Thursday, June 17, 2010

Who comes up with worth?

Who comes up with worth? Who estimates what the value of something should be? This 20 billion dollars, did that figure come from our Government or BP? I'd like to know exactly who it was that came up with that amount? Did anyone from the government arrive at that price or did it come from BP? I bet if you ask the people along the Gulf Coast what it should be they would probably tell you that the big banks got a lot more bail out then that! That's probably what it cost to bail out only just one bank.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Obama's Oval Office Address

After watching Obama talk about how we need to start using green energy, what struck me right off was the fact I could see a big window behind him. No curtains closed to hold in the cool air or shade the room from the sun. So here he is talking about saving energy by going green and my eyes constantly are drawn back to the huge window behind him. Then he starts talking about how going green is going to cost us, and I start thinking all this guy knows how to do is spend our green money! His answer to everything is spend, spend, spend! We need to vote this guy out before we all end up working for the chinese, or do we work for them already? It sounded like listening to a car salesman blowing smoke at you for eighteen minutes.

Blame it on Bush!

The top Democrats do not seem able to solve any problems of this great Nation. The only thing they seem good at is blaming everything that happens on others. What a great idea, next time I screw up on my job I'll just blame it on the person that worked there before me! That should keep my job, seems to work for the Dems.

Monday, June 14, 2010

This is what you Paid for Three Years ago!

This is what you the tax payer paid for three years ago, can you guess what Obama Government has brought it up to by now? Don't even try! According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, government accounts for about 8% of jobs in the United States. Here's the breakdown using numbers easily accessible on the BLS website (all numbers from 2006 or 2007):

1,774,000 Federal government civilian employees, excluding Post Office
615,000 Post Office
1,172,913 Military enlisted
230,577 Military Officers
2,424,000 State government (excluding education and hospitals)
5,594,000 Local government (excluding education and hospitals)
That's a total of 11,810,490 government jobs.
The total number of jobs in the U.S. in 2006 was 150,600,000, so government employment makes up 7.84% of all jobs.
In 2007, the U.S. population (according to the Census Bureau) was 301,621,157, so about 4% of Americans are employed by the government.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Rules or No Rules?

On a major website the feature story starts out, Hispanics are leaving Arizona in droves because of new law! For one thing it's not a new law, it's just a watered down version of a Federal Law that has been on the books forever! The only thing is the Federal Government will not enforce it.
So the state of Arizona is trying to enforce their version of it! If we are going to survive as a nation there has to be a rule of law. These days all of this stupid crap is happening because it seems no one has to pay for their actions. Most normal people understand from childhood that if you do something your not suppose to do there will be a price to pay. So if you are in my country illegally then I say leave and go back to where you come from, then break all the laws you want to. But your not going to break them in my country!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Thrill is Gone!

Here's a hardy White House perennial: An audience member struggling to stay awake during a presidential speech.

The listener in this case sang in the choir for Kalamazoo Central High School in Michigan, giving him a prime seat Monday night behind President Obama -- for better or for worse.

Obama delivered the school's commencement address, but apparently didn't inspire all his students (though we're willing to bet this has happened to every president).

And let's the give the young man a break. He just graduated from high school, and he has to sit through a speech from a politician.

He's got things to do!!

Including sleep, it would seem.

(Posted by David

Thursday, June 3, 2010

America land of the free for everyone except Americans?

What New Yorkers can expect from the proposed 15-story Ground Zero mosque
Posted: 02 Jun 2010 09:38 AM PDT
Stella Paul has an article at the American Thinker today that provides New Yorkers a taste of what they can expect if the proposed mega-mosque is actually built at Ground Zero. She says if they want to know what life will be like after the mosque is built and operational, they only need to take a gander at the impact that the Islamic Society of Boston “Cultural Center” is having on Boston’s non-Muslim citizens. It’s not good:

All signs point to a repeat of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center debacle, in which Mayor Thomas Menino practically gave away city-owned land worth $2 million to the Islamic Society of Boston, whose founder Abdurrahman Alamoudi currently sweats out a 23-year prison term for terrorist crimes. Mayor Menino donated the public’s land for the construction of the ISB mosque — excuse me, “Cultural Center” — with the standard pleas for diversity, healing, peace, and frolicking unicorns. Of course, he didn’t bother to investigate the peaceful healing record of the Middle Eastern men he was donating to: ISB Trustee Yusuf Qaradawi, spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, who’s been banned from the U.S. and dubbed “the theologian of terror” by the ADL; ISB Trust President Osama Kandil, director of an Islamic charity designated as terrorist by the U.S. government; and ISB Trustee Jamal Badawi, an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing trial. But the mayor’s speeches sure sounded pretty, and that’s what counts.

When the Boston Herald and local Fox Network affiliate began exposing the ISB’s nasty connections, the ISB responded with the typical relish of democracy’s free speech hurly-burly we’ve come to expect from these types: They sued every single one of their public critics, including a refugee Muslim scholar who had translated some of their anti-Semitic, anti-American literature to enlighten the citizenry. Their brass-knuckles intimidation worked beautifully: the media went silent on reporting anything negative about the ISB, while the private citizens they sued were ordered by lawyers to keep daintily quiet. The ISB bigwigs sashayed to their opening ceremony in June 2009, where they were by top politicians, Harvard scholars, and Christian and Jewish clergy.

So how’s that new mosque working out for the Boston taxpayers who donated the valuable land? Well, there’s hardly a dull moment around this hardworking bunch. One month after the mosque’s opening, one of its biggest donors, Oussama Ziade, was indicted for taking cash from al-Qaeda’s top fundraiser, Yassin Qadi. The son of the Islamic Center’s vice president was arrested in October forplotting to murdershoppers in New England malls. And the Boston-based “Grey Lady of Al Qaeda,” Aafia Siddiqui, who was convicted of trying to murder FBI agents in Afghanistan, enjoys the warm support of Imam Farooq, a leader in the local Muslim American Society (MAS), which controls the ISB Cultural Center.

And these folks who built and run the Boston mosque portrayed themselves as moderate Muslims who only wanted to help heal the rift between the faiths, a claim that only supports the argument that there are no moderate Muslims.

What’s even more sickening is that Democratic politicians are more than thrilled to promise the world to these Muslims in exchange for votes:

But for politicians who want to grovel before perpetually aggrieved Muslim groups, the ISB Cultural Center is a godsend: a conveniently located mega-mosque packed with thousands of worshipers they can simultaneously appease. And thus it came to pass that on one glorious May morning in 2010, Governor Deval Patrick was graciously granted an audience before 1,100 worshipers in a collective snit over the recent arrest of two Massachusetts Muslims linked to the Times Square bombing. They demanded their rights! They demanded the governor’s “Recognition of our presence, our pain and our power.”

Administering a high-stakes pop quiz to Governor Patrick, they insisted on an instant yes-or-no commitment on seven massive policy shifts. Would the governor grant them special privileges in the workplace, financial sector, schools, and with the police? Governor Patrick, who, like Barack Obama, is an African-American Harvard Law grad whose campaign was managed by David Axelrod, instantly capitulated on everything. Yeah. Sure. Shrug. Whatever.

Sadly, the Ground Zero mosque planners know how foolish, gullible, and easily led liberals are. All the mosque planners had to do was utter politically correct, multi-culti, can’t-we-all-just-get-along pap about healing rifts and bridging divides, and the folks serving on Lower Manhattan Community Board 1 swallowed their propaganda hook, line, and sinker, just as the folks north of Boston did. As a result, a 15-story monument to Islam’s domination of Lower Manhattan soon will be built at Ground Zero.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


I'm sure that I'm not the only one asking that if the Obama Government can't secure the border between America & Mexico, how the hell are they going to keep us safe from the terrorist that want to kill and harm us? I don't know what the coyotes get paid for bring in illegals, but I'm sure they would bring in anyone if the money was right!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Arizona's GOP Governor Jan Brewer a True American

Below are the words to the song sung by the Arizona Singing Puppets. The Democrats should learn it!

"Reading is really super swell.

Reading's great so let's all shout out loud.

Reading helps you know what you're talkin' 'bout."
