Saturday, November 24, 2018

Pelosi blasts Trump's move to bar transgender troops, calls it 'disgusting' and 'cowardly'

President Trump’s decision late Friday to ban transgender Americans from serving in the U.S. military was blasted by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who called the move “cowardly” and “disgusting.”
The Trump administration issued a memorandum that bars people with a history of “gender dysphoria,” which would require medical treatment, from being admitted to the U.S. military “except under certain limited circumstances.”
Pelosi, a San Francisco Democrat, immediately released a statement slamming the memorandum and condemning the Trump administration.
“This latest memorandum is the same cowardly, disgusting ban the President announced last summer. No one with the strength and bravery to serve in the U.S. military should be turned away because of who they are,” she said in a statement.
“The President’s hateful ban is purpose-built to humiliate our brave transgender members of the military who serve with honor and dignity," she added. "It will harm our nation’s readiness and hollow out our strength, for we only strengthen our military by honoring our values of freedom and equality.”
"This latest memorandum is the same cowardly, disgusting ban the President announced last summer. No one with the strength and bravery to serve in the U.S. military should be turned away because of who they are."
— House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi
The current policy was based on recommendations made by Defense Secretary James Mattis, who said the Pentagon found that exempting transgender people from military standards could undermine its readiness for combat.
“Exempting such persons from well-established mental health, physical health, and sex-based standards, which apply to all Service members, including transgender Service members without gender dysphoria, could undermine readiness, disrupt unit cohesion, and impose an unreasonable burden on the military that is not conducive to military effectiveness and lethality,” rad the recommendation that was included in a court filing.
The Trump administration asked the Supreme Court to issue an unusually quick ruling on the Pentagon's policy of restricting military service by transgender people in a bid to bypass lower courts that previously ruled against the administration and its policy barring transgender recruits.
The Pentagon initially lifted its ban on transgender troops serving openly in the military in 2016 under the orders of the Obama administration.
Trump reversed the policy, prompting outrage and lawsuits, which were ruled against the Trump administration.

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