Monday, October 14, 2013

Will this administration ever lose?

Will this administration ever lose?
History has several examples of political success that has occurred in different political environment, we know are fact.
The destruction of Russia by the advancement of the Society in the Red, White war—where the communist with abject brutality succeeded in killing more people at a greater rate than ever known in mankind’s history to dominate a nation. Then followed by the Communist destruction of China, where once again the barrel of a gun advanced the domination of a nation with abject destructive force.
Yet these are nothing to the success of the communist intrusion occurring in this nation—using guile and fraud—to advance this demented agenda to dominate this nation.
As an American observer, just one of the millions of citizens in this nation who are stunned what is occurring there is only one question that can be asked; why? Why is this nation surrendering to the dementia of communist, under the assault of the most incompetent individual ever elected to political office?
I’m not sure how many are sick and tired of watching ‘Boner aka Boehner’ hold a press conference, turn around, expose his backside, drop his draws, spread his cheeks and show us the latest dildo the Democrats have shoved up the cavity of the anatomy we identify as where the sun never shines. Is there ever a time he could possibly, just once, say we are standing on principle, and we are going to do whatever it takes—even if it means we shut this government down until this nation can have another election and replace this nihilist, even if it means three more years!
All we have to review is the latest catastrophe of the communist intrusion destroying American health care. Think of the reality. This absolute absurdity, advancing a concept that has never worked, can never work, and has no objective of providing health serving—only to give the government control of yet another segment of our economy…advancing the central planning agenda of communist domination…to government dictation. Often I can’t help but wonder if the government would have spent 1/10th the effort on improving medical servicing, instead of advancing government communist central planning dictates, what we possibly could have today.
Why are those who should be in abject opposition to government domination, the Republican Party, acquiescent in accepting that communist medical servicing is inevitable? What irrational logic can possibly lead to such a conclusion? How demented in acknowledging reality that this concept has never worked, will never work, and is the most destructive ideology ever from the dementia of mental distortion ever known to man yet requires not modification, not application, not more time in application of this destruction; but the elimination of government having anything to do with being a player, or participant in the medical servicing of this nation’s health servicing!
How many examples are needed to realize that government intrusion into anything in society results in the only possible conclusion it can—abject failure. Using just this nation’s failures should be example enough. Look at the failures, we can list them: social security, never designed for anything security, and the farthest thing from social possible…but designed for one purpose and one purpose only…to reduce the communist infusion of money under Keynesian communist monetary policy—that did not work under Franklin Roosevelt any better than it is working under our current elected communist—to remove the same money being injected into the business environment, by a new tax—the tax of social security. Once again confirming that government intrusion into any segment of society, in any activity of that society, is doomed to the only result possible; abject failure.
Let’s take the next advancement of communist doctrine; the destruction of all wealth in the nation—replacing it with the dictates of government discretion of determining what the currency of the money in this nation is worth. Think of that little reality—the epitome of communism—done with absolute stealth, a nation so damn ignorant, they did not know it happened, understand what it meant, and are now subjects to economic domination of government that makes every communist nation on the face of this planet envious. This is the apex; the absolute domination of society, for government has usurped the power, to by their whim dictate the value of your life, your life’s effort and the accumulation of that effort over a lifetime. With this one action, the first three points of Marx’s ten point plan of communist domination was accomplished. So stealthy, without rejection, because of our nation’s citizen’s ignorance, they don’t even know it occurred.
Why is it that we as a nation, as the citizens don’t remember the communist actions that led to the beginning of the medical servicing insanity this nation is now experiencing? Who doesn’t remember the little beginning; the wage and price controls of communist intrusion in the Second World War. Where to circumvent the government dictates of wages, the concept of business provided health insurance was born. When the war was over, did the government then abstain from intrusion into health servicing, and allow the market system to work? No they did not. It is the curse of government that once its cancerous advancement occurs in any venue they choose—the society is condemned. Never, never in the history of man is there an example of government once intruding in anything ever backing off, unless forced to. And don’t use the prohibition as an example, for that was insanity at an unprecedented example.           
The result, not only did we continue the intrusion into medical servicing, they put it under the most devious form of government intervention ever conceived by man; the tax code. For if we use the tax code, by allowing the people, to reduce the tax burden by the expenses the people have—is that not the epitome of communist central planning? Of course it is. Sadly it occurs with the absolute stealth of society’s ignorance. Led like the sheep to the slaughter, never once stopping to think, to engage their collective mental processing to even acknowledge the domination of government over society.
The list goes on and on, finally reaching the absolute domination of the medical servicing itself. The goal the objective and the path our nation is currently on.
The Chinese general Sun Tzu said that there are two things one must know in order to survive. Simple really, know yourself, and know your enemy. IN this nation today we know neither of these. The citizens of this nation know not what type of government we have. Know nothing of the form of government, the concept we are a republic of laws, not the democracy of mob rule. Know nothing of the reality of man, that equal by definition can ever result in equality. That our nation, this wonder of the States united in America is so exceptional in concept there is no known comparative in the history of mankind. That the philosophical ideals of this nation are ‘the protection of the unalienable rights, those rights endowed by the laws of nature and nature’s God, to be protected and preserved by the actions—the dictates—of government. Not the domination of society as is presently occurring by the advancement of the dementia of the current communist intrusion.
We must know the enemy. Currently that enemy is the very government that is dictating to the people the domination of society, while destroying the very vestige of the wonder of this miracle of a nation.
Montesquieu the French philosopher identified long ago that society must have ‘mores, morals, and the religion of the people’ before civilization will flourish.
Today all of these foundations are under attack—some actually removed from our society—and we wonder why our society is more of a jungle than the society of man.
Our enemy is those who will destroy and dismantle this nation; they are communist. The longer this nation ignores that simple reality; the faster our acceleration to the darkness of the domination of government and the end of our society—this absolute wonder of a nation—based on such simplicity; liberty and the preservation of man’s freedom.         

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