Another Democrat ??
John Beale, the former EPA official who fooled his bosses into
believing he worked for the CIA, was deeply involved in crafting costly
environmental standards which still are having an impact today -- though
he came into the job with little, if any, environmental experience.
The details were included in a 67-page report from Republicans on the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, which claims the fraudster's role should now throw those rules into question.
The report is the product of months of research into the case of
Beale, a top official in the Office of Air and Radiation, who was
sentenced to prison in December for defrauding the agency with his CIA
lie. It details Beale's role in crafting an aggressive regulatory
approach which the report dubs the "EPA Playbook."
"Ultimately, the guiding [principle] behind the Playbook is the
Machiavellian [principle] that the ends will justify the means," the
report says.
Sen. David Vitter, R-La., top Republican on the committee, said in a
statement that the study "connects the dots between John Beale and the
numerous air regulations that he's responsible for."
The EPA already has come under scrutiny for failing to act earlier on
warning signs about Beale's behavior and fraudulent activity. But the
report also calls into question the regulatory work Beale had done over
an EPA career that began in the late '80s -- and its lingering impact on
businesses today.
"The product of his labors have remained intact and have been
shielded from any meaningful scrutiny, much the same way Beale was
protected by an inner circle of career staff who unwittingly aided in
his fraud," the report says. "Accordingly, it appears that the Agency is
content to let the American people pay the price for Beale and EPA's
scientific insularity, a price EPA is still trying to hide almost twenty
years later."
Beale was first brought on as a career employee by his friend Robert
Brenner in 1989, after a stint working as a consultant for the agency.
According to the Senate GOP report, he had no environmental experience,
and his federal legislative experience was limited to an unpaid
internship for a senator. Yet he was brought on at the maximum pay level
for an employee of his kind -- at a level typically reserved for people
with 20 years' experience, according to the report.
In 1995, Beale and Brenner apparently began working on what are known
as National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Ozone and
Particulate Matter (PM). This was a far-reaching process to regulate
pollutants in the air -- the push to regulate Particulate Matter covered
small particles ranging from smoke to soot to fumes to dust. According
to the report, Beale and the rest of the agency ran with the project.
"Under Beale's leadership EPA took the unprecedented action of
proposing standards for the two pollutants in tandem and aggressively
tightened the standards to controversial levels," the report said.
The report goes on to argue that the 1997 standards that resulted
"set in motion" the way the EPA issues regulations under the Clean Air
Act. The report alleges that this included "inflating benefits while
underestimating costs."
Asked for comment on the Republican report, EPA spokeswoman Alisha
Johnson acknowledged Beale's role in the air quality rules but noted he
was among many people involved in that process.
"While Mr. Beale did work on the rules mentioned in the report, he
was just one of a large number of people from a number of disciplines
across the Agency who provided input on those rules," she said in an
email. Those rules, she noted, for the most part were upheld by the
"Since that time, both standards have been re-reviewed and re-issued
by the EPA," Johnson said. "The standards followed the routine open,
transparent and public process, providing opportunities for public and
interagency review and comment prior to their finalization."
Despite Republican accusations, the agency defends its air quality standards as firmly grounded in science.
The Senate GOP study details specific regulations that relied on
these standards, including the EPA's controversial regulations on
coal-fired power plants. Amid these and other rules, dozens of power
plants have been slated for retirement in recent years.
The report says the air quality standards have also been used to
defend 32 major rules since 1997, which together account for billions of
dollars in costs to U.S. businesses.
The so-called "playbook" for implementing EPA rules began during the
1997 process, and allegedly included inflating benefits of proposed
rules, as well as using a controversial tactic known as "sue-and-settle"
-- where a "friendly" group sues the agency and settles on "mutually
agreeable terms." The report says Brenner and Beale were behind that
Republicans argue in the study that Beale reached the "pinnacle of
his career" during that 1997 process, and used that status to defraud
the agency for years.
The inspector general's investigation, which later uncovered the
fraud, found Beale received improper bonuses until 2013 -- the improper
bonuses ended up totaling about $500,000. This, while he was taking off
time supposedly to work for the CIA.
Since the fraud was made public, EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy has
been credited by some with initially flagging Beale's activities and
expenses. EPA bosses say they were duped by his CIA story, despite the
warning signs.
An EPA spokeswoman said earlier that Beale "went to great lengths to
deceive and defraud the U.S. government over the span of more than a
decade" and the agency has "put in place additional safeguards to help
protect against fraud and abuse related to employee time and
Brenner retired from the agency in 2011.
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