Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day: The story of a fallen American

Every year, tens of thousands of people visit Pearl Harbor Hawaii.  It is hard to visit there without remembering the events of December 7th, 1941. 

Pearl Harbor is home to the former Battleship USS Missouri, now open as a memorial.  It is also home to the wreck of USS Arizona and the famous memorial that floats just above the sunken battleship that is a grave to over 1100 Americans.
Most people assume that there is only one sunken battleship in Pearl Harbor.  They are wrong.  There is a second and it is the grave of an American hero.

What is this second ship?  Who is this hero and why is his story so uniquely American?

On the Northwest corner of Ford Island in Pearl Harbor is a memorial that is missed by most tourists.  Just beyond the memorial is the rusting hulk of a ship. 

That ship is the grave of Peter Tomich and 63 other American sailors.

Peter Tomich was born in 1893 in a city called Prolog.  It was then a part of the Austrian-Hungarian empire.  It is today part of Bosnia Herzegovina.  As a young man of twenty, he immigrated to the United States.

His motivations for immigrating or for that matter, details of his family and early life are lost to history.  In 1917, Tomich enlisted in the United States Army and became an American Citizen.

In 1919, after World War I had ended and Tomich’s army enlistment was completed, he enlisted in the Navy.  He would spend the rest of his life serving his new country as a sailor.

Tomich rose through the ranks until by 1941, he was a Chief Water Tender.  In 1941, he was assigned to USS Utah.

USS Utah was a battleship, first commissioned in 1911.  By 1930, the ship was old and obsolete.  The United States had to get rid of a number of old battleships to comply with the London Naval Treaty.   Instead of being scrapped, Utah was turned into an anti-aircraft training and target ship.

On the morning of December 7th, 1941, Tomich was performing his duties deep in the bowels of the massive ship, which was berthed on the Northwest corner of Ford Island.

Because of large wooden boards that covered much of the deck of USS Utah, which allowed American planes to practice bombing this ship without damaging it or its crew, the Japanese pilots thought Utah was an aircraft carrier.

USS Utah was torpedoed and badly damaged.  The ship began to capsize and order was given to abandon ship.

Tomich did not obey that order.

Instead, he stayed at his post deep inside the ship, keeping vital machinery running as long as possible so his shipmates could escape.

At 8:12 AM, less than 15 minutes into the attack, USS Utah capsized and Peter Tomich gave his life for his adopted nation.

For this devotion to duty and his heroism, Peter Tomich was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor.

Today Hawaii will be bathed in sunshine.  The tropical breezes will blow, fluttering the flags that fly above the tombstones of the fallen Americans we remember today on this Memorial Day.

Peter Tomich has no tombstone.  He rests where he fell on USS Utah.

Peter Tomich was a true American.  He came here to become an American and when his nation asked, he made the ultimate sacrifice. 

Today we give Peter Tomich and millions of others the thanks of a grateful nation.

Rest in peace, Peter Tomich: American.

From the Medal of Honor Citation for Peter Tomich

"For distinguished conduct in the line of his profession, and extraordinary courage and disregard of his own safety, during the attack on the Fleet in Pearl Harbor by the Japanese forces on 7 December 1941. Although realizing that the ship was capsizing, as a result of enemy bombing and torpedoing, Tomich remained at his post in the engineering plant of the U.S.S. Utah, until he saw that all boilers were secured and all fireroom personnel had left their stations, and by so doing lost his own life."

Sunday, May 26, 2013

2nd Amendment Rights

Free Money from the US Government, come and get it!!

How much money does the United States currently contribute to the United Nations and its various agencies? Surprisingly, no one knows for sure.
The State Department does report on its spending at the United Nations, but it is only one of several federal agencies that give money to the world body each year.
In its fiscal 2014 State and Foreign Operations budget proposal released in April, the Obama administration asked for $1.57 billion for contributions to international organizations, including $617.6 million for the U.N. operating budget — up from $568.8 million in fiscal 2012.
But other agencies giving to the U.N. include the Departments of Labor, Energy, Agriculture, Defense, and Health and Human Services, CNS News reported.
Fiscal 2007 legislation stipulated that the Office of Budget and Management (OMB) report all federal agencies' contributions, but the requirement expired in 2011.
Now Republican Sens. Mike Enzi of Wyoming and Mike Lee of Utah, and others, are submitting legislation that would reinstate the requirement.
"It's disturbing that no one, including our ambassador to the United Nations, knows exactly how much money we send the U.N. every year," Enzi said in a statement.
"With a national debt exceeding $17 trillion, we need to be able to account for every dime we spend, including what we send to the U.N."
The last OMB report to Congress on U.N. contributions was issued in June 2011 and covered fiscal 2010. It showed that State was just one of 17 government agencies giving money to U.N. organizations, funds, affiliates and other bodies, and the total expenditure that year was $7.69 billion — more than 10 times the amount requested for State in fiscal 2014.
In addition to the billions being contributed to various bodies within the U.N. system, the United States provides 22 percent of the U.N.'s operating budget, more than twice as much as the No. 2 contributor, Japan (10.8 percent).
Other legislation likely to be introduced in Congress would change the way the United Nations is funded, allowing the United States to fund only those activities and agencies that are "efficient and in the national interest," according to CNS News.
As the Insider Report disclosed earlier, the United States did cut off funding for the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) after it voted in October 2011 to approve the Palestinian Authority's full membership in the agency. But that move was required by U.S. laws.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Good Old Nancy

Robert Ariail


The Boy Scout Oath
On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.

The Boy Scout Law
A Scout is:
Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful,
Friendly, Courteous, Kind,
Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty,
Brave, Clean, Reverent

The 61% of the 1,400 Boy Scouts of America National Council delegates who voted to allow openly gay boys to join the Boy Scouts have sent a clear message to America: “The Boy Scout Oath is meaningless, and we leaders who are supposed to exemplify courage have caved to political pressure.”

To contradict the Boy Scout Oath will result in many young boys being influenced not only to tolerate but to accept and participate in LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) sexual activities. This will put their lives in danger.

As these LGBT boys turn 18, they will demand to become Boy Scout leaders; and there will be no foothold to which the BSA can cling on that slippery slope.


Perhaps we who truly care about the health and well-being of other people have not done a good job of communicating our message. We must not have made it clear that because we care, we want people to live a healthy and long life.  This will not happen to those who practice the sexual activities involved with the LGBT lifestyle.   

The medical data is “an equal opportunity provider.”  Most of the medical data is not subject to the usual bias based upon race, ethnicity, or gender.  Sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s, STI’s) do not really care who a person is nor to what organization, group, political party, race, ethnicity, or gender the person belongs. 

Bottom line:  For those people who insist on “playing with fire, they will get burned.”  STD’s will strike with equal vengeance, most of them based upon the dangerous sexual activities of the people involved.

We who do care about the well-being of other people have allowed the LGBT community to portray and market themselves as being well-dressed, debonair, handsome, beautiful, "gay," and happy.  What we should have done all along is to tell the truth about how truly dangerous and unhealthy LGBT sexual activities really are.

The problem we have faced in presenting the facts about the LGBT lifestyle is that it is so perverse; we cannot present those facts openly without exposing children and/or polite society  to the awful realities.  Our inability to present the facts has allowed the LGBT community to “sell” their bogus image. The marketing gimmick of the happy, same-sex couple is just that – a marketing gimmick; and unfortunately, the Boy Scouts have just succumbed to this LGBT marketing gimmick.


Why are sexually transmitted diseases (STD's, STI’s) rampant in the LGBT community...because they are urinating on each other, playing with feces, having vaginal/oral/anal sex with all sorts of sex objects, and participating in many other perverse sexual activities.   

Because of the LGBT’s anal and oral sexual activities, they are not "gay" at all.   Instead, they are constantly seeking sexual arousal, each time falling into more desperate practices.  This leads them to even more perverse activities that end up damaging their anal sphincters and giving them such diseases as genital herpes, meningitis, throat/prostate/testicular/colon cancers, anal papilloma, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, HPV, and many others. Then, too, the negative, long-term results of transgender reversal sex operations and hormonal treatments are only beginning to manifest themselves in the medical literature:

Friday, May 24, 2013

Want to read about the big IRS scandal? Don't go to cause there's nothing there about it!

What a shame that a big internet company like is so far on the left that they will not even report on their website the IRS scandal going on that concerns all Americans right or left. Here the government is trying to run over us and MSN is too Democratic to fairly report it. Check out fox news for the real news.
