Thursday, January 27, 2011

Where the hell is Gore with his million dollars?

3 Supreme Court Justices Skip Obama Speech

Three conservative members of the Supreme Court — Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito — boycotted President Obama’s State of the Union address on Tuesday night, one year after Obama castigated the court in his address to Congress.

During last year’s address, Obama criticized the court for its Citizens United ruling that allowed corporate financing of political ad campaigns.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Obama the Centrist?

If you’re looking for real specifics at tonight’s State of the Union, don’t hold your breath. The White House is billing the president’s annual January appearance in front of Congress much like something you’d hear at an “inauguration,” more atypical than most speeches that turn into political laundry lists.

If Obama’s inaugural address was any indication, expect a lofty oration that’s thin on details and heavy on the soaring rhetoric that helped propel the president into office. But don’t believe the spin that he’s moved to the middle. To win re-election, President Obama will, in true chameleon-like fashion, return to the man we met on the 2008 campaign trail, but only on the outside.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Over a Million Immigrants Landed Jobs in 2008-10

DALLAS (Reuters) - Over the past two years, as U.S. unemployment remained near double-digit levels and the economy shed jobs in the wake of the financial crisis, over a million foreign-born arrivals to America found work, many illegally.
Those are among the findings of a review of U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Census Bureau data conducted exclusively for Reuters by researchers at the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University in Boston.
Often young and unskilled or semi-skilled, immigrants have taken jobs Americans could do in areas like construction, willing to work for less wages. Others land jobs that unemployed Americans turn up their noses at or lack the skills to do.
With a national unemployment rate of 9.4 percent, domestic job creation is at the top of President Barack Obama's agenda and such findings could add to calls to tighten up on illegal immigration. But much of it is Hispanic and the growing Latino vote is a key base for Obama's Democratic Party.
Many of the new arrivals, according to employers, brought with them skills required of the building trade and found work in sectors such as construction, where jobless rates are high.
"Employers have chosen to use new immigrants over native-born workers and have continued to displace large numbers of blue-collar workers and young adults without college degrees," said Andrew Sum, the director of the Center for Labor Market Studies.
"One of the advantages of hiring, particularly young, undocumented immigrants, is the fact that employers do not have to pay health benefits or basic payroll taxes," said Sum.
From 2008 to 2010, 1.1 million new migrants who have entered America since 2008 landed jobs, even as U.S. household employment declined by 6.26 million over that same period.
Bailey: The sentence above that I marked red is written by a person who apparently has never worked a regular job in America!
Americans do not turn up their noses at any job! If we don't take one it's because we're searching for jobs that pay enough to support our families here in America. The average American household usually consist of the Husband, Wife, and Children. That means there are only two people working and paying all the bills to support that family.
When illegals come over they will live together in one house (6 or 8) splitting all of the bills among themselves. Most of the time paying only 10% of what the average American Family has to spend on utilities, water, rent, etc. And on top of all that  for some reason the illegals are able to get all of the government benefits that are denied to the struggling American. Hell yeah! I would take a cheaper paying job if I had 6 or 8 complete strangers living in my house with me and my family splitting the bills!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dear Fellow American,
Thank you for joining with us in our national petition to repeal Obamacare.
Republican leaders in the House are planning to vote to repeal Obamacare on Wednesday.
Dick Morris, the famous Fox News commentator and author, is urging Americans to sign the petition below to repeal Obamacare once and for all.
It is vitally important you forward this email to your friends and family to sign this petition as Congress takes this historic vote!
This is a critical time in our nation’s history, as Obamacare will . . .
  • Increase our budget by $1 trillion (at least!)
  • Cut Medicare benefits for senior citizens by $500 billion
  • Send private insurance premiums sky high
  • Set the groundwork for healthcare rationing for the elderly
  • Cost you an additional $500 billion in taxes
This is our last chance to STOP Obamacare in its tracks.
The House vote is just the first step, as Dick Morris states, and the battle to fully repeal and defund Obamacare will be fought over the coming months.
That is why it is critically important you to get as many friends to sign the petition toFULLY REPEAL OBAMACARE.
Your representatives need to know where you stand on this important issue.
Dick Morris says, “It’s absolutely critical we repeal and defund Obamacare. Sign the Newsmax petition today and send a powerful message to Congress they won’t forget!”
Hundreds of thousands have already signed this important petition.
Let your voice be heard.
Thank you,

Christopher Ruddy
CEO and Editor in Chief
Newsmax Media
P.S.: If you have already signed the petition, tell your friends and family to sign it as well. They can simply go to

Monday, January 17, 2011

China Loans to America!

Ahead of his visit to Washington this week, China's president calls the present U.S. dollar-dominated currency system a 'product of the past' and highlights moves to turn the yuan into a global currency. 
Bailey: Is anyone really surprised by this? If you owe someone a lot of money, they can tell you anything they want to! 
