Saturday, September 28, 2013

Barack Hussein Obama II

Barack Hussein Obama II (b. August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii) is the 44th President of the United States. Through heavy use of early voting by the Democrat political machine, Obama was elected president in 2008 with 365 electoral votes and 53% of the popular vote. In 2012 he was elected to a second term with 332 electoral votes and 51% of the popular vote. Promoted heavily by liberals, as demonstrated by his unjustified receipt of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize, Obama won the presidency despite a short and unremarkable political career by outspending his opponent, John McCain, by hundreds of millions of dollars in 2008[2], and spending more than a billion dollars from special interests to attain reelection in 2012.[3]
The liberal claptrap that helped elect Obama as president seems silly today. It was claimed, for example, that Obama has millions of followers on Twitter, when allegedly some 70% of them are fake.[4] And although the lamestream media promoted Obama as a great orator, in fact he relies almost entirely on teleprompters for his speeches and press conferences, and at one point even had teleprompters set up for him in a middle school classroom in order to speak to the media.
Obama is pro-abortion. During his campaigns Obama said that he intended to "spread the wealth around" and has been portrayed as saying that entrepreneurs and employers deserve no credit for building their businesses.[5] On March 1, 2013 Obama issued executive orders to implement his sequester of budget cuts which[6] has been widely criticized for destroying jobs in what was an anemic and fragile recovery.[7]
Former Democrat Presidential candidate Joe Lieberman endorsed Obama's opponent in 2008 and has declined to endorse Obama for the 2012 presidential election.[8]
Following the 2011 debt ceiling standoff between Obama and House Republicans,[9] the United States Government's credit rating was, for the first time in its history, downgraded from AAA to AA+, and poverty[10] increased markedly. By and large his programs, said to combat the recession, unemployment, slow growth, and deficits, have failed[11] leaving the the country saddled with a $16 trillion national debt and climbing.[12] One of his most well known tactics is blaming someone else, such as George W. Bush, for all his failures instead of taking responsibility. Also on the domestic front, Obama passed an expensive health care bill in 2010 with no national concensus or bipartisan support and 34 Democrats dissenting. Recently, the Congressional Budget Office wrote an open letter to John Boehner, the Speaker of the House, outlining the effects of repealing Obamacare and explaining why net loss of over 100 billion dollars would occur from the repeal. [10]
Americans deaths in Afghanistan have more than doubled under Obama's leadership compared with the preceding eight years of George Bush, according to the Congressional Research Service [13] Against his own Defense Secretary's advice, Obama attacked Libya - a possible violation of the War Powers Act. After he he took credit for the killing of September 11th mastermind terrorist Osama bin Laden, the U.S. State Department warned of increased risk to the lives and safety of Americans.[14] Bin Laden's successor, Ayman al-Zawahiri confirmed the Benghazi Attack which killed four State Department employees, was motivated by revenge.[15] Bin Laden's killing, however had negligible impact on Obama's approval ratings.[16]
Obama's bizarre gaffes are frequent and embarrassing, but typically unreported by the liberal media. Many hardworking American businessmen took offense to a 2012 campaign speech about the economy where he says "You didn't build that." Obama offended Poland by referring to the Nazi death camps there as "Polish death camps." Later Obama apologized.[17] Even the New York Times was critical of Obama's incessant boasting about the killing of bin Laden.[18]

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