Sunday, May 6, 2018

Rosie O'Donnell's donations to Dems exceeded limit: report

Rose O'Donnell exceeded the legal limit for campaign contributions to individual candidates, a report says.  (Associated Press)

Liberal comedian and inveterate Trump adversary Rosie O’Donnell exceeded the legal limit with campaign donations to five Democratic candidates, a new report finds.
Federal Election Commission rules dictate that an individual candidate may not receive more than $2,700 from any one person per election. (The limit applies separately to primaries, runoffs and general elections.)
The star appeared to put the onus on the candidates, not herself, to correct the alleged errors.
I don’t look to see who I can donate most to … I just donate assuming they do not accept what is over the limit
“If 2700 is the cut off – [candidates] should refund the money,” O’Donnell wrote in an email to the New York Post. “I don’t look to see who I can donate most to … I just donate assuming they do not accept what is over the limit.”
“If 2700 is the cut off – [candidates] should refund the money. I don’t look to see who I can donate most to … I just donate assuming they do not accept what is over the limit.”
- Rosie O'Donnell, in an email
O’Donnell told the paper that donating to anti-Trump candidates eases her anxiety.
U.S. Sen. Doug Jones, D-Ala., who defeated accused child molester Roy Moore, disclosed receiving $4,700 in campaign donations from O’Donnell.
According to filings, O’Donnell donated $3,600 to Conor Lamb, a Democrat who in March won a special election to fill a U.S. House vacancy in Pennsylvania. O'Donnell donated an additional $1,000 for Lamb’s current campaign for a different congressional district, because of Pennsylvania's redrawn congressional map.
O’Donnell has also donated $2,950 to U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, and  $4,200 for the primary campaign of Lauren Underwood, a candidate for a U.S. House seat in Illinois.
She also donated $3,450 to Omar Vaid, a congressional candidate in a district that covers parts of Staten Island and Brooklyn in New York City, fillings cited by the Post show.
O’Donnell told the Post she donates through the online liberal fundraising platform ActBlue, which, she assumed, “limits donations to the max allowed.”
Filings show that O’Donnell has donated more than $90,000 to 50 different federal candidates and committees during the 2017-18 election cycle. 

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