Tuesday, July 16, 2013

This is for Trayvon.

For the last two nights, riots have occurred in Oakland and Los Angeles.  In those areas, people have been injured, concrete blocks thrown at the police and property damaged or destroyed.
In other parts of the country, there were isolated incidents of violence.  In Baltimore, a man was beaten by a group of “black youths” shouting, “This is for Trayvon.”

The Trayvon Martin memorial riots are in full swing.

Why are we having riots now and what can we do about it?

The riots should be a wakeup call for America. 

While we are seeing the worst of the riots in California, the violence is not confined there.  In a Memphis suburb, Senatobia Mississippi, three black men in a car stopped a white jogger and beat him, saying, “This is for Trayvon.”

In Oakland, where the police were reportedly told to stand down, members of the media were attacked, as were drivers on the Interstate.

This should be a wakeup call for America because liberalisms’ chickens are coming home to roost in America.

For decades liberalism has worked against the one underpinning that made America a great nation.  One hundred years ago, we were told that America was the great melting pot.  It did not matter where you came from, when you got to America, you became an American.

That unified America and erased old divisions that had caused wars in other nations.  In America, people of differing religions lived in peace as neighbors.  People from different nations, often nations that had been at war, would live in peace as Americans.

The left’s constant chants about diversity have nothing to do with us celebrating our differences.  It is a mantra to keep us divided.  Twenty years ago, it became popular to call blacks, “African Americans.” 

That is garbage.  Either you are an American or you are not. 

There is no qualifying of your American heritage.

Unfortunately, the Racial Grievance Industry thrives on this type of division and that is what we see in America today.

In 2004, then Democrat Vice Presidential Candidate John Edwards gave his famous “Two Americas” speech.  Edwards was wrong about how he described the two Americas but he was right, there are two Americas.

We have an America that is divided by race.  And we can thank the hucksters for it.

Where would Jesse Jackson be today without the Racial Grievance Industry?  He never wants America to get over its racial problems.  If America suddenly had not more racial problems, how would Jesse make his living?  If America no longer had racial issues, the NAACP would have to disband.  They wouldn’t want Ben Jealous unemployed would they?

As we watch the riots in California and violence in other places, it is time we place the blame for the violence where it belongs.  It is racism.  It is the racism of the Racial Grievance Industry.  It is time we called out the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons of the world and made them take the blame for what they have done.

And it is time we change the way we do things in America.  We are all Americans.  There are not subsets of Americas.  For too long we have let the left divide us along racial lines for their power and profit.

What is the result of what the left has done?

It is the Trayvon Martin memorial riots.

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