Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Today’s headlines were supposed to be the political obituary of Scott Walker.

Today’s headlines were supposed to be the political obituary of Scott Walker.   The Union red shirts were supposed to be celebrating in joy today as Walker was to be vanquished.   It did not quite go according to script.

Should we be celebrating?

Not yet.  This battle is anything but over.

The GOP lost two seats.  That was not a surprise.  The radical left cherry picked the districts they wanted to go after.  They picked what they thought were the six weakest.  Dan Kapanke had an up hill fight all the way and Randy Hopper is involved in a nasty divorce amid allegations that he not only has a girlfriend twenty years his junior but helped her get a job with the Walker administration.

Considering the baggage Hopper took with him into the election, it is no surprise that he lost.

The media has been obsessed with the recall of the Republican Senators but has almost totally ignored the recall of two Democratic state senators that will happen next week.

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