Monday, July 23, 2018

Pelosi, DCCC says petition will block Putin's visit, misleading donors: report

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was caught pushing misleading claims about blocking a presumed visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the White House in a bid to squeeze donations from gullible donors, The Daily Caller reported.
Pelosi, in a fundraising email from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), said that with enough signatures on the petition, the Democrats will be able to block Putin’s visit, the report said.
“I will NOT allow Putin to set foot in the United States. I need 100,000 signatures to BLOCK his visit and keep our elections safe. I need you to sign before midnight,” Pelosi reportedly said in the email circulated on Sunday.
“It's obvious to me Trump is terrified of Putin, so here's what I'd like to know: Is Putin blackmailing Trump? Do Republicans know about it?” she continued. “I need 100,000 signatures before midnight to block Putin from EVER visiting the United States and attacking our November election.”
“It's obvious to me Trump is terrified of Putin, so here's what I'd like to know: Is Putin blackmailing Trump? Do Republicans know about it?”
- House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi
No petition, however, could legally force Trump to back down from the possible visit by Putin later this year, the report said.
The Sunday’s fundraising email was a similar effort launched just a day before, when a DCCC email said a petition needs 50,000 signatures to bar Putin from coming to the U.S. for a visit.
The House Democrats reportedly also sent out a covert fundraising petition on Sunday, claiming that the DCCC is nearing its goal of 1.2 million signatures to “ensure protection” for Special Counsel Robert Mueller who’s investigating the alleged collusion between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign.
This isn’t the first time the top Democrat is engaging if misleading fundraising efforts. In April, Pelosi was caught fundraising off the firing of Mueller, despite him not being fired.
The California Democrat reportedly sent out an email titled “Mueller FIRED” and asked people to donate to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) amid speculations that President Donald Trump may fire Mueller in retaliation for the FBI raid on his lawyer Michael Cohen.

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