Monday, July 1, 2013

Devouring Paula Deen

Timothy Birdnow

The big "people" story of the news cycle is the firing of Paula "hiw wife could eat no lean" Deen, former doyen of the Food Network. Deen was fired ostensibly for making racial slurs in the past. I think the Paula Deen, the queen of non-lean, was really sacked because of racial profiling and her steadfast refusal to promote the modern Progressive diet.
First let us look at Deen herself (I might add I have never seen her except in the few photographs the media has run in response to this controversy, and I have never seen her show.)  An old white woman from the deep South, Deen is known as a devout Baptist - something guaranteed to raise liberal hackles. She is also unapologetic about her Georgian roots. To liberals, that means she is de-facto a foul person.

And she cooks with salt, sugar, and fat, lots of it, in the old Southern tradition.

This caused a major controversy when she admitted she was a diabetic.

Deen then monetized her diabetes, becoming a paid spokeswoman for Novo Nordisk, a Danish pharmaceutical firm that makes diabetes medicine. Deen continued to make her signiature dishes, which enraged the food Nazis.

Michelle Obama has made changing the American diet her signature issue, but this sort of thing has been going on for a long time. The Left has always hated the American diet because it illustrates our wealth and privilege, and because they want an international diet that all people will be forced to consume. See, what the Left is trying to do is weaken sectional cultures - particularly America's - and create a new world culture to bond the public to a sense of world citizenship. That is part of why they are so vigorous in promoting amnesty for illegal aliens; they want an internationalizing of America's culture. A big part of culture is cuisine.

I wrote about this a number of years ago at American Thinker.

The venom against Mrs. Deen by the Left is proof-positive she is upsetting their carefully laid plans; when they all jump on board with a hate campaign against someone it is because that person is a threat to them. Paula Deen probably can't understand this; she doesn't know what she has done wrong. But it is because Mooch Obama has been moving ahead with plans to restrict America's diet (as Nanny Bloomberg has already done in New York City) and Deen's popularity and antiquated cooking style pose a direct challenge to their plans.

But they couldn't bring her down over the diabetes, nor over her success at making money off of it, so they had to find a plan B.

Now, Paula Deen is from the old South, where the N word was not abbreviated nor was it necessarily considered a pejorative. (In point of fact, blacks today call themselves that, and if anyone remembers Trayvon Martin called himself the "no limits N***er").  Had Deen NOT used that word on occasion she would have been quite odd, just as someone who calls doesn't call them "illegal immigrants" but invaders is odd today. After all, the word means dark, hardly a pejorative. It has become taboo as a direct result of the labors of the Progressives during the '70's. That she should slip up and use such a word is not surprising given her early life.

But you cannot violate a liberal taboo. The Left has made the foulest of sexual language acceptable up to and including calling someone a female parent copulator, and the most vile of profanity is considered merely colorful invective.

Change the language and you change the culture. The Left has successfully done just that. What was a racial description that some found offensive is now taboo, while what were taboo words reserved for sailors and prostitutes is now mainstream. Please notice; the coarsening of sexual language fits with the liberal free love/sexual revolution movement. To get people to accept any and all sex, public and private, they have removed the taboo of sexual language. But they have added a taboo; terms such as "queer" or "faggot" have now become taboo (unless you are Alec Baldwin).

The liberal sense of freedom is reserved for what they themselves seek to promote.

And so this older white woman handed them the tool to promote her destruction.

But why should that be? What she has done is certainly far less egregious than, say, the anal raping of a little girl, yet many on the Left pushed for amnesty for Roman Polanski, who did precisely that. So it is o.k. to rape a little girl but not say "n***er"?  They offer forgiveness for a degenerate like Polanski but not for a God-fearing woman?

This goes back to Saul Alinski rule number 4 "make your enemies live up to their own rulebook". Paul Deen didn't KNOW she was their enemy, but she has been mugged just the same, because she is a professing christian who may have fallen short. Not Polanski short, but short enough that the Left could crush her.

Consider the foul things that so many liberals have done and the Progressives have excused. Bill Clinton has been credibly accused of rape, and certainly used his authority to compel women to sexual favors. He also committed perjury and obstructed justice. No big deal!  Nothing to see here!  Consider Anthony Weiner, who is running for elective office in New York yet again and will probably win. Consider Barney Frank's live-in lover was running a house of ill-repute out of his home; no big deal!  Consider Al Sharpton, who has done all manner of evil things including his promotion of the Tawana Brawley lie and his part in numerous shakedowns and in stirring up violence in the black community; he is rewarded with his own television show. The list goes on and on.

Yet Paula Deen must be destroyed.

It’s all about Barack Obama’s promise of fundamental change; what we eat, how we live, who we idolize, how we speak, how we think - all must be fundamentally altered if we are to create the New Man, one fit for our socialist utopia.

The double standard is stark. When Barack Obama needs to get out the black vote his people find an obscure non-case involving a "white hispanic" shooting a "no limits N***er" after nearly getting his hand smashed in, and they run the poor man through a farcical trial. George Zimmerman will never be free of this incident, yet he clearly was the victim here, the victim of a thug who hated white people and enjoyed fighting "MMA style". But Zimmerman had a political role to play, and so was sacrificed on the alter of Obama. The same is true of Paula Deen, who stands in the way of Mrs. Obama's personal deification.

This is indicative of the Progressive mindset. They do not believe in God, or at least not in a God as we have traditionally understood Him. People are widgets, like the part of a car, and if they are inconvenient or defective they are simply tossed aside. It is a particularly materialistic view of individuals. Leftism begets the worst sort of Macchiavellianism, because ends justify means. Paula Deen unwittingly stepped into the lion's den, and is now being devoured.

That is our future, folks, should we not stop the relentless advance of the Left.

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