Monday, August 20, 2018

Drive-by shooting at US embassy in Turkish capital, no casualties: report

Turkish authorities on Monday responded to a drive-by shooting at the U.S. embassy in Ankara amid increased tensions between the two countries over the detained American pastor, Reuters reported.
There were no injuries, but a window in a security cabin was reportedly hit. The shooting occurred at about 5 a.m. local time.
The report said the embassy was set to be closed this week for Eid al-Adha festival.
Private Ihlas news agency said four to five rounds were fired from a moving white car and targeted security booth outside Gate 6.
Earlier Sunday, The Wall Street Journal reported that the Trump administration rebuffed Turkey’s offer to release pastor Andrew Brunson if the U.S. halted the investigation into Turkish bank Halkbank.
The Turkish government agreed to drop terrorism charges against the pastor in exchange of the U.S. government dropping fines totaling billions of dollars against the bank.
“A real NATO ally wouldn’t have arrested Brunson in the first place,” the official told the Journal.

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