Friday, March 29, 2019

Limbaugh: Trump Should Use 'Political Capital' on Immigration

President Donald Trump ought to focus on immigration and "zero in on the border" – an issue he ran on in 2016 that still "has not been solved," conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh said Thursday.
In an interview on Fox News' "Special Report," Limbaugh said it is "imperative" Trump take advantage of the "political capital" he gained after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller's report on Russia's meddling.
"My preference would be for the president to zero in on the border, to zero in on immigration and stop this," he said. "We are being invaded and we are being invaded by a bunch of people that have the potential to totally destroy the makeup of our culture and the makeup of our society.
"And the Democrat party and the American left are in total support of this. It has got to stop. The president got elected on that issue, and it has not been solved. The wall has not been built on the border is still wide open. It needs to be shut down."
Limbaugh also declared the current crop of Democrats in the running for the 2020 election is "beatable."
"You take a look at the Democrats, what are they talking about? 'We are diverse, we're wide open.' . . . who was leading in their polling data? The 77-year-old white guy followed by a 75-year-old white guy," he said, referring respectively to former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.
"This is not what they want," he continued. "I don't think the Democrat party wants to nominate an aging, old, white dinosaur from Jurassic Park and the old-fashioned days of their party. Whoever they nominate, I think they are imminently beatable. I don't think this push to extreme leftist socialism has any chance of being supported by a vast majority of the American people."

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