Monday, June 24, 2024



Conservative Group Probes Federal Workers Opposing Trump

Election 2024 Federal Workers | News |
Tom Jones (Photo Above)

From his home office in small-town Kentucky, a seasoned political operative is quietly investigating scores of federal employees suspected of being hostile to the policies of Republican Donald Trump, an effort that dovetails with broader conservative preparations for a new White House.

Tom Jones and his American Accountability Foundation are digging into the backgrounds, social media posts and commentary of key high-ranking government employees, starting with the Department of Homeland Security. They are relying in part on tips from his network of conservative contacts, including even workers themselves. In a move that alarms some, they are preparing to publish the findings online.

With a $100,000 grant from the influential Heritage Foundation, the goal is to post 100 names of government workers to a website this summer to show a potential new administration who might be standing in the way of a second-term Trump agenda — and ripe for scrutiny, reclassifications, reassignments or firings.

“We need to understand who these people are and what they do,” said Jones, a former Capitol Hill aide to Republican senators.

Jones' Project Sovereignty 2025 comes as Heritage's own Project 2025 is laying the groundwork, with policies, proposals and personnel ready day one of a possible new White House.

The effort, which is focused on top career government officials who are not appointees within the political structure, has stunned democracy experts and shocked the civil service community in what they compare to the “red scare” of midcentury McCarthyism.

Jacqueline Simon, policy director at the American Federation of Government Employees, said the language being thrown around — the Heritage Foundation’s announcement praised the group for ferreting out “anti-American bad actors” — is “so shocking.”

Civil servants are often former military personnel and all are required to take an oath to the Constitution to work for the federal government, not a loyalty test to any one president in the White House, she and others said.

“It just seems as though their goal is to try to menace federal employees and sow fear,” said Simon, whose union is backing President Joe Biden for re-election.

As Trump, who has been convicted of felony charges for falsifying business records during his first presidential campaign in 2016 to conceal allegations of affairs and is under a four-count federal indictment accusing him of working to overturn the 2020 election, faces a likely rematch with Biden this fall, far-right conservatives have vowed to take a wrecking ball to what they call the deep-state bureaucracy.

The Trump campaign has said repeatedly that outside groups do not speak for the former president who alone is setting his policy priorities.

Conservatives view the federal workforce as overstepping its role to become a power center that can drive or thwart a president’s agenda. Particularly during the Trump administration, government officials came under attack from both the White House and Republicans on Capitol Hill, as his own Cabinet often raised objections to some of the former president's more singular proposals.

While Jones' group won't necessarily be recommending whether to fire or reassign any of the federal workers it lists, the work aligns with Heritage’s far-reaching Project 2025 blueprint for a conservative administration.

Heritage's Project 2025 proposes reviving the Trump “Schedule F” policy that would try to reclassify tens of thousands of federal workers as political appointees, which could enable mass dismissals - although a new Biden administration rule seeks to make that more difficult. The Heritage project is working to recruit and train a new generation to come to Washington to fill government jobs.

In announcing the $100,000 “Innovation Award” last month, Heritage said it would support American Accountability Foundation's "investigative researchers, in-depth reports, and educational efforts to alert Congress, a conservative administration, and the American people to the presence of anti-American bad actors burrowed into the administrative state and ensure appropriate action is taken.”

Heritage President Kevin Roberts said in a statement the “weaponization of the federal government” has been possible only because of the “deep state of entrenched Leftist bureaucrats.” He said he was proud to support the work of American Accountability Foundation workers "in their fight to hold our government accountable and drain it of bad actors.”

The federal government employs about 2.2 million people. That includes those in the Washington, D.C. area but also workers who the unions say many Americans know as friends or neighbors in communities across the country.

About 4,000 positions in the government are considered political appointees who routinely change from one presidential administration to the next, but most are career professionals — from landscapers at Veterans Administration cemeteries to economists at the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The public list-making conjures for some the era of Joseph McCarthy, the former senator who conducted grueling hearings into suspected communist sympathizers during the Cold War. They were orchestrated by a top staffer, Roy Cohn, who went on to become a confidant of a younger Trump.

Skye Perryman, CEO of the advocacy group Democracy Forward, said it's all deeply disturbing and reminiscent of “the darker parts of American history.”

“This is part of the overall, highly concerning and alarming trend,” she said.

Publicly naming government workers is an “intimidation tactic to try to chill the work of these civil servants," she said, and part of a broader “retribution agenda” under way this election.

“They're seeking to undermine our democracy, they're seeking to undermine the way that our government works for people," she said.

Jones, from his desk overlooking rickhouses storing barrels in the “Bourbon Capitol” of Bardstown, scoffed at comparisons to McCarthyism as “nonsense.”

He's a former staffer to former Sen. Jim DeMint, the South Carolina conservative Republican who went on to lead Heritage and now helms the Conservative Policy Institute, where American Accountability Foundation has a mailing address. Jones also worked for Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., and provided opposition research for Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz’s 2016 presidential bid.

With six researchers, Jones’ team is operating remotely across the country, poring over the information about federal workers within Homeland Security, State Department and other agencies that deal with immigration and border issues.

Their focus is on the highest ranks of the civil servants — so-called GS-13, GS-14, and GS-15 employees and those in senior executive positions who could put up roadblocks to Trump's plans for tighter borders and more deportations.

“I think it’s important to the next administration to understand who those people are,” he said.

He dismissed the risks that could be involved in publicly posting the names, salary information and other details of federal workers who have some level of privacy, or the idea that his group's work could be putting employees' livelihoods in jeopardy.

“You don’t get to make policy and then say, ‘Hey don’t scrutinize me,”’ he said.

He acknowledges some of the work is often a “gut check” or “instinct” about which federal employees would be suspected of trying to block a conservative agenda.

“We’re looking at, ‘Are there wrong people on the bus right now that are, you know, openly hostile to efforts to secure the southern border?”’

His own group came under scrutiny as it first probed Biden nominees.

Biden had repealed Trump’s Schedule F executive order in January 2021, but a Government Accountability Office report in 2022 found that agencies believed it could be reinstated by a future administration.

Since then, the Biden administration issued a new rule that would make it harder to fire workers. A new administration could direct the Office of Personnel Management to undo the new regulation, but the process would take time and be open to legal challenges.


Serial Man-Dumper Taylor Swift Might Be the Sign of the End of Western Civilization

Taylor Swift isn’t the anti-Christ, but I’m leaning toward her being a psych-ops plant. Probably a Manchurian candidate of some sort. Ok, Media Matters, if you still exist when the assigned “RedState” intern reads this, I am kidding. Kinda. Maybe she’s not intentionally destroying Western civilization, but she is turning men into 12-year-old girls.

Swift started dating Travis Kelce and my thought was how long before she dumps him and writes a song about it. Then, when she was deeply ensconced in the relationship and showing up to his NFL games, the broadcasters seemed to be making a conscious effort to get her on the screen as often as humanly possible. It was like a line change in the NHL. About every 45 seconds, I’d be subjected to a cut to Taylor Swift. What was she eating in her sky booth? Was she blowing kisses to Kelce or fans? If Kelce was on the field and involved in a play, they’d cut to Swift for a swift reaction. I guess I can’t blame the NFL -- they want new fans, and it seemed logical that if Swifties followed her every move, there might be more eyeballs on games if broadcasters cut to her at least once a minute. The Super Bowl was a super-cut of the field, then to Swift, then back to the field.

One of my relatives loves her music and attends her concerts. Yes, she’s gone to those super expensive shows. She has Swift’s songs on repeat. Is there a hidden message if you play her tunes backward, like a Beatles song? I don’t know. It is beyond my comprehension why anyone -- let alone a man -- would buy her music. What music people like is subjective, but her music objectively sucks. 

Swift’s popularity is 90 percent based on her breakups with boyfriends. Prior to Kelce she was dumping boyfriends faster than an Olympic sprinter could run 100 meters. Like this line: 

“Like, oh-my-god, he was, like, so mean,” and “we are never, ever, ever, ever getting back together – like, ever.” An actual line. 

She also had a banner hanging in The Staples Center right next to the Lakers championship banners. It was taken down, but that was long before her latest billion-dollar grossing tour. Gross. 

Now Swift is in Europe. I don’t know if Kelce is with her. I haven’t seen any “This is what Taylor’s man is doing now" news, but I did see this disheartening video.

God help us, Swift has man-fans. I guess you can call these guys men. Sorta. They may be men in name only because, they are acting like 12-year-old girls. The only positive is that this clip is from England and those guys are presumably Euros. If you haven’t guessed, I’m not a Swift fan. When I am cartooning, I listen to music, and when I instruct “Alexa” to play a music mix from, say, 2013, and it starts with a Swift song, I instruct Alexa to move on to the next. By doing so, I am probably on an NSA watch list

[W]hat key does she sing in? Is that G? Or something she invented so tech guys could better autotune to her insipid, flatter-than-a-silicon-wafer, sharper-than-a-Ginsu whine? I’m sure she sounds “like, totally awesome” in a studio but she’s supposed to be “incredible” in concert. 

I hope that video is an aberration. I hope that there weren’t thousands of “guys” at her concerts singing along to a woman who dumps men like a snake sheds skin.

If, in the future, men are composing a significant minority of her American concert crowds, we are doomed.

Alexa never play Taylor Swift music ever, ever, ever again... like, ever”


The Federalist Makes a Strong Case for J.D. Vance As Trump's VP Pick

The Federalist has endorsed J.D. Vance (R-OH) as the ideal choice for former President Donald Trump's Vice President in the 2024 election. 

They argue that Vance, a military veteran and U.S. Senator from Ohio, embodies the values of the working class and has a strong understanding of Trump's political vision. Vance's political acumen and alignment with Trump on key issues, such as foreign policy and border security, make him a strong candidate. They add that Vance being on the ticket would bolster Trump's support in crucial Rust Belt states, such as Michigan and Wisconsin. 

The headline reads, "If Trump wants to win, he should run with J.D. Vance." Here is what part of the article written by Ned Ryun reads:

The Ohio Republican has proven himself time and time again as one of Trump’s strongest allies. He’s a ruthlessly effective messenger, especially on hostile networks, and would perform strongly against Kamala Harris in a debate. He’s stood up to the globalists who want America’s sons and daughters to fight other nations’ wars. He’s in lockstep with Trump on tariffs, trade, and economic policy. And he won’t surrender, as far too many Republicans have, on border security, illegal immigration, and protecting American workers.

I’ve watched Vance closely since he was elected. He’s stayed true to what he believes, even when it meant fighting the establishment of his own party, and hasn’t allowed Washington to change him. To put it differently, he has a spine — a rare virtue in Washington.

His political rise wasn’t easy either. When he announced his run for Senate, he faced long odds and a field of well-funded and well-known primary opponents. But Vance stood out, connected deeply with the voters, earned Trump’s endorsement, and won big. In the general election, Vance overcame the critics and an avalanche of cash from wealthy leftist donors to crush Democrat darling and former presidential candidate Tim Ryan, thanks in no small part to Vance’s discipline on the campaign trail and strong debate performances.

Vance is battle-tested, brilliant, and has proven he has what it takes. He would excel as a messenger for Trump’s agenda in the most critical swing states. If, God forbid, something were to happen to Donald Trump, he is the only vice-presidential contender who would continue Trump’s legacy rather than returning the GOP to the dark days of old. 

There are many pros to choosing Vance as VP, and although Trump has said he won't announce his vice presidential pick until the Republican National Convention, it seems like Vance, Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND), and Dr. Ben Carson are atop the list of finalists. But then again, Trump could surprise everybody and choose someone who has not been mentioned at all as a VP option. 

Although there are many pros, there are some cons for Vance, including leaving his Senate seat vacant and risking a Democrat winning that seat. There are also his negative comments about Trump in 2016, which the mainstream media could continue to hammer up until the November election. The reality is that many people opposed Trump as the GOP nominee back then, but things change. Several of those critics have come around, finding common ground on policies, and are on board for another four years of a Trump presidency. 

Trump mentioned Vance's comments in April of 2022:

They appear to have cleared the air and are on good terms, especially since Vance is one of the front-runners to become VP. 

Putting the cons aside, as Ned Ryun highlighted, Vance is battle-tested. He is "smart, effective, and a true believer in policy." At the end of the day, what matters is where they stand on policy and, more importantly, that they don't waver from their stance. 


CNN's Van Jones Explains Why the Obama Coalition Is Collapsing Right Now

He might have shot his mouth off during the Obama administration, which cost him his job, but Van Jones 

 Van Jones Signs With WME (Exclusive)

does have his moments of clarity. He’s another unabashed liberal who can give reasonable analyses on the political landscape much better than any clown at MSNBC. Again, I know that’s not challenging, but Jones has said the Russian collusion story was a nothing burger. What isn’t a ‘nothing burger’ is the Obama coalition collapsing before our eyes, much like Joe Biden’s mental health. 

At the Milken Institute’s Global Conference, Jones gave a damning assessment of the health of this coalition that was, by all intents and purposes, unbeatable at the time. Yet, as Republicans and Democrats have learned under the Bush and Obama presidencies, there is no permanent political majority. Liberals may scoff, and Jones admits he gets beaten up over it, but the evidence is clear that the core voter groups that overwhelmingly back Democrats aren’t going to be as strong this year. 

It’s all about the margins.

Jones admits that the vast majority of black people are going to vote for Biden, but that’s not the point: there is a segment that is “hurtin’ and uncertain” about their place in the party. The white working class has defected en masse—that’s over. Now, black and Latino working-class voters are following. Jones isn’t the only one to make this point. James Carville has already conceded that Democrats are going to lose Hispanic men this year. And both men pointed to the same reason: they’re tired of the woke lectures.

 “They're just tired of being lectured, tired of being wrong, tired of being criticized, tired of being called toxic; tired of, frankly, a lot of other groups getting more out of the Biden administration than black folks got,” added Jones. 

Biden’s support among blacks under 50 has been more than halved, falling from an 80-point advantage in 2020 to just 37. Trump is on pace for a historic performance among black voters. If it holds, this election is over. 

And it goes beyond black and Latino voters; Biden does not enthuse young people. One pollster noted how, in less than a generation, the ‘yes we can’ brigades have de-mobilized to levels where Democrats should be nervous. Labor union support is fractured. The front office of the United Auto Workers’ union might be pro-Biden, but even its president conceded that a majority of UAW members won’t be voting for Biden in 2024. Sean O’Brien, president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, will speak at the Republican Convention this summer. You can’t look at that other than it’s a soft endorsement of Trump. 

Jones has been a canary in the coal mine of sorts for Democrats in the past. In 2016, he warned that his party was grossly overlooking their footing along the so-called blue wall. He was right; Trump shattered that Democratic stronghold in his upset win over Hillary.

The cracks in the Democratic Party base are evident, and a visible, vibrant, and pugnacious Democrat with elite political skills, like Obama, is a candidate who could resolve many of these issues. That’s not the case: Democrats have Biden, who is a brain cell shy of being a drooling vegetable and who cannot be in public as often due to his repeated mental collapses. Once the sun goes down, forget it. Biden is also a beer league-style politician in a world of heavyweights. Even Democrats agree that Biden didn’t win the 2020 election; Trump just lost it—a tacit acknowledgment that COVID is what got Biden over the top. It wasn’t precisely his skills as a politician.


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Of Course, Biden Needs to Test This Before His Crucial Debate With Trump

No wonder why the Biden team departed so early to Camp David for debate preparation. The White House summoned all the top Democratic strategists and advisers to ready the president as best they could against former President Donald Trump. Before they could review any of their attack lines or soundbites touting this administration's little legislative record, they need to ensure Biden can stand for at least 90 minutes. That’s not a good thing for a president we’ve been told is vivacious, a night owl, and sharp as a tack: 

Some in the media have already tried to make the point that these debates are unfair to Biden. I’m not kidding; MSNBC played the ‘obstacles so high’ card to defend the president of the United States. It’s unfair for the president to debate like this. Is it because he’s too old

I’m hoping Trump destroys Biden but with graceful brutality. Don’t interrupt or be too overly aggressive, which was Trump’s mistake during the first debate of the 2020 election. The wind is already at your back, Mr. Trump. Let Biden talk because there’s a good chance he’ll short-circuit. Let Biden make his shoddy talking points about how he’s a job creator, and then, line-by-line, calmly eviscerate these points. 

It's Trump’s debate to lose. All the former president has to show is that he’s energetic, can throw and take punches, and take down his opponent in a presidential manner. Think Reagan’s ‘There You Go Again’ or how he expertly destroyed the talking from Mondale about his age in the 1984 debate. It’s a moment where Mondale admitted he knew he had lost the election. 

As much as I would love an ad hominem attack, refrain from attacking and let this old man spew lies that cover his thin, unremarkable presidency that’s been marred by incompetence, chaos, and abject failure. 

Think Stanley Cup Final, Mr. Trump. It’s a seven-game series. It’s a long slog. Don’t exhaust everything on the first go-around. And if Biden has a brain fart, don’t get overly excited, just carry on as if nothing happened. The voters already know Biden is too old. Let his own faults and mental health failures be broadcast uninterrupted to the tens of millions watching. Trump’s reserved disposition in not attacking during such a situation might even win over some moderates who are again fence-sitting due to the former president’s ‘bull in a China closet’ reputation. Prove them wrong. Trump tried throwing haymakers 24/7 four years ago, and it hurt him more than it helped. 

Still, Biden needs to practice standing without keeling over—and we’re supposed to believe that this man can do the job.

I also don't think it's going well at Camp David:


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Trump Says He Has Chosen His VP Candidate

Donald Trump Speaks At Turning Point Convention In Detroit, Michigan
DETROIT, MICHIGAN - JUNE 15: Former President Donald Trump gives the keynote address at Turning Point Action's "The People's Convention" on June 15, 2024 in Detroit, Michigan. Trump, who turned 78 years old yesterday on his birthday, will be debating President Joe Biden, age 81, next week on June 27 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Bill Pugliano/Getty Images)

Former President Donald Trump has stated that he has made up his mind on who will be his running mate in November. 

On Saturday, Trump spoke with NBC News ahead of a rally in Philadelphia and said that he’s settled on a vice presidential choice.

“In my mind, yeah,” Trump said when asked if he’s decided.

He was then asked if his pick knows it’s them, to which Trump responded, “No, nobody knows.”

Trump has stated he may announce his choice at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee next month.

“Maybe a little before, but could be at the convention,” Trump said. “But we’ll have some great people.”

He added that the person will “most likely” be at Thursday’s debate against President Joe Biden.

“They’ll be there,” he continued. “I think we have a lot of people coming.”

Trump senior adviser Brian Hughes has also said that the campaign’s top criterion for selecting a running mate “is a strong leader who will make a great President for eight years after his next four year term concludes.”

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Trump Backs Pastor Mark Burns for South Carolina's 3rd Congressional District

Pastor Mark Burns speaks during a rally for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at the Travis County Exposition Center on August 23, 2016 in Austin, Texas. / AFP / SUZANNE CORDEIRO (Photo credit should read SUZANNE CORDEIRO/AFP via Getty Images)

Donald Trump has endorsed Pastor Mark Burns for South Carolina’s 3rd Congressional District.

On Saturday, Trump posted on Truth Social, endorsing the pastor for the upcoming election. 

“Pastor Mark Burns is running hard for South Carolina’s 3rd Congressional District,” Trump wrote on Truth Social. “He has been with me right from the beginning, in 2016, and even earlier than that. Mark wanted me to run long before it was fashionable.”

“In Congress, Mark will help me secure the border, stop illegal immigration, uphold the rule of law, grow the economy, and protect and defend our always under siege Second Amendment,” Trump continued. 

He then called Burns a fighter and said he would not let South Carolinians down.

Burns, a pastor and televangelist, was among the first to support Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

He is a pastor at Harvest Praise & Worship Center and also spent six years as a member of the National Guard of the South Carolina Army.

The South Carolina GOP primary will take place on June 25th, where Burns will be facing Republican opponent Sheri Biggs.

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