Monday, September 19, 2011

Job Wars / other side of the nickel

One week after President Obama addressed a joint session of Congress and proposed the American Jobs Act, House Speaker John Boehner responded for the Republicans. Not with a plan to address the U.S. jobs' crisis, but with conservative talking points that indicate how difficult it will be to pass meaningful legislation.
The Problem: The two Parties disagree on the origin of the crisis. In his September 8th addressObama indicated the crisis resulted from erosion of America's social compact: "[belief] in a country where everyone gets a fair shake and does their fair share -- where if you stepped up, did your job, and were loyal to your company, that loyalty would be rewarded with a decent salary and good benefits."

Sunday, September 18, 2011

How Privatized Social Security Works in Galveston

 GALVESTON — Gov. Rick Perry has repeatedly called Social Security a “Ponzi scheme” and said that people ought to control their own retirement money. But if the social safety net program created in 1935 were eliminated — something President Eisenhower once said would be a politically stupid move — what might take its place? Go to the link and get the facts before saying no way!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A GOP Jobs Plan

House Speaker John Boehner rolled out the congressional Republican counteroffer to President Obama's American Jobs Act on Thursday. It wasn't a plan for fundamentally changing economic policy in Washington—the GOP candidates for president will need to do that—but it does set out the right pre-conditions for jobs and growth. And it establishes a no-fly zone to deter more Obama regulations and taxes that inhibit hiring.
Mr. Boehner emphasized what he called the "triple threat" from government now facing employers: federal regulations, out of control spending and a business-unfriendly tax code.
Associated Press
"Employers will hire if they have the right incentives," Mr. Boehner said, "but the incentives have to outweigh the costs. Businesses are not going to hire someone for a $4,000 tax credit if government mandates impose long-term costs on them that significantly exceed the temporary credit." That's a not-too-subtle shot at the White House, whose plan dangles tax breaks in front of employers in 2012, then snatches them away in January 2013.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Rep. Gohmert: Obama's Jobs Bill Has Devilish Details

President Barack Obama’s jobs bill is even worse when you look at the details than it is at first glance, according to four-term Republican Congressman Louie Gohmert.

“It is a disaster,” the Texas representative said in an exclusive Newsmax.TV interview. And the whole bill should have been renamed from “The American Jobs Act” to either “The Save Obama’s Job Act” or “The Plaintiffs’ Lawyers Full Employment Bill,” he added.

Gohmert pointed to little-noticed aspects of the bill that Obama presented to Congress on Monday. One, he said, turns the unemployed into a protected class similar to ethnic minorities.

Read more on Rep. Gohmert: Obama's Jobs Bill Has Devilish Details
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

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