Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Biden-Harris Regime’s Latest Betrayal of Israel Will Make Your Blood Run Cold

The Biden-Harris regime is supposed to be an ally of Israel and occasionally sends signals to that effect, but its real loyalties are not hard to figure out.

The Biden-Harris regime is all about holding and increasing its power, and Israel is in the way of that aspiration right now. In pursuit of votes in Michigan and Minnesota, Kamala Harris just chose Tim Walz as her running mate over a stronger candidate, Josh Shapiro, because Shapiro is Jewish. It has sent billions to the bankroller of Hamas and Hezbollah, the Islamic Republic of Iran, and hundreds of millions to Gaza, which means to Hamas. It has withheld arms shipments to Israel. And now it is being accused of a betrayal so immense that it makes those others look like friendship.

Amir Fakhravar, a former political prisoner of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) inside Iran and the Senate chairman of the National Iranian Congress, states that shortly after the assassination of Hamas top dog Ismail Haniyeh and a key Hizballah operative, Fuad Shukr, the Biden-Harris regime swung into action. To warn the Iranians that if they attacked Israel, they would suffer serious consequences? That’s what many have assumed. In an opinion piece at Fox News on Monday, Fakhravar revealed that “Kuwait’s Al-Jarida newspaper, citing an unnamed source in Iran's Supreme National Security Council, reported that a high-level American security delegation, brokered by Oman, secretly traveled to Tehran.” That doesn’t sound so bad in itself. But it gets much, much worse. 

The mission of this high-level delegation, according to Fakhravar, was not to deter the Iranians from striking against Israel by informing them that America was fully prepared to defend its ally. Instead, the delegation’s job was to “deliver a ‘calming and cautionary’ message to deescalate the situation and ensure the supreme leader of Iran understood that the Biden-Harris administration was ‘kept in the dark’ by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu regarding the killing of two major terrorist leaders last week.”

That’s right: the American delegation, if the Kuwaiti report is correct, did not go to Tehran to demonstrate America’s strength; rather, it went there in order to show America’s weakness. The delegation was intent not on warning Iran not to attack Israel, but to insist that America hadn’t had anything to do with the killings of Haniyeh and Shukr, for those nasty Israelis had not taken them into their confidence.

Even worse, these cowardly appeasers reportedly went to the Iranians bearing gifts. Fakhravar states: “The detailed report stated that the American delegation, arriving on a private plane from Turkey, landed at Payam-e-Khorram Airport in Karaj on Thursday and held a two-hour meeting with Iranian officials before returning to Ankara.” At this meeting, the greatest betrayal of all was consummated: "the delegation presented a list containing the names of ten Mossad agents inside Iran, whom the Americans believe were involved in the assassination, directly or indirectly.” 

To put this into perspective, recall that on April 18, 1943, in the middle of World War II, American forces shot down the aircraft carrying Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Japanese Navy. Imagine if a week or two later, a high-level British delegation had made its way to Tokyo in order to assure the Japanese that they didn’t know about the operation to take out Yamamoto and didn’t have anything to do with it. Imagine further that the British then gave the Japanese the names and whereabouts of ten Americans who were involved in the action against Yamamoto. 

If that had actually happened, it might have been enough to sever the U.S./British alliance. But today, the Biden-Harris regime does not hesitate to extend this sort of gesture of good will to a regime that regularly chants “Death to America.” The Kuwaiti report explains that “this was intended as a good faith initiative in response to the Israeli state's stunning strike, which was carried out without coordination with Washington." A “good faith initiative”? To a regime that has never shown good faith and has repeatedly vowed the destruction of America as well as Israel?

Related: Are You Sitting Down? It Turns Out Kamala Has Ties to a Far-Left, Hamas-Linked Islamic Group

The State Department was quick to deny the accuracy of the Kuwaiti report, and as damning as it is, that’s no surprise. Fakhravar notes, however, that “Secretary of State Antony Blinken admitted that to deescalate the conflict, the Biden administration had ‘engaged in intense diplomacy with allies and partners, communicating that message directly to Iran,’ which largely confirms the Kuwaiti newspaper's report.”

The effects were seen immediately. “[A]fter the reported visit by the U.S. delegation, ‘more than two dozen people, including senior intelligence officers, military officials, and staff workers at a military-run guesthouse in Tehran,’ were arrested in response to the assassination of the Hamas leader," according to the report.

Are those two dozen people suffering unimaginable horrors in Iranian prisons today because of the Biden-Harris regime’s anxiousness to betray Israel? It sure looks like it.


Here's the Key Line That Wrecks Newsweek's Fantastical Piece About Harris Winning Texas

If Democrats have a political unicorn regarding the Electoral College, it’s Texas. How often have we heard that Texas is turning blue, and Republicans win every time on Election Day? Wendy Davis, who led the abortion filibuster that elevated her profile in 2013, was supposed to win the 2014 gubernatorial race, remember? Democrats thought there were shy Democrats that dotted the suburbs of the state, hiding like the Viet Cong until that cycle. That was brutally wrong, as Davis barely broke 40 percent of the vote. With Kamala Harris, we’re back to these same games. 


Take this Newsweek piece with the headline, “Can Kamala Harris Turn Texas Blue?” It’s a piece that led Tom Bevan, co-founder of RealClearPolitics, to tweet “holy s**t” after reading the piece and zeroing in on the buried passages that wreck this piece of science fiction [emphasis mine]: 

Holy shit. Newsweek took this quote ("I do not think that Texas will be in play. At all") and turned it into this:

— Tom Bevan (@TomBevanRCP) August 14, 2024

Matthew Eshbaugh-Soha, a professor of American politics at the University of North Texas, suggested that even Harris' momentum and a close high-profile state level race doesn't necessarily mean the vice president will be competitive in Texas. 

"I do not think that Texas will be in play. At all," Eshbaugh-Soha told Newsweek. 

"This does not mean that Harris will avoid Texas. She will visit, to raise money and generate some exposure for herself and her campaign," he added. "There is nothing in the mix that indicates future performance will be any different from past performance; I don't see anything that may shake up the presidential vote in Texas." 

Eshbaugh-Soha said that one issue which could harm Harris is that voters in Texas may still associate her with the record breaking levels of illegal migrant crossings seen at the border during the Biden administration. 


Kimi Lynn King, a University of North Texas political science professor, said that while Harris in enjoying a "bump" in her White House bid, it is unclear how that will help shift the narrative in Texas, a state where "pundits have been predicting since 2006 that there was going to be a purple wave." 

"In 2022, up and down the statewide ballot, solid red candidates like Governor [Greg] Abbott and indicted and impeached, but not convicted, Attorney General Ken Paxton enjoyed double-digit victories over Democrats," King told Newsweek. 

Mark Jones, professor of political science and fellow in political science at Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy in Texas, added: "At the present time, while Harris is likely to make the race more competitive than it would have been had Biden been the Democratic nominee, I don't see Harris doing much better than Biden did in 2020, and thus a Trump victory in the mid-to-high single digits is the most likely scenario today." 

In other words, like a longhorn, Harris is due to be politically slaughtered and devoured by Trump and the Republicans here. Yet, the GOP also has their issues on the map. Pennsylvania has long tortured the Republican Party, who have only won this state in the 1988 and 2016 elections. The Keystone State has an electorate where you’d think the GOP would perform better, but no dice. This year, it could flip. It was on its way to becoming solid Trump country until Joe Biden dropped out.


Hacker Group Leaks 2.7 Billion Records, Including Americans' Social Security Numbers

TOPSHOT - A picture taken on October 17, 2016 shows an employee walking behind a glass wall with machine coding symbols at the headquarters of Internet security giant Kaspersky in Moscow. / AFP / Kirill KUDRYAVTSEV / TO GO WITH AFP STORY BY Thibault MARCHAND (Photo credit should read KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/AFP via Getty Images)
A picture taken on October 17, 2016 shows an employee walking behind a glass wall with machine coding symbols

A group of hackers reportedly stole 2.7 billion records holding personal information from American citizens, including Social Security numbers and physical addresses, which the group claims has been posted online.

A hacking group known as USDoD claimed to have stolen the massive amount of private data in April, from National Public Data (NPD), which holds personal information for employers, private investigators and other agencies for the purpose of background checks.

“If this in fact is pretty much the whole dossier on all of us, it certainly is much more concerning than prior breaches,” said Teresa Murray, consumer watchdog director for the U.S. Public Information Research Group. “And if people weren’t taking precautions in the past, which they should have been doing, this should be a five-alarm wake-up call for them.”

NPD is currently facing a class-action lawsuit in the U.S. District Court in Florida relating to the data breach.

The hacker group offered to sell the data, which includes records from citizens in the U.S., Canada and the United Kingdom, for $3.5 million.

A screenshot taken by BleepingComputer, a cybersecurity news outlet, showcased a hacker going by the name of “Felice”, on a forum discussing the NPD hack.

“Greetings, BreachForums members. I am here to inform you that the full NPD database has been breached by SXUL is now available to download,” said the hacker going by the screenname Fenice. “I have a even more bigger database to share that is not related to NPD, wait for the next chapter. Ps: There is a new player in town.”

Yahoo News reported that NPD did not respond to a request for a comment on the matter, and the company has not informed the public about the breach.

The outlet did claim that people who have contacted NPD have gotten a response that states, “we are aware of certain third-party claims about consumer data and are investigating these issues.”

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China Boy Tim Walz Agrees To CBS News' VP Debate With JD Vance, JD Yet To RespondTim Walz Agrees To CBS News' VP Debate With JD Vance, JD Yet To Respond

On Wednesday, Minnesota Governor China Boy Tim Walz, who was selected as Vice President Kamala Harris’s vice presidential pick for her 2024 presidential campaign, agreed to debate GOP vice presidential nominee JD Vance. It is scheduled to take place in New York City on October 1st, hosted by CBS News.

However, former President Donald Trump’s campaign team has not yet officially confirmed the date, raising some questions about Vance’s (R-Ohio.) involvement.

Nevertheless, Vance’s X (Twitter) account posted on Wednesday, saying, “Hi Tim, I thank you for your [military] service. But you shouldn’t have lied about it. You shouldn’t have said you went to war when you didn’t. Nor should you have said that you didn’t know your unit was going to Iraq. Happy to discuss more in a debate.”

CBS News suggested four dates earlier in the day for a debate between the two vice presidential candidates: September 17th, September 24th, October 1st, and October 8th.

The October 1st date was quickly accepted by the Harris-Walz campaign.

The vice president debate date has been uncertain since CBS News first invited the two presidential campaigns to the event in the spring. In May, the Biden campaign hinted that Vice President Kamala Harris, who was still Biden’s running mate at the time, could be willing to challenge the Republican nominee for vice president.

“We look forward to their responses and providing voters with an opportunity to hear directly from the vice-presidential candidates,” CBS News stated.


JD Vance Responds to Walz's Debate Challenge, Nukes Kamala's 'Vibe' Campaign

 Donald Trump’s running mate JD Vance responded to his opponent, Kamala Harris’ number two Tim Walz, regarding a proposed Oct. 1 debate on CBS, and although he said he’d only seen the offer a few hours earlier and hadn’t had a chance to review the terms, he was confident that it would go down. However, he said he wouldn’t be interested if it wasn’t a “real” debate.

"We want to actually look at the debates, look at the moderators, talk about the rules a little bit," he said. 

"I strongly suspect we're going to be there on October the 1st, but we're not going to do one of these fake debates... where they don't actually have an audience there, where they don't actually set the parameters in a way where we can have a good exchange of ideas. In other words, we're not going to walk into a fake news media garbage debate. We're going to do a real debate, and if CBS agrees to it, then certainly we'll do it."

Walz had tried to pull the tough-guy act earlier on Wednesday:

Walz is playing the big guy now, but I’m curious to see what happens when Vance calls him out on his stolen valor scandal, his Orwellian COVID policies, and his far-left viewpoints. I’ll be popping the Orville Redenbacher in the microwave for this one.

While the timing and negotiations over the debate are interesting, what I found even more notable was what Vance said on Fox News Wednesday evening to host Laura Ingraham about the Kamala Harris “vibe” campaign. As I’ve written previously, much of the nation’s media have become entranced by the “joy” in Harris’ newfound presidential run and are waxing poetic about how the “vibe” had shifted and how she’s somehow magically been reborn as a candidate. 

What is so silly about their gushing coverage, however, is the fact that nothing about the woman has changed—not her policies, not her unpresidential giggling demeanor, not her ultra-leftist views. In fact, since Biden stepped down over three weeks ago and she became the heir apparent, she has not given a single interview or press conference or laid out any of her plans should she be elected. 

Nothing has changed—except the media.

The Joy of Kamala:

Related: Media Propaganda Effort Goes Into Overdrive With Soviet-Style Time Magazine Cover Featuring Kamala Harris

Vance had some choice words:

Well, I think it's good vibes generated by the media, Laura, but nobody actually believes it because everybody can look at their checking account, everybody can look at the price of groceries, the price of rent, and they recognize that Kamala Harris's policies certainly on the economy, but on the border as well, have completely failed.

And the American people are actually smart and the media and the Democrats give them no credit for this, but they think that they can somehow run a campaign purely on vibes.

Watch (the comments mentioned start at the :35 mark:)

Will "vibes" cure the rampant Biden/Harris inflation? Unlikely:

Kamala Harris says in her rallies, Laura, that she's going to reduce inflation starting on day one. Well, day one, Laura was three and a half years ago. Her policies are what caused the inflation crisis and the American people, I think, are just too smart to buy this garbage. It's why we continue to win this race. And look, we're going to run to the finish line. We're we're gonna need every single vote that we can get, but I'm as confident today as when I joined the ticket that we're gonna win this race.

According to a new Fox poll, JD has reason to be optimistic—the Trump ticket is ahead by a point nationally, and the surveys in the past have often not even reflected his true support.

Not all GOP die-hards were thrilled with the Vance pick, but I think he’s shown himself to be an effective counterpoint to the globalist/leftist visions of Harris and Walz. I’d be surprised if the Ohio senator doesn’t wipe the floor with the Marxist Minnesota governor on October 1 or whenever a debate is officially scheduled. It will definitely be Must-Watch TV.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024



The Best Cartoon of the Year!

NY Times: Hunter Biden Sought State Dept. Help for Burisma

Hunter Biden asked State Department for help with Ukrainian company: report

Hunter Biden solicited help from the State Department in 2016 to land an energy project in Italy while his father, Joe Biden, was the sitting vice president in the Obama administration, the New York Times reported Tuesday night.


Hunter Biden sought the assistance from then-U.S. ambassador to Italy John R. Phillips on behalf of Ukrainian gas company Burisma, where he was a board member at the time, the Times reported.

The Times' report comes from a tranche of records finally released by the Biden administration shortly after Joe Biden announced he was dropping out of the 2024 presidential race. The Times first filed its Freedom of Information Act request in June 2021. The Times then sued after eight months of inaction by the Biden administration.

The State Department told the Times that the release of batches of documents was coincidental with Joe Biden's announcement that he was exiting the race.

Included in the release of docs was Hunter Biden's letter to the ambassador, however the entire letter was redacted by the State Department, the Times said.

The White House told the Times that President Biden was unaware that his son reached out to the American embassy in Italy on behalf of Burisma.

Embassy officials were uneasy with such a request from the son of a sitting vice president, according to the report.

"I want to be careful about promising too much," wrote a Commerce Department official based in the U.S. Embassy in Rome, according to the report.

"This is a Ukrainian company and, purely to protect ourselves, [the U.S. government] should not be actively advocating with the government of Italy without the company going through the D.O.C. Advocacy Center," the official wrote, referring to a Department of Commerce program for U.S. companies seeking business with foreign governments, according to the Times.

Hunter Biden did not register as a lobbyist for Burisma under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. Further, documents filed by special counsel David Weiss last week allege that Hunter Biden was hired by a Romanian businessman "to attempt to influence U.S. government agencies."

The Times' report will quickly get the attention of House Republicans, who have been on the trail of Hunter Biden's activities with foreign governments and businesses in order to enrich himself off his father's name, they allege.

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer, R-Ky., told Newsmax last week that Hunter Biden's Romanian connection would suggest a "potential bribe."

"What David Weiss, to his credit, has said in issuing this, is that this was a violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act because Hunter Biden was getting paid by these foreign nationals in Romania to influence the Obama-Biden administration. I think this is the biggest political corruption scandal in the history of our lifetime," Comer said.

Mark Swanson

Mark Swanson, a Newsmax writer and editor, has nearly three decades of experience covering news, culture and politics.

© 2024 Newsmax. All rights reserved.


Kamala Harris Campaign Caught Red-Handed Faking Press Headlines to Spread Disinformation


The Kamala Harris campaign has been editing press headlines and putting the fake versions in ads as a way to spread disinformation. That's according to a new report that found multiple instances of Google ads being manipulated without the consent of the various news organizations linked to the false headlines.

The Harris campaign has been editing news headlines and descriptions within Google search ads that make it appear as if the Guardian, Reuters, CBS News and other major publishers are on her side, Axios has found. 

Why it matters: It's a common practice in the commercial advertising world that doesn't violate Google's policies, but the ads mimic real news results from Search closely enough that they have news outlets caught off guard. 

  • According to Google's ad transparency center, the Trump campaign isn't running these types of ads, but this technique has been used by campaigns before.
  • The ads say that they are sponsored, but it's not immediately clear that the text that accompanies real news links is written by the campaigns and not by the media publication itself.

In true Axios fashion, the outlet tries to downplay what's occurring, calling it a "common practice in commercial advertising." I'm skeptical that's true. While it may be more common in a non-political context, I've never seen this happen in the political world. That's not to say that some ads haven't taken headlines out of context, but to actually change them and then stick them on Google as if they were real seems like a bridge too far. Yes, there's the "Sponsored" tag attached, but that doesn't immediately indicate to the average user they are fake. 

You do have to love that the first thing Axios did was rush to see if Donald Trump was doing it as well. That's their priority even in a story centering on Kamala Harris because, of course, it is. 

Here's a bit more detail as to what specifically is being done.

  • Examples include The Independent UK, NPR, AP, The Guardian, USA Today, PBS, CNN, CBS News, Time and others, including local outlets like North Dakota radio station WDAY Radio
  • The ads include links to real articles from the news outlets, but the headlines and supporting text have been altered to read as though the articles support the Harris campaign's objectives. 
  • For example, an ad that ran alongside an article from The Guardian shows a headline that reads "VP Harris Fights Abortion Bans - Harris Defends Repro Freedom" and then includes supporting text underneath the headline that reads, "VP Harris is a champion for reproductive freedom and will stop Trump's abortion bans."

There is no doubt in my mind that this would be a major scandal if the Trump campaign were involved. Could you imagine the screams of "disinformation" and threatened lawsuits from press organizations? It'd be non-stop. Because it's Harris, though, it's no big deal. Here's Sara Fischer, who wrote the Axios piece, doing her best to glaze over what she found on social media. 

RELATED: CNN Gets Supremely Triggered Over Donald Trump's Interview With Elon Musk

As the link above shows, Fischer was hyperventilating on CNN about "disinformation" the day before this Harris story dropped because Elon Musk dared to give Trump a platform to speak to "say whatever he wants." Yet, you've got the Harris campaign caught spreading actual disinformation by faking press headlines, and Fischer is all shrugs. Is that surprising? Of course, not, and we all know she wouldn't be that charitable if the shoe was on the other foot.


What Is Harris Hiding? Peter Doocy Busts Kamala for Ditching the Press Pool

As we've seen, Kamala Harris seems to be doing everything she can to avoid answering reporters' questions. She hasn't done an interview since she was handed the Democratic nomination for president without one vote of the people. She's put off the media, saying, well, maybe she'll do an interview by the end of the month. She doesn't even have any policies on her website. That makes it easier for her just to say whatever she thinks will be most appealing to whatever audience she's talking to, so she can be all things to all people, even if those things contradict each other. 

On Monday, Fox's Peter Doocy said, “We’re being told by the VP that if we want to know what she thinks about current events or where she stands on the issues, we do have to wait a little bit longer.” 

Doocy also mentioned internal tensions in the Harris campaign involving Jen O'Malley Dillion, Harris' campaign head, who had been Biden's campaign head. She wants to know that with new people coming in, it won't water down her position. How about being more concerned about actually presenting a campaign that the American public can evaluate and a candidate who will answer questions? 

That report notes that even Charlamagne tha God is criticizing this strategy of not doing any interviews. 

“I really don’t know, I mean we’re in the bottom of the 9th inning, right? Like I feel like she should be any and everywhere, you know, having these conversations. I truly don’t know why she hasn’t done any interviews yet.”

Exactly. Harris said she was going to be focused on the economy when she gets around to putting out policy positions. But she's occupying office now; what has she done in that capacity? Biden-Harris has only made everything worse. So why would anyone believe anything about what she says she wants to do in the future? 

And now Harris has made things even worse. Not only is she skipping out on any interviews, but she ditched her press pool, which is supposed to be reporting on her movements, and that's a big no-no, as Doocy pointed out. 

"Vice President Harris is supposed to travel everywhere she goes with a press pool. We just learned that she left her press pool behind to attend an event at Howard University."

Her trip to Howard also doesn't seem to be on her schedule released to Roll Call. So why was she trying to ditch the media when she went there? What was she afraid they might see and/or ask her? This is not a game; this is supposed to be about serving the American people, and when you are ditching the press, you are ditching informing the American people in the process. 

Harris thinks she can treat the media like dirt and do anything she wants, that they will still be loyal to her. She's probably mostly right on that. But let's see if they do any pushback on this, which is a big diss to them. If she can't even deal with the regular press pool, how is she supposed to deal with hostile world leaders? This is nuts, she isn't even answering the press as much as Biden is.  

