Thursday, August 8, 2024

JD Vance Rightly Calls Tim Walz Out for Being a Sheep and a Coward

Wednesday morning, Senator JD Vance was giving public remarks on the campaign trail when he mentioned his opponent Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, and his "controversial" military service record. Vance then laid into Walz, essentially calling him a coward, and rightly so, when he mentioned Walz's decision to abandon his troops right before they deployed to Iraq in 2004. 

To be perfectly clear, I 100 percent agree with Vance in his remarks, though because I am not running for Vice President of the United States, I would be much more colorful in my language describing Walz and his shameful behavior. Walz is absolutely a coward and a liar, and he uses and embellishes his service record for political gain. 

RedState helped break the story regarding Walz's military service when several of his former peers in the Minnesota National Guard called him out for cowardice and lying. The biggest complaints are how Walz continues to lie by omission when he says he was the most senior enlisted soldier when he was in Congress as a Command Sergeant Major — he was reduced in rank to Master Sergeant — and that he knowingly abandoned his unit before they deployed to Iraq in 2004. 

In an undated video posted to X, Walz is seen and heard ranting about gun control. Being a Democrat, that itself is not shocking or unusual. However, where he slipped up was when he called for banning so-called assault weapons. Walz said he wanted to ensure that "weapons of war like I carried when I went to war" stay on the battlefield. Again, the problem is he has no idea what a battlefield looks like and never carried a weapon in war, because he never went to war. 

Serving in the United States military has been voluntary since 1973, when the all-volunteer force (AVF) went into effect after President Richard Nixon signed the legislation in 1971. Since then, Americans and residents alike could volunteer to serve in the military's active, reserve, or National Guard components. People serve for a plethora of reasons, but they all serve with the understanding that they may be called one day to serve in combat. Pre-9/11, the use of military force was rare, or at least much rarer than it is today. Serving in the military was almost viewed as "safe," as some of my senior Marines who had served for several years before 9/11 had said to me. 

When I enlisted in 1999, in my junior year of high school, war was the last thing on my mind. I thought I was just going to join the Marine Corps and spend four years doing some pretty cool training. That, my friends, is one of the best examples of naivete because reality hit not even two months into BootCamp, when our Drill Instructors came out and said we were going to war when we saw the USS Cole with a gaping hole in her side after a suicide bomber blew her up, killing 17 Sailors and wounding 37 others. Nothing ever happened with that, but war and combat became a real thing to think about; then, the terrorist attacks on September 11th changed everything for us. War would come, not if, but when.

For those who went into their recruiter's offices on September 12th, 2001, they all went in there knowing that there was a distinct possibility they would be going to war. Especially those who chose the combat arms path, like infantry for me, or say, artillery, like Walz. I should note, that between 2001 and 2012 and possibly years past that, 0.45 percent of the American population served in the military. In a powerful and emotional essay penned by former Army Ranger and Captain Nick Palmisciano titled "The 0.45%," he wrote of the powerful statistic of the number of those who served and the burden they had to bear. I strongly encourage everyone to read the essay in its entirety. 

In World War II, 11.2% of the nation served in four years. In Vietnam, 4.3% served in 12 years. Since 2001, only 0.45% of our population has served in the Global War on Terror. These are unbelievable statistics.

Over time, fewer and fewer people have shouldered more and more of the burden and it is only getting worse. Our troops were sent to war in Iraq by a Congress consisting of 10% veterans with only one person having a child in the military. Taxes did not increase to pay for the war. War bonds were not sold. Gas was not regulated. In fact, the average citizen was asked to sacrifice nothing, and has sacrificed nothing unless they have chosen to out of the goodness of their hearts.

The only people who have sacrificed are the veterans and their families. The volunteers. The people who swore an oath to defend this nation. You.

You stand there, deployment after deployment and fight on. You’ve lost relationships, spent years of your lives in extreme conditions, years apart from kids you’ll never get back, and beaten your body in a way that even professional athletes don’t understand. And you come home to a nation that doesn’t understand.

They don’t understand suffering. They don’t understand sacrifice. They don’t understand that bad people exist. They look at you like you’re a machine – like something is wrong with you.

Governor Walz was technically one of those people who signed up after 9/11 when he re-enlisted just seven days after 9/11 for six years. He signed up for another six years, not four as he falsely claimed.

According to his official Report of Separation and Record of Service, he re-enlisted for six years on September 18th, 2001. However, in his response he says that he re-enlisted for four years, conveniently retiring a year before his battalion was deployed to Iraq. Even if he had re-enlisted for four years following Sept.11, his retirement date would have been September 18th, 2005. Why then did he "retire" on May 16th, 2005, before his supposed four-year enlistment was up? And he makes it sound like he "retired" a year before his battalion deployed to Iraq; when in reality he knew when he "retired" that the battalion would be deployed to Iraq.

Tim Walz is an American coward, plain and simple. He betrayed his word, his contract; he betrayed his men. He committed the ultimate act of betrayal, and that is irrefutable. It is beyond offensive to those of us who not only served our country but who had the honor and privilege to serve with our brothers and sisters in combat. 

War is absolutely hell, literally and figuratively speaking. It is filled with death, destruction, despair, stress, and much more, but I have to say, I loved it too. I loved combat. It was the ultimate test of strength and ability, to fight another armed foe on the battlefield; it was the ultimate rush. Yes, I am scarred for the rest of my life because of it, but no warrior comes out of a scrap without scars. To be clear, I do not see myself as anything special or someone who needs or wants validation or admiration for what I chose to do, but I do deserve a little respect for living up to my word as a man when I said I would go. I have photos to back that up, too, whereas Walz only has figments of his imagination. 

I was not supposed to go back to Iraq when I did in 2004. I had completed my four-year contractual obligation to the Marines and could have gotten out in August of 2004. Instead, to the chagrin of my family and friends, I volunteered for another tour and extended my contract for another year. I could not stomach the fact that I would be abandoning my brothers when they were to go back. Myself and two others all extended to go back with our boys.

In contrast, Walz most likely said to himself, "Screw this, I won't go." He knew his unit was going to Iraq for months and told all his peers and leaders that he was going to go — that they could count on him. But at the last minute, like a true coward, he abruptly quit (you can do that in the National Guard). He couldn't even be bothered to show up and sign his discharge paperwork. His military family was about to get into a scrap, and he just said to them he was just gonna go sit this one out. Pathetic.

Walz is not a leader; he is a sheep in a sea of sheep, trying to convince them that he is a sheepdog when he is the farthest from it. JD Vance did not serve in a combat MOS; he was a combat camera, and he has openly said he never saw combat when he was in Iraq. But Vance honored his commitment to the Corps and the country and did not shy away from deploying in any way. Yes, I understand that as a junior enlisted non-commissioned officer, he did not have the capability of telling his leaders "no," and that he had to follow orders. But Vance willingly obeyed his orders and lived up to what it means to be a man by doing what you say and saying what you do. Walz did not, and for that, he is no real man in the figurative sense of the word. He is a coward and a fraud, a person who takes the easy way out and lies about it. I refuse to pay any iota of respect to a person who so readily says, "Screw it, I quit," and walks away on their family. 


Chaos After Kamala's Detroit Rally Is Emblematic of What Her Presidency Would Do to America

Kamala Harris held a rally in Detroit Wednesday in which she once again trotted out some kind of weird accent that she somehow thinks honors the locale (but which is actually insulting), and she once again had to provide a free concert to get folks to show up. But there was something different about this rally - that's the completely FUBAR'd logistical situation as the rally-goers tried to get back home. The chaotic scene perfectly encapsulates what America would be like under a Harris presidency: a complete lack of organization/accountability/sense in government, resulting in tired, hungry, and angry masses of people simply trying to escape.

RELATED: Kamala Harris Campaign Lures Rally Attendees a 2nd Time, With Free Concert in Wisconsin

The rally was held at a hangar, and people had to ride in shuttle buses (yellow school buses) from the parking area to the hangar. The problem was, there were no signs telling them where to board shuttle buses upon return, and since the hangar was next to a UPS facility, by the time the rally ended there were UPS trucks everywhere, blocking the buses. According to attendee Josiah Lippincott, it was utter chaos.

There were quite a few white coach-type buses, but those were for the people the unions had bused in.

The larger white buses in the above photos are not shuttles. Those were for union members and others who were bused in by the campaign. The Kamala people used school buses as shuttles.

— Josiah Lippincott (@jlippincott_) August 8, 2024

Yes, you read that right. Not only did Kamala have to provide free entertainment to get people to show up, the unions bused people in. 

Once Lippincott finally got on a bus, he was the only one on that bus (even though people had been waiting for 2.5 hours in 90-degree heat) because of a communication error between the dispatch center and the bus drivers as to where people would be dropped off.

Lippincott summed up the problem well, and with an illustration:

The rally was at the circled hangar. But it is located on a spur off the main road highlighted in red. The arrow is the turn around point for the buses. Add a bunch of freight trucks from UPS, confused campaign staff, and tired and hungry rally goers and you get complete chaos.

It ended well, though.

It won't end this well for America if Harris makes it to the White House, that's for sure.


Tim Walz's Wife Is a Total Weirdo Who Loved Huffing the Fumes of Burning Tires From Leftist Riots

See It: Walz's Wife Said She Wanted to Smell Fires of 2020 BLM Riots in  Unearthed Clip

Tim Walz and his wife, Gwen, are truly a gruesome twosome. One lies about his military record and has a record of left-wing extremism, with a devoted spouse endorsing and enabling this mayhem. CBS News had this mini profile on Mrs. Walz:

 Gwen Walz, née Whipple, was born in Glencoe, about 55 miles west of Minneapolis, and raised in western Minnesota by her parents Val and Linn. She has three sisters.

 She attended Gustavus Adolphus in St. Peter, then started her teaching career in Nebraska, where she met her future husband, Tim Walz. 

The two married in 1994 and moved to Mankato in 1996, where she taught for more than two decades. 

When Tim Walz was elected governor of Minnesota in 2018, the family moved to St. Paul. They have two children, Hope and Gus. 

According to her state bio, some of her passions include "teaching at prisons and promoting criminal justice reform, to advocating for the LGBTQ movement" with a goal to "build a more just and equitable world." 

And the building of that “more just and equitable world” comes with taking sick enjoyment of watching violent leftists burn down portions of the state your husband is governing. The woman is nutty, saying in 2020 that she loved huffing the fumes of burning tires as unhinged left-wingers burned cities to the ground. 

This clip of Minnesota First Lady Gwen Walz is making the rounds.

Her reflection on the 2020 riots:

“I could smell the burning tires…I kept the windows open as long as I could because I felt like that was such a touchstone of what was happening."

— Philip Melanchthon Wegmann (@PhilipWegmann) August 6, 2024

“I could smell the burning tires,” she said. “I kept the windows open as long as I could because I felt like that was such a touchstone of what was happening." 

She also thinks repeat criminal offenders deserve as many chances as possible.

It’s a marriage made in heaven for the Walz and a total nightmare for the country.

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Biden's Latest Remarks About the Transfer of Power Shows His Brain Is Officially Fried

Joe Biden emerged from the bunker to give an interview with CBS News’ Robert Costa, which will air on August 11. The soundbite making waves concerns the transfer of power in 2025, where the president spews heated rhetoric about not being confident that Trump would oversee a civilized transition. Aren’t these the types of remarks that I was told we had to clamp down on in the wake of the July 13 assassination attempt on the former president?

Biden loves to peddle lies and falsehoods about Trump, and it wouldn’t shock me if these incessant fabrications contributed to the climate that led to shots being fired in Butler, Pennsylvania, last month. Yet, there was a slip-up if you caught it: he suggested for a second that his administration wouldn’t cede power peacefully (via NY Post): 

In his first interview since ending his re-election bid, President Biden expressed doubt Wednesday that there would be a peaceful transfer of power if former President Donald Trump loses the 2024 election. 

“If Trump wins, no, I’m not confident at all,” the 81-year-old president told “CBS News Sunday Morning” before quickly catching himself. 

“I mean if Trump loses I’m not confident at all,” Biden clarified in the interview taped Wednesday at the White House and that will air in its entirety on Sunday. 

“He means what he says. We don’t take him seriously,” the president said of the Republican nominee. “All the stuff about if we lose, there’ll be a bloodbath, it’s a stolen – look what they’re trying to do now in the local election districts where people count the votes, putting people in place in states where they’re going to count the votes.” 


During a March campaign rally in Ohio, Trump, 78, predicted a “bloodbath” in the auto industry if he doesn’t win the November election. 

However, the line drew biting headlines casting Trump’s rhetoric as a warning of a literal “bloodbath” if he loses the race. 

Again, Biden lies. He’s a cranky and resentful old man who couldn’t hack the job as president, was forced out by his party, and now likely yells at the television all day. He’s not in charge; we’re a nation without a chief executive. He rode into power on a wave of fear, COVID, and maybe some election shenanigans. I still find it hard to believe that 81 million people voted for this corrupt clown and his gang of degenerate family members. 

As some have already noted, the real scandal is that this man has been in mental decline for three years, and it was covered up by his family, White House aides, and the media.

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Vance Approaches Air Force Two On Tarmac, Speaks To Reporters Ignored By Harris

EAU CLAIRE, WI - AUGUST 07: Republican vice presidential candidate, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) speaks at NMC-Wollard Inc. / Wollard International on August 07, 2024 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Vance and Democratic presidential candidate, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris are both set to speak at competing events in the same battleground state this week. (Photo by Adam Bettcher/Getty Images)
Republican vice presidential candidate, Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) speaks at NMC-Wollard Inc. / Wollard International on August 07, 2024 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Vance and Democratic presidential candidate, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris are both set to speak at competing events in the same battleground state this week.

Donald Trump’s vice presidential selection, JD Vance, stunned reporters on Wednesday by attempting to confront Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz, on the tarmac in Wisconsin, when their planes arrived at nearly the same time. 

“I figured I’d come by and one just get a good look at the plane because hopefully it’s going to be my plane in a few months,” the Ohio senator told campaign reporters after approaching Air Force Two.

“I also thought you guys might get lonely because the vice president doesn’t answer questions from reporters and hasn’t for 17 days.”

Harris and Walz took pictures with Girl Scouts Troop #3307 on the tarmac shortly before Vance overshadowed their first joint Midwestern campaign stop.

Harris’s campaign attempted to mock Vance by posting a video of his plane landing at the Eau Claire airport with the TikTok-style caption, “all of a sudden, I hear this agitating, grating voice.”

“Make sure AF2 is deep cleaned because Lord only knows what @KamalaHarris and her team have done on there,” Trump-Vance campaign spokesman Steven Cheung posted on X. “The smell alone on that plane must be crazy.”

Vance also utilized the run-in with Harris to call her out for not having conducted an extended interview or full press conference since she began her campaign on July 21st, after President Joe Biden dropped out of the race. 

“I also wanted to go say hello to the vice president and ask her why Kamala Harris refuses, why does she refuse to answer questions from the media,” Vance said. “I don’t think the vice president waved at me as she drove away.”

He said it was “insulting” to Americans that Harris has not yet agreed to take part in any interviews.

“I’d love her to just answer what she wants to do and also explain why every single position she has has changed,” Vance said.

“She pretends to be a tough on crime prosecutor and yet here she is wanting to defund the police. She’s the border czar, yet she’s opened up the American southern border.”

Vance finished by saying, “This is a person who has to answer questions from the media and it’s disgraceful that she runs for you guys, and it’s also insulting to the American people.”

Meanwhile, the vice president spoke off the record with the press for just four minutes on Tuesday afternoon and five minutes on Wednesday aboard her jet, answering multiple questions, but not allowing those answers to be reported. 

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Virginia: Gov. Youngkin Issues Executive Order Removing 'Noncitizens' From Voter Rolls, Establishing Prosecution Procedures

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin speaks during the first day of the 2024 Republican National Convention at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, July 15, 2024.

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin signed an executive order on Wednesday with the goal of establishing better election integrity in the state.

The order calls for the exclusion of “noncitizens,” whom many refer to as foreign nationals or illegal aliens, while establishing better procedures to prosecute them.

Executive Order 35, which was issued by Youngkin’s office, codifies election integrity in the state through a number of measures. These include improved voter machine testing, stricter ballot security protocols, and voter-list maintenance that fully detects and eliminates noncitizens from the voter registers.

The action expands on his administration’s past attempts to maintain election integrity, including an executive order from June that revised data-sharing agreements and expedited the removal of deceased voters from the rolls.

Today, we issued Executive Order 35, codifying our administration’s model for election security. This isn't a Democrat or Republican issue, it's an American and Virginian issue. Every legal vote deserves to be counted.

— Governor Glenn Youngkin (@GovernorVA) August 7, 2024

“The Virginia model for Election Security works,” Youngkin said on Wednesday in a release that announced the order. “This isn’t a Democrat or Republican issue, it’s an American and Virginian issue.”

“Every legal vote deserves to be counted without being watered down by illegal votes or inaccurate machines. In Virginia, we don’t play games and our model for election security is working,” he continued.

Additionally, the Virginia Attorney General announced on Wednesday that since taking on his role, his office had located and “deleted over 6,000 noncitizens” from the voter records.

There have been multiple confirmed instances of noncitizens enrolling on voter lists, Daily Caller reported.

By ordering the commissioner of the department of elections to confirm in writing that those who were unable to prove their citizenship will be removed from the state voter registration list, Youngkin’s ruling expressly targets noncitizen involvement in elections.

The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) must additionally confirm an applicant’s identity and legal status with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Social Security Administration database before granting them a driver’s license.

The executive order specifies what to do when a noncitizen tries to register to vote. Among other things, it says that the attorney general of Virginia has “full authority” to enforce the state’s election laws and to notify prosecutors when this occurs.

“We verify the legal presence and identity of voters using DMV data and other trusted data sources to update our voter rolls daily, not only adding new voters, but scrubbing the lists to remove those that should not be on it, like the deceased, individuals that have moved, and non-citizens that have accidentally or maliciously attempted to register,” Youngkin said.

In July, President Joe Biden opposed a House GOP bill that sought to strengthen election integrity, claiming that concerns of noncitizen involvement in elections were “easily disproven falsehoods.”

However, America First Legal filed a lawsuit on Tuesday in a related case across the United States, asserting that Maricopa County, Arizona, failed to remove noncitizens from its voter rolls. The group said earlier this year that over 35,000 registered voters in Arizona had not shown any proof of U.S. citizenship.

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