Saturday, March 9, 2019

Republicans slam Rep. Cummings for hesitating to refer Cohen to DOJ

Rep. Cummings K. Harris Sugar Daddy

K. Harris 

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 10:14 AM PT — Friday, March 8, 2019
House Oversight Committee chairman Elijah Cummings appears to be hesitant to follow through on referring Michael Cohen to the Department of Justice for possible prosecution.
While speaking to reporters Thursday, Cummings said he needs more time to determine if there is any evidence Cohen may have committed perjury during his testimony last week.
Congressman Jim Jordan seized on the apparent lack of follow through on Cummings part by asking the chairman what he plans to do to hold Cohen accountable. According to Jordan, Cohen has lied to the Oversight Committee at least seven times on a wide range of topics, including his alleged request for a presidential pardon.
“I have never asked for, nor would I accept, a pardon from Mr. Trump,” Cohen claimed.
That statement later appeared to contradict remarks made by Cohen’s own personal attorney.
“All I can say is Mr. Cohen’s got a story to tell, he was a leaky ship to begin with,” said Senator Lindsey Graham. “There was discussions about a pardon and he denied it, but that just furthers the narrative that maybe he’s not the best conveyor of the truth.”
This comes after Cummings warned Cohen about the consequences for lying to Congress.
“I have made it abundantly clear to Mr. Cohen, that if he comes here today and he does not tell the truth, tell us the truth, I will be the first one to refer those untruthful statements to DOJ,”stated Cummings. “So. when people say he doesn’t have anything to lose, he does have a lot to lose if he lies”.
Jordan was joined by Congressman Mark Meadows the day after Cohen’s hearing in calling for the Justice Department to investigate the inconsistencies.

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