Friday, June 28, 2013

(IBD) Billionaire Obama Donor Set To Profit From Keystone XL Demise if oil goes to China

Energy Policy: A billionaire hedge fund manager and Barack Obama donor is pushing the president to stop the pipeline that would compete with one he's invested in. That pipeline could send Canadian oil to China.

Environmental activist Tom Steyer donated as much as he could to get Massachusetts Rep. Ed Markey elected to the Senate in the recent special election to fill the seat vacated by now-Secretary of State John Kerry. He wanted another senator who's opposed to completing the Keystone XL pipeline that he says would be an environmental plague on the planet.
A few days before President Obama said that Keystone XL would be built only if it could be shown to have no net effect on greenhouse gas emissions, Steyer, a major contributor to Obama's campaigns, urged the president to kill the project.
"We really cannot afford 40 to 50 years of development of a humongous oil reserve that's twice as bad — soup to nuts — as normal crude," Steyer told a gathering at the National Press Club, referring to Canada's extraction of crude from its oil sands in Alberta.
Steyer has mounted an extensive campaign to kill Keystone, yet he owes his personal fortune to a lifetime of investments in oil, gas and pipeline companies. He stands to reap another financial reward through the extensive investments his hedge fund, Farallon Capital Management, has made over the last 27 years in fossil fuel companies. These include holdings that could benefit from the blocking of the Keystone pipeline.
Farallon has made millions for its investors, and left Steyer with a net worth estimated by Forbes at $1.4 billion. One of Farallon's biggest holdings is in U.S. pipeline company Kinder Morgan, which has plans to expand a major competitor to Keystone — the TransMountain pipeline.
Steyer has also lobbied against Northern Gateway, which would carry oil from Edmonton to Kitimat, British Columbia, on Canada's west coast. Curiously, he is not opposed to TransMountain, which Kinder Morgan has sought approval to expand.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

New TTP HeaderDear Patriot,

How does it feel to be ignored? Not only do we have a far left, Marxist president who targets his political opposition with an intent of either silencing them, destroying them, or both, but we also have a Congress who demonstrated yesterday that they put rights granted by them to illegal immigrants over rights granted by the Constitution to American citizens. It is obvious that we MUST continue to fight stronger, harder, and smarter against these tone deaf politicians. But, we cannot do it without your help.
The Senate voted yesterday to move the amnesty granting immigration bill forward. Yesterday's vote cut off debate for the 1,200 page Corker-Hoeven Amendment that was written on Friday and that was not read. Dirty Harry Reid will likely not allow debate on the bill itself and force a vote on Thursday or Friday. This was not the end. It CANNOT be.  This amendment will be even more of a threat to America and her rightful citizens than the Gang of Eight bill was. If you believe that rewarding lawbreakers with special treatment and privileges is NOT acceptable, then help us fight this madness!

Gang of 8

Did you know that there are provisions in this bill that rewards employers for firing American citizens and hiring in their place amnestied immigrants? Did you know that this amendment would allow immigrants to break the law in regards to their visa and still be eligible for citizenship? Did you know that it this Corker-Hoeven Amendment even has taxpayer funded cars, motorcycles, scooters, etc for youth? That's right, during a time when Americans all over the country are trying to make ends meet while anticipating rising insurance costs due to ObamaCare, they will also be forced to provide cars for other people. UNBELIEVABLE!
We cannot take our eyes off of the threat of this amnesty bill. Please stay tuned to our emails. Keep up with the latest on our Facebook page, and follow us on Twitter for up to the date info.
Fighting tyranny is not easy, nor is it inexpensive. But, it is necessary and we will not give up on liberty in America. Please help us continue this fight with whatever donation you can afford.

All of us at

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Letter From Arizona Governor

Dear Friends,
Since Arizona is the main recipient of the problems of illegal immigration, let me be clear. My citizens demand a secure border and I demand a secure border. It's as simple as that.
I understand there is anticipation for me to take a position either endorsing or opposing the "Gang of Eight" immigration reform bill. I have not endorsed or opposed the bill because I know it remains a work in progress. I have faith that House Republicans will improve the bill by making securing our border the top priority.
Recent additions to the Senate plan are encouraging. For example, I have long advocated for additional Border Patrol agents, completion of the border fence and further use of unmanned aircraft and other technology, as well as workplace enforcement. However, supporting these provisions does not equate to an endorsement of the overall legislation. There are still too many unknowns. Specifically, Congress must require that the border-security provisions are mandated on the front end rather than forgotten on the back end.
Our nation's immigration system is broken and has been for decades. Congress must get it right this time. America cannot again repeat the failure of the 1986 immigration reform. The federal government must begin keeping its promises when it comes to border security.
We've been down this path before, and the federal government has failed to keep its promises - whether in 1986 or as recently as 2006, when the federal government promised to build a border fence and then failed to fund it. We need assurances of a secured border that is fully funded. Also, the federal government needs to do its job and allow States to work in partnership - through the existing 287g program - to address illegal immigration.
I know there is skepticism regarding this latest attempt by Congress to fix our immigration system. The federal government has a multi-decade record of failure on immigration and has passed along the costs to states like Arizona. The Obama administration, especially, does not instill faith among conservatives like myself. However, conservatives must remain in the conversation to ensure that the security provisions are as strong as possible. We cannot address our priorities if we walk away from the debate.
Thank you for your time.

Monday, June 24, 2013

From Whistleblower to traitor

When Edward Snowden burst on the scene two weeks, many hailed him for being willing to shed light on the Obama Regime’s spying on American citizens.  As Snowden revealed details of an American leadership mad on power, many conservatives cheered him.
Now Snowden has gone from being a whistleblower to being a traitor.

Why is Edward Snowden a traitor?

From the New York Times:

A Russian law enforcement official quoted anonymously by Interfax said that the Russian authorities had taken unusual measures to protect Mr. Snowden. “This was done so that nothing threatened Edward Snowden, so that he could spend the night calmly in a capsule hotel and fly to Russia without problems,” the official was quoted as saying.

Mr. Snowden is reportedly carrying four laptop computers with American intelligence documents that he downloaded to a thumb drive this spring while working in Hawaii for the National Security Agency as an employee of Booz Allen Hamilton. The Guardian newspaper of Britain disclosed a week ago that Mr. Snowden had provided the newspaper with documents showing that during a conference in London in 2009, the United States was able to access the communications of Dmitri A..., then the Russian president and now the prime minister. That disclosure will almost certainly cause Russia to review its codes and other procedures for top leaders.
Dmitri V. Trenin, director of the Carnegie Moscow Center, said he considered it likely that Mr. Snowden would remain in Russia, a country that is increasingly positioning itself as a protector of people like Mr. Assange, whom Western governments wish to prosecute.
“I don’t think there is any other country that would stand up to U.S. pressure, which will be tremendous,” Mr. Trenin said. “The Chinese don’t want to spoil their relationship with the United States. Russia is sometimes embracing conflict with the U.S.”
He noted that Russia Today, the state-financed English-language cable news channel, has become a platform for figures like Mr. Assange, who are unlikely to appear through mainstream Western news outlets.
 It is one thing to blow the whistle on the unlawful spying on Americans by the government.  It is quite another to share American intelligence with foreign nations that may have hostile intent towards America.

There is a point where we might have been able to thank Snowden for doing something to help America.

It now appears that his blowing the whistle on the NSA domestic spying program was only a pretense so he could sell American secrets to the highest bidder.

Saturday, June 22, 2013


Q: Should US accept Taliban offer to free Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl in exchange for Guantanamo prisoners?
20%Yes, let’s bring our man home
74%No, America should never negotiate with terrorists

6%I’m not sure

IRS versus Border Patrol

I will pay you tomorrow for a hamburger today.

Bravo Senator Cruz!
The classic quotation from the old Popeye the Sailorman cartoon series is the perfect analogy for our immigration policies.  This phony baloney amnesty program that liberal Senators, from both parties, are trying to pass, is like every previous amnesty that promised enforcement but gave us only amnesty for millions, including all sorts of scary people who could never pass a legitimate background check .
If you honestly trust the pro-amnesty, pro-open borders, Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate to suddenly reverse decades of pandering to the illegal alien community, then I have a wonderful, if slightly used, Brooklyn Bridge that I can offer you at a great price!
Do they really think the American people are this stupid?  Are we this stupid?  Perhaps, we are because we keep electing these same worthless scoundrels year after year, don’t we?
Right now, there are one thousands and seventy-five (1075) pages in the immigration bill.  No Senator has read it, nor will they.  And no Senator has any idea what’s in it, including the Gang of Eight who claim authorship.  The size of the bill is a dead giveaway that this legislation was fattened to bury all sorts of really bad details inside.
Kind of reminds me of that classic quote from former Speaker Pelosi when she said, “We have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it.”  That, as you may recall, is how we got ObamaCare.

Every time, I repeat, every time the Congress has put amnesty first with a promise of stricter enforcement later, it NEVER HAPPENS!
Even after 9/11, when the entire nation was screaming “Close the damned borders!”  IT NEVER HAPPENED!
Every time they budget funds to finish building the fence, or hire more border agents, or put drones in the sky, or erect electronic listening devices, IT NEVER HAPPENS!
Even introducing such a bill causes massive problems.  Every time the word amnesty is mentioned in the media, the number of illegal aliens attempting to cross the borders soars to new heights with as many as 10,000 crossing daily!
But this doesn’t seem to bother the politicians at all, since, in their twisted little minds, they see each new immigrant as a new voter that will keep them in Washington.
BOTTOM LINE:  Any politician who suggests that putting enforcement before amnesty is a bad thing is either completely out of his or her mind, or, more likely, is a person who puts his own selfish interests ahead of the best interests of the nation, once again.
Call the Senate National Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.  Use your cellphone so the call will likely be free.  If you don’t know the names of your Senators, tell them what state you live in and they will provide their names and connect you.
Don’t worry — you will never get to speak to your Senators.  They are far too important to speak to lowly citizens.  You will be speaking to one of  their Legislative Assistants who will politely listen to you and then click off one more vote FOR or AGAINST the immigration bill.
This exercise might seem ridiculous but it is deadly serious.  We used to be a Constitutional Republic, that honored the rule of law.  Today, however, we are behaving like a country where the mob in the street rules.
And right now, the mob shouting in the street and on the phones calling Washington are those millions of illegal aliens who instead of cowering in the shadows, are boldly making demands to our Representatives and Senators.  They have no fear because they know that no President, since Reagan has had the courage to suggest that all persons who entered our country illegally should be deported.
And they never will unless and until the American people rise up; shake off all those politically-correct notions that we should put the interests of illegal aliens ahead of our own American citizens.
So please pick up the phone and call so we can have more check marks in our column than they have in theirs.
Yes, it is pathetic, but this is one of the few things that our lofty Senators pay any attention to … because they know that even thought they are stealing our rights and freedoms daily, we still have the power to throw the bums out.
Thank you!
Edward Nelson
U.S. Border Control
P.S. Your donation, now and then, will help us to remain your strong voice in Washington, DC and in state capitals throughout the country. Thank you.
