Friday, June 21, 2013

Obama’s passion for tyranny.

There was a time when the United States stood for freedom and liberty.  There was a time when oppressed people who longed to be free would look to the United States.
Those were the days before Barack Obama.

Today we are seeing events unfold that show one thing beyond a reasonable doubt and to a moral certainty.  Barack Obama supports tyranny around the world and opposes those who want freedom, especially freedom from Islamic tyranny.

How do we know this?

It is simple.  We know this by the actions of Barack Obama.

Barack Obama helped support deposing one regime after another in the Middle East.  He supported replacing Hosni Mubarak, who was a strong American ally, with the Muslim Brotherhood.  He supported deposing Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi.  Who replaced Gaddafi?  Radical Islamists and do we hear a word from Barack Obama?


Now Obama wants America to support Islamic rebels in Syria who are trying to overthrow Syrian strongman Basher Al-Assad.  Assad is certainly not a good guy but given the track record of not only Obama but also what we know about the rebels, they will be worse.

It is not just the movements Obama supports that show us where his sympathies lie, but also who he does not support.

In 2009 and 2010, Iran was hit by protests that were called the “Green Revolution.”  Deposing the Iranian regime would have not only been good for America, it would have been good for the Iranian people. 

Did Obama do anything?

No, there was dead silence from the White House.

More recently, in Turkey there have been massive protests.

The protests have been directed against Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan.  Erdogan is a radical Islamist who has been turning Turkey, which had been a secular Muslim state into an Islamic state.

Turkey has been persecuting its tiny Christian minority for decades but under Erdogan, the persecution has reached new levels.  Christian churches are having their property taken from them.  Radical Islamist are demanding Turkey become an Islamic nation instead of a secular nation. 

Turkish citizens who do not want to live in an Islamic republic have taken to the streets.  In scenes reminiscent of the protests in 1989 at Tiananmen Square in China, protestors took over Taksim Square in Istanbul.

Erdogan ordered troops to go in and suppressed the protests.

Did we hear a word of support for those protestors from Barack Obama and the White House?


Did we hear a word of condemnation from the White House about the suppression of free expression by the Turkish government?


According to the AP, the White House has carefully avoided criticizing Erdogan.  In 2011, before he was deposed the White House showed no such restraint with then American ally Hosni Mubarak. 

As freedom wanes in Turkey and Iran, those who seek liberty do not have a friend in the White House.

Unfortunately those who believe in Islamic tyranny do.

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