Wednesday, April 24, 2019

2020 Dems a 'blob of socialists,' Trump's communications director tells Todd Starnes

Todd Starnes speaks with Marc Lotter, director of strategic communications for the Trump 2020 campaign, about how the Democrats fared during their most recent televised town halls.
The Democratic Party's 2020 presidential field is a “blob of socialists,” and they're making the party too “extreme,” the director of strategic communications for President Trump's re-election campaign said Tuesday.
Marc Lotter made the comments during an appearance on “The Todd Starnes Show.”
“What we're talking about right now is just a giant blob of socialists," Lotter told host Todd Starnes, "and they're trying to compete with each other to see who can be the most radical, the most out of step, offer the most free things that no one knows how to pay for.
“And whichever one of those 21, or 30 -- whatever it's going to end up being -- candidates that emerges from their primary is going to be broke, broken, battered," Lotter continued, "and inherit the keys to a Democrat National Committee that is broke, still taking on millions of dollars and that has no appreciable national program in place and they're going to be competing against a president who's getting results.”
Former Vice President Joe Biden is expected to enter the Democratic field this week, making him the 20th candidate seeking the Democratic Party's 2020 presidential nomination.
Lotter touted the U.S. economy's performance under President Trump and also mocked Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., for his appearance on a CNN Town Hall event Monday, where Sanders said felons should be permitted to vote, including the Boston Marathon bomber.
“The Democrat field last night out there talking about the Boston Marathon bomber voting from prison -- a terrorist who killed Americans, allowing that person to vote --- it’s a perfect example of how radical and extreme the Democrat socialist party has become,” Lotter said.

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