Friday, July 1, 2011

Glenn Beck Bids Farewell and Reveals New Plans

Marking the end of a media era, former Fox News host Glenn Beck signed off his program during a live broadcast Thursday, saying his decision to leave the show was “divinely inspired,” and promising to continue his fight to restore the values that made America great.

The final program that concluded his two-and-a-half year Fox run was vintage Beck. He lampooned the mainstream media, predicting that his new endeavors to would make them pine for the days when his television time was limited to only an hour a day.

Beck nostalgically recounted the unique features of his program, including its idiosyncratic reliance on chalk boards in an age of high-tech wizardry, and a red phone he used to challenge the Obama administration to call and defend its policies on air.

“This show has become a movement,” Beck said. “It’s not really a TV show anymore. And that’s why it doesn’t belong on TV. It belongs in your home.”

There have been reports of tension between Beck and the network, reportedly over advertisers who held back their support out of concern that Beck was too hot to handle. But Beck scoffed at the notion he may have been dropped by Fox News due to his controversial past statements, including his July 2009 remark that President Barack Obama was “racist” and harbored “a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture.” Beck later apologized for his choice of words.

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Napolitano: DHS Not Looking to Deport 'DREAM Act Students'

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano denied that the Obama administration is trying to unilaterally execute immigration policies contained in the stalled DREAM Act -- but at the same time she said it "doesn't make sense" to deport illegal immigrant students who would be covered by the proposal. 
Her comments Tuesday on Capitol Hill suggest that even if the DREAM Act does not pass, federal immigration officials will not target illegal immigrants who would otherwise be given a reprieve under the bill. 
Bailey:  It's a shame when the people we elect doesn't uphold the laws of our land! 
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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Gingrich criticizes gay marriage

INDIANOLA, Iowa (Reuters) - Republican presidential contenderNewt Gingrich on Saturday said the adoption of same-sex marriage in New York showed the nation is "drifting toward a terrible muddle."
Saying he thinks marriage is between a man and a woman, he told reporters that he "would like to find ways to defend that view as legitimately and effectively as possible."
He said he thinks the nation should be defending the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage ass being between a man and a woman.
In February, the Obama administration decided it would no longer defend the 15-year-old law.
"I think the president should be, frankly, enforcing that act, and I think we are drifting toward a terrible muddle which I think is going to be very, very difficult and painful to work our way out of," he said.
With a vote by its legislature on Friday, New York became the sixth and most populous state to legalize same-sex marriage. The legalization is seen as a huge boost for gay rights.
Speaking at a Tea Party bus tour event in Indianola, Gingrich said mass resignations among his campaign staff stemmed from his "fundamental disagreement" with consultants.
"Our campaign is going to survive and I'm going to be in it all the way and I believe I can win it... because people want substance more than baloney," he said.
Gingrich told the Tea Party crowd he is the kind of leader who "will cooperate" but "not compromise."
Bailey: Anyone that knows the history of the Ancient Roman Empire knows that it collapsed from within because of moral decay, not from a outside enemy. That's what is happening to America, we're kicking our own asses.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Did Pakistan Help to Hide Bin Laden?

Cell phone of Usama bin Laden's trusted courier recovered in Navy SEAL raid reportedly contained contacts to a militant group linked to the Pakistan intelligence agency, raising questions about whether the country helped shelter terror leader. 
Bailey: Oh what the hell give em another million or two in aid!
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Pelosi Prediction Backfires? Glitches Arise in Health Law

Back in March 2010, then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif,, uttered the now-famous words, "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy." Pelosi was talking about the health care law, and it appears she was right about the fact that it was full of unknowns.
It turns out that, due to a glitch in the law, roughly three million middle-income Americans could wind up on Medicaid - which was designed to assist the country's poorest citizens.
"It's gonna cost about $450 billion over 10 years," Senator John Barrasso. R-Wyo., who is also a surgeon, warns. Barrasso says it's yet another burden for average Americans. "Who's gonna pay for that - the taxpayers, people who are paying their bills every day," he says.
Democrats acknowledge there is a problem within the health care law that could have an unintended impact on Medicaid.
"I do think that between now and 2014, sooner rather than later, we should go back and take another look at this," Congressman Chris Van Hollen, D-Md., said Wednesday. Van Hollen also admitted that the potential snafu was discussed while the health care law was being drafted. It stems from a problem about how the word "income" is defined under the law now - and how that definition is set to change.
Richard S. Foster, Chief Actuary for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, says it's a worry that keeps him up at night. "We need to do something about this," he said.
The Obama administration, via a blog, concedes there is trouble. Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary Richard Sorian wrote, "We are concerned that ... some middle-income Americans may be receiving coverage through Medicaid, which is meant to serve only the neediest Americans." As for what HHS plans to do, Sorian says, "We are exploring options to address this issue."
The issue of millions of additional Medicaid participants was hardly the only health care headache for the administration on Wednesday. Several House GOP lawmakers went public with their demand to know more about who has - and hasn't - been granted a waiver from the law's requirements - and why. Led by Congressman Tim Huelskamp, R-Kan., the group sent a letter to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on June 2. Today - they announced they have yet to receive a response.
"If Obamacare is so good, if it is so good, why all the waivers?" Huelskamp asked. He also lamented the administration's "lack of transparency."
On Friday the administration announced that no more waivers will be considered after September 22. That promise made no difference to Congressman Joe Walsh, R-Ill., who said, "Regular folks around the country are still going to be stuck ... because they don't have the power or influence to get an exemption."
Bailey: Inbred Idiot!

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