Monday, September 6, 2010

Democrats and liberals accuse voters of temper tantrums at their own peril

Eugene Robinson, under the guise of nonpartisan criticism, says the anger and resentment that voters feel toward Democrats is nothing more than more than a childish temper tantrum.  It’s not that they are reacting rationally and predictably to the Democrats’ arrogance and elitism. No, according to Eugene Robinson, the only possible reason is the voters’ out-of-control emotions.  
The American people are angry because President Obama presented himself as a centrist during the campaign, but upon taking office almost immediately started governing as a radical leftist. They are angry because Obama promoted and the Democrats in Congress passed a nearly one trillion dollar stimulus package because they said it was necessary to keep unemployment below 8 percent; it sent the unemployment rate soaring to nearly 10 percent . Voters are angry because those same Democrats blatantly ignored them and passed ObamaCare when they made it crystal clear they didn’t it. None of this is on Robinson’s radar screen; instead, he chalks it up to voters being irrational. The Democrats and the liberals who support them dismiss the voters again at their own peril. 
Bailey Comment: 
When someone takes money out of your wallet and spends it like they have a non ending supply of it on nothing but junk, it would make anyone mad! Then you tell them over and over to stop it and they act like they don't hear you or could care less, sure I would get mad and throw a fit, what kind of normal person wouldn't?

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