Monday, March 18, 2019

Pompeo Mulls Senate Run: 'Lord Will Get Me to the Right Place'

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has reportedly ruled out a 2020 Senate run in Kansas, but he knows he will not stay in President Donald Trump's Cabinet forever, McClatchy DC reported.
"I try to just avoid ruling things out when there's others who are in control," Pompeo said. "The Lord will get me to the right place."
If Pompeo does not reconsider for 2020, a 2022 run for the Kansas governor's mansion or 2024 presidential run could be in his future, as his dormant federal committee has nearly $1 million in its war chest, according to the report.
"It's a terrible quandary because he may well be the strongest and most capable Cabinet member Trump has," Fred Berry, Pompeo's former campaign co-chair told McClatchy. "He won't be there forever."
Pompeo, 55, noted his future has drastically changed before, including his unexpected start in politics and meteoric rise to being Secretary of State.
"I was running a small business, living my life – it would have seemed unlikely," he told McClatchy of his foray into politics. "I try now to avoid predicting what I might do a year, two years, six years from now."
Despite farm bankruptcies in Kansas amid a trade war with China, strong polling numbers for President Trump and Secretary Pompeo bode well for a run in Kansas, according Sandlot Strategic founder Colin Hoffman.
"It's his race, if he gets in," Hoffman told McClatchy.

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