Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Harris Campaign Spills the Real Reason Why Kamala Doesn't Speak With the Media

It’s not shocking since you’ve seen the Democrat media complex at work, but it’s also something the media can’t do. It’s not that they’re unwilling participants, but how can one sell Kamala Harris’ agenda when it’s all-around incoherent? You’ve all seen the word salads the vice president has offered on the stump. It’s one of the reasons why her team is hiding her from the media. When she does take a question from the media, it goes something like this:

It's why her policy positions aren’t on her website, either. It provides a hook for the media to press the VP on her domestic agenda, which is exceedingly expensive and laughably lofty, and a carbon copy of the Biden-Harris roadmap to the poorhouse. I’m sure the reporter who asked her how she would pay for her action items thought something usable could be gleaned for coverage. Instead, we reconfirmed why Donald Trump shouldn’t fear debating this woman. With the Democratic National Convention underway, we know from Harris's surrogates that Harris doesn’t want to engage in the media because she wants them to do the explaining for her.


They’ve already done it with Biden. Her team is confident that the media will flesh out her policies, so there is no need for a press conference, right? I’m not sure that’s going to fly. It’s also a tacit acknowledgment that Harris isn’t good with the media, can’t go off-script, and might be a terrible candidate, but the one who Democrats are stuck with as Biden departed the 2024 race. 

Again, the Harris camp’s knowledge or expectation of the media’s coverage isn’t surprising, but these people can’t spin Harris’ awkwardness. No one can.  

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Nancy Pelosi Says the Quiet Part Out Loud About the Biden Coup

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) again showed her ruthlessness on CNN as the Democratic National Convention kicked off Monday. It’s been well-documented that Pelosi was part of the coup to remove Joe Biden as the 2024 presidential nominee. The former House Speaker tried to nudge the president toward the exit. After weeks of foot-dragging and denying his dismal position in the election, Pelosi reportedly took the gloves off, threatened to trash the president publicly, and cited embarrassing polls that would have sunk his losing campaign. Biden later quit the race on July 21. 

The two haven’t spoken since, and the California liberal took a Trumpian tone when discussing this event in the 2024 election—Pelosi said she did what she had to do: 

Regarding the tone, it rings of Trump saying, “Somebody had to do it—I am the chosen one.” For Pelosi, she took the role with gusto and defeated Biden’s presidency within days, which is no small feat. It helps when the president is in declining health with a poor staff around him, something that Pelosi has highlighted when speaking about the moment she got Biden to drop his re-election bid. 


She’s ruthless. Love or hate her—if she wants you gone, she’ll likely succeed. 

Day one of the Democratic National Convention was supposed to be a sendoff for Joe Biden. He got pushed out of primetime due to program overruns. 

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Pro-Palestine Protesters Arrested Outside Of DNC, Nearby Businesses Require Extra Security

TOPSHOT - Pro-Palestinian activists face police during a demonstration outside the venue of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago, Illinois, on August 19, 2024. ice President Kamala Harris will formally accept the party's nomination for president at the DNC which runs from August 19-22 in Chicago. (Photo by Alex WROBLEWSKI / AFP) (Photo by ALEX WROBLEWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)
Pro-Palestinian activists face police during a demonstration outside the venue of the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago, Illinois, on August 19, 2024

A number of pro-Palestine protesters were arrested on Monday near Chicago’s United Center, where the Democratic National Convention (DNC) is being held.

The protests, made up of thousands of people who are current Chicago residents or traveling visitors, have been scheduled to take place on the first and last day of the four-day Democrat convention as organizers have strategically scheduled the protests to take place during the same time as the DNC.

Organizers of the march said that roughly 15,000 people were present in Union Park, which is nearby to the site of the convention.

Protestors were arrested after breaking off from an even larger riot and protest march. They quickly began storming a perimeter wall outside of the convention center.

“Demonstrators breached a portion of anti-scale fencing along the Democratic National Convention’s outer perimeter near the United Center on Aug. 19. Law enforcement personnel were immediately on-scene and contained the situation. At no point was the inner perimeter breached, and there was no threat to any protectees,” announced the DNC Public Safety Joint Information Center.

Chicago Police and U.S. Capitol Police responded by showing up in riot gear and asserting dominance over the roughly 100 unruly protestors attempting to breach the outer fence. Police Supt. Larry Snelling and his top brass followed behind the group of officers.

Although there was at least 100 protesters and rioters just on day one, surfacing reports claim that only four people have been arrested so far.

 HAPPENING NOW: HUNDREDS of Chicago police are moving in to confront Palestine rioters who have breached the DNC barricades

And it’s STILL early in the day.

This is heating up QUICKLY! pic.twitter.com/5s2ZbBm9wA

— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) August 19, 2024

Not a single store in Milwaukee boarded up their businesses when thousands of Republicans came to the RNC.

These business owners are boarding up ahead of the DNC.

Why are Democrats always so violent? pic.twitter.com/jOz8ciX80I

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) August 18, 2024

Protesters continued to flood the streets while protesting the Israeli-Hamas war in Gaza, which they consider Democrat leaders to be complicit of, due to President Joe Biden’s announced allegiance to Israel as America’s greatest foreign ally.

The DNC is scheduled to feature top Democrat leaders, including President Joe Biden, former President Barack Obama, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, vice presidential candidate Tim Walz (D-Minn.), and 2024 presidential candidate Kamala Harris.

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FBI Announces That Iran Was Responsible For Trump Campaign Hack

A crest of the Federal Bureau of Investigation is seen 03 August 2007 inside the J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building in Washington, DC. AFP PHOTO/Mandel NGAN (Photo credit should read MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)
A crest of the Federal Bureau of Investigation is seen 03 August 2007 inside the J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building in Washington, DC.

The FBI and other intelligence agencies declared on Monday that they had come to the conclusion that Iran was in fact responsible for the Trump campaign breach, and that the country’s hackers had made attempts to “sabotage both presidential campaigns.”

“We have observed increasingly aggressive Iranian activity during this election cycle, specifically involving influence operations targeting the American public and cyber operations targeting Presidential campaigns. This includes the recently reported activities to compromise former President Trump’s campaign, which the [intelligence community] attributes to Iran,” the FBI said in a statement, alongside the office of the director of National Intelligence and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.

The nation has “sought access to individuals with direct access to the Presidential campaigns of both political parties,” the statement continues.

“Such activity, including thefts and disclosures, are intended to influence the U.S. election process,” they continued.

Although the Trump campaign said earlier in the month that Iran was the source of its attack, as it was discovered by a team of researchers working for Microsoft, U.S. intelligence agencies have not yet provided any additional information about the potential hackers.

Iran and China are increasingly imitating efforts to “spread misinformation and create division” among Americans ahead of the election, according to intelligence community officials.

“Iran perceives this year’s elections to be particularly consequential in terms of the impact they could have on its national security interests, increasing Tehran’s inclination to try to shape the outcome,” the U.S. agencies said in a statement.

Reports also surfaced earlier this summer that claimed Iran had planned a scheme to attempt to kill former president Trump.

“Such allegations are unsubstantiated and devoid of any standing,” a spokesman for the Iranian Mission to the United Nations said on Monday.

“As we have previously announced, the Islamic Republic of Iran harbors neither the intention nor the motive to interfere with the U.S. presidential election. Should the U.S. government genuinely believe in the validity of its claims, it should furnish us with the pertinent evidence—if any—to which we will respond accordingly,” he continued.

Although the intelligence community statement denounces Iran’s behavior, it is unclear if the United States intends to take countermeasures or if officials believe that retaliation is necessary.

“We will not tolerate foreign efforts to influence or interfere with our elections, including the targeting of American political campaigns,” the agencies said.

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Monday, August 19, 2024



Alex Acosta to Newsmax: Harris Trying to Buy Votes With Agenda

Alex Acosta to Newsmax: Harris Trying to Buy Votes With Agenda | Newsmax.com
Rep. Van Drew to Newsmax: Dems Masking Harris' Radical Agenda | Newsmax.com

Vice President Kamala Harris and the Biden administration have had more than three years to acknowledge that prices are too high and try to fix the problem, but now she's presenting a price control agenda that is little more than an attempt to buy votes, former Labor Secretary Alex Acosta told Newsmax on Sunday.

"The Washington Post recently ran a story calling it a gimmick, and they called it a gimmick because we all know price controls don't work to lead to shortages," Acosta, who served in former President Donald Trump's administration, told Newsmax's "Sunday Agenda."

"Think of what happened with COVID and all the shortages in the supermarket. That's what you're going to get if her plan is put through."

Further, experts say Harris' plans to control prices on groceries, housing, and medical care will cost the nation $1.7 trillion, said Acosta.

"So in one move, we're going to double the size of the federal deficit to $4 trillion," he said. "That's just not possible. This is just an attempt to buy votes, and I think most Americans are smart enough that they're not going to fall for it."

One of Harris' plans calls to fight back against what she claimed is price gouging in the grocery industry, but Acosta rejected that argument as well.

"Her Department of Labor says the profit margin on groceries is less than 2%," he said. "It's closer to 1%. So grocers aren't price gouging."

The problem is that costs have gone up across the board, Acosta added.

"The cost of employees has gone up," he said. "The price of goods, the price of shipping has gone up. Everything has gone up on groceries, the same way that we have to pay more every time we go to buy something."

Meanwhile, almost nobody has come out in favor of Harris' economic plan, Acosta pointed out.

"The Washington Post, CNN — everyone acknowledged it's a socialist plan that doesn't work," he said. "But the real issue behind this is: Who is the real Kamala Harris?"

The Democrats' nominee has flip-flopped on several matters, Acosta said.

"In 2020, she was for Medicare for all, for a single-payer system," he said. "Now that she's running for president, magically, she's not in 2020.

"She wanted to ban fracking. But we all know that Pennsylvania is a key state and that fracking is a large part of the Pennsylvania economy. And so now she said, 'Well, I misspoke.'"

But the media is not calling her out on her changing agenda, Acosta said.

"Her plan just from this week is going to cost $1.7 trillion, and you and I and all the taxpayers will have to pay for it," he added. "Our budget deficits are already higher than they've ever been.

"Our national debt is at the level that it was during World War II, and we're not fighting a war. We cannot continue to just monetize all this debt.

"Taxes will have to go up, and they'll have to go up a lot. And Kamala Harris is OK with that because she favors a large tax, large spend state," Acosta said.

Sandy Fitzgerald

Sandy Fitzgerald has more than three decades in journalism and serves as a general assignment writer for Newsmax covering news, media, and politics. 

© 2024 Newsmax. All rights reserved.


Joe Rogan Drops Eye-Opening Flashback Footage of Trump on 'The View'

It’s troubling to consider all the things that the Democrats and media have done since 2011 in their narrative against Donald Trump. Not just because it’s wrong and hurtful to him, but because it has been so divisive and damaging to the country. All the lies and the hoaxes, from Russia collusion on down.

They're continuing to lie even now. Joe Biden lied about his reason for running being the “fine people” hoax about Charlottesville, and he's kept up that lie. Now Kamala Harris has continued that disinformation, as well as other deceits like the bleach and "bloodbath" lies, without regard to the truth. That's how desperate they are at this point to do anything they can to try to get Trump. 

With all that kind of attitude going on in 2024, it’s hard to remember back to a time when the cult attack narrative wasn’t going full blast. So it was quite something this week to see Joe Rogan playing a flashback to Trump's appearance on "The View" when he was considering running for president back in 2011. Now the ladies of "The View" are such virulent anti-Trump harpies, but it’s fascinating to see them before the dictate of the cult, when they still had Barbara Walters and still made actual news and not just propaganda for the Democratic Party. How they greet Trump is pretty stunning, as Rogan notes, "It's bonkers!" 

Listen as Walters introduces "my friend, Donald Trump!" to the cheers of the audience. 

There are hugs and kisses for him, even from Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg. 

Walters asks him whether he thinks his marriages and divorces would be an impediment, which is a legitimate news question. He makes a joke that gets laughs, then says he thinks the country is doing so badly they want someone who is going to help it. Ultimately, he says he didn't think it would matter, that they wanted someone who was going to protect them and protect this country. He talks about other nations taking advantage of us, and that resonates with Joe Behar, who says, "That is crazy." It's the very same things he is saying today, but now try to paint him as a hater and a fascist. We wouldn't continue to be a great country if we keep going this way, he says, and the audience cheers. Joy Behar even calls him a social liberal. That's what she really thought, before the narrative. 

READ MORE: WATCH: Totally Sane Joy Behar Fears Donald Trump Will Cancel ‘The View’ If He Wins the Election

Rogan talks about the "180" this was from "the machine's" effort to go after him now. They loved him until he got in the way of their power and control. 

It's an astonishing change and, quite frankly, frightening evidence of the power of the machine and how it can flip the thoughts of people who fall for the propaganda. Just as they turned Trump into Hitler for people who never thought that before, they are now trying to turn Kamala Harris, who is part of a failed administration with no achievements, into some kind of inspirational candidate and ignore all the negatives. 

Even beyond the fact that we should vote for Trump because he has the policies that will be better for the country and save the nation from being driven further left with Harris, we should do it to reject and upend the power of the machine as much as we can. 


Things Get Crazy Even Before the DNC Officially Opens As Protesters Threaten to 'Bring the War Home'

You knew that the DNC in Chicago was going to be a mess. I'm not sure who decided on Chicago as the location, but that was an especially dumb choice. You were always going to have radical protesters there, but that makes it especially easy for all the local radicals to come out. And they were out in full force, even with the Democrats building walls to keep them out and even before the official opening of the convention. Funny how this didn't happen at the RNC. 

The DNC is building a wall to keep hostiles out before they tell you that walls don’t work to keep hostiles out. pic.twitter.com/4f83xX1eg9

— BLAIRE WHITE (@MsBlaireWhite) August 18, 2024

Matt Vespa at our sister site Townhall picked up on some of the crazy. They call JD Vance weird? This was what leftists had marching down the street. That was on top of the convention's free abortions and vasectomies offer. 

Fun people: 


DNC Premiering Their 'Molech Mobile' Shows How Much
They Hate Life and Despise Black Voters

Democrats Show What Massive Hypocrites They Are With How They're Securing the DNC

How many Democrats pushed for defunding the police? Yet in addition to the walls they were building to keep their fellow leftists out, they also had long lines of cops out. 

They were chanting for the cops and the DNC to go or they would "bring the war home." That sounded like a threat. 

Masks were in abundance as they marched outside. 

There was also a fun-looking guy walking around with a bat that some of the other protesters told him to put away. 

They've also moved on from "Genocide Joe" to "Killer Kamala."  Welcome to hell week, they promised. 

They have said that they will have folks that can get into the convention.

Delegates Against Genocide said it would exercise its freedom of speech rights during main events at the four-day convention. Its organisers declined to give details, but said they would offer amendments to the party platform and use their rights as delegates to speak on the convention floor. [....]

There are at least six major protests planned on the streets of Chicago during the Democratic National Convention. The biggest is planned for the first day, Monday, when “tens of thousands” are expected to march just blocks from the United Center, where Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, will give their acceptance speeches.

They proved that when one of the people rushed the stage — in full mask, of course — during a pre-party for delegates at the Navy Pier. 

NOW: disruption inside the DNC delegate welcome party on the stage at Navy Pier!! https://t.co/JjihLfuUzb pic.twitter.com/73T7SK92oY

— Angela Van Der Pluym (@anjewla90) August 19, 2024

The protesters screamed about "genocide" and “The Harris-Biden administration keeps sending money to Israel,” along with "Free Palestine!" as she was dragged away. What was funny was that was apparently more lively than the delegates, as the organizer had to say to them, "You can do better than that!" because he thought they weren't loud enough. 

They also camped outside the Hilton Hotel, where some of the delegates supposedly were.

Buckle up, it's going to be an interesting week.  

