Saturday, August 25, 2018

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, others to address social-media bias against conservatives at Capitol Hill hearing

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is seen at the New York Stock Exchange, Nov. 19, 2015.  (Associated Press)

Amid concerns that conservative voices are being silenced on social media, a U.S. House committee announced Friday that Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and other tech executives will appear before the panel on Capitol Hill Sept. 5.
Dorsey will discuss his company’s “algorithms and content judgment calls” before the House Energy and Commerce Committee, the committee announced via Twitter.
House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., who has frequently complained about "one-sided" content on social media, said Dorsey's scheduled appearance was arranged through talks among Dorsey, himself and U.S. Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore., chairman of the committee.
"One-sided conversations are an affront to the public mission that serves as the foundation for these social media platforms – including Twitter," McCarthy said in a statement. "That is why I worked with Chairman Greg Walden and requested Jack Dorsey to testify to Congress and talk with the American people about filtering practices on Twitter."
"One-sided conversations are an affront to the public mission that serves as the foundation for these social media platforms – including Twitter."
- House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.
McCarthy added: "We all agree that transparency is the only way to fully restore Americans’ trust in these important public platforms."
Social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook have faced accusations of liberal bias as numerous conservative commentators have been banned or censored for violating guidelines. Many have complained that the guidelines are unclear.
Most recently, Salena Zito of the New York Post, wrote that her column – which she said contained “no expletives, conspiracy theories, hate speech or sexual language” – was removed by Facebook and Twitter without explanation.
Dorsey has conceded that San Francisco-based Twitter’s staff is primarily “left-leaning,” but has denied notions that the platform bans users for conservative viewpoints.
“[I] do understand the concern,” Dorsey said in an interview with Fox News Radio’s Guy Benson. “We have folks that are at various points in the political spectrum and they don’t feel comfortable today bringing up certain issues or their viewpoints on certain issues. And I don’t believe that is acceptable.”
Noted Walden in a statement: “Twitter is an incredibly powerful platform that can change the national conversation in the time it takes to go viral. When decisions about data and content are made using opaque processes, the American people are right to raise concerns.”
Representatives from Google and Facebook are also scheduled to appear at next month's hearing.

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