Sunday, November 1, 2015

Ted Cruz Brings in Huge Fundraising Numbers After Amazing Performance in CNBC Debate

There’s little doubt in my mind Sen. Ted Cruz totally OWNED the GOP debate on CNBC Wednesday night, completely dismantling the media and the moderators in an inspiring moment that will no doubt be talked about for years to come.
While Cruz’s comments will likely cause him to surge a bit in the polls — we’ll know for sure in a few days — the Texas senator saw another kind of spike due to his performance last night.
Cruz’s fundraising efforts drew in a whopping $772,000 after the debate.
Here are the details.
Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign says it is raking in some major cash after Wednesday’s Republican debate in Colorado.
Cruz brought in $772,000 as of midnight Wednesday, a campaign aide told NBC News.
The Texas senator had one of the most memorable moments of the third GOP debate when he lambasted the CNBC moderators for their questions.
“The questions that have been asked so far in this debate illustrate why the American people don’t trust the media,” Cruz said to raucous applause. “This is not a cage match.”
Fundraising is definitely one of the strong points of Cruz’s campaign as is evidenced by the $1 million he brought in just 100 hours after the first debate in August.
While Cruz has sort of chugged along in the polls, I think Wednesday night was his break out moment, as he seized an opportunity to smack the liberal media, proving he’s a man who will stand on principle, regardless of the consequences.
The fact people — grassroots kind of folk — are willing to shell out so much money to the guy, is proof he resonates with a great deal of Americans, he just hasn’t gotten the chance to really express what’s he about in the debates.
Until now.
With impressive fundraising numbers like these, it’ll be interesting to see what his poll numbers look like after that epic debate line.
Trump and Carson are in for some competition!

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