Saturday, May 9, 2015

Krauthammer: Stop nationalizing local enforcement

Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer told viewers on "Special Report with Bret Baier" Friday that the federal government should "stop nationalizing the local law enforcement."
He questioned Attorney General Loretta Lynch's announcement that the Justice Department will investigate the Baltimore police's handling of the case of Freddie Gray, the 25-year old who died from a spinal injury suffered while in custody.
Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake made the request to Lynch, who in recent days took over from Eric Holder and visited Baltimore in the aftermath of riots and unrest.
"These laws originally intended to deal with recalcitrant, hostile often racially hostile administrations using their power against minorities," said Krauthammer.
Krauthammer said the situation in Baltimore does not rise to the level of an outside review. "
We have an African-American mayor, an African-American police chief,  African-American city attorney, and of the six people charged in that wrongful death, let's say allegedly wrongful death, three of them are African-American and the one facing the most serious charges is himself African-American," he said.
"It doesn't fit the pattern. At some point we're going to have to say look, localities have to regulate themselves unless there is something egregious and some reason why you cannot trust the local administration," Krauthammer added.

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