Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Lawyer for ex-IRS official Lerner asks to address House

The lawyer for former Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner sent a letter to House Republican leaders on Monday, asking for an opportunity to address the House ahead of a vote to hold his client in contempt of Congress.
Last May, Lerner refused to answer questions at a hearing about IRS agents singling out tea party applications for extra scrutiny. She again refused to answer questions in March, citing her Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.
The Oversight Committee voted earlier this month to hold her in contempt. All Republicans voted in favor and all Democrats voted against.
Lerner directed the IRS division that processes applications for tax-exempt status. She retired from the IRS last fall, ending a 34-year career in the federal government, including work at the Justice Department and Federal Election Commission. 
"Holding Ms. Lerner in contempt would not only be unfair and, indeed, un-American, it would be flatly inconsistent with the Fifth Amendment as interpreted by the Supreme Court," Lerner's lawyer, William W. Taylor III, wrote in a letter to House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio. 
Taylor requested "an opportunity to present to the House the reasons why it should not hold Ms. Lerner in contempt."
In an email, Taylor told The Associated Press that Lerner's lawyers would address the House, if given the chance -- not Lerner herself.  
Taylor, citing Supreme Court precedent, argues in the letter that Lerner cannot be prosecuted for asserting her Fifth Amendment privilege.
"No court will hold that she waived her privilege," Taylor said. "Supreme Court precedent is clear that a witness compelled to appear before a congressional committee does not waive her Fifth Amendment privilege by asserting her innocence."
Boehner spokesman Michael Steel said, "Ms. Lerner can avoid being held in contempt at any time by testifying fully and honestly, but she has chosen not to." 
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., responded on Twitter: "The House welcomes the opportunity for Lois Lerner to address our members. She can do so at any time before the House Oversight Committee." 
The House is expected to vote on the contempt measure in May, according to a memo from Cantor to House Republicans. 
Taylor's appearance before the House would be extraordinary. Other than House members, the privilege of addressing the full House is generally reserved for foreign leaders, dignitaries and, of course, the president. 
Lerner was subpoenaed by the Oversight Committee last year after publicly acknowledging that the IRS had improperly singled out tea party and other conservative groups for extra scrutiny when they applied for tax-exempt status from 2010 to 2012.  
Oversight Committee Democrats have compiled a list of constitutional experts who say the contempt case is weak.  Committee Chairman Darrell Issa, R-Calif., countered with a memo from the House general counsel's office saying there is a legal foundation for holding Lerner in contempt.  
Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the top Democrat on the committee, complained that the House is poised to act without hearing from any experts. 
"Before members of Congress are asked to take the grave step of stripping an American citizen of her Fifth Amendment rights -- something Congress has not attempted to do since the McCarthy era -- I believe the Republican leadership should do what Chairman Issa has refused to do for the last nine months: allow members to hear directly from Ms. Lerner's attorney and from some of the more than 30 independent legal experts who have concluded that his contempt proceeding will be thrown out of court," Cummings said.
Last week, House Republicans stepped up their investigation into the Justice Department's possible role in the targeting scandal, citing emails that purportedly suggest high-level DOJ officials may have been involved.
Emails published April 16 showed correspondence between Lerner and others at the IRS regarding the DOJ's interest in investigating "political" groups.
Senior Justice Department have denied the agency's involvement, saying that the accusations surrounding the emails are "conflating two separate issues." 
The Obama administration at the highest level denied the targeting, from 2010 through the 2012 presidential election cycle, was illegal or politically motivated.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

GOP senators demand explanation for Benghazi talking points

Three leading Republican senators are calling on the Obama administration to identify who briefed former U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice in advance of her Sunday show appearances where she blamed a video for the Benghazi attack.
Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., and John McCain, R-Ariz., wrote to leaders on the House and Senate Foreign Relations committees asking them to compel the administration to explain the "taking points."
In the letter first obtained by Fox News, the senators cite the recent testimony of former CIA acting and deputy director Michael Morell before the House Intelligence Committee, where he said it was Rice, not the CIA, who connected the obscure Internet video to the deadly Sept. 11, 2012 attack. 
"How could former Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, during the five Sunday talk shows on Sept. 16, 2012, claim that the attacks on our compounds were caused by a hateful video when Mr. Morell testified that the CIA never mentioned the video as a casual factor and made no reference to the video in any of the multiple versions of the talking points?" the senators wrote.
Given the CIA was not the source of the video explanation, according to Morell, lawmakers want to know whether State Department or White House personnel were involved in the Rice briefings in advance of the 2012 talk shows. 
Rice is now the president's national security adviser. Some lawmakers believe it would be difficult for Rice to now assert executive privilege because her previous job as U.N. ambassador required Senate confirmation.
In the letter, the lawmakers also questioned Rice's statements about security at the Benghazi compound that were "clearly misrepresentations of the facts."
"Ambassador Rice also falsely asserted that Al Qaeda was decimated. Who briefed her about Al Qaeda's activities in Libya?" the lawmakers wrote. 
"If we are to avoid future terrorist attacks like the one in Benghazi, we must answer these and many other unanswered questions," the senators added. 
Fox News' Catherine Herridge contributed to this report.

Monday, April 28, 2014


Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert

Affirmative action lawyer calls Supreme Court decision on Michigan schools 'racist'

The civil rights lawyer who argued unsuccessfully before the Supreme Court to end Michigan’s affirmative action ban repeated Sunday that the high court’s decision was “racist.”
“This is a racist decision that takes us back to an era of state’s rights,” civil rights attorney Shanta Driver told “Fox News Sunday.” “This decision cannot stand.”
The high court’s 6-2 decision Tuesday upheld a voter-approved change to the Michigan Constitution in 2006 that forbids the state's public colleges to make race, gender, ethnicity or national origin a factor in college admissions.
“The old Jim Crow [law] is now the new Jim Crow.”- Shanta Driver
The basis of the case was the 1995 decision of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor to reject the application of Jennifer Gratz.
Gratz, who is white, told “Fox News Sunday” that she found it “unbelievable” that a decision that prohibits race discrimination could be perceived as “racist.”
She also said she challenged the school’s decision because it was based on “skin color,” not because her enrollment application was rejected.
Driver argued that minorities typically attend under-performing schools, which put them at a disadvantage compared to students at better, suburban schools. And minority students have less power, compared to athletes or children of alumni, for example, to get accepted into universities, she said.
“The old Jim Crow [law] is now the new Jim Crow,” Driver said.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Will Rogers

Will Rogers once said "A remark generally hurts in proportion to its truth."

Mia Love wins GOP nomination for Utah seat

Rising Republican star Mia Love comfortably secured her party’s nomination to replace retiring Rep. Jim Matheson, D-Utah, on Saturday, putting her one step closer to becoming the first black female Republican elected to Congress.
TheHill.com reports that the former Saratoga Springs, Utah, mayor brought in over 78 percent of the vote at the local Republican convention, with competitor Bob Fuehr coming second with approximately 22 percent of the vote.
"Mia Love has been a tireless advocate for hardworking Utah families throughout her career and will bring this same dedication to Congress,” said National Republican Congressional Committee chairman Greg Walden in a statement Saturday evening.
“With Jim Matheson's retirement, Republicans are poised to pick up this congressional seat and there is no better candidate to lead the charge than Mia Love,” the statement read.
Love, who became a national party favorite after her speech at the 2012 Republican National Convention, will face off against Democrat Doug Owens – who picked up 98 percent of the vote at the Democrat convention.
The suburban Salt Lake City district is seen by many as a likely pickup for the GOP, with presidential nominee Mitt Romney carrying the district by 37 points in 2012.

