Thursday, April 11, 2019

Candace Owens: Hearing was a hoax, Democrats want African-Americans to fail

Conservative commentator Candace Owens appeared on Fox News' "Ingraham Angle" Wednesday and talked about her explosive House Judiciary Committee hearing confrontation with Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., and called the entire hearing a hoax.
“I think in many ways people on the Right felt vindicated. I know there are a lot of moderate people that came over and realized that what I was talking about were actually real issues in black America,” Owens said on the “Ingraham Angle,” in her first interview since the hearing.
She said African-Americans in the U.S. are facing a plethora of issues and Democrats appear intent on trying to focus on items like white nationalism.

Turning Point USA director of urban engagement Brandon Tatum (left) with communications director Candace Owens (right). (Christopher Howard/Fox News).
Turning Point USA director of urban engagement Brandon Tatum (left) with communications director Candace Owens (right). (Christopher Howard/Fox News).

Owens' appearance on Fox was tense. Civil rights attorney Leo Terrell confronted her over her remarks about Democrats.
“So you did a great job of promoting yourself and playing the victim,” Terrell told Owens.
“I'm not going to play these playground tactics with you. I'm going to keep the focus on black America,” Owens retorted.
“Just because you disagree with a Democrat you can not assume that Democrats want black people to fail,” Terrell said, annoyed with Owen’s comments.
“I did and I believe that.  And I will back it up with facts,” Owens said before Ingraham got control of the segment.
Fox News' Gregg Re and The Associated Press contributed to thsi report.

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