Saturday, December 1, 2018

Pelosi, Schumer expected to meet with Trump amid battle over border funding

Sen. Chuck Schumer and U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi will meet with President Trump next week, Fox News has learned. (Associated Press)

Democratic leaders Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer will meet with President Trump next week, Fox News has learned, as the Democratic Party prepares to regain control of the House and likely bring greater scrutiny to Trump’s agenda.
The meeting between is expected to take place Tuesday morning.
A list of possible topics has not been released, but year-end appropriations to fund several departments, including Homeland Security, Housing and Uran Development and the Justice Department, will most likely be discussed, as the Dec. 7 deadline approaches to avoid a partial government shutdown.
Schumer, the Senate minority leader from New York, blames Trump for holding up spending talks, as tensions heat up over border security spending.
“Seven bipartisan appropriations bills are hanging in the balance for one reason and one reason only: President Trump,” Schumer said on the Senate floor, according to Politico.
Funding for Trump’s border wall could be a key topic at Tuesday's meeting. The president has asked Congress to provide $5 billion for the project, much higher than what Democrats are willing to support.
Congress has already allocated $1.3 billion.
In January, the House will fall back into Democratic control. On Wednesday, Pelosi, D-Calif., was nominated by her party to serve another stint as speaker in a 203-32 vote.
Those numbers leave her short of the 218 she needs to win the post. An official vote is expected to occur in January.
Pelosi previously held the position from 2007 to 2011. But several Democrats have said the party needs a new leadership, citing Pelosi as a divisive figure who's often attacked by Republicans.
Several newly elected Democrats campaigned on promises to not support her reappointment as speaker.
On Wednesday, Pelosi said she expected any opposition against her to eventually erode.
“I think we’re in pretty good shape,” she said. “I don’t want to make other people’s announcements for them, but we go forward with confidence and humility.”

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