Thursday, August 1, 2024



Headlines Called Harris Indian American in 2016, Black in 2020?

 (Truth Social/@realDonaldTrump)
Associated Press headlines referred to Kamala Harris as Indian American in 2016 then Black in 2020.

On July 24, 2024, an apparent screen capture of a post from former U.S. President Donald Trump circulated online showing two alleged Associated Press (AP) headlines, one from 2016 and the other from 2020. The two headlines centered on Vice President Kamala Harris. The first one said Harris was the first "Indian-American US senator" while the second said she was the first "Black woman" nominated as a presidential candidate's running mate (archived):

The post had gained 4.5 million views as of this writing, as well as 131,000 likes and 30,000 reshares. In the replies, people reacted with exasperation. "The Democrats love to change things up to suit their needs," one wrote. "It is amazing how the narrative changes with time," another said. A third asked: "So you can change your race depending on the situation?"


Trump: 'Kamala, Let's Go, Challenge Accepted'

Trump Fires Back on Debate: 'Kamala, Let's Go, Challenge Accepted'

 Former President Donald Trump said "challenge accepted" in response to Vice President Kamala Harris' invitation to compare records.

"This is one of the worst records anywhere," Trump told rallygoers in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in a campaign rally speech that aired live and in its entirety on Newsmax and the free Newsmax2 streaming platform.

"Well, Kamala, let's go. Challenge accepted. Are you ready? Let's compare our records, point by point," he told the packed New Holland arena.

Trump said the "weird thing" is two weeks ago he was talking about President Joe Biden's record.

"I didn't even know her name. Nobody did. I heard she was a rotten border czar. Her only job was the border and she never went there," he said.

Trump said Harris has since had a "transformation," thanks to a "very corrupt" press.

"She did a transformation. The press is very corrupt. They gave her a transformation like Houdini ... but don't worry. She's going to fall," he said.

Trump said it isn't about Harris or Biden directly, but about their policies.

"They're the same and they're horrible," he said.

US Army Seeks Refund from Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson and the UFL As Sponsorship Led to Recruitment Falling

Bombs are something familiar to both the U.S. military and football. A recent partnership between those entities led to a third version of the term taking place.

The United States Army is seeking to get a refund from the United Football League, and owner Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, after a sponsorship deal with the spring football league delivered less than heroic results. In fact, by the end of the season, the Army experienced the opposite of its desired result – there was a drop in recruitment for this branch of the military.

This past Spring brought the fusing of two struggling off-season football leagues, as both reconstituted versions of the USFL and XFL merged to form the United Football League. As this new entity was getting its debut season set up, a partnership was struck with the Army for a season-long promotion totaling $11 million. Part of the marketing agreement involved commercial spots, in-game and stadium advertising as well as sponsored logos on team uniforms. But there is one key piece of promotion the Army targeted.

The Rock.

On social media, Dwayne Johnson is a global monolith, with just his Instagram account alone sporting close to 400 million followers. The agreement with the UFL included a set amount of social media promos from Johnson. All told, at the conclusion the military arm looked over the internal numbers and had to conclude this was a failed mission.

By the end of the season the Army not only failed to generate a spike in new recruits, they determined that it was possible that they finished with a net loss of a few dozen new soldiers. As a result, the Army is crunching the metrics and looking at how this disaster on the field of contests took place, and they are entertaining making a demand for a refund.

The figure of $6 million is being brought up as the compensatory figure, but nothing concrete has yet been established on how that total was reached. One area of focus is on the lack of attention Johnson gave the military on his Instagram account, with 496 million followers. The sponsorship was to include a set amount of pro-Army posts from Johnson, and he managed to deliver only two, featuring him with generals in one, and a tour of Walter Reed in the second.

There were a number of questionable decisions behind this decision. The two prior spring football leagues delivered tepid results, necessitating the merger to remain viable. Attendance at the games was very low, although the television ratings were somewhat encouraging, despite the challenges. The USFL and XFL had independent TV contracts, and these two were spread out so that games each weekend were across the broadcast map. On any given Saturday you might watch on ESPN, Fox, ABC, or Fox Sports-1. 

It would require looking in on the contract agreement to see if there was any level of guaranteed returns or pricing rooted in levels of interest. One component that would seemingly have a point of argument for the Army would be Johnson’s lack of activity. It has been estimated that from a promotional aspect, his social media postings for commerce could be worth $1 million per entry.

Two factors might be working against the Army as far as looking for a refund. A previous promotion of this sort was seen about ten years ago with The National Guard, where $88 million had been spent to sponsor Dale Earnhardt Jr. for three seasons on the NASCAR circuit. It was found that no new recruitment could be measured from the promotional effort. 

While it might be difficult to quantify what the expected level of interest was from this UFL partnership another issue is how much could the recent years of social activism in the military be seen as a negative drain on new recruits. Coupled with the high number of retirements and those walking away from the woke mentality it might take more than a football deal to repair the image. Getting any money back from this FUBAR sponsorship will be a needed rebate.


JD Vance Energizes Rallygoers During Western Trail Swing to Glendale, Arizona

This week, the media and commentators on the Left seemed determined to take a figurative buzzsaw to any perceived fault or misstep by Trump vice presidential candidate and  Ohio Republican Senator JD Vance. One progressive Dem governor, who's said to be on the Kamala Harris shortlist for vice president, even started the ball rolling on the "weird" cavalcade by dropping the label during interviews with legacy outlets like MSNBC and Politico, among others.

Read More:

Schumer Throws Out a Fantasy Scenario of Trump Wanting to Ditch JD Vance; Graham Wipes It Away Instantly

Tim Walz Makes Another Bizarre Attack on JD Vance. This One Involves Pheasant Hunting.

Vance, though, had places to go and people to see, while fulfilling his obligations as former President Donald Trump's running mate; he headed out on a western swing of the campaign trail.

During one of his stops in Nevada on Tuesday evening, he closed his remarks by asking the crowd "a simple question" about the presumed Democrat nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris:

President Trump is going to lead a Great American Restoration to save this country from Kamala Harris and her radical leftwing agenda.

— JD Vance (@JDVance) July 30, 2024

Read related:

Embarrassing: MSNBC Contributor Faceplants After Trying to Hit JD Vance With a Wildly False Accusation

On Wednesday, he headed to Arizona, to speak to a rally at Arizona Christian University, a small, Christian college in the western suburbs of Phoenix, in Glendale.

As Vance heads to Arizona now, the line outside the Glendale rally venue is long and growing. It’s 106 degrees. No way all those folks are getting in.

— Meryl Kornfield (@MerylKornfield) July 31, 2024

A shot of the packed crowd at ACU:

— Republican Party of Arizona (@AZGOP) July 31, 2024

Charlie Kirk of TPUSA introduced Vance:

— Real America's Voice (RAV) (@RealAmVoice) August 1, 2024

In a lighthearted callback to a supporter-favorite, Donald Trump line, Vance mentioned the media set up at the back of the venue. He said they were the fake news, but that, "[s]ome of them are okay."

He spoke about the sudden, bizarre, fake Southern accent that Harris sported during the Atlanta event on Tuesday:

— Real America's Voice (RAV) (@RealAmVoice) August 1, 2024

Vance talked about ripped-from-the-headlines news, like the Biden-Harris Justice Department (DOJ) "cut[ting] a deal" Wednesday with 9/11 terrorists, which my colleague Streiff wrote on (See: Biden's Pentagon Approve Plea Deal for 9/11 Conspirators but Won't Tell the Terms of the Agreement).

He then spoke about Harris' reaction to the results of Sunday's Venezuela presidential election, describing it as "coddling dictators." 

Vance reminded rallygoers about Harris' time as California's top prosecutor, and echoing TV ads playing across the Copper State, called her "dangerous" and a "San Francisco liberal."

He said the media's "gaslighting us about Harris' radical record":

— Real America's Voice (RAV) (@RealAmVoice) August 1, 2024

"The same media that told us for three-and-a-half years,[that] Joe Biden, who couldn't finish a sentence, was Albert Einstein; now, they tell us Kamala Harris is Abraham Lincoln," Vance said.

"But anyone who is too blind to see Biden's incompetence or, more likely, too dishonest to admit it, is not fit to serve as president of the United States."

Read related: 

Kamala Harris Is Evading Press Conferences - Why?

 Kari Lake, who on Tuesday became the GOP's Arizona U.S. Senate nominee with her primary victory over Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb,  spoke earlier in the program, but Vance invited her to the stage to say a few words. She began by stating, "This momma bear is ready to get America back" after Trump-Vance returns to the White House in the November elections.

Then, when talking about the lobbyists in the Swamp, as she told a story about Sen. Vance warning her about them during a visit to his Capitol Hill office, the Republican senatorial nominee assured Arizonans, "I don't want to make any lobbyist friends. I have enough friends in Arizona!"

Read related:

 Kari Lake Wins GOP Senate Primary, Will Face Gallego in General Election

Vance returned to the microphone, sounding an alarm about the loss of manufacturing jobs to places like China. He also reminded the rallygoers just how close the general election is: "In 96 days!"

— Real America's Voice (RAV) (@RealAmVoice) August 1, 2024



Abraham Hamadeh Wins Republican Primary for Arizona's 8th Congressional District


The Morning Briefing: Dems Don't Know It, but Trump Is Steamrolling Kamala's Honeymoon

Top O' the Briefing

Happy Thursday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Cortash felt he was at his most poetic when wearing his Sunday dungarees and casually nibbling a ren faire turkey leg. 

My frequent, work-related trips down the mainstream media rabbit hole have been weirder than ever before since July 21. When Joe Biden anointed Kamala Harris as his babbling heir apparent, the Dem media lapdogs snapped out of their post-debate funk and immediately got back to being the full-time chroniclers of the doings in Bizarroworld. 

Okay, they're the creators of Bizarroworld as well. 

They've been in full "SLAY QUEEN" mode, proclaiming Madame Veep to be an unassailable juggernaut who is running roughshod over whatever momentum Donald Trump had coming out of the Republican National Convention. It's a story that's playing well with the faithful, but there is precious little evidence that the Kamala show is wowing the undecided flyover country voters. 

The flying monkeys in the mainstream media have been coddling Harris. As our sister site Twitchy notes, Harris has yet to face an interview. That's right, tough girl Kamala doesn't have the guts to field a bunch of softballs from the likes of George Stephanopoulos or even Rachel Maddow. 

So brave!

Harris has also been appearing in fairly safe, mostly blue parts of the country. The Kamala Harris honeymoon momentum has been nothing more than timid, well-choreographed political theater. It's the 2020 basement campaign but with more trips outside. 

The reality-free media fan-fest is only going to get worse, as my friend Stephen Green reminded us yesterday:

But everything you've had to read and hear since Harris was crowned the defacto presidential nominee is mere prologue to what's to come in August.

While the Democrats' saccharine circus has been playing to friendly audiences, Donald Trump and JD Vance have been conducting a real presidential campaign.  

As we've discussed before, Trump is willing to go places and do things that Republican candidates of yesteryear wouldn't. My HotAir colleague Beege Welborn covered Trump's latest foray outside of the traditional GOP candidate comfort zone:

So former President Trump did what only he does best today and walked into the proverbial "lion's den" at the National Association of Black Journalists conference. It was by invitation - they also issued one to his opponent, whoever it was at the time and now isn't - but Trump is the only one who showed up.

That in itself is hysterical. The guy, God bless him, is fearless.

Rachel Scott was "hosting," but judging by the immediate hostile tone and rude interrogatories, she was loaded for bear and wanted to earn her bad-a** badge.

I don't think she did, even as hard as she pushed. 

Rachel Scott is the Senior Congressional Correspondent for ABC News, and yet another in a long line of mainstream media embarrassments to what used to be journalism. Her treatment of Trump was petulant and pathetic. Here was my quick response after watching Scott's flailing "Gotcha!" attempt with Trump and his masterful response:

.@rachelvscott led off like a foot-stompy high school mean girl who's mad that the guy she likes won't even notice her. It is impossible to loathe the MSM too much these days.

— SFK (@stephenkruiser) July 31, 2024

Trump, of course, doesn't have the luxury of being surrounded by fawning fake journalists who blow smoke up his backside. That doesn't mean, however, that he has to subject himself to situations like this. He could just stick to huge rallies in deep red parts of the country to soak up the adulation. He's trying to win an election though.

He's also exposing the leftists in the media, which is something that happens far too infrequently in the Republican Party. Trump leans into their awful treatment of him, makes them even more frustrated and miserable, and then draws energy from the conflict. It's a lot of fun to watch, especially when he triggers the lefties like he did yesterday when he told Scott that Kamala Harris was "always of Indian heritage" until "she happened to turn black."

They'll be too busy heading to the fainting couches over that for a few days to focus on crafting a real defense of Kamala Harris's policy baggage. 

As Stephen said in his column, we have to "hang tough" while this nauseating honeymoon phase continues. It helps to remember that little has changed except the name at the top of the Democratic ticket. Trump is still pressing his advantage and isn't sweating the media hoopla surrounding Harris. 

He's more focused than ever, which the Dems are almost certainly sweating. 

Click the button below to get the Morning Briefing emailed to you every weekday. Have your coffee with me, people. It's free and it supports conservative media!  

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Everything Isn't Awful

I will never fall out of love with the internet. VOLUME UP.

This is my favorite video on the internet

— Nature is Amazing ☘️ (@AMAZlNGNATURE) July 31, 2024

SFK of the Day

Word of the Day: 'Harrissplaining'

"What's particularly rich here is the very notion that a little media touch-up here and there will somehow cast a soft glow over the harsh reality of the nightmare that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have created on our southern border. That's a pig that won't even let you get within a mile of putting lipstick on it."


Nate Silver's Latest Projection Will Not Please Kamala's Army of Childless Cat Ladies

Can Kamala Harris win? Based on polling right now and the media's pervasive interference on her appalling record, she probably could. She has erased the Democratic Party’s deficits in voter enthusiasm and fundraising—for now. Yet Nate Silver tossed a hand grenade into the middle of this parade since Democrats remain behind in one crucial content: the Electoral College. 

The popular vote does not matter, and when it’s this close, and Donald Trump is the candidate—the advantage goes to the Republicans. Silver then listed scenarios that could screw over or benefit either candidate, but the fact is that Harris is getting a ‘she’s different’ bump in the polls. It’s not nearly enough to overcome Trump’s lead in the Electoral College. The former president has a 61 percent chance of winning this election. Silver then relays what factors he’s plugging into his model (via Silver Bulletin): 

…she’s a modest underdog to Trump in the Electoral College, risking a repeat of the popular vote-Electoral College split that cost Democrats the 2000 and 2016 elections. Harris isn’t unique in this regard: Biden also had a large Electoral College-popular vote gap in 2020, barely winning several tipping-point states despite winning the popular vote by 4.5 percentage points. But this is still a problem for Democrats, and we show Harris as having a slightly wider popular vote-Electoral College gap than Biden had in his version of the forecast. 


Since Harris isn’t president herself, she doesn’t get the same bonus that Biden did. And we think that makes sense. Other things being equal — that is, notwithstanding Biden’s terrible polling against Trump and voter concerns about his age — you wouldn’t want to replace an elected incumbent president who won the same matchup last time with his VP. So whereas Biden was a roughly 2-point favorite in the popular vote in our fundamentals model, it has the Harris-Trump matchup as almost an exact tie in the popular vote. This could shift upward or downward in the remaining days of the election based on the economic data the model collects. 

So basically, the model does this: 

  • Take the current polling-based snapshot, which shows Trump ahead by only 0.4 points. 
  • Adjust for the convention bounce, which puts Harris very slightly ahead. 
  • Regress toward the fundamentals-based prior, which shows a tied popular vote. (The prior currently gets 25 percent of the weight and it will fade to zero by Election Day.) 

That’s how we get to a forecast of Harris winning the popular vote — although by only 0.6 percentage points. However, as you can see, she’s not a favorite in the Electoral College. Instead … drumroll … she has a 38 percent chance, compared to 61 percent for Trump and roughly a 1 point chance of no Electoral College majority because of a 269-269 tie (or RFK Jr. earning some electoral votes). 


All things considered, this is a respectable position for Harris. She’s almost drawn the race to a tie in the states she’d need to win 270 electoral votes. And there’s evidence that she’s winning back some demographic groups — particularly Black voters and young voters — that had been abandoning Biden. That particularly helps her relative to Biden in Georgia and North Carolina, which have a substantial Black vote and a lot of college students and young professionals — though the model is more skeptical of her ability to compete in Western states like Nevada and Arizona. 

However, let’s not overstate the case. The problem with the Blue Wall strategy is that Harris needs to win all three of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania (while also avoiding surprising losses elsewhere like New Hampshire). Although these states’ outcomes are fairly strongly correlated in the model, that’s still harder than winning just one. And while Harris has a more viable path in Georgia and North Carolina than Biden, she and the campaign still have their work cut out there.

Yet, it all circles back to the Electoral College, and that’s breaking for the GOP. We live in a country where the system in which we elect a new president rewards candidates with geographic diversity—that’s Trump, whose coalition is very efficiently dispersed, especially in areas where elections are decided. Harris is an inner-city and coastal, snobby elites kind of gal. That’s not representative of the country at all. 

“I know people don’t like to talk about that [the Electoral College], because there’s nothing that Democrats can do about it. But the election is likely to be close, and it’s a big disadvantage when the ties go to Republicans,” added Silver. 

That doesn’t bode well for Harris’ army of childless cat ladies. Yet, as the Democrats sprint to define Harris, the Republicans need to regroup just as quickly because the lack of messaging in attacking her will come back to bite us. Her record alone is enough to crank out multiple attack lines and ads, and we should focus on that exclusively instead of doubting her racial background and calling her a DEI hire. Those two things will only animate the liberal base who we need to depress and make hopeless again.

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Pete Buttigieg: 'Men Are More Free' When Abortion Is Legal (Democrats Destroying America )

Show me one man in the above photo and I'll sell you Ocean Front Property in Arizona.   

 US Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg (L) and his husband, Chasten Buttigieg (R), attend a White House Pride Month celebration on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington DC, June 26, 2024, to showcase the contributions of the LGBTQI+ community.

U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg’s recent statement, where he said that “men are more free” in a nation where women can access abortion operations and abortion medication, completely “undermines the value of women,” according to a pro-life organization.

Even left-wing and feminist commentators chimed in on social media platforms to condemn the transportation secretary’s “sexist, male-focused” comments that “put women second.”

Buttigieg previously made history as the first openly gay Cabinet member to receive a Senate confirmation.

Pete Buttigieg just said the quiet part out loud.

“Men are more free when women have access to abortion.”

Pro-abortion men want to be “more free” to use women and get out of taking responsibility for their

— CatholicVote (@CatholicVote) July 30, 2024

“I’m so glad she has made freedom the theme of her campaign, because I think in so many ways that’s at stake,” Buttiegieg said about Vice President Kamala Harris during a ‘White Dudes for Harris’ campaign event on Monday.

“…But, of course, men are also more free in a country where we have a president who stands up for things like access to abortion care.” 

“Men are more free when the leader of the free world, the leader of this country, supports access to birth control and to IVF,” he added.

However, Buttigieg seems to have forgotten that his political party, and especially Democrat women, have been demanding for decades that men stop making the topic of abortion about them when they have no ability to give birth or become pregnant.

Meanwhile, Andrea Trudden, vice president of marketing and communications at Heartbeat International, a pro-life network of pregnancy resource centers, called his remarks “deeply troubling.”

“This perspective not only undermines the value of women and their inherent dignity but also perpetuates a culture that evades responsibility and fails to support women in their time of need,” Trudden told reporters. “This is a stark reminder of the cultural shift that needs to happen—one where men are called to embrace their roles as responsible adults who support women and children.”

Though he is not at the top of the list of suspected contenders, Buttigieg has been mentioned as a possible running partner for Harris’s campaign.

Chasten and I are beyond thankful for all the kind wishes since first sharing the news that we’re becoming parents. We are delighted to welcome Penelope Rose and Joseph August Buttigieg to our family.

— Pete Buttigieg (@PeteButtigieg) September 4, 2021

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