Saturday, May 11, 2013

Glenn Foden to IRS: "Apology not accepted"

In response to IRS officials today admitting that its agents actively targeted Tea Party groups for increased scrutiny during the 2012 election,  the nation's largest Tea Party group and a subject of IRS inquiries over the past year, issued the following statement: 
"What we've long suspected to be the case is now confirmed to be true. The Obama administration has used the IRS as a political weapon. The IRS may claim that it is 'sorry.' But given the damage that has been done, their apology is not accepted," said Niger Innis, Chief Strategist for
"What would Democrats have done if the Nixon administration ordered the IRS to actively target the National Organization of Women or the American Civil Liberties Union? Nixon had his own enemies list and resigned. These activities are eerily similar, and yet Obama remains in office even in light of Fast and Furious, the Benghazi tragedy, and now the active targeting of his political opposition. We demand a thorough independent investigation into who did what, when, why, and how far up into the administration this scandal goes. We would expect intimidation like this from third-world, tin-pot dictators, not our own US government."

Friday, May 10, 2013

Clinton, Obama and what should have happened as Benghazi unfolded

Democratic politicos, the press, and the liberal punditocracy have decried the “witch hunt” over Benghazi.  But this “witch hunt”--  more properly called the responsible exercise of checks and balances in our government -- is rooted in what is the almost inexplicable and ongoing efforts of the Obama administration to obfuscate what happened in Libya on that terrible day of September 11, 2012.
Here’s what should have happened on September 11, 2012: Hillary Clinton should have put out a press release acknowledging the death of U.S. personnel in Libya.  She should not have mentioned “inflammatory material posted on the internet”, because she had no reason to do so.  But that mistake can be forgiven in light of ongoing demonstrations in Cairo, purportedly over an obscure video that defamed Muslims.
Here’s what should have happened on September 12, 2012: The President should have canceled his Vegas fundraiser and stayed in Washington to determine details about the attack in Libya.  He should have put out a simple statement indicating a thorough investigation, and not have alluded to “efforts to denigrate the religious beliefs of others”, implicitly tying the video to the Benghazi attack.
Here’s the problem the press and Obama’s allies fail to grasp: There was no obvious reason to cover up what happened in Benghazi.
Here’s what should have happened on September 13, 2012: Jay Carney should not have lied – and by this time the administration knew full well it was a lie – that a video was responsible for non-existent demonstrations in Libya that resulted in the death of U.S. personnel.  What he should have said was that there was an ongoing investigation and then shut up.
On September 14, 2012, Hillary Clinton should have made clear that Al Qaeda related groups were responsible for the attacks in Libya; instead she doubled down on the YouTube video.  And White House spokesman Jay Carney lied again, telling reporters “we were not aware of any actionable intelligence indicating that an attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi was planned or imminent.”
Really?  On September 11?  With cables begging for increased security?  With Al Qaeda leader Ayman Zawahiri calling for revenge attacks for the killing of senior Al Qaeda leader Abu Yahya al Libi – “the Libyan”? Really?
And most of all, what shouldn’t have happened was Obama administration ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice hitting the Sunday shows to speak about “spontaneous” demonstrations in Benghazi.  What, terrorists, where?
Much has been made of the forensic work being done by Rep. Darrell Issa, and he has been accused repeatedly of flogging a dead horse.
Yes, he has uncovered clear evidence that talking points were edited in order to diminish the appearance of an Al Qaeda terrorist attack.
Yes, he has uncovered whistle blowers within State who were ignored in the nominally “independent” review of what transpired in Benghazi.  But this, apparently, is not enough.
Here’s the problem the press and Obama’s allies fail to grasp: There was no obvious reason to cover up what happened in Benghazi.  And because there was no obvious reason, it appeared that the administration was aware of something it wished to hide from the American people in a thicket of lies, half-truths and deliberate omissions.  We should expect that the Congress of the United States would wish to get to the bottom of such a cover up.
The simple facts of the Benghazi attack are clear, and the mistakes that were made in that first day are even forgivable because mistakes are made in the fog of battle.  But when such mistakes are made, serious leaders admit them and move on.
What would have happened if the president of the United States had stepped into the Rose Garden on September 12 and said: “Yesterday, a number of statements were made with which I am not comfortable.  We are uncertain about what happened yesterday in Benghazi.  We are investigating aggressively, and we will share our findings when we have them.”
Why not?  In part because of naked politicking and a desire to avoid undercutting the I-killed-Usama-Al-Qaeda-is-on its-heels meme of the election.  In part, because, apparently, the Obama administration cannot admit fault.
What would have happened if Hillary Clinton had said, “I am deeply disturbed that requests for better security for Benghazi were not taken seriously, and I will get to the bottom of this and heads will roll”? What would have happened if requests for additional security hadn’t been dismissed?  If those at the scene and with knowledge of the attack had been interviewed by investigators and not intimidated?
The answer, clearly, is that there would be little reason for an investigation.  There would be little reason for hearings and lawyers.  Because the administration would have been honest and up front from the get-go about mistakes that were made.  But they didn’t and they weren’t and it should come as no surprise to anyone that those who choose to hide the facts, intimidate their critics and otherwise cover up a story are going to be investigated.  Should we not expect that?  And applaud it?

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Jerry Holbert

It's Time To End The IRS

“If we don't do something to simplify the tax system, we're going to end up with a national police force of internal revenue agents.”  - Leon Panetta
I’m not sure when Mr. Panetta said this, but given the expanded role of the IRS as Obamacare enforcer, I doubt he knew how prophetic his admonishment would become. The IRS is now exceeding the bounds of taxation - now becoming the federal police force for broad legislative enforcement. 
Folks, the time has never been more critical to make the case for the FairTax® as a replacement for the income tax system in America. 
The House Ways and Means Committee is undertaking what Chairman Camp refers to as “comprehensive tax reform.” The Washington Post reports Illinois Representative Peter Roskam, a member of the Ways and Means Committee said, “You start with a clean sheet of paper and say: What would a tax code look like if you were going to design it from the ground up?”
Rep. Roskam, there is a plan and it is ready to go – today.
It has $20 million of research, 80 economist and 63 co-sponsors in the U.S. House and 7 co-sponsors in the Senate – more than any other tax reform plan before you. It is called the FairTax and it is the only tax replacement plan that is fair, simple and will create desperately needed jobs and stimulate the economy. More importantly, it is the only tax reform plan that will eliminate the IRS. 
Those of you sharing your emails, letters and phone calls to your elected Representatives hearten me.  I do read your messages and I thank you, thank you, and thank you. Please don’t stop. You are having having an impact – you are making a difference! The FairTax will become reality when enough people like you choose to elect and hold their elected representatives accountable for passing legislation like the FairTax plan. 
This is our challenge. 
Constantly communicating your expectations as a constituent. Constantly holding your elected representatives accountable. And, when they do not represent you, finding and supporting individuals who will. It is that simple - democracy in action. You have a megaphone. You have power. You have a voice. Find and use it.  Use it for the FairTax plan.
Here examples of how others are using their voice for the FairTax.
FAST President and Regional Director, John Collet participated in a meeting this week hosted by Kansas District 2 Representative and Ways and Means member Lynn Jenkins, who sought to solicit constituent concerns and ideas about current tax reform efforts before Congress.
John was given an opportunity to address attendees and centered his remarks on the positive  impact the FairTax will have on jobs, reducing complexity and ensuring fairness for all. In discussing the issue of complexity, he suggested that any form of income tax with Congress is “like taking a confirmed alcoholic to a cocktail party. We tried that twice in 1913 and 1986, and since 1986, there have been over 15,000 changes.” Great job John!
FairTax Bar Association
FairTax Bar Association

Israel's Latest Move in Gaza Is Going Infuriate the Pro-Hamas College Kids Rebelling Nationwide

We’ve been distracted by the mayhem on college campuses for days, so let’s return to why so many pro-Hamas and antisemitic stude...