a while one person claiming to be an "influencer" does some actual journalism. On Tuesday, such an example arose in the case of one Zach Sage Fox, 

 a Jewish American who passed himself off as an Italian to enter the West Bank and survey the residents as to the level of support for Hamas. What he found was shocking, but not really surprising.

Fox, a "loud and proud" Jewish American, was in Israel to create content when a member of his production team offered him the opportunity to enter the West Bank alongside a Muslim producer and cameraman. Fox knew it could be a dangerous project but was interested because American journalists are rarely able to secure unfettered access to Palestinians.  

"Israelis are literally not allowed into Palestine; they're not allowed into the West Bank. However, I'm not Israeli, I'm an American Jew, and it doesn't say ‘Jew’ on my passport. So, I was told, ‘As long as you don't say you're Jewish, you know, they're not going to kill you on the spot,’" Fox told Fox News Digital

That's taking managing expectations to the next level; that much is certain. Fox was able to pass himself off as Italian in ancestry and entered the West Bank to speak to locals and gauge the actual level of support for Hamas and, presumably, Hamas's actions against Israel.

Fox began his time in the West Bank with a prearranged interview with a man who was described to him by his Muslim producer as a "very smart and civil," "somewhat moderate" thinker who holds a Master’s degree and speaks good English. They sat down at a coffee shop in Ramallah, the Palestinian "capital" located near Jerusalem.

The man denied that "innocent Israelis" were killed during the attacks of October 7, expressed support for Hamas and suggested rape never occurred during the barbaric attacks. 

"I realized quickly, if this is someone being presented to me as one of the more educated people, I might be in for a real shock," Fox said. 

He was in for a real shock, as Americans have been in for some real shocks at just what these people are willing to do - and how many young American skulls full of mush are willing to support them.

See Related: Understaffed Park Service Left on Its Own As Pro-Hamas Protesters Trash DC- 'We've Just Been Neglected'

Israel Strikes Hezbollah After Rocket Attack On Soccer Field as Many Fear a New War Is Imminent

Fortunately, Fox's cover, namely that he was of Italian, not Jewish descent, held, or he would likely not been allowed to leave the West Bank; indeed, he may well have suffered the same fate as some of the Oct 7 hostages.

It got worse when Fox attempted to interview a woman.

This young man doesn't lack for courage, we have to give him that; while he styles himself as a "social media influencer," in this exercise he has earned himself the title of journalist, and showed some stones in the doing. And what he has revealed is notable. The people he interviewed, and most especially the mob that surrounded him when he attempted to interview a woman, are not civilized people. Civilized people don't wish death on their neighbors. Civilized people don't support barbarians who commit atrocities on the innocent. Civilized people don't deny those atrocities when they occur - and most of all, civilized people don't support people who commit mass rape, mass murder, and put babies in ovens.

When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke at the U.S. Capitol last week, he described this conflict as a clash between civilization and barbarity. He was right, and nothing illustrates that more clearly than the account of Zach Sage Fox's foray into the West Bank.


The Honeymoon Is Over: New Harvard/Harris Poll and DNC Leaks May Sink Kamala Harris' Ship

Well, that didn't last long. The coronation of Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democrat nominee for president was supposed to sweep her on a wave of support into the Democrat National Convention. The donors and the voters were meant to see her as the inevitable candidate and the only one worthy of the nomination.

Womp Womp.

As my colleague Bonchie and our sister site Hot Air reported, Harris may appear as though she is gaining traction, but when you dig deeper, Harris is still losing the race to former President and Republican nominee for president Donald Trump. Despite the media gaslighting and the campaign's push, Harris is neither inevitable nor unbeatable.

Say, whose honeymoon is this, anyway? Supposedly, Kamala Harris has "totally upended" the race with The Anointment and the media's rush to proclaim the advent of "Kamalot." Also, Donald Trump only has a ceiling in the mid-40s and can't possibly win an outright popular-vote majority, especially with such a Historic Candidate™ as an opponent.

Or so analysts thought. According to a new Harvard-Harris CAPS poll, Donald Trump leads Kamala Harris 52/48 with leaners, and 48/45 without. Harris has improved Joe Biden's numbers on the latter, but not the former.

But here's the worse news for the Harris campaign. Independents and undecided voters are breaking in the direction of Donald Trump, not toward Kamala Harris.

Even the unsure voters are breaking toward Trump, at least somewhat. The more worrisome data for Democrats are in the charts below, however. Trump holds Republicans to the ticket better than Harris holds her own party in both formulations. In fact, her 87% without leaners should be a red flag for the DNC, suggesting strongly that the party is not as sold on The Anointing as the media claims, even with the full-court press on Kamalot! 

Take a look at the indie numbers, too. Trump leads by six points without leaners -- and six points with leaners. One has to wonder whether the sample tilts a bit toward the Dems based on those results plus the party loyalty numbers above. If so, Trump's still scoring an outright majority over Harris, who's attractiveness as a candidate is at its zenith before she's forced to open her mouth about policy.

And we all know what happens when she opens her mouth. But the Harris campaign continues pumping out the propaganda, particularly from the newly-minted "Harris Wins" X account.

"Plummeting?" That's an interesting perspective. And the hyperbole about the Trump campaign in panic and looking to replace JD Vance is purely fake news. They WISH he would replace JD Vance, as he is doing exactly what he was chosen to do: drive the Left crazy and cause the Republican establishment to scratch their heads. Another sign that the Kamala Harris bloom is not only off the rose, but wilting on the ground, is the fact that the short list of Harris' VP picks has gotten shorter because at least two of the chosen ones have indicated they do not want the job.

Two lawmakers seen as strong contenders in the race to become Kamala Harris’s running mate have announced that they are not in the running. On Monday, Michigan’s governor, Gretchen Whitmer, and the North Carolina governor, Roy Cooper, both said that while they support the vice-president, they will be staying in their posts in their respective states.

“This just wasn’t the right time for North Carolina and for me to potentially be on a national ticket,” Cooper said in a statement posted to Twitter/X on Monday. “As I’ve said from the beginning, she has an outstanding list of people from which to choose, and we’ll all work to make sure she wins.”

In an interview with CBS, Whitmer said that she has not been vetted by Harris’s office and expects Harris to announce her pick within the week, which would confirm the Democratic ticket at least two weeks before the Democratic national convention begins on 19 August in Chicago.

“I have communicated with everyone, including the people of Michigan, that I’m going to stay as governor until the end of my term at the end of 2026,” Whitmer said.

As my colleague Ward Clark reported, Harris will announce her VP in two weeks and is scheduled to do a tour of battleground states with said pick. Those still open to self-immolation: PA Gov. Josh Shapiro, MN Gov. Tim Walz, KY Gov. Andy Beshear, and AZ Sen. Mark Kelly. While these are white men slated to give the "Black" woman gravitas (there's a a ton of tropes here that would take too long to get into!), none of these politicians excite anyone but the wine-sipping "White Women for Kamala" and the testosterone-deficient "Dudes for Kamala Harris." Maybe the VP will give her a boost, and maybe not. But if the top of the ticket hasn't greatly moved the needle, a No. 2 may initially raise some excitement, but will ultimately flame out just as quickly as this coronation.

READ MORE It's On: Harris and Her Unnamed VP Pick Planning Tour of Battleground States

In another sign that the Harris campaign may be in trouble, O'Keefe Media Group (OMG) just dropped an interview with a Democrat National Committee manager who basically said that Harris has "no accomplishments to speak of," and that they lie to the donors in order to extract the money they need.

This is my shocked face. The World War II military expression comes to mind: "Loose lips, sink ships." Consider this OMG expose one of the many leaks that will contribute to the sinking of the Good Ship Kamala. 


“I don’t think Kamala Harris would win this year,” reveals Joyce DeCerce (@JoyceDecerce) (he/him), Compliance Manager for the Democratic National Committee (@DNC) and Kamala Harris' (@KamalaHarris) Campaign.

 DeCerce adds, “She doesn’t have any accomplishments to speak of,” suggesting that Harris’s lack of popularity stems from her underachievement while in office. 

Regarding Harris’s approval amongst voters, the DNC Compliance manager states, “She's weirdly unpopular." 

DeCerce describes his role within the DNC as “an accounting function,” explaining, “It’s kind of like where accounting and legal meet.” 

DeCerce admits that the DNC’s engagement with donors is little more than a façade. He explains, “You just put on a performance for them, a little show, right?” implying that the DNC merely tells donors what they want to hear in order to receive donations. He further claims that the DNC’s approach is to fuel donors’ fantasies with empty promises, emphasizing, “They want their fantasy to be, you know, fed.” 

When @OKeefeMedia reached out to Kristin Hetherington, the CFO of the DNC, for comment, she hung up the phone in frustration after questioned if the DNC tells donors "what they want to hear," and if they play to donor's "fantasies." 

The undercover journalist who recorded Joyce DeCerce received a threatening postcard at her house featuring racial undertones in an apparent attempt to intimidate her and prevent this story from being aired. 


Why Does Chuck Schumer Want Trump to Replace JD Vance So Badly?

Would you believe that this guy is supposedly a Jew 😏

Ever since former and potentially future President Donald Trump picked Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) as his running mate earlier this month, Democrats have gone after the vice presidential pick. The effort trying to highlight how Vance is supposedly "weird" has itself been rather weird. Another oddity is how Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) appears to be so hung up on Vance.

Robert Costa asked Schumer during Sunday's episode of CBS News' "Face the Nation" if senators in battleground states should ask Vice President Kamala Harris, likely the Democratic nominee, to campaign with them. Schumer gave a laughable response about President Joe Biden and Harris and then launched into quite the rant against Vance.

Not only did Schumer stress that "the Biden-Harris record is just incredible," he also even claimed "it's a great, great record, and it's helping our Senate candidates run on it." 

Schumer should know something about Harris, given that they were both in the Senate at the same time. Even though GovTrack deleted their webpage about 2019, it doesn't change that Harris was ranked the most liberal senator for that year and one of the least bipartisan ones. 

"And let me just say one thing, just compare that to the Republican record to the Trump-Vance ticket. It's extreme, this Project 2025 shows that would take the rights away from women. It would take away rights of working people and help only the very wealthy, it would even be a threat to our democracy," Schumer went on to insist. 

No matter how many times Democrats desperately look to connect the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 with the Trump-Vance campaign, it doesn't change how they're separate. Such a claim also shows that Democrats, including top ones like Schumer, are obsessed with talking points focusing on abortion and a supposed "threat to our democracy."

Earlier on Tuesday, the Trump-Vance campaign sent out a statement distancing themselves even further, especially after the director of the project reportedly stepped down

As if Schumer hadn't made his thoughts clear enough about Vance, he wished to get in "one more point about this," as he insisted Vance being on the ticket is "incredibly a bad choice." He even tried to put himself in Trump's mind. "I think Donald Trump, I know him, and he's probably sitting and watching the TV, and every day, Vance, it comes out Vance has done something more extreme, more weird, more erratic," Schumer offered, joining in on those calling Vance "weird."

"Vance seems to be more erratic and more extreme than President Trump. And I'll bet President Trump is sitting there scratching his head and wondering, why did I pick this guy? The choice may be one of the best things he ever did for Democrats," Schumer continued. 

Why is Schumer so insistent that Vance be replaced? Does he think Trump would actually listen to him? More importantly, though, could it be that he and his fellow Democrats are afraid of Vance being on the ticket?

Democrats do look to be afraid. Last week, days before Schumer's appearance on "Face the Nation," New York Magazine published an article indicating as much.

Vance, being from Ohio and with his appeal to everyday Americans with is humble beginnings, can help Trump in the battleground states. That includes winning back states in the so-called "blue wall," such as neighboring Pennsylvania and Michigan. 

To his credit, Vance himself said during a Fox News interview that aired on Sunday that "it doesn't hurt my feelings" to be called weird. He's even honored. "Look, the price of admission--meaning, the price of getting to serve the people of this country--is the Democrats are going to attack us with everything that they have. I think it’s an honor," he also said. 

Those "weird" campaigns look to be failing epically when it comes to the backlash on social media, as many at our sister site of RedState have pointed out, and the Monday episode of "The Tony Kinnett Cast" also dived into. Then there's campaign events over Zoom segregated by race, like "White Women" and "White Dudes" supporting Harris, which have been thoroughly been mocked, as Sam J. at our sister site of Twitchy and Fox News' Mary Katharine Ham have done

No wonder Vance says the label is "an honor."

Bringing this back to Harris campaigning for senators in battleground states, Republicans still look to be favored to win back control of the Senate. This is with the seats that Democrats are defending as well as looking to pick up. 

At the RNC earlier this month, National Republican Senate Committee (NRSC) Chairman Steve Daines (R-MT) gave a worthwhile speech tying vulnerable Democratic incumbents running for reelection to the Biden-Harris record.


Kamala Harris Deploys Weird Accent During Atlanta Event

Vice President Kamala Harris, who no Democrat has ever voted for but will be leading the top of the 2024 Democratic Party ticket because Joe Biden ran out of juice, held a rally in Atlanta, Georgia, yesterday. The California liberal of little notable accomplishment took some swipes at former President Donald Trump. Sen. Raphael Warnock and Stacey Abrams also addressed supporters in a campaign event where drinking hemlock would have been preferable; some of the most disreputable people were at this rally. 

There were laughable moments like Harris trying to compare her record to that of a sitting president. The claim that the Biden-Harris administration, or co-presidency, was tough on the border is facially untrue. They’re balloon-testing a series of lies, and they shouldn’t resonate. But it will all depend on how the GOP responds. Yet, all of this is overshadowed by Harris’ deployment of a weird accent (via The Guardian): 

Why do they always do this?

— (@townhallcom) July 31, 2024
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) July 30, 2024

Harris spoke of walking underground tunnels at the California border and prosecuting traffickers, and pledged to bring back the border security bill that was tanked in Congress by Republicans to preserve the issue in the campaign. 

Referencing a Migos song – popular as an Atlanta group – she said: “He does not walk it as he talks it.” 

Ahead of Harris’s appearance on Tuesday, several Atlanta voices made the case for her. Mayor Andre Dickens noted that this was the vice-president’s 15th time visiting the state since 2021. Harris has been in Atlanta so often that she may as well have rented a condo in Buckhead to save money. 

Harris is expected back in the state next week, and will debut her running mate on a seven-stop swing state tour, according to details confirmed by her campaign. Politico reported Harris will hold the first rally in Philadelphia on Tuesday. Harris said she as of today has not yet picked the candidate yet. 


In her speech, Harris sought not only to attack her opponent but to refocus on top voter issues in Georgia, such as the economy. 

“Building up the middle class will be a defining goal of my presidency,” she said. “When our middle class is strong, America is strong. To keep our middle class strong, families need relief from the high cost of living so that they have a chance not to get by but to get ahead.” 

She said she would go after price gouging and hidden fees by banks and other companies, and take on corporate landlords to cap unfair rent increases, and to cap prescription drug costs. 

“There are signs Donald Trump is feeling” the competition, she says. 

“You may have noticed he pulled out of the debate.” 

She repeated the assertion made by her campaign in recent days that Trump is “just plain weird”. 

“I do hope Trump will agree to meet me on the debate stage, because as the saying goes – if you got something to say, say it to my face,” she said as the crowd exploded.

Kamala is actually *BRAGGING* about her record on immigration.

HERE ARE THE FACTS: As Border Czar, Kamala ferried 15+ million illegals directly into our communities. She thinks illegal immigration "is NOT a crime." She wants to abolish ICE.

She thinks you're stupid.

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) July 30, 2024

Lady, we know you don’t sound like this. Who the hell on your team thought this would be a good idea? It didn’t work for Hillary Clinton either. Second, your record is poor. Third, you really want to shine a light on how you and your braindead president made us poorer in four years. Trump isn’t afraid of you. He can turn you into a national punchline. If he does that, her candidacy is over.

🇺🇸 Trump talks Kamala Harris with Tucker:

“She speaks in rhyme. It’s weird, the whole thing is weird”

“The bus will go here and then the bus will go there because that’s what buses do”


— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) July 3, 2024

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Ted Cruz Blasts Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe Jr. For 'Refusing To Answer' Questions

(L) Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) questions acting U.S. Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe Jr. and Deputy Federal Bureau of Investigation Director Paul Abbate during a joint hearing of the Senate Judiciary and Homeland Security and Government Affairs committees on July 30, 2024 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) / (R) Acting U.S. Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe Jr. testifies before a joint hearing of the Senate Judiciary and Homeland Security and Government Affairs committees in the Dirksen Senate Office Building on Capitol Hill on July 30, 2024 in Washington, DC.

Texas GOP Senator Ted Cruz chastised Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe Jr. on Tuesday for seemingly dodging his questions.

Under the Senate Judiciary Committee, Rowe testified on the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, following the resignation of previous U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle.

Cruz asserted that the acting director had failed to respond to inquiries regarding the number of agents Trump was given in comparison to President Joe Biden as well as the agency’s “decision-making process.”

Cruz: “I believe that the Secret Service leadership made a political decision to deny these requests. And I think the Biden administration has been suffused with partisan politics… Did the same person who denied the request for additional security to President Trump also repeatedly deny the requests for security to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whose father was murdered by an assassin and whose uncle was murdered by an assassin? Did the same person make that decision?”

Rowe: “Senator, what I will tell you is that Secret Service agents are not political.”

Even though he requested it in advance, the Secret Service did not provide protection for Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. until after the Trump murder attempt, when Trump himself demanded that the Independent candidate receive more protection, especially given his family’s history of assassinations.

Cruz: “I have a simple question: yes or no. Did the same person deny the Trump request that also denied the RFK request? That’s a yes or no question.”

Rowe: “Senator, that is not a yes or no question. One, there’s a process for a candidate nominee to receive protection… That is a bicameral, bipartisan process.”

As the two continued to converse and talk over one another, Cruz informed Rowe that his usage of the term “bicameral” was incorrect because he is not a member of Congress.

According to sources within the Secret Service, there weren’t enough personnel available to defend Trump due to the NATO summit taking place in Washington, D.C., as well as first lady Jill Biden’s campaign event taking place in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, according to the Daily Caller.

Cruz: “What was the relative size of the Trump detail compared to the detail that is assigned to the President and the First Lady?”

Rowe: “Senator, the former president travels with a full shift, just like the president.”

Cruz then asked Rowe to clarify if it was “the exact same size.”

Rowe: “On the day of, in Butler, the agents surrounding him, it is the same number of agents surrounding the president today.”

The Texas senator chimed in after the last statement to clarify his use of the term “president,” asking for a second time if “it is [his] testimony that in Butler, Pennsylvania, Donald Trump had the same number of agents protecting him that Joe Biden has at a [comparable] event.”

Rowe grew frustrated and insisted he was “trying to answer.”

Cruz: “You are not answering it. Is it the same number of agents or not? Sir, you are refusing to answer straight.

Rowe tries to interject.

Cruz: “Sir, stop interrupting me. Stop interrupting me. You are refusing to answer clear and direct questions. I am asking the relative difference in the number of agents between those assigned to Donald Trump and those assigned to Joe Biden. I’m not asking why you assign more to Joe Biden.”

As the testimony and discussion became more heated, Rowe finally informed Cruz that he would give him the precise number so he could see it with “own eyes.”

Meanwhile, Rowe emphasized the breakdowns in communication that occurred during the Butler event throughout Tuesday’s hearing, claiming that data regarding Crooks was “stuck” and “siloed” in local law enforcement channels.

Rowe: “The only thing we had was that locals were working an issue at the three o’clock, which would have been the former president’s right-hand side, which is where the shot came… Nothing about man on the roof, nothing about man with a gun. None of that information ever made it over our net.”

However, Rowe’s last statement highly contradicts other news reports and testimonies by local law enforcement.

Although the FBI still hasn’t disclosed a motive for the failed assassination attempt, CNN reported on Tuesday that the CEO of the website “Gab,” Andrew Torba, claimed last week that law enforcement contacted him and said there’s a chance the would-be assassin had an account on his alternative social media platform. The aforementioned account, according to Torba, was “pro-Biden.”

The FBI is alleging that Trump’s attempted assassin was motivated by “extreme” anti-immigration sentiments.

Yet, Crook’s Gab account more recently espoused pro-immigration, pro-lockdown & pro-Biden views contrary to their claims.

I confronted the Deputy Director about this

— Sen. Marsha Blackburn (@MarshaBlackburn) July 30, 2024

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