Monday, April 18, 2011

Media continues inventing new terms for 'tax increase'

ABC's Christiane Amanpour practically begged for higher taxes on “This Week” during a panel segment, but she of course did not use the term 'higher taxes' in her argument. Instead, she argued government should come up with 'revenue raising mechanisms' to fix the deficit. Thankfully, Congressman Joe Walsh was on the panel and called Amanpour and the rest of the media out for the ridiculousness and blatant hypocrisy on their overtly friendly coverage of Obama during the budget battle.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Spending Cuts

When Republicans and Democrats announced last week they'd come to a last-minute budget deal to avert a government shutdown, they said they'd agreed to $38 billion in spending cuts. The exact figure was important, because Republicans had promised their tea party supporters they'd go further--$100 billion was the original pledge, reduced to $61 billion in the House budget passed in February. So they were at pains to present $38 billion as a good first step.
But an analysis by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) found that the deal, which passed Congress yesterday, will cut spending for the year by just $352 million—less than 1 percent of the much-touted $38 billion figure. In fact, when money for emergency military action is factored in, spending may actually go up this year. How can that be? The CBO said that $13-$18 billion of the "cuts" represented money that only existed on paper, in the form of IOUs to government agencies, and wasn't likely to be spent in the near future, or perhaps ever. Other cuts went for projects that wouldn't have paid out for several years—so the money would eventually have been spent, just not this year.
This is a tricky one. On the one hand, many of these cuts will take effect eventually, just not this year. On the other, even when all is said and done, it seems certain that  the $38 billion figure won't pan out. So we'll put the claim this one right in the center of our gauge: midway between airtight, and totally bogus.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bachmann Stares Down Heckler in Iowa

AP File
By Kasie Hunt, Politico
Michele Bachmann said again Monday that the American intervention in Libya was a mistake - but this time she had to talk over a heckler who shouted vulgarities at her.
Jenny Watkins, 22, shouted at Bachmann from the back of a large room at the University of Iowa here, while a male companion held a sign that read "Desensitized Homosexual" - a reference to an earlier part of Bachmann's speech, when she said she worried that children in elementary school would be desensitized to homosexuality. The two might have been escorted out with little fanfare, but Bachmann stopped to address them - "If you'd like to ask a question later, I'd be more than happy to have you do that," she said before continuing to talk about Libya.
"I think it was a mistake for the president to get us involved in a third war in Libya," Bachmann said. "There's no viable American national interest in Libya." We don't know what our American military goal is in Libya."

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Monday, April 11, 2011

Palin: Trump Right on Obama Birth Probe

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says real estate mogul Donald Trump, who is considering a 2012 presidential run, is right in sending Sarah Palin, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Birth Certificateinvestigators to Hawaii to pursue the issue of where President Barack Obama was born, because many Americans want proof he was indeed born in this country.

“I appreciate that 'The Donald' wants to spend his resources in getting to the bottom of something that so interests him and many Americans — you know, more power to him,” Palin said Saturday on Fox News’ “Justice with Judge Jeanine.” “He’s not just throwing stones from the sidelines, he’s digging in there, he’s paying for researchers to find out why President Obama would have spent $2 million to not show his birth certificate.”

Palin said although she believes the president was born in Hawaii, it is “perplexing” why Obama has spent so much money to avoid the issue, and there might be “something there the president doesn’t want people to see” on his birth certificate.

She expressed hope Trump’s investigation will put to rest the issue of why the president is so intent on not providing the requested documentation.
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