Saturday, May 27, 2017

Members of Congress Question Hack of DNC Server

Washington, DC – Young Richardson, OAN Political Correspondent
Wikileaks released tens of thousands of internal Democratic National Committee emails last summer, with Russia thought to be the source, and just weeks after the release, DNC staffer Seth Rich was fatally killed while walking to his Washington, DC home. Now some Members of Congress are raising questions about these events.
“I do not believe that the evidence at this time proves that the Russians would conclude that the Russians are the the ones who hacked the DNC. We have heard every report from the intelligence groups that are making their reports and they have weasel words in them, and they are based on opinion based on someone who is probably a strong liberal democrat,” says Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-California).
Reports of the Russian hack of the DNC seem to be based on mere opinion says California Congressman Dana Rohrabacher. And Rohrabacher believes other possible alleged sources of the computer breach—potentially including murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich–should be investigated.
“Whoever it could be, we need to look into it and verify. The fact that the young man’s death has not been followed by an investigation that would even be in place for an ordinary murder is very suspicious to me,” Rohrabacher ventures.
And Rohrabacher isn’t the only Member of Congress asking questions. Texas Congressman Blake Farenthold also wonders whether or not the intrusion into the DNC computer server may have been an inside job, potentially by any DNC staffer in a similar position like that of Seth Rich.
“I think it should definitely be a part of the investigation. It’s an alternative theory and any good investigation looks at alternative theories,” observes Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-Texas). “We need to investigate all the options. A lot of the allegations about Russia and some of the allegations about President Trump now are all coming from un-named sources. Sources suggesting it was an inside job are probably just as valid as somebody not willing to give their name.”
With Members of Congress asking questions about the DNC hack, it may be possible there will now be some answers.

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