Friday, July 2, 2010

Double Dip

The saying double dip is usually associated with asking for two scoops of ice cream, instead of just one. The news is that we may be in for a double dip recession. Well what can you expect when the top Dem leaders of this country's only answer to our economic problems is spend, spend, spend, tax, tax, tax! Why are businesses not hiring?? Because they haven't a clue on when the Dems are going to tax them out of business or out of the country. That's another reason we're losing jobs to so call out sourcing, because other people in the world don't have to play by all of the stupid rules and regulations that our government shoves down our throats!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Are you Surprised?

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer wants the federal government to spend more on border security -- at least more than it does on Mexico.

The Republican governor is slamming Washington for committing more than double the amount of funding next year to Mexico than it does to National Guard along the U.S. side of the southern border. (reported by fox news)

Are any of you out there who saw the above statement surprised by anything that comes out of Washington? I'm not! As I said in one of my past post it's a real shame when some American politicians side with another country over their own!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Why would anybody in their right mind, even if they were joking ask Joe Biden to lower the taxes? Obama has to be the best magician in the world by waving one hand (Biden) so you can't see what the other hand is doing. Just put a old dumb white guy as vice pres who screws up all the time, that way it take the heat off yourself. These politicians are so greedy for more money to spend that their getting ready to tax the victims of the Gulf oil spill on payments made to them by British Petroleum!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Secretary of Labor

The Secretary of Labor needs to keep her mouth shut and start doing the job she's there for. It's bad enough that the people of America are having to deal with ObamaCare, wild government spending, and just making it from paycheck to paycheck. Now we have to listen to stupid political ideas coming from idiots on Obama's staff. If the president was as smart as he thinks he is, he would put a stop to his people giving out their own personal opinions on immigration and other subjects. Come on Mr. President tell your people to just do the jobs you all were elected to do! Right now the more of your people that spout off their far left ideas, the more of a chance the voters out here will have to vote all of you idiots out of office! It is unbelievable that the politicians in the United States Government are allowed to trash talk their own countrymen (Arizona) and put another country (Mexico) as being the good guy!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Cost of Living Calculator

There is a neat website that has a cost of living calculator on it. Did you know that one american dollar in 1940 is equal to $15.48 in 2010. Our money is not worth much now a days is it? Go to the link and punch in some numbers of your own. Just think about what it's going to be like in a few more years with our government running up debt as fast as they can!

What Things Cost in 1940

Car: $800
Gasoline: 18 cents/gal
House: $6,550
Bread: 8 cents/loaf
Milk: 34 cents/gal
Postage Stamp: 3 cents
Stock Market: 131
Average Annual Salary: $1,900
Minimum Wage: 30 cents per hour

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Cost of Living (1950)

New House $8,450.00

Average Income $3,216.00 per year

New Car $1,511.00

Average Rent $75.00 per month

Tuition to Harvard University $600 per year

Movie Ticket 65 cents each

Gasoline 18 cents per gallon

United States Postage Stamp 3 cents each

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Legalize Em!

Mexican drug cartels have set up shop on American soil, maintaining bases in strategic locations in the hills of southern Arizona where their scouts monitor every move made by law enforcement officials. But that's OK because if Obama's Government had its way they'd just legalize them all! That is after our Government gets through suing the State of Arizona.

Mother's Day 2024

Have a Great Day!