Saturday, May 16, 2015

Clintons report making $25M for speeches since Jan. '14


Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton earned more than $25 million combined in speaking fees since January 2014, Fox News confirmed Friday.
Clinton’s presidential campaign reported the income in a personal financial disclosure report filed with the Federal Election Commission. The form also shows that Hillary Clinton earned more than $5 million from her 2014 memoirs, “Hard Choices.” Each White House candidate is required to disclose a financial report.
Clinton has started her campaign for president by painting herself as a champion for the middle class. However, Republicans have scrutinized her about the wealth she and Bill Clinton have amassed since she left the White House. That includes their ability to command six-figure fees for delivering speeches and the finances behind the Clinton Foundation because of its acceptance of donations from foreign governments.
On last year’s book tour, Clinton told an interview that her family was “dead broke” when they left the White House, which Republicans say shows a lack of understanding of the needs of typical families.
The conservative American Rising PAC released a video saying that Clinton made the “dead broke” comments while she was earning millions. However, the committee notes that those comments were made in reference to the immediate aftermath of the Clinton presidency, not 2014 income.
Liberals have also questioned whether Clinton is too closely tied to Wall Street, pointing out her days representing New York in the U.S. Senate. They also feel she might not aggressively seek to regulate the nation’s financial industry and serve as an adequate bulwark against economic inequality.
The FEC filing shows that the couple earned more than $25 million for more than 100 paid speeches between January 2014 and May 2015, which averages out to about a $250,000 fee per speech.
The report also lists assets of between $5 million and $25 million in a mutual fund managed by Vanguard that the Clinton setup in the past year. The couple did not earn any capital gains during the period and paid an effective tax rate of more than 30 percent in the 2014 tax year.
Clinton last filed a financial disclosure report during her final year as Secretary of State in the Obama administration in 2012. She reported that her and her husband’s wealth was estimated between $4 million and $20 million. Much of that income came from the lucrative speeches and appearances made by Bill Clinton around the world.
A recent Associated Press review of the Clintons' disclosures and State Department records found that Bill Clinton had been paid at least $50 million for his appearances between 2009 and 2012, the four years that Hillary Clinton served as the nation's top diplomat.
Federal candidates are required to file personal financial disclosures within 30 days of announcing their candidacy or on May 15. Several Republican candidates in the race filed a request for an extension to those deadlines.

Each disclosure form lists candidates' assets and liabilities, and provides a snapshot of their annual income. But federal rules allow those figures to be reported in wide ranges instead of specific amounts — allowing candidates, for example, to report a large asset as worth between $1 million and $5 million.
Any income exceeding $200 has to be reported and most assets worth more than $1,000 at the end of a calendar year must be disclosed.
Assets can include bank accounts, real estate, insurance plans, stock and securities holdings. Liabilities can include loans, mortgages and other debts.
Annual income includes not only salaries, but also stock, securities and real estate profits, interest, book profits and speeches and other honoraria.

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