Thursday, September 26, 2013

IRS failed to account for $67M in ObamaCare costs, report says

The Internal Revenue Service is unable to account for $67 million in spending related to the implementation of ObamaCare, according to an IRS watchdog report released Wednesday.
The report by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration said the money was part of a $488 million fund established to cover implementation costs between 2010 through 2012.
The $67 million in unaccounted-for spending was associated with "indirect" implementation costs, which can include providing employees with workspace and information technology support.
The report recommended the IRS improve its record-keeping for direct labor charges associated with implementing ObamaCare.
"TIGTA found that costs charged to [the Health Insurance Reform Implementation Fund] funding related to direct labor were sometimes inaccurate and not always substantiated by reliable supporting documentation," the report states.
The report concluded that the IRS "lacks complete information regarding the full cost of [Affordable Care Act] implementation."
"This lack of complete information on ACA implementation costs limits the IRS’s ability to accurately report to stakeholders the total resources it applied to the ACA implementation and fully estimate the resources needed in the future for this effort," the report states.
The report comes as the Senate considers a controversial bill that would both avert a government shutdown while defunding ObamaCare, after Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, delivered a marathon 21-hour speech in a bid to push fellow Republican lawmakers into showdown to unravel the law.
Legislation passed by the Republican-controlled House last week would cancel all funds for the three-year-old law, preventing its full implementation. But Senate Democrats have enough votes to restore the funds, and Majority Leader Harry Reid labeled Cruz's turn in the spotlight "a big waste of time."
Any differences between the two houses' legislation must be reconciled and the bill signed into law by next Tuesday to avert a partial shutdown.

Is not the greatest question this nation faces is the absolute rejection by so many of a republican form of constitutional government?

Is not the greatest question this nation faces is the absolute rejection by so many of a republican form of constitutional government?
Watching the absolute dismal repulsive actions of especially the verbal insanity of the senator from Arizona, Mc(INSANE) and the Texas disgrace, John Coryn(HOLIN) how could any who believe in this nation this absolute wonder, this miracle of what this nation is—and not be dumbfounded of what is happening in this country.
Attempting to put some reason into this insanity the obvious becomes clear. If one uses their mental intellect, and in that journey of intellectual reasoning reaches the reality that in the laws of nature, and nature’s God all events have a beginning, the reason, the alpha, and the conclusion, the ending, the omega.
This constant holds true from the beginnings of the universe; the creation by our creator, to the actions that occur in every segment of every action in our lives, our society, and our nation to this day have this beginning.   
IN the absolute dementia of our constitutional government the alpha, the idea, that as long as men govern—as James Madison told us—the greatest danger mankind, this nation will ever has…or will have…is those same men who will be elected to govern.
Cause and effect, is a simple philosophy of how to look at anything. For does there not require something to occurs, to set the stage, create the reason, that any result occurs? In life we normally find it, something, a catastrophe, a problem exists—resulting that as men…who love that challenge of design how to correct things…then create a means or a way to accomplish it. Too often the situation occurs where the environment must be prepared, the society corrupted, in order for the result to then appear, not as the correction, but really the problem; which could have never occurred if rational reasoning men would have made the decision.
Our constitution is a prime example. Was there a problem? Not by any of the complaints of the states—except they didn’t desire the expense of paying for the expenditures that those who would pay the debt, the people, didn’t want to pay the debt through taxation. There are so many things that were wrong about this expense—like what happened to the money—that make this one of the least discussed, or even considered problems of this nation. Yet the problem was what? Most don’t know. It was that those who lent money to this fledgling nation—were not like the US of today—and actually desired to have the debt repaid. Unfortunately there was no economic ignorant nation like ours today, that would just write it off and place the burden on their nation’s citizens as the statist of our current political parasites do. As such the creditors, the foreign banks demanded that this nation have a centralized taxing power, a federal dictate of taxation, to guarantee the outstanding, or any future debt. The result the most impossible task ever undertook by man was attempted. The cause for this event…the demand of the banks…the effect, the unknown never attempted, or successful, to enumerate—restrict—the power of central government, while giving the central government the power to lay taxes. This is as impossible as the fallacy of perpetual motion, demand side economics, compassionate islamist, or reasoning communist aka democrats.
Is it that difficult to make the observation, the decision of understanding that the philosophical idealism of this nation—and the demented ideology of communism, or as the current democrats call it…social democracy; whatever
the hell that means…are the diametric opposite? How can any nation consisting of a society of what are supposed to be identified as ‘homo sapiens…thinking entities’ make some convoluted conclusion that an ideology as demented as a theocracy, can even coexist with philosophical principles and ideals? This has to be the greatest question ever asked or even considered; as it is as impossible as making day night, while night day.
Is this not the problem with those who oppose communism, the Democratic Party? If those elected in the Republican Party do not have the conviction that the Republican form of separation of power, and the checks and balances of holding power in ‘enumeration’ restricted and confined to power; then how in the name of Hades can they even present themselves with the name of Republican?
In a war—as this nation is now in with the advancement of the dementia of our president, the Democratic Party…and their template of using both Lenin’s design along with the cultural communism of Antonio Gramsci hegemony—there are no weapons removed from the battle. As the communist advance uses the confines of our own enumerations, to limit the response of those attempting to save this nation; while when the enumerations of our constitution hinder their advance, they, as Lenin did, simply ignore them.
No we need to take Ted Cruz, and those who understand this nation’s design and push them to the forefront. Those who oppose this nation’s republican design, can leave this party, create their own party, or join the advancement of communism that is already in full bloom.
We, the American people, need those who will fight for this nation—not those whose only purpose is its destruction, and the nihilism of the principles that made this miracle of a nation—the greatest experiment ever of man.  

Was The 2012 Election Stolen By Obama And The IRS?

It is increasingly clear that the 2012 elections, both Presidential and Senate, were stolen by Barack Obama, the Democratic Party, the Internal Revenue Service and government employee unions. It’s right out of a mob movie like “The Godfather.”
The Obama crime family could give the mob lessons. Don Obama plays for keeps. The Don gets what he wants. And when he found himself in danger of losing his power and control, Obama went to his enforcers: the IRS.
In a story reminiscent of the mob’s fixing union elections, the IRS enforcers conspired to destroy Don Obama’s main competition: Tea Party and other conservative fundraising groups.
Lois Lerner was only one of many IRS big shots in D.C. who gave orders to IRS offices across the United States to “kill” Tea Party and other conservative groups. Their goal: Steal the election. As of only days ago, the “fall gal” retired from the IRS. We can only guess what kind of massive payoff she received from Obama’s donors.
The 2010 elections were the biggest embarrassment suffered by a U.S. President in modern history. The power, energy and passion of the Tea Party won the GOP an amazing 63 House seats, six Senate seats, six governorships and 680 seats in State legislatures. It was a historic landslide. Obama’s entire agenda was threatened.
Yet the mainstream media expects us to believe that only two years later (2012) that Tea Party energy and passion was gone — overnight. Or perhaps they changed back to fans of Obama and the Democratic Party. What a fairy tale.
The real story is that the Obama Administration ordered the IRS to delay, distract, hound, harass and intimidate Tea Party groups across the United States. Without IRS attacks and interference, Tea Party groups would have had the same influence and momentum as in 2010, when their raging energy and passion led to a shocking landslide defeat for Obama and his allies.
There is no need to question or debate any longer. We now have emails from IRS officials stating exactly that: The Tea Party groups had to be stopped if Democrats wanted to win the election.
And conservative donations had to be stalled if Democrats wanted to retain control of the U.S. Senate.
Instead of massive Tea Party rallies and record-setting fundraising for conservative candidates, Tea Party groups were busy being distracted, hounded, harassed and intimidated by the IRS. They were busy being asked about the names of their members, the names of their speakers, the content of their Facebook posts and even the content of their prayers.
Conservative media personalities (like yours truly) were attacked with IRS audits, as were pro-life, pro-Israel and pro-Constitution groups. The tax-deductible status of Tea Party groups was purposely stalled so they could not raise money for the 2012 election.
What the biased liberal mainstream media refuses to do is connect the dots. None has the courage to state that “the fix” was in and that a fraud perpetrated by government employees handed control of the United States of America to Obama, a politician who supports government employees and their unions.
What did the IRS get out of this? The answer is pure bribery. Republicans, and especially Tea Party groups, believe in limited government, smaller budgets, fewer government employees and cutting bloated salaries, obscene pensions and early retirement for government employees. Another Tea Party landslide would have threatened the power of government employee unions. Many government employees would have been laid off.
Does anyone believe it a coincidence that Obama met with IRS union boss Colleen Kelley at the White House the day before the targeting of Tea Party groups by the IRS began? If you do, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.
Obama was fraudulently re-elected. Our country was hijacked by government employees protecting their cushy lifetime jobs, bloated salaries, obscene pensions and powerful unions.
Think I’m wrong? Evidently, IRS officials don’t. Several of them have been busy hiring famous and expensive law firms to defend them.
Where are they getting the money? Is Obama arranging for big Democratic donors like George Soros or union political funds to pay their legal bills? Is Obama scared to death of what these IRS bosses will say under oath? Could their testimony end his Presidency and destroy his legacy?
In the end, it’s clear to anyone who hasn’t been brainwashed by government schools or bribed by government checks that the 2012 election was fraudulently stolen by Obama.
What did Obama, Democrats and the IRS gain?
  1. The right to continue to loot the Treasury with bailouts, stimulus, corporate welfare and government contracts to his friends, donors, loyal media lackeys and corrupt union bosses.
  2. The right to continue to redistribute income from the business owners (who vote Republican) to Obama’s voters (the poor, unions and government employees).
  3. The ability to save Obamacare and unionize 15 million healthcare workers, thereby raising $15 billion in union dues to elect Democrats. And, of course, the ability to overwhelm middle-class families with $20,000 annual health insurance bills they can’t pay, thereby addicting them to government handouts.
  4. The IRS itself gains tremendously. They are now in charge of policing Obamacare, a huge new bureaucracy. It also adds thousands of new IRS agents, thereby greatly enriching the IRS union.
  5. The opportunity to pass immigration amnesty, thereby producing 10 million to 20 million new loyal Democratic voters.
  6. The opportunity to bankrupt business owners and permanently weaken the private sector, thereby drying up donations for conservative candidates and causes.
  7. The ability to keep American energy dependent by using the Environmental Protection Agency and executive orders to literally ban or severely damage domestic coal, oil, fracking and nuclear energy production.
  8. The opportunity to weaken American influence internationally. (See Egypt, Libya, Syria.)
Obama’s re-election also means he may serve long enough to appoint one or two more Supreme Court justices, whose radical leftist views will ensure America is permanently transformed to a big-government socialist nation.
This wasn’t just any theft, folks. It was a trillion-dollar theft. The Obama crime family (so far) has gotten away with the greatest and most daring act of fraud in world history. They stole the election.

Sixth-graders learn all about Jay-Z, Big Pimpin’

Students at a Southaven, Miss. middle school were educated in the “Big Pimpin’” thug life of Jay-Z, and the school district can’t imagine why anyone would object to lessons on reading, writing and rapping.
Sixth graders at Desoto Central Middle School spent three days learning about one of the most successful hip-hop artists and entrepreneurs in the nation. They were also tested on their knowledge about Jay-Z’s “resilience.”
A parent, who had a son in the English class, reached out to me – and she’s fired up. The mad mom asked to remain anonymous over fears of repercussions. I was able to verify her claims and have agreed to provide anonymity.
“One of the songs listed on the paper that was brought home was ‘Big Pimpin’,” she told me. “Another song talked about thug life. My child was getting an education about thug life.”
She could not believe that her child was learning about a man who sings songs that degrade women and glorify the thug life.
“When he pulled out the paper in his backpack in the car, I called my husband right then,” she told me. “I was furious. We talked about it until late that night. My husband was about to blow his top.”
It’s really unfortunate that the school superintendent won’t talk to me about the assignment. I’d love to hear his side of the story.
I called the principal to get his side of the story, but he said he didn’t want to talk to me. Instead, he referred me to the superintendent’s office.
No answer.
Eventually, I was told to contact their official spokesperson.
The spokesperson told me she could not understand why Fox News was interested in a simple classroom assignment. She said she would send an official statement but declined to go on the record. I’m still waiting for the “official statement.”
The child’s parents had a similar experience. They contacted the school – hoping to get some answers. Instead, they got the brush-off.
“They made it sound like it was no big deal,” the mom told me. “They said the point of the assignment was because Jay-Z is successful.”
She said one school official even chimed in that the rapper owns a professional sports team.
“I asked him what that had to do with anything,” the parent told me. “Let’s talk about somebody that is a success that has done good things – not thug life things.”
Using the school’s logic, the mom wondered why the school doesn’t assign lessons on Hugh Hefner or Larry Flynt.
“Either way, it’s all the same,” she said.
She said the same school official told her that no matter who they assigned the kids to learn about – that person would have something negative in their past.
“We are conservative,” she said. “We are Christian. And this was brought into my house. That’s why I was so furious. It was a moral issue.”
The little boy’s father was so livid that the school brushed off his wife he decided to write a letter to the school district:
“The page sent home was an eye-opener and I refuse to have my son subjected to today’s version on what should be accepted as okay and normal without knowing the facts,” the dad wrote.
“The facts are this page represented this thug in a positive way and calls him successful. Success to me doesn’t mean demeaning women, glorifying drugs and violence and flaunting money. Success should be about living decent and having respect for themselves and others.”
And to put an exclamation point on his reasoning, the dad included the lyrics to a Jay-Z song. I’d love to share some of those lyrics with you – but I’ve got standards. Let’s just say, Jay-Z has an affinity for the F-word and the B-word.
Heather Fox is not surprised to learn about the three-day Jay-Z lecture at the middle school. She runs a Facebook page called “Desoto County Reform” – an online gathering place for parents concerned about the school district.
“Hopefully we can address the issues that most people are afraid to address out loud,” she told me. “The school district is not happy about our website.”
“We know there are students at the high school who’ve had to read explicit books,” she said. “And now we know about the Jay-Z class.”
Fox said the sixth grade assignment was not age appropriate.
“A lot of the kids don’t know anything about the things that surround Jay-Z – it’s something that a lot of parents are concerned about,” Fox said. “Why make them exposed to it at such an early age?”
It’s really unfortunate that the school superintendent won’t talk to me about the assignment. I’d love to hear his side of the story. But the school district’s silence makes me a bit suspicious.
If there’s nothing wrong with the assignment, what’s there to hide? Why brush off a concerned parent who has a valid concern about what her child is learning?
The mom told me the school made a “bad, bad choice” – and now she and her husband are about to make a choice.
“It really makes me want to either send him to a private school or homes school,” she said.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

Cruz vows to use all ‘means available’ to block ObamaCare, Reid tees up budget vote

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz vowed Monday to use “every procedural means available” to block funding for ObamaCare, as he squared off against Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid at the start of a showdown that could risk a government shutdown in a matter of days.
Cruz is trying to back up House Republicans, who last week passed a bill that would defund the health care law while funding the government past Sept. 30. Cruz, however, has charted an unusual course – because he’s worried that Reid will strip the language defunding ObamaCare, Cruz is calling on his colleagues to block the House bill, even though he supports it.
But Cruz and his allies were running into serious roadblocks Monday night as GOP leaders tried to short-circuit his plan to stall the bill.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell threw a wrench into Cruz's plan earlier Monday, saying he will not vote to block the House bill because it "defunds Obamacare and funds the government without increasing spending by a penny."
Fox News has now learned both McConnell and Minority Whip John Cornyn (R-Texas) are actively working on colleagues who may be on the fence, according to sources familiar with the situation.
That move reportedly came as a surprise to Cornyn's Texas colleague Cruz.
A well placed source told Fox News that Cruz was "caught off guard" and "very upset" when he got wind of what was going on, adding he felt like he was stabbed in the back.
The Texas senator’s battle, though, has been rocky all day as he threw up a series of roadblocks only to be rebuffed by Reid.
At the same time, Reid arranged for an initial test vote Wednesday on the House passed-legislation that would avoid a partial government shutdown on Oct. 1 while simultaneously canceling funding for the health care law.
A second key vote is set for later in the week as Democrats seek to keep the health care law intact and Cruz and other Republicans resist.
Cruz told reporters he’ll do whatever it takes to prevent that outcome.
Speaking earlier on the Senate floor, he warned that any member who votes to advance the bill “will be voting to allow the majority leader to fund ObamaCare.”
“I think that vote’s a mistake,” he said. “I think that vote hurts the people of America.”
Cruz and his allies, though, face an uphill battle. To block the bill, they would have to corral 41 senators.
Reid claimed he has the votes to prevail on the health care issue.
"Any bill that de-funds Obama and his health care law is dead on arrival in the Senate," he said.
Democrats, meanwhile, have launched an aggressive campaign that seeks to pin the blame on Republicans in the event of a government shutdown. If Reid succeeds in stripping out the “defund ObamaCare” provision and sends the bill back to the House, it’s unclear whether House Speaker John Boehner would stand by the conservative wing of his caucus, or allow the bill to be called to the floor and potentially pass it with a majority of Democrats.
For its part, Obama administration spent the day warning of dire consequences unless Congress approves funding beyond the Sept. 30 end of the fiscal year.
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Medicare beneficiaries could lose their fully-paid annual wellness doctor's visit if funding is cut off, prescription drug costs could rise, and millions of seniors who are enrolled in private Medicare coverage might be required to switch to the traditional fee-for-service coverage to continue receiving health care.
Sebelius also said federal funding for the Children's Health Insurance Program would end on Oct. 1, some Medicaid recipients would lose coverage and Indian health programs would also be affected. Bailey Comment: Only a bunch of morons and people who get a lot of freebies would believe that Reid really cares about their health. Him and Nancy and all the rest of the fat cats in Washington are rich and can always have the best things in life including the best insurance.
