Saturday, August 10, 2024

CA State Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil Switches Party Affiliation to Republican

California State Sen. Marie Alvarado-Gil is switching parties

The wall of the California Democrat supermajority has sprung a major leak. Democrat State Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil, who has recently conflicted with the majority of her party within the legislature, is now switching her party affiliation to Republican.

Clutch the pearls. KCRA's Ashley Zavala first broke the news.

BREAKING: California State Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil is switching her party affiliation from Democratic to Republican.

She reps a swing district that leans Republican with parts of the Central Valley and Eastern California.

— Ashley Zavala (@ZavalaA) August 8, 2024

Democratic State Sen. Marie Alvarado-Gil is switching her party affiliation to Republican, multiple sources told KCRA 3, speaking on the condition they remain anonymous.

Alvarado-Gil represents Senate District 4, which encompasses parts of Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, El Dorado, Inyo, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Mono, Nevada, Placer, Stanislaus, and Tuolumne counties. She was first elected to her seat in the state senate in 2022 and is up for reelection in 2026.

The State Senate's Republican Caucus would not comment as of Thursday afternoon.

Assembly Republicans' rapid response staffer George Andrew reposted Zavala's X post with this picture of former Assemblywoman (now Secretary of State) Shirley Weber and former Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez. This was probably taken when the supermajority initially took over the State Capitol.

Kind of based.

— George Andrews (@gjandrews) August 8, 2024

Alvarado-Gil spoke with California podcast host Steve Hilton to announce this switch and explain why she chose to make the leap.

BREAKING: California Democrat State Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil has SWITCHED to the Republican Party!

"It is time for me to give up that D and to cross over to join my colleagues in Republican caucus."

— steve hilton (@SteveHiltonx) August 9, 2024

Alvarado-Gil also issued a statement to POLITICO:

Statement from Marie Alvarado-Gil on switching to the Republican Party.

“The status quo under a supermajority Democratic rule in the legislature is simply not working for this state.” #caleg

— Lara Korte (@lara_korte) August 8, 2024

"Since my first day in office, I have put the interests of my constituents first. I was elected to serve the public, not a political ideology," said Alvarado-Gil. 

"The status quo under a supermajority Democratic rule in the legislature is simply not working for this state. It is after deep reflection I announce that I will be joining the Senate Republican Caucus and the California Republican Party in their fight to Fix California.

"Since I've served in our State's Capitol, I've had a front-row seat to witness the supermajority push California in the wrong direction, having a grave effect on our once Golden state. The Democratic Party is unrecognizable to what I once knew and lacks the will to fix the problems plaguing this state. I cannot stand by a party that ignores the will of the people and disregards the core American values that my community supports and believes in."

The Democrat State Senate Pro Tem Mike McGuire issued a statement saying Alvarado-Gil's party switch is "disappointing for voters."

Statement from CA Senate's Democratic leader @ilike_mike
"This is disappointing for voters who elected Senator Alvarado-Gil as a Democrat. They trusted her to represent them, and she’s betrayed that trust. Senate Democrats will continue to work on their behalf and deliver results…

— Ashley Zavala (@ZavalaA) August 8, 2024

"This is disappointing for voters who elected Senator Alvarado-Gil as a Democrat," said California's Democratic State Senate Pro Tem Mike McGuire in a statement. "They trusted her to represent them, and she’s betrayed that trust. Senate Democrats will continue to work on their behalf and deliver results for rural California. One silver lining is MAGA Republicans are gaining a pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ+ rights, anti-Trump colleague. We wish her the best of luck."

"They trusted her to represent them, and she betrayed that trust"? Excuse me?! Her district leans Republican and probably would have been won by a Republican had it not been for California's awful jungle primaries and several Republicans canceling each other out. As her above statement attests, Alvarado-Gil considers herself a "Western Blue Dog" Democrat, which means she stands for individual liberties, supporting law enforcement, protecting the public's safety, and that criminals should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and when convicted, placed in prison, not released to commit more crimes. Alvarado-Gil actually pulled her name from public safety legislation when the Democrat supermajority tried to insert poison pills to block the passage of the reform Prop 47 initiative (now on the November ballot as Prop 36.)

I am withdrawing my co-authorship from two retail theft bills after unconsulted amendments. I stand by the #Prop47 reform initiative and voters' rights, but I oppose the political maneuvering. #CA #California #retailtheft #Sacramento #Capitol

— Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil (@AlvaradoGilSD4) June 12, 2024

Underneath Alvarado-Gil's bio photo, she wrote this sentence, which gives a window into her personality, as well as the type of legislator she strives to be: “My grandpa fought off Bull in the matador arena - now I’m fitted in boots to fight Bull in the halls of Sacramento.”

From her statement, her appearance on Hilton's podcast, and her actions of late bucking the party orthodoxy, it seems Alvarado-Gil has had enough of the Democrat supermajority's nonsense and "bull" and responded accordingly with this party switch. Although Democrats still hold onto their supermajority in the Senate, with 31 seats out of 40 instead of 32, the CAGOP welcomed Alvarado-Gil and seem quite excited about improving their electoral prospects. 

Please join us in welcoming Senator @AlvaradoGil2026 to the California Republican Party! 🎉🐘

— CAGOP (@CAGOP) August 9, 2024

Senate Republican Minority leader Brian Jones also embraced Alvarado-Gil's move across the aisle.

Welcome Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil to the Senate Republican Caucus.

It takes courage to stand up to the supermajority in California and Marie has what it takes. Her record on tackling crime, protecting communities from sexually violent predators, and prioritizing her…

— Brian W. Jones (@SenBrianJones) August 9, 2024

Welcome Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil to the Senate Republican Caucus. 

It takes courage to stand up to the supermajority in California and Marie has what it takes. 

Her record on tackling crime, protecting communities from sexually violent predators, and prioritizing her constituents speaks for itself.  

Senate Republicans are committed to addressing the real issues facing communities across the state and look forward to adding an eager spit fire like Marie to the cause. 

It’s no secret that California’s political landscape is heavily weighted to the left, but with increasing attention on issues worsened by Democrat policies, we can continue making strides in our fight. 

The pendulum is swinging in this great state. 

If we’re going to fix California, we need pragmatic leaders like Marie who have seen firsthand the impact of the supermajority’s policies on communities and want to change it for the better. 

For anyone else who might be tired of witnessing the supermajority run this state into the ground, we have a seat at our table for you, too. 

However, not all Republican legislators are welcoming Alvarado-Gil with open arms.

— Bill Essayli (@billessayli) August 9, 2024

It is unconfirmed whether Alvarado-Gil made an endorsement of the VP's presidential run. A California legislator switching from Democrat to Republican is fairly unprecedented. The last time it was done was way back in 1944.

The last time a State Senator changed party affiliation D->R while in the middle of a term was almost exactly 80 years ago. Jack Tenney on September 24, 1944.

— Alex Vassar 📚 (@AlexCVassar) August 8, 2024

Essayli also questioned the sincerity of Alvarado-Gil's statement and once again alluded to Alvarado-Gil's endorsement of VP Kamala Harris and whether she would now rescind it.

That’s funny, I don’t recall her making a single comment critical of her party in the last two years.

Does she regret any of her liberal votes in the Senate? Does she regret endorsing @KamalaHarris two weeks ago?

Did she have an overnight revelation, or is it more likely she’s…

— Bill Essayli (@billessayli) August 9, 2024

That’s funny, I don’t recall her making a single comment critical of her party in the last two years.  

Does she regret any of her liberal votes in the Senate? 

Does she regret endorsing @KamalaHarris two weeks ago? 

Did she have an overnight revelation, or is it more likely she’s desperate to get reelected in a heavily Republican seat?

There's added reason to retain some skepticism regarding the timing of the announcement.

Totally organic that a Dem from a Central Valley/North State district who's voted party line, endorsed Kamala, and just voted for a resolution praising Joe Biden just happened to be in LA the day that a conservative police chief filed to run against her next cycle - so she could…

— Jennifer Van Laar (@jenvanlaar) August 9, 2024

Totally organic that a Dem from a Central Valley/North State district who's voted party line, endorsed Kamala, and just voted for a resolution praising Joe Biden just happened to be in LA the day that a conservative police chief filed to run against her next cycle - so she could film TV interviews and announce she was changing parties by the end of the day

Alvarado-Gil is up for reelection in 2026. So, we will watch whether this portends a further erosion of the Blue wall in California or a Republican Party that becomes even more watered down than it is now.


Former Biden Top Advisor Blames Campaign Demise on 'Unremitting Negative, Horrible Attacks'—by Democrats

Anita Dunn Pictured Below

Biden campaign adviser Anita Dunn to leave White House | Reuters

was until very recently a top Biden advisor (and before that, acting White House Communications Director for Obama), but she has since moved on to working for a PAC that is supporting the Kamala Harris campaign now that the president has cried uncle on his foundering reelection bid. 

However, she’s not real happy with how top Democrats treated the declining commander-in-chief following his ruinous debate performance in late June.

It wasn’t Trump who forced Biden to the sidelines, and it wasn‘t Dem voters—14 million of whom voted for Ole Joe in the primary only to see their ballots ignored—it was the Democrat hierarchy itself that tossed him into the ash heap. We already knew that, but Dunn confirms Pelosi, Schumer, Barack, Jeffries et al. were the leaders behind the coup, vicious sharks in the water. 

While she’s right about that assessment, where she’s wrong is in her take about the debate; she contends Biden didn’t do all that badly despite the fact that he was almost comatose:

"What did change [after the debate], it was 24 days of unremitting negative, horrible attacks on Joe Biden," she said.

When asked to clarify who those attacks came from, Dunn pulled no punches: "From his own party and from the press."

She also said that after that debate there was a press atmosphere that was "just unremittingly negative" and was made worse by leaders of the party speaking out.

Who was one of the chief architects in stabbing Joe in the back? You guessed it, Marvel comic villain Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who for some reason seems to hold more power in this corrupt Democrat party than the actual POTUS himself:

"Clearly there were leaders of the party who decided to go ahead and go very public. And that gave permission to other people to go public," she said.

Dunn was asked if an example of that was when former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., went on TV twice in the days after the debate.

"Absolutely," she said.

The Wicked Witch From the West: Saturday Night COVID Fever: Inside Biden's Decision to Abandon His Reelection Effort

WATCH: Pelosi's Creepy, Slimy Response When Asked About Leading Plot to Shove Out Biden

Dunn wasn’t done (sorry, I had to do that), slamming the Democrat powers-that-be, specifically calling out others in the top leadership for their past failures (bolding mine):

Dunn later side-stepped a question about whether Biden is still angry at Pelosi, as well as former President Obama and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. — while also taking another swipe at some in leadership.

"The task in front of us is to win this election and to not let Donald Trump become president again and to win the House of Representatives, which had certain leaders in 2022 done a slightly better job, maybe we would control today, but we don’t," she said.

Tensions have been simmering internally within the Biden camp. NBC News reported that those tensions boiled over in light of the debate, with Biden family members discussing whether Dunn should be fired — reportedly angered by her suggestion first son Hunter Biden keep a low profile.

Here’s my question—how can Dunn now be an effective surrogate for the Harris/Walz campaign after she just blasted these apparently all-powerful Dem leaders? Kamala’s going to need their support, just as Biden did, and if one of her strategists is deeply at odds with the Pelosi/Schumer/Jeffries/Obama cabal, that seems highly problematic. Then again, everything about this nascent campaign seems problematic. I’d feel sorry for them if… if… No, I can’t think of a reason.

They all deserve each other.


JD Vance's Commanding Officer Goes on CNN and Shuts Down Host Who Attacked His Record

Marine Major CONFRONTS CNN's Brianna Keilar for Disappearing Vance's  Military Service - Bondiewithlove

CNN host Brianna Keilar attacked JD Vance’s record, referring to it yesterday as if it were a trip to a resort. Vance’s deployment wasn’t spring break. It’s not a cushy job either, which was the gross insinuation. It’s well that Maj. Shawn Haney (ret.) came on CNN to shut down the notion that Vance did nothing in Iraq. Haney, a public affairs officer, also corrected Keilar, noting the dangers of being a combat correspondent, citing 130 individuals who did not make it home.

Marine Major calls out CNN's Brianna Keilar for her disrespect of JD Vance's service as a Marine reporter and suggestion of no danger:
"I saw yesterday where you talked about combat correspondent...130 heroes that served in that capacity who did not make it out of a combat zone."

— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) August 9, 2024
— L A R R Y (@LarryOConnor) August 9, 2024

Then Vance's CO called out Keilar to her face.

— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) August 9, 2024

Yesterday, @brikeilarcnn disgustingly suggested Vance was never in danger when he was in Iraq.

— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) August 9, 2024
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) August 9, 2024

Also, Keilar didn’t apologize or backtrack but instead engaged—to cite liberals—'bothsideism,’ going on a prolonged monologue about the perniciousness of the attacks on military records. She added that veterans who have not seen combat don’t make their service any less honorable.

 She’s right, but where things go adrift relates to the timelines between Kamala Harris’ running mate, Tim Walz, and JD Vance, who deployed to Iraq. Tim Walz bolted from his National Guard unit before deployment and then lied about carrying weapons of war, later claiming to be a veteran of the Afghanistan War. Walz claimed or, at the very least, gave off the impression that he was a combat veteran and never seemed to correct people who erroneously referred to him as such.

FLASHBACK: Tim Walz thanked Nancy Pelosi at a press conference in 2007 in which she said while introducing him that "we appreciate his service on the battlefield."

CSPAN then identified Walz as an "Afghanistan veteran."

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) August 9, 2024

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NBC News Pretty Much Confirms Tim Walz Lied About His Military Service

It's the Democrat media complex at work, though they’ve become more shameless since the Obama era. After Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016, there was a conscious effort to disregard the truth to protect Democrats and help them no matter what. It’s the only explanation for the flurry of ethical and overall journalistic malpractice that we’ve seen, from the Russian collusion hoax to Hunter Biden’s laptop; we do not hate the media enough for their overt corruption. 

And now, NBC News is reporting through some unnamed Kamala Harris spokesperson that Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who the vice president selected as her running mate to appease the far-left elements of the Democratic Party, lied about his military record

— Sunny (@sunnyright) August 10, 2024

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz "misspoke" in a 2018 video circulated by the Harris campaign earlier this week that included the vice presidential candidate talking about his handling of weapons "in war," a campaign spokesperson said Friday. 

The clarification comes after Republicans, led by veteran and vice presidential candidate JD Vance, have attacked Walz over his military record. 

“Governor Walz would never insult or undermine any American’s service to this country — in fact, he thanks Senator Vance for putting his life on the line for our country. It’s the American way," the Harris campaign spokesperson said in a statement. 

"In making the case for why weapons of war should never be on our streets or in our classrooms, the Governor misspoke. He did handle weapons of war and believes strongly that only military members trained to carry those deadly weapons should have access to them, unlike Donald Trump and JD Vance who prioritize the gun lobby over our children,” the spokesperson added. 

The video clip of Walz's previous remarks shows him discussing gun control and referring to his own military background. “We can make sure that those weapons of war, that I carried in war, is the only place where those weapons are at,” Walz says in the clip posted by Harris’ campaign on Tuesday. 

Walz's 24 years in the military included serving overseas and supporting forward units, but he was not deployed to a combat zone. 

So, isn’t this an admission of stolen valor? To compound this matter, CNN’s Laura Coates 

 Laura Coates - Anchor and Chief Legal Analyst | CNN

interviewed Tim Walz's former Command Sergeant Major Doug Julin, who gave a damning interview, indicating that the Minnesota governor knew about his unit’s deployment to Iraq in late 2004, a good six-to-seven months of foreknowledge before turning in his retirement papers. It sure seems like the man cut and ran—literally.   

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Texas: Armed Teacher Rescues 15-Year-Old Girl From Attack, Sexual Assault

(Center) David Garza. (Photo via: Harris County Sheriff’s Office) / (R) Suspect of the crime.

A middle school teacher in Houston has been hailed as a hero for saving the life of a 15-year-old girl who was the victim of an attack and attempted sexual assault. The teacher had confronted the man and scared him off while yielding his gun.

Investigators from the Harris County Sheriff’s Office reported that the incident occurred on Houston’s east side just before midnight on Sunday, July 28th.

In a dramatic video, David Garza, the middle school teacher, is seen running from his residence while holding a weapon and wearing only his boxers. He explained that he was merely “following his instincts” after hearing a woman calling for help in the distance.

“I looked out the window, and I saw a man beating up a woman on the ground. He was [also] trying to take her clothes off,” Garza said.

Garza noted that he first went to retrieve his firearm and then he immediately searched for the assailant and the girl without second thought.

“I ran upstairs and grabbed my pistol. Then, I came outside and asked what’s going on. The girl screamed, ‘I’m 15. Help me.’ So, I pointed my gun at him,” Garza explained.

At this point, the attacker had the young victim by the hair, and it was clear that he had attempted to take her clothes off. Nevertheless, as soon as Garza arrived with his gun, stopping the suspect, the girl was able to take off running.

“He took his hands off right away. He went chasing after her, so I went chasing after him. She got away. She went to someone she knew’s apartment,” Garza said.

According to a neighbor who spoke with reporters, Garza prevented the 15-year-old from a potentially fatal situation. She claims that she was watching the incident from her window and that she did not know what to do until Garza finally stepped in.

“At first, I was scared because I literally thought she was about to get raped. I think if he didn’t come out, she probably would have gotten raped,” she said.

The 15-year-old girl was reportedly riding on the bus alone when the suspect noticed her. He then got up and left the bus, following her from behind, before pursuing her across the street and into an apartment complex. After she turned around and noticed him following her, he ran up and began attacking her, pushing her down to the ground.

Investigators obtained camera footage of the suspect leaving the bus, but they are still searching for him.

Although Garza is being praised as a hero, he told reporters that he was just simply doing the right thing. According to him, this was also not the first time he had pursued someone who was attempting to hurt a minor.

“I was scared, too. I’m not going to lie, but she needed help more than I was afraid, so I had to do it,” he said.

Meanwhile, Andy Kahan, a victim advocate for the group Crime Stoppers, chimed in with his own comments as well.

“If you’re willing to do this where everybody is and people can actually see what you’re doing, that makes me wonder: A. Is this your first time? B. We need to get you off the streets before you continue to hurt young girls again,” Kahan said.

Although blurry and out of focus, the suspect’s photo has been made public by investigators. At the time of the incident, he was dressed in blue pants, white tennis shoes, and a black hoodie with a white Reebok emblem.

Call the Harris County Sheriff’s Office at 713-221-6000 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS if you have any information on his identity or whereabouts.

A n*ked good samaritan saved a 15-year-old girl from being r*ped after a man attacked her and attempted to take off her clothes in Houston on July 28.

The hero, David Garza, jumped into action when he heard the young girl yelling for help outside his apartment.


— RedWave Press (@RedWave_Press) August 9, 2024

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Democrat Leaders Warn Harris Campaign To Solidify Economy-Related Talking Points

Democratic presidential candidate, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris and Democratic vice presidential candidate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz take a selfie in front of a sign that reads “Kamala and The Coach” during stop at a campaign office on August 9, 2024 in Glendale, Arizona.

Democrats are cautioning that Vice President Kamala Harris needs to bolster her economic pitch, especially with the upcoming ABC News debate coming up.

It is still unclear if she will agree to take on Trump in the other two scheduled debates. After reporters recently questioned her about it, she only mentioned one out of the three, refraining from saying whether or not she would agree to attend the other two debates.

Since Harris has agreed to the debate that ABC News will arrange and moderate, it is important to note that the network has a history of hiring pundits and reporters who openly despise Trump, like senior congressional correspondent Rachel Scott, and who the former president has sued for spreading false information about him, like host George Stephanopoulos.

Meanwhile, voters’ top concern before Biden’s exit from the campaign last month was the economy, where a number of recent polls showed that Trump was still leading. According to the surveys, respondents had much more faith in Trump than in Biden and Kamala when it came to any sort of economic matters.

The switch from Biden to Harris dominated news headlines. The focus surrounding her stepping up only served to fuel the two-week enthusiasm wave for Harris. However, it has now seemed to settle a bit for Democrats, as Americans are now questioning whether her campaign and the Democrat Party can change the economy for the better after the last few years of major inflation and recent stock market woes under both Harris and Biden.

Democrats also haven’t had to worry too much about policy during the past few weeks. However, Democrat leaders contend that before Republicans push the economy back to the top of their campaign, as it has been shown to be the most important issue to voters, Harris and her running mate, Democrat governor of Minnesota Tim Walz, must get to work to change the general perspective.

“The big question is, ‘Can you win the message war there? Can you convince the hearts and minds, and win the conversation on what the future looks like?’” said Joel Payne, a Democrat strategist. “Obviously Republicans traditionally have an advantage on this. But while you’re litigating the last three years, you need to make sure you’re putting it into context about, ‘Who do you trust in the future’ on the economy.”

“But they need to be ready to have a solid economic argument at their fingertips,” he added. “Biden struggled to articulate that message.” 

The economy is becoming a more pressing concern as we approach a turning point after the Federal Reserve implemented a period of interest rate increases and quantitative tightening in response to high post-pandemic inflation.

According to a Morning Consult survey released this month, 42% of voters said they trusted Harris, while 50% said they trusted Trump when it came to the economy. Additionally, another recent Marist poll said that Trump still beat Harris in regards to who would manage the economy better, 51% to 48%.

Due to a wave of severe inflation that affected consumers’ perceptions and his economic approval ratings, Biden and Harris lost favorability. Only 38% of Americans said they were confident in the Biden administration’s management of the economy back in May.

Meanwhile, major executives like JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon expressed how his feelings had changed for the better in regards to Trump and his economic policies.

“Just take a step back and be honest,” JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon said earlier this year at an economic forum. “He [Trump] was kind of right about NATO. He was kind of right about immigration. He grew the economy quite well. Trade, tax reform worked. He was right about some of China.”

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Friday, August 9, 2024



Blaine Holt to Newsmax: Stolen Valor a Big Deal for Vets

Brig. Gen. Blaine Holt explains what America can do economically during  Russian-Ukraine crisis | Fox News


Retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Blaine Holt told Newsmax on Thursday that Democrats underestimated how big a deal stolen valor is to the military veteran community and how much offense veterans take when allegations of stolen valor surface such as those against Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.

Vice President Kamala Harris, who is running for president, announced Walz as her running mate for the Democrat ticket on Tuesday.

"What I think ... is they underestimated how truly big this issue is, especially to we in the veteran community who served in two straight decades of warfare for no apparent reason – just a lot of blood and treasure gone," Holt said during an appearance on "Carl Higbie FRONTLINE." "And our country looking for answers as to why we're doing these things."

Holt said it was interesting to see the Minnesota National Guard make a statement on Walz's military service record, given that the governor sits at the top of the chain of command.

"Look, it's really telling that the Minnesota Guard public affairs officer put something out to clarify that he was guilty of stolen valor, because in the hierarchy, you've got the governor of Minnesota, of which he is being the commander in chief of the Guard, and yet, the Guard took that step," he said.

"Have you ever seen a bust-out of the chain of command like that? I think that — and I'm hopeful that — we will see accountability down the road."

The retired Air Force officer also commented on a 2007 interview Walz gave, in which he claimed he was deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.

Holt seemed to agree with host Higbie's assessment that Walz was not in a deployable status at the time of the interview.

"It's all there and it's just in complete black and white. That gets to the character issue.

"So when we shift this to the seriousness of the matter, you want this guy to be No. 2 in line to the nuclear football, and yet, he's taught high school in China, has a honeymoon that was connected to the anniversary of Tiananmen Square, has a Chinese police station in his state, puts tampons in bathrooms for boys, and then was there and presided over the burning down of Minneapolis," Holt continued.

"Character, character, character. Stolen valor — is that a big shock? No, it shouldn't be. That's actually consistent with the life of a lack of integrity."

Nicole Wells

Nicole Wells, a Newsmax general assignment reporter covers news, politics, and culture. She is a National Newspaper Association award-winning journalist.

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