Friday, August 9, 2024

Reporters Finally Corner Harris for Questions, but She Once Again Illustrates Trump's Point

Bailey: I really can't express how I feel about this San Francisco Streetwalker being able to run for President. But it does highlight how stupid and corrupt the democrats are.

How long has it been since the coup on Biden that took the Democratic nomination from Joe and handed it to Kamala Harris? Eighteen days?

Former President Donald Trump and his running mate JD Vance have been excoriating her over her failure to respond to questions, do an interview, or even enunciate her positions on issues. But she's gone to ground, embracing the Joe Biden "basement strategy."

READ MORE: Kamala's Bizarre Remarks in Michigan on Where America's 'Strength Lies' Prove Trump and Vance's Point

JD Vance Delivers Brutal Mic Drop to Kamala Harris When They Both Arrive at Wisconsin Airport

NEW: Former President Trump Speaks at Mar-a-Lago - and Takes Questions

But on Thursday, reporters were finally able to corner Kamala for a few questions. She responded to a couple, but not surprisingly, she gave non-answer answers. 

She was asked about the stolen valor scandal imploding around her VP choice Tim Walz regarding his comments about his military service. A reporter asked her about the questions raised about his National Guard career. Now you would think that would demand a comprehensive answer, but you weren't going to get one from her. It wasn't even a good "non-answer." 

"I praise anyone who has presented themselves to serve our country and I think we all should," Harris replied. 

How was that a reply to the question or an answer to the concerns that people have about Walz's false comments? And the stolen valor scandal is obscuring a lot of other issues that are also being raised about his radical positions. Did they even vet him at all? It doesn't look like it. 

Harris was also asked if she was going to be doing any interviews. Good for Trump, he's now pushed the media to finally force the question at her. So his plan with his own presser earlier worked. And her response showed again how vapid she was. 

She said that she would do an interview before the "end of the month." It's August 8. 

Does she need to take that long to find a friendly outlet to set up an interview with where she'll get softball questions? A month? Is she going to get a month to respond to a crisis in the world if World War III suddenly pops off and she has to talk to Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping? 

Who needs a month to be able to prepare to do a simple TV interview? As Trump showed, he can do it at the drop of a hat. But you know that's likely what it is-- she's afraid and thinks she has to prepare. She's been decimated in the few interviews that she's done. Who can ever forget her infamous response about if she'd been to the border?

Filings in Federal Tax Case Claim Hunter Biden Was Paid by Romanian Oligarch to Get Investigation Killed

Bailey: This scumbag will get away with all of this without having to do any time in jail. Why because the Democrat Communist Party and mainstream media will protect him and his daddy.

A number of pre-trial motions have been filed in Hunter Biden's federal tax evasion case, scheduled for trial in Los Angeles in early September, over the last week, and they're quite revealing as to what evidence the government will be introducing related to Hunter's foreign business dealings. This won't be your ordinary tax evasion case, boys and girls (and I'll be in the courtroom daily to bring RedState readers all of the dirty details).

The biggest revelations are in the Government's response to a defense motion to exclude evidence, testimony, or reference to allegations of improper political influence or corruption. In response, the prosecutors detailed a scheme they plan to present evidence of in which Hunter Biden was paid through Boies Schiller Flexner law firm by a Romanian oligarch to get a corruption investigation shut down. Hmm, something about that allegation sounds familiar...

The prosecutors wrote:

The government anticipates Business Associate 1 will testify that:

  • Business Associate 1 and the defendant were in the lobbying and consulting business together.
  • G.P. was a Romanian businessman who was under criminal investigation in Romania.
  • G.P. sought to retain Business Associate 1, the defendant, and Business Associate 2, to attempt to influence U.S. government agencies to investigate the Romanian criminal investigation of G.P, and thereby cause an end to the investigation of G.P. in Romania.
  • Business Associate 1 and the defendant were concerned that lobbying work might cause political ramifications for the defendant’s father. Business Associate 1 and G.P. signed a “Management Services Agreement” where Business Associate 1’s legal entity would purportedly provide management services to real estate properties in Romania, but that was not actually what G.P. was paying for. In reality, Business Associate 1 and G.P. agreed that Business Associate 1 would receive compensation for work by Business Associate 1, the defendant, and Business Associate 2, to attempt to influence U.S. government agencies to investigate the Romanian investigation of G.P., and Business Associate 1 would pass approximately 1/3 to the defendant as his compensation and approximately 1/3 to Business Associate 2 as his compensation. 

That compensation was over $3 million, which was split between Hunter Biden and the two business associates, one of whom is believed to be Chris Boies, David Boies' son, and part of the firm Boies, Schiller, Flexner.

Arguing as to why the defense motion should be denied and this evidence allowed, the prosecutors wrote:

The first category of evidence the defendant seeks to exclude is any “reference to allegations that Mr. Biden acted on behalf of a foreign principal to influence U.S.policy and public opinion . . .” Motion at 3 (emphasis added). The government does not intend to reference allegations at trial. Rather, the government will introduce the evidence described above, including that the defendant and Business Associate 1 received compensation from a foreign principal who was attempting to influence U.S. policy and public opinion and cause the United States to investigate the Romanian investigation of G.P in Romania.

So, if they aren't simply referencing allegations, but introducing evidence, why hasn't David Weiss charged Hunter Biden and business associates 1 and 2 with violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act? In July 2023, when Hunter's failed plea deal was being argued in Delaware, prosecutors said that FARA charges weren't off the table. What happened? (Jonathan Turley has a great piece going over that in detail that can be read here.)

And then we have Hunter's work with CEFC. Smart people will understand the humor in the prosecution's phrasing here:

As alleged in the indictment, the government will also introduce at trial evidence of the defendant’s business dealings with CEFC China Energy Co. Ltd (“CEFC”), a Chinese energy conglomerate, and his compensation for his position on the board of a Ukrainian energy industrial conglomerate. This evidence will not include evidence that the defendant performed lobbying activity in exchange for this compensation. Rather, the evidence will show the defendant performed almost no work in exchange for the millions of dollars he received from these entities.

We also learned that both Hallie Biden and her sister have immunity agreements in exchange for their truthful testimony - so they won't be charged for any type of drug offenses they might end up testifying to.

Hunter's attorneys also want to exclude evidence or even reference to his "salacious" expenditures - you know, the expenditures he made when he wasn't paying taxes:

Mr. Biden moves to exclude any evidence, testimony, or reference to his alleged “extravagant” lifestyle during the time period in question and any salacious details about money purportedly spent on certain personal expenses, including, but not limited to, reference to sex workers, adult entertainment, a sex club membership, pornography, and strip clubs. To the extent the Court is inclined to allow into evidence that Mr. Biden spent money on items other than his taxes in the years charged, Mr. Biden would agree to stipulate that he spent money on other, generalized “personal expenses.”

So, the jury is supposed to just assume that Hunter had so many "personal expenses" that he couldn't pay his taxes despite earning $11 million during the time in question? That might be worse than just saying what he spent it on.

Of course, Hunter wants to argue that he was too drug-addled to remember to pay his taxes, and that he had no control of his spending, yet he was entering detailed financial agreements with his business partners to circumvent federal laws at the same time. One would have to be drug-addled to buy that argument.

There will be a hearing on these motions on August 21, and RedState will be there in the courtroom.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: It's only because of the direct financial support of our VIP members that we are able to provide coverage from the courtroom for Hunter Biden's federal tax trial. Please consider becoming a RedState VIP member today to support this important work. By using discount code SAVEAMERICA, you'll save 50%.)


The Media Tried Fact-Checking Trump After His Mar-a-Lago Presser. It Was a Trainwreck.

Donald Trump did something Kamala Harris has failed to do since she ripped the 2024 Democratic nomination away from Joe Biden: answered questions from the press. The event, held at Mar-a-Lago, featured Trump ripping into Harris’ intelligence, announcing three dates for debates with the vice president, and warning how the nation is on the verge of economic disaster if Kamala wins in November.

 The media tried to fact-check the president, and it devolved into such a ticky-tack game of linguistic nonsense that it only served as yet another reminder of why these clowns are mocked and distrusted. First, CNN tried to say that Trump was wrong to say that Kamala Harris failed to pass the bar. Harris did eventually pass—the operative word being eventually. It took Ms. Harris multiple times to pass the bar exam.

Trump’s remarks about Harris’ stance on the Second Amendment also got wrecked, as The New York Times laughably confirmed that the vice president supports a mandatory buyback program, which is liberal speak for gun confiscation. They later said the Harris campaign no longer supports this as their reason.  

Finally, the 13 Americans who were killed at Abbey Gate in Kabul in 2021. Trump said they were soldiers; they were actually Marines, says the media. Yes, we’re doing this nonsense now. It’s eye-roll-worthy and embarrassing. 

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Local Police Provide Another Damning Update About the Trump Assassination Attempt

Sarah wrote about the latest bodycam footage, but we have another disconcerting update from the local police regarding the Trump assassination attempt on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania. Both local police and the Secret Service have been leaking details to clarify and to head off any blame game at the pass should a departmental war erupt. 

The rooftop of the American Glass Research building, which overlooked the rally area and was less than 200 yards from the stage, was left unprotected, allowing shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks to scale the structure and open fire on the former president. Trump was nearly killed by a fatal headshot that missed him by millimeters. Based on new evidence, local police were supposedly told by the Secret Service that they would handle covering this structure (via WSJ) [emphasis mine]: 

Local Pennsylvania police complained in the moments after last month’s attempted assassination of Donald Trump that they warned the U.S. Secret Service days in advance that the warehouse where the shooter was positioned needed protection, according to new videos obtained by The Wall Street Journal. 

“I f—ing told them that they needed to post guys f—ing over here…I told them that f—ing Tuesday,” said a Butler Township officer in audio captured on his body-worn camera. “I talked to the Secret Service guys. They’re like, ‘Yeah, no problem. We’re going to post guys over here.’ ” 

The footage paints a more complete picture of the anger and frustration on July 13 moments after Thomas Matthew Crooks was able to fire eight shots at the former president from an AR-style assault rifle. A spectator was killed, two others were injured, and Trump suffered a bullet wound to the ear. The Journal obtained the videos under a public-records request Thursday. 

A police officer in one of the videos at one point refers to a suspicious individual who had been lost by authorities. The unidentified officer referred to “a gentleman with a flat face that we were looking for earlier. He was creeping people out.” 

The officer’s account, broadcast over radio, was captured on one of the body cameras. “He was watching people out in the woods by the water tower. I’m not sure he is the gentleman down or not.” 

About 10 minutes after the shooting, another officer, arriving at the warehouse, said to a fellow officer, “I thought you guys were on the roof. I thought it was you. I thought it was you.” 

“No,” came the reply, with an explanation that no officers were on the roof. 

“What the f—,” the officer replied in frustration. “Why were we not on the roof? Why weren’t we?” 

Federal law-enforcement officials have said that the Secret Service thought local law- enforcement officers, including snipers from the Butler County Emergency Services Unit, were supposed to secure the building from which Crooks fired. 

Local SWAT teams had pictures and a description of Crooks before his attack, which they relayed on their radio system, which the Secret Service couldn’t access. Leaked text messages showed that law enforcement was aware of Crooks nearly 100 minutes before the assassination attempt but failed to clamp down on him. It’s a damning and embarrassing detail that exposed the $3.6 billion agency that is assigned to protect former and current presidents was a step behind the 20-year-old would-be assassin. Secret Service snipers now reportedly didn’t know Crooks was armed until he opened fire, though their sights were trained on him reportedly for almost two minutes before the attack. 

Local SWAT teams allege they had zero contact with the Secret Service until after the shots were fired and Crooks was killed. They also took responsibility for failing to protect Trump, along with the death of Corey Comperatore, who died in the crossfire. Two other attendees were injured as well.

Now-former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle was lambasted for suggesting the structure was left unprotected because of the sloped roof, which posed a physical danger to the agents. That was facially untrue and ripped apart by the media and experts alike. Her testimony on July 22 was a shambles, leading to her resignation the following day.

Thus far, no one has been disciplined for this failure. The agents who led the charge on ensuring rally security were said to be inexperienced and unqualified. Whistleblowers are coming out of the woodwork over this fiasco, as many questions remain unanswered.

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White House Condemns Cori Bush's 'Inflammatory' Remarks To AIPAC After She Lost Primary

Bailey: If this had been a single white male she would have immediately been hauled off to jail for insurrection.

Missouri Democrat Rep. Cori Bush threatened to take revenge on a leading pro-Israel lobbying group for supporting her opponent’s successful attempt to defeat her in the primary. However, the White House denounced Bush’s “inflammatory” remarks on Wednesday.

“As much as I love my job, all they did was radicalize me, and now they should be afraid,” Bush said in a speech on Tuesday night after losing the primary to St. Louis County Prosecutor Wesley Bell. “They’re about to see this other Cori, this other side… And let me say this: AIPAC, I’m coming to tear your kingdom down!”

Bell’s campaign received significant funding from the United Democracy Project, a super PAC connected to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), during the expensive and intense primary campaign that was partly focused on Bush’s criticism of Israel.

In recent months, Bush has become one of the most outspoken opponents of AIPAC and Israel. Just over two weeks after Hamas’s attack on Israel on October 7th, the “squad” member referred to the current Israel-Hamas conflict as “Israel’s ethnic cleansing campaign.”

When asked what President Joe Biden thought of Bush’s angry vow to take on AIPAC, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre responded that the president detests such “inflammatory” and “divisive” language.

“Look, the president has always been very clear—and very recently, after the assassination attempt of the last president—about lowering rhetoric, right? Lowering political rhetoric and the importance of doing that,” Jean-Pierre said on Wednesday at a press briefing. “It is important—important that we be very mindful of what we say. This kind of rhetoric is inflammatory and divisive and incredibly unhelpful.”

“We’re going to continue to condemn any type of political rhetoric in that way, in that vein,” she continued. “And so, it is important to be mindful in what we say and how we say it. But we cannot have this type of inflammatory, divisive language in our political discourse.”

In a race that mostly revolved around the Israel-Hamas conflict, she is the second member of the “squad” to lose their primary this cycle. In his primary reelection campaign, Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.), who has similarly been vocal about his criticism of Israel in recent months, recently lost his bid as well.

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Bank Of America, Wells Fargo And JPMorgan Investigated On Zelle Customer Funds, Scams

A Bank of America logo is pictured in the Manhattan borough of New York City, New York, U.S., January 30, 2019. REUTERS/Carlo Allegri/File Photo
Bailey: As if Americans aren't struggling enough, we can't even trust our Banks.

According to a Wall Street Journal piece published on Wednesday, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is probing how big U.S. banks have been managing their customers’ money on the peer-to-peer payments network Zelle.

The article, which cited individuals familiar with the situation, stated that the investigation focuses on Wells Fargo, Bank of America, and JPMorgan, among other major institutions.

In a filing last week, JPMorgan stated that it was answering the CFPB’s questions regarding  Zelle and that it was thinking about suing a U.S. consumer advocacy watchdog in response to the agency’s questions.

Additionally, Wells Fargo has already revealed in filings that investigations by regulatory authorities have been looking into how Zelle handles customer disputes.

U.S. lawmakers and regulators worried about consumer safety have taken notice of the spread of fraud and scams on Zelle, which is owned by seven large banks, including JPMorgan and Bank of America.

Banks contend that “covering the cost” of fraud will just serve to incentivize even more fraud, which could end up costing billions of dollars.

Early Warning Services, Zelle’s operator, stated that it has “proactively taken steps to go above the law by leading the industry in scam reimbursement efforts.”

They also highlighted that 99.95% of transactions are completed without any negative reports of fraud.

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Thursday, August 8, 2024



Pelosi Keeps Up Hate-Filled Anti-Trump Rhetoric With Impunity

Nancy Pelosi & Immigration: Speaks Argues Red States Should Let Illegal  Immigrants Stay to 'Pick the Crops' | National Review

Nancy Pelosi's influence can be seen all across the Democratic Party shakeup that in a few short, agonizing weeks has reengineered the 2024 presidential ticket and the race for the White House.

It was Pelosi who publicly encouraged President Joe Biden to make a decision about his reelection campaign when he had already insisted he had no plans to step aside. Once he exited and endorsed Kamala Harris atop the ticket, it was Pelosi who was a big fan of her future running mate, Tim Walz.

For the House speaker emerita the upheaval is less about Biden, a friend of 40 years, and more about Republican Donald Trump, the former president she refers to as "Bozo," "a snake-oil salesman," "what's his name" and the "Creature from the Black Lagoon."

"How can I say this in the nicest possible way: My goal in life was that man would never step in the White House again," Pelosi said, slapping the table with every word.

Pelosi spoke Wednesday with reporters and columnists about her new book, "The Art of Power, My Story as America's First Woman Speaker of the House," which calls for an end to political violence in the U.S. But it's this final unwritten chapter of Pelosi's career that shows the soft power she still wields that can change the course of history.

Over and again, Pelosi declined to detail her conversations with Biden during this tumultuous period, or if the conversations happened at all. The two have not spoken since he bowed out of the race.

"At some point, I will come to terms with my, to peace, with my own role in this," she said.

"I think that part of all of our goals in this was to preserve his legacy, a fabulous legacy, that would go right down the drain if Bozo got elected to the White House."

Some details, though, have come into view as Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and House Democrat Leader Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., all had private talks with Biden as he made his historic decision to end his campaign.

Pelosi said it was not her intention to put Biden on the spot when she showed up on his favorite morning news program in early July, after his dismal debate with Trump, and suggested he make a decision about his reelection bid.

Biden had just written a letter to Congress, insisting he was pressing on after a number of rank-and-file Democrats started saying publicly he should bow out of the race. It was not well received, she said.

Not only the White House but control of Congress is at stake this November. Pelosi had been hearing from worried lawmakers and she herself did not see a "path to victory" for Biden.

"I was really asking for a better campaign," she said.

But, she acknowledged about his options ahead, "it was open, in my view."

Pelosi had told Biden early on she didn't want him on the debate stage with Trump. She thought it was beneath him to stand alongside Trump, who had declined to debate his own Republican colleagues during his primary sweep to the GOP nomination. And she knew Trump would use the venue to be "telling all his lies" unchecked.

"I just thought it'd be like doggy-doo and you're going to get it on your shoe and you're all going to smell like him," she said.

But she said Biden was very confident and assured her he could handle Trump on stage. "I know you can handle it," she told him. "But why?"

On debate night, Pelosi settled in at her apartment in Washington to watch and as soon as Biden walked onstage it was disconcerting, she said.

"I was shocked."

Pelosi said she had "never seen" Biden like that.

Pelosi explained her longstanding advice for debating: Clear your mind. Don't bog yourself down with details. Rest up. Be yourself.

Whatever the question is, "you respond whatever way you want. You own it."

It was clear none of that happened with Biden.

"He's the president of the United States, a person who for decades has understood a vision of our country based on values, knowledge, issues, therefore judgment about all of it, with more empathy in his heart than anyone," she said. "Who needs to prep him?"

Pelosi said publicly at the time that she wanted to know if this was an episode with Biden, or a condition?

She made it clear she wanted a more aggressive campaign "so people could see his strength."

Simply rehashing past accomplishments as Biden was doing is important, she said, to show voters you know how to accomplish goals. But elections are really about what you're doing next.

"Elections are about the future," she said. "Finish the job."

None of this rematch with Trump would have been possible if the Senate had voted to convict, rather than acquit, him on the impeachment charge of inciting the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection at the Capitol, because it would have made him ineligible to seek the White House again. Pelosi blames that outcome on Senate Republican leadership and calls it shameful.

As crowds surge to rallies this week for the new Harris-Walz ticket in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan, Pelosi marvels at the energy and enthusiasm flowing to Democrats, particularly from young people.

Pelosi said she thought any of the potential vice presidential contenders would have been great choices. But she has made no secret of her enthusiasm for former House members — which Walz is — to counter the way she believes White House administrations tend to be more deferential to the Senate.

While some were calculating which vice presidential hopeful would best help Democrats in the swing states, Pelosi said the question for Harris was: Who will help you govern? She said she did not put in a good word for Walz, but put in a good word for all the contenders.

Asked if Democrats would win control of the House, she said, "That's the plan."

Asked if her book title was an intended nod at Trump's "The Art of the Deal," she said, "Nothing that I do has anything to do with him, except his downfall."

