Sunday, August 19, 2018

Border Wall & the Blue Wave Cartoons

The main source of income in Mexico?
Remittances from Mexican immigrants in the United States to their families back home are a major source of income in Mexico, second only to oil and surpassing even the tourism industry. Money sent back in 2004 totaled $16.6 billion, a 28 percent increase over the previous year.

Yeah Right :-)  

New Mexico Completes More Than Half of Its Border Wall Section

A federal appeals court will hear arguments by the state of California that the Trump administration overreached by waiving environmental reviews to speed construction of the president’s prized border wall with Mexico. At issue Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2018, before a three-judge panel in Pasadena, Calif., is a 2005 law that gave the Homeland Security secretary broad authority to waive dozens of laws including the National Environmental Policy Act and Endangered Species Act. (AP Photo/Elliott Spagat, File)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:05 AM PT — August 18, 2018
New Mexico completes construction of more than half of its barrier-wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.
U.S. Customs and Border Control confirmed this week more than 11 miles of wall west of Santa Teresa has been built since the beginning of August.
Officials touted support for the steel wall, saying the completed 20-mile structure will be more difficult to cross.
Environmentalists are suing over the project, claiming it interferes with wildlife.
The $73 million New Mexico project, which began earlier this year, is part of President Trump’s initiative to crackdown on illegal immigration and drug trafficking.

President Trump Blasts Social Media for Discriminating against Conservatives

President Donald Trump walks down the stairs as he arrives on Air Force One at Morristown Municipal Airport in Morristown, N.J., Friday, Aug. 17, 2018, en route to Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, N.J. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
President Trump is calling out social media platforms for censoring and discriminating against conservative voices.
In a series of tweets today the president said censorship is very dangerous adding social media is shutting down opinions on the right but doing nothing to “weed out fake news.”
He also stated “there is nothing so fake as CNN and MSNBC and yet I do not ask that their sick behavior be removed.”
He finished up saying “many voices are being destroyed, which cannot be allowed to happen anymore.”

Trump set to roll back restrictions on coal-burning power plants

The Trump administration is escalating an effort to revive the flagging U.S. coal industry with a planned move next week to replace restrictive Obama-era climate policies with new rules designed to help coal-burning plants run harder and stay open longer.
The proposed new rules, which the Environmental Protection Agency plans is expected to release within days, would be the latest in a series of reversals of policies the Obama administration adopted to slow climate change. It would replace the agency’s so-called Clean Power Plan for the electricity business with regulations that cede power to states, and could ultimately lead to more heat-trapping gases going into the atmosphere even as it sets parameters to boost efficiency at coal-fired power plants.
President Trump has repeatedly promised to support coal, an industry beset by a shrinking customer base, competition, falling prices and bankruptcies; the plan may be his administration’s most ambitious effort yet to kill regulations on coal’s behalf.
And yet plummeting costs of cleaner fuels including natural gas, wind and solar in recent years have driven consumers and power companies away from coal so dramatically, they may blunt the proposal’s ultimate effect. 
The Trump administration proposal would have to be submitted for a public rule-making process before taking effect. It would apply to the power industry at large, but is firmly targeted at coal.
Senior administration officials familiar with the proposal say it outlines technology that coal-burning plants can employ to produce more power from less fuel. It would also eliminate triggers that would mandate overhauls at plants, a rollback to encourage coal-burning units to make smaller improvements, which could extend the profitable lifespans of those plants by many years.

'Liberty or Death' gun-rights rally draws counter-protesters, forcing police to keep the peace

A man who was protesting with Patriot Prayer and other groups supporting gun rights is treated for an injury during a rally and counter-protest in Seattle, Aug. 18, 2018.  (Associated Press)

A demonstration in support of Second Amendment gun rights drew left-wing counter-protesters Saturday in Seattle, forcing dozens of police to keep the two sides separated.
Conservative groups Washington 3 Percenters and Patriot Prayer held their “Liberty or Death” rally outside Seattle City Hall, to oppose a city gun-control initiative, while a group of left-wing organizations rallied nearby.
The left-wingers -- including members of Organized Workers for Labor Solidarity, Radical Women and the Freedom Socialist Party -- yelled and used cow bells and sirens in an attempt to drown out speeches from the other side.

Supporters of a rally held by members of Patriot Prayer and other groups advocating for gun rights stand during a playing of a recording of the national anthem, Saturday, Aug. 18, 2018, at City Hall in Seattle. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)
Supporters of Second Amendment gun rights stand during a playing of a recording of the national anthem outside City Hall in Seattle, Aug. 18, 2018.  (Associated Press)

One person on the gun-rights side, sporting a Donald Trump hat, was treated for an injury at the scene. A police spokesman told the Seattle Times that a total of three men were arrested for misdemeanor assault.
As tensions mounted, additional police arrived, including some in riot gear. Bicycle officers lined up their bikes as a type of moving barrier to keep protesters from entering the street.
The gun-control initiative would expand background checks, raise the age for people buying semi-automatic rifles from 18 to 21, and create standards for safely storing firearms.
On Friday a judge threw out 300,000 signatures necessary to put the initiative on the November ballot on the grounds that it did not meet election-law requirements. The Alliance for Gun Responsibility, the group behind the proposal, has appealed the motion.
Saturday’s protest came two weeks after police in riot gear in Portland, Ore., tried to keep right-wing and left-wing groups apart. The effort mostly succeeded, but police were accused of being heavy-handed, prompting the city's new police chief to order a review of officers' use of force.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Cartoons

Judge in Manafort trial says he's been threatened over case

Jurors in the trial of ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort were sent home for the weekend, as the judge in the fraud trial revealed Friday he has received threats over the case and now travels with U.S. Marshals.
U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III, in rejecting a motion to release juror information to the media, argued that he's confident the jurors would be threatened as well if their information were to be made public.
“I can tell you there have been [threats]. ... I don't feel right if I release their names,” he said, adding that because of threats against him, “The Marshals go where I go.”
The startling revelation came as the jury completed its second day of deliberations without a verdict. The jury will reconvene Monday.
Ellis, a famously prickly judge known for his colorful comments, has attracted considerable attention during the Manafort trial for his frequent sparring with the attorneys -- particularly those on Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team.
Earlier Friday morning, Ellis acknowledged facing pushback about how he’s handled this case. He told attorneys “I’m no stranger to criticism,” but said “this case has brought it to a new level.”
The juror motion itself was filed by multiple news organizations – the Washington Post, New York Times, AP, CNN, NBC, Politico and BuzzFeed. They sought to unseal records in the case, including information about the jurors.
Rejecting the request about the jury, Ellis said “to [grant it] would create a risk of harm to them.”
The judge also denied a motion to unseal all the bench conferences and sidebars, which have been sealed. Ellis said all that will be released to the public at the end of the trial.
After a trial spanning nearly three weeks, Manafort, 69, is awaiting a verdict on 18 tax evasion and bank fraud charges.
He has been accused of hiding income earned from his Ukrainian political work from the IRS. He’s also accused of fraudulently obtaining millions in bank loans.
“The Marshals go where I go."
- U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III
Manafort has pleaded not guilty to the charges.
Since the jury began deliberating Thursday, the defense has been expressing increasing confidence about its chances. Kevin Downing, Manafort's attorneny, told reporters he sees the continued deliberations as "a great sign for the defense."
He echoed those remarks after the jury sent Ellis a note Friday asking to end deliberations for the day because one juror has an event.
On Thursday, Ellis read aloud another note detailing four questions from the jury, which covered foreign financial accounts, shelf companies, the definition of reasonable doubt and other evidence in the case.
In closing arguments this week, prosecutor Greg Andres told the jury, "The government asks you to return the only verdict that is consistent with the evidence, which is guilty on all charges."
It takes a unanimous guilty verdict from all 12 jurors to convict on each count.
Fox News' Peter Doocy contributed to this report.
Alex Pappas is a politics reporter at Follow him on Twitter at @AlexPappas.

Newt Gingrich: Democrats have no idea what demons they are unleashing

A few weeks ago, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) wrote an article for Vox explaining the movement’s goals – to end capitalism and radically change America.
In normal times, the declarations of a fringe party and ideology in America would not merit much attention. However, these are not normal times. A new Gallup poll shows that 57 percent of Democrats have a favorable view of socialism – while only 47 percent view capitalism positively.
This pattern has been building for a while. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont took socialism mainstream in the party during the 2016 Democratic presidential primaries. Since then, Democratic Party candidates have been increasingly attaching themselves to the ideology.
Most notably, a telegenic young member of the Democratic Socialists of America named Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defeated a senior Democrat in New York City’s 14th Congressional District and has since been on a whirlwind media tour, spreading the gospel of socialism.
So the Vox article (or manifesto) is worth taking seriously. Reading it, I was struck by how remarkably honest it was.
The writer, Meagan Day, a member of the East Bay Chapter of DSA, explicitly debunks the apologists in the mainstream media trying to paper over the group’s radicalism.
Day quotes several prominent news “analysts” who argue that Democratic Socialism is just New Deal liberalism rebranded. She then dumps a bucket of cold water on them, writing that “in the long run, Democratic Socialists want to end capitalism.”
In fact, she writes that the liberal, big-government reforms the movement has chosen to rally behind in partnership with the Democratic Party are simply steppingstones to this eventual goal.
“Social democratic reforms like Medicare-for-all are, in the eyes of DSA, part of the long, uneven process of building that support, and eventually overthrowing capitalism,” she writes.
This explicit goal of ending capitalism makes clear what Ocasio-Cortez meant when she said cryptically in a recent interview, that “capitalism has not always existed in the world, and it will not always exist in the world.”
This is a clear threat to the system which has made us prosperous and the envy of the world, but I appreciate the honesty. Ultimately, the United States is a democratic republic.
If Day, Ocasio-Cortez and Sanders want to try and convince most Americans to end capitalism and embrace a planned, totally redistributionist economy, they are welcome to use the democratic process to do so. It is up to those of us who know better to convince Americans of socialism’s folly.
However, the second notable item in Day’s article suggests that Democratic Socialists don’t value democracy all that much. Day also identified herself as a staff writer at a New York-based, socialist magazine called Jacobin. In fact, several members of the Democratic Socialists of America are writers and editors at Jacobin magazine.
A magazine that would enthusiastically embrace this title is signaling that, like socialist movements of the past, the DSA is willing to drop the “democratic” part of its moniker and instead rely on the traditional method for socialist revolution – bloodshed, violence and tyranny.
The Jacobins were the most violent and radical political group of the French Revolution. Led by Maximilien Robespierre, the group responded to a growing backlash against the revolution by executing anyone their so-called Committee of Public Safety deemed insufficiently loyal.
The Jacobin clubs located throughout the country were used as a secret police force to root out dissent among politicians and the general populace alike.
Historian Timothy Tackett estimates that almost 40,000 people were killed under the Jacobin control of the French government. Many were beheaded by guillotine in a grotesque public spectacle after a show trial, and others were brutally executed with firearms.
In the case of one period in the city of Lyon, people were executed en masse by cannon fire. This period of carnage was known as the Reign of Terror.
A few years ago, Callista and I saw “Dialogues of the Carmelites” at the Washington National Opera. It is a moving, true story of the Carmelite nuns who refused to denounce Christ at the peak of the Reign of Terror. (The French Revolution was virulently anti-Catholic – many churches were closed and reopened as “Temples of Reason.”)

The nuns were beheaded for their unwillingness to denounce their faith. Moments before the guillotine dropped, they displayed the power of God’s love by singing hymns and renewing their vows.
A few years later we visited the Picpus Cemetery in Paris. It holds the graves of the martyred nuns and more than 1,300 victims of the Terror in a six-week period of 1794. It is a very sober reminder of what the Jacobins did during the Reign of Terror. It is not a record for which any American should advocate.
Christopher Hibbert’s “The French Revolution” contains more vivid details of the horrors the Jacobins inflicted upon the people of France. In one instance, he writes, “a woman was charged with the heinous crime of having wept at the execution of her husband. She was condemned to sit several hours under the suspended blade which shed upon her, drop by drop, the blood of the deceased whose corpse was above her on the scaffold before she was released by death from her agony.”
Make no mistake: This is the history of violent revolution, religious oppression, and dictatorship that Jacobin magazine, the DSA, and opportunistic Democrats are embracing – whether they know it or not.
Sen. Sanders, and more have recently shared articles from Jacobin magazine on their social media accounts. Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn., once sent a Jacobin piece to everyone in Congress.
It is hard to imagine a modern-day Reign of Terror happening in America. But consider the recent phenomenon of outrage mobs on social media demanding people be fired and ostracized for expressing un-PC points of view.
Think about the left-wing activists taking over classrooms to prevent conservative voices from speaking. Think about the rash of people being attacked for wearing MAGA hats. Think about the violence of Antifa.
Perhaps it is not so difficult to imagine.
While I do not know Ocasio-Cortez, I have interacted with Bernie Sanders numerous times in my career. He is an earnest guy, and I seriously doubt he would countenance violence in pursuit of his socialist goals.
Sanders should keep in mind, however, that the Jacobins eventually turned on Robespierre (in fact they executed him). So perhaps Sanders and Democrats rushing to embrace Democratic Socialism should be a little more careful about the demons they are unleashing to win elections.
Newt Gingrich is a Fox News contributor. A Republican, he was speaker of the United States House of Representatives from 1995 to 1999. Follow him on Twitter @NewtGingrich. His latest book is "Trump’s America: The Truth About Our Nation’s Great Comeback.”
